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Pick my team, Round Two!

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"But Rooster, you haven't finished the first one yet!"

I'll finish it tomorrow, then start a new game pretty much immeadiately.

I was originally going to do a HM Mounted Only + Rolf run (Oscar, Kieran, Marcia, Jill, Astrid, Makalov, Ike, Rolf with Knight Ring and Boots), but that would have been kinda boring. I like this more.

Here's how it's gonna work this time 'round.

1. This is hard mode.

2. No restarts. Dead means dead.

3. To ensure I use them all to the best of my ability, my team will consist of 8 units, plus 2 back-ups to be brought in if (when) one dies.

4. One condition: If an enemy has a critical of less than 10, and they get one, resulting in a kill, I will restart.

5. First 7 posters pick my team. The next 2 posters pick my backups. Number 10 drops someone else's pick, and substitutes for their own pick. Sound fun?

6. This will not be an LTC.


Edited by Roosterofdoom
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All righty, I'll just use Volke as a third backup unit. But with me having Haar and Elinca, I'm going to be using Boyd and (Jill and Volke interchangably) so they're not crazy weak when I need to bust them out. When Haar and Elincia arrive, I'll switch out. But when Titania dies... I'm not going to care one bit.

Starting either tomorrow night or late tonight. Depends on if I can sleep tonight or not.

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