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Then I'd like to just ask: is there a point in me even catching up (as in, will anything I say actually end up changing your opinions on my playerslot?) or should we all just lynch me and get this over with so I don't waste half an hour trying to read through this all, formulate opinions, and try and help the town become victorious?

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Yes, there's a point. I for one wanna at least hear your thoughts on people before you die, even if you haven't read the entire game yet. You'd be helping the town even if you got lynched, and there are enough good lynch targets that I don't think you're doomed anyway.

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Helios: pretty much anything you can come up with is going to be more convincing than "I'm going to die anywhere so I don't care" (- scumaere) for getting people to vote scum instead of you.

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Look at this from my POV though: I come in, and without making a post I'm at L-1. The problems have nothing to do with me but my predecessor, so unless people are willing to actually change their vote after hearing what I have to say I'm not seeing a point in reading another 30 pages, especially since it's gonna take me some time.

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Helios: A lot of my read came from general lack of reads and completely ignoring the wagon on Aere. If you can give me a good reason why I should vote someone else, I'll probably switch off. So, I'd agree with other people and say yes there is a huge point in you trying. So yeah. Good luck rereading everything.

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Look at this from my POV though: I come in, and without making a post I'm at L-1.

except dudebro you're at L-3 last I checked

5 votes at an 8 hammer

anyway, there is definitely a chance to redeem the playerslot if you try

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Aw yeah Anouleth, kicks scum ass and doesn't afraid of anything.

Marth's 180 on Aere has been bothering me more and more lately. That, along with his recent argument with Manix basically screams scum to me, even moreso than Rapier at this point.


##Vote: Bluedoom

Time to defend myself (poorly) again

I think I explained this in a reply to scorri before but I'll do so again.

I was pretty much pressured to make a post by the end of the day phase and I simply did not have the time to mention everything. In addition, given the amount of cram reading I needed to do to catch up, I missed a few things, like the fact the person scorri subbed out for was Serious Bananas and Eli being a cop. In other words, it was really a readfail of mine.

to be honest, I don't really know all the roles or what specific roles you should've picked, only that PGO was a pretty bad choice. What I do know is that PGO is bad for town because it doesn't actually help town the same way something like scorri's role does. It's really more a self preservation role and is obviously much more helpful for the mafia side (I think I already explained why).

Its my first mafia game. I've been honestly pretty confused to everything all game and I don't really know exactly what all the roles do or all the tactics. It doesn't really help I can't read the thread and not post so I could have time to process everything without people thinking I'm scum. This is also why there was stuff like me voting for Aere when people stuffed and making a game claim when people stopped.

Of course given the info posted here that EO has had really strong mafia roles and given his behavior and the fact he never made a fullclaim, he does seem really scummy to me. It's just not as much as Marth.

I would be fine with either a Marth or Rapier lynch.

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I hink at this point only way you'll (hopefully) trust me is a fullclaim. Idc about getting mislynched but I don't wanna be misvigged.

BBM basically claimed my role restriction and night action. Yes, it was picking a town role with multiple active abilities, but I'm not from Sacred Stones Mafia. n fact, I picked my role from Choral Mafia 2.

And yes I actually targeted Manix, but instead with an align scan.Because I was not satisfied with his D1 play and wanted to confirm my suspicions. Also thought that no matter what the result it'd give me better reads considerig he had more interactions than say, some of the posters I called out earlier.

Didn'twanna scan Eli because he was a possible nightkill, didn't wanna scan/vig Aere because I assumed the vig would do that anyway(fair assumption that there was a vig in this game) and didn't doc Eli because if scum used hitman kill, town would get no info in terms of alignments.

Ofc none of this matters now due to the mass RB, but w/e.

Basically I'm JoaT no.2, but now if I look back I think I should've taken a role in GSM, like the reviver.

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Alright well I read through the thread and have some opinions. Gonna go from least scummy to most scummy with these posts.

First up is Kay. Getting a very slight scumread off her. She's seemed to ask a lot of questions, but that's pretty much it. She doesn't seem to do much after these prodding questions, and just moves on to ask more questions to someone else. Also, some posts seemed a bit overall too helpful, rather than scumhunty. Not a whole lot of actual opinions (some, but not much) on players. At a glance it looks more like scum trying to look like they're contributing moreso than town. It's a weak read though and not a priority lynch IMO.

Next up is Rapier. All around hasn't been memorable, hasn't made many actual content posts, and hasn't scumhunt a whole lot. It looks awfully suspicious that he would sub out while the wagon was highest on him; looks like giving up almost. Would vote for him but I think whoever decides to sub for him deserves a chance to say something.

Next up is Tyrant Sage. Didn't really exist D1 (exams or something I believe?) but most of his posts haven't had much content. He's also been misreading posts a couple times (see first posts N1), and not paying attention to the overall situation of the game at times (like that vote on Aere when everyone was saying "don't lynch Aere he may be lynch-docced". looked really opportunistic and trying to get another no-lynch phase to help scum out). Also didn't like how someone had to tell him to vote his biggest scumread, Rapier (could possibly be scum trying to accuse buddy of scumminess, but not voting them. See anonydraft mafia 2). Would not mind lynching him.

Scummiest atm is Marth. He hasn't scumhunt a whole lot, and hasn't been very memorable either until people started mentioning how scummy he looked. I remember a few of his N1 posts seemed suspicious (and Manix was so kind as to quote it in post #945), and his overall logic has seemed off. JoaT isn't necessarily a town role either.

##Vote Marth

I'm tired as hell right now though and I'll get a better look at this tomorrow, but this is where I stand for now.

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Man, there are more dead people/nonplayers around than there are players.

Anyways, Helios: That's not a bad post. It has some echoyish reads, but a lot of that is there's not much else to say about that person. Your points about Kay are interesting, and I think they warrant a closer look at Kay.

Besides that, I agree that Marth's claim is a little weird. I'm not sure I buy it. Also, for right now


I wanna reread things before revoting, but that probably won't happen until tomorrow.

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Idc about getting mislynched but I don't wanna be misvigged.

Explain the difference.


Didn'twanna scan Eli because he was a possible nightkill, didn't wanna scan/vig Aere because I assumed the vig would do that anyway(fair assumption that there was a vig in this game) and didn't doc Eli because if scum used hitman kill, town would get no info in terms of alignments.

Ofc none of this matters now due to the mass RB, but w/e.]

What makes you think the scum have a hitman kill?

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##Vote Bluedoom

Helios just did it. Bought himself a bide from my vote

Next is Marth. After his distracting debate with Manix, questionable logic, suspicious role choice and "idc if I get mislynched, I just don't wanna get misvigged" line, I've got no problem.

I have little tolerance for acceptance of death, because town shouldn't want to die (unless rare exceptions such as when I was Oracle in Higurashi, then it makes sense at least)

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