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Look at the restrictions claimed so far (in order of picks)(and from memory):

Town role that was initially hidden

Killing role from anony non-multifaction game


Modkilled town role


Multifaction role that couldn't kill or gather information



Could protect







Passive role




I missed some easily, but it looks like the restrictions get more leninent as you go down, and Kay's fits in quite nicely

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Actually, I want to lynch from Shinori, rocker today.


Kay - can't be roleblock due to game choice

Anouleth - can't be roleblocker

Tyrant Sage - can't be roleblocker

Elieson - almost certainly can't be roleblocker

Manix - almost certainly can't be roleblocker

Bal - could be roleblocker, but probably isn't

Helios - could be roleblocker, but probably isn't

Snike - could be roleblocker, but probably isn't

Prims - Possible roleblocker? (but not from my PoV)

Rocker - Possible roleblocker?

Shinori - Possible roleblocker?

scorri - Remotely possible LYING SCUM??? (probably not)

Schoolgirl and MtG both had roleblockers (Athena with the double-safeguard strongman and Spock with the governor shot), so our lynch should be between there today. It's possible both are scum, too. Gonna wait on claims.

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Kay - can't be roleblock due to Rein

Bal - can't be extra kill due to game choice

Anouleth - can't be extra kill

Tyrant Sage - can't be extra kill

Manix - can't be extra kill

Elieson - almost certainly can't be extra kill

Helios - could be extra kill, but probably isn't

Snike - could be extra kill, but probably isn't

Prims - Possible extra kill? (but not from my PoV)

Schoolgirl pick - Possible extra kill?

MtG pick - Can't be extra kill due to game choice

scorri - Remotely possible LYING SCUM???

Scumteam is probably rocker/shinori/some fifth dude who picked a non-scummy role (Snike? Sage?) with Kay ITP on the side due to process of elimination.

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Ah, sorry about taking so long, but gameclaim?

School Girl Mafia.

So i'm hearing a lot of talk about a scumslip and roleblockers. Someone fill me in, why are we looking for a roleblocker scum?

(I feel so worthless since i don't know any of these games where the roles are from, and i don't feel like going through them all.)

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Snike claimed Watcher from DT2; did a Watcher have any other powers in that game? (/lazy)

Watcher claim is believable based on the people seen on Elie N2 (I targeted him and he confirmed my courier, Bal confirmed his role, and Cam died as rolecop)

And I also want to lynch between Shinori/Rocker today, because one is likely scum

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Gist of this game so far:

D1 - Everybody lollygags around, wagons come down to Serious Bananas (now replaced by scorri) and Aere. Aere claims 1-shot deathproof after the lynch on him fails.

N1 - Mass roleblock happens with familiar flavor. There are two kills, meaning scum has an extra killing ability (as the mass roleblock hit everybody who wasn't scum-aligned).

D2 - Mass gameclaim initiated to find player responsible for mass roleblock. BBM counterclaims scorri's game (making scorri likely town), is found to be scummy, Anouleth the pro vig shoots him. Anouleth later shoots Aere in the same day. Both Aere and BBM flip scum. Marth is mislynched.

N2 - scorri tries to do something but is roleblocked, meaning that if she's town, scum has a roleblocker guaranteed.

Everything else can be found in recent pages.

Obviously you should read yourself when you have the time but there's your summary.

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Snike claimed Watcher from DT2; did a Watcher have any other powers in that game? (/lazy)

Watcher claim is believable based on the people seen on Elie N2 (I targeted him and he confirmed my courier, Bal confirmed his role, and Cam died as rolecop)

And I also want to lynch between Shinori/Rocker today, because one is likely scum

Tracker as well. I get to pick which I want to be, so, yeah.

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So in case it wasn't clear, I want the Schoolgirl mafia role lynched because as Manix has said several times now it's quite likely that it's the tailor role which has the secondary ability to force someone else to take the kill which screws with our tracker/watcher. So! Yeah.

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@Snike: Yeah. Pretty sure everyone did, in the original SFMM2 I received it despite Strawman and I having no night actions.

Initial suspicion on Kay was due to me misreading her restriction, though it's possible she's lying.

However, I'm not sure why her claim would look promising enough to Rein that he'd defend her instead of it raising huge !!!SERIAL KILLER!!! alarm bells. The restriction when read properly also looks oddly convoluted compared to the ones that have been outed so far. What could she even pick from, Kira and Chatot? That's pretty weak.

I think that at worst, she's ITP rather than "mafia" scum (see: interactions with BBM). Which is what I thought when I voted her too. Original thought was that ITP would explain her rather lackluster content all game as well.

Rocker might be reading the early pages of the thread instead of the recent happenings.

Eh, self-protect is useful, I guess? Also, Rein's restriction was pretty strict too, and I drafted right after him, I think, so yeah.

Lackluster compared to what? I'm trying to be active. Or at least I was before this phase, now I'm trying to bother caring about the game so Paper doesn't have to find yet another sub.

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But you remember the other limitation on the second ability scorri, right?

They have to idle everything; including the normal factional kill, so it can't be the source of the extra kills (unless the mechanics are different for some reason)

but until Rocker fullclaims everything (including restriction):


##Vote: Rocker

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When Shinori shows up and claims, I'll determine my vote between him and Rocker64, but it sounds like the possibilities in Prims' guide are pretty obv.

leaving 2 more scum (who are dead)

and Kay as assumed ITP.

And...who knows what else?

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I should probably also note that there is only two other possible roles that should have been picked (from my thinking)

That said, I don't want to reveal them yet because the claim isn't out.

However, if one of them was picked last night would have gone a lot smoother

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Ugh yeah, would prefer rocker lynch between Shinori / rocker because Shinori had a good D1 due to connections with Aere, while Iris got really upset toward BBM and started calling him scummy but then just kind of... dropped it before she subbed out. Would postulate that she didn't want to bus or risk being accused of OMGUS when neither her or BBM were in the hot seat. kirsche vote is likely a votepark on town given Elie's scan result, too.

But PoE points to Scumnori as well, so.

I think lynch rocker based on what game Iris pulled from is bullshit reasoning, though. Otherwise we might as well lynch Helios because he could very be massblocking JoAT, even though there's no evidence toward that possibility.

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Otherwise we might as well lynch Helios because he could very be massblocking JoAT, even though there's no evidence toward that possibility.

Although what about Elie's scan that says Helios is town? I'm not completely sold (because of possible tailor) but until a tailor flips I don't think it's worth pursuing him

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I need to put together a list, to figure this claim madness out.

Manix, I know you said you'd rather not out anything you have, but can you post your spreadsheet, since it's essentially based on what everyone has said in here anyway? If you'd rather not, it's cool, it'd just be a lot easier for me to crossreference and shiz.

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Just post what you have that is made up of player claims, and redact what is speculation.

Sorry. Phone lurking while at work makes it more tricky to keep track of these things, in a game like this primarily.

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