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Nostalgia Mafia Game Over



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Therefore I picked John Yossarian. I have yet to pick my extra .1 vote for today, but we can easily test my role with this if we want.

Question: How? Since this is a hammer game, the extra .1 wouldn't affect anything, would it?

Call me crazy if I'm wrong though

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It would be displayed in the votals, presumably. He's basically provable rogue with a situational doublevote.

Although that leads to the question as to why we haven't seen it come up yet?

Wait a sec. Shinori, can you clarify if you've used your extra .1 vote in any other phase so far?

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Should send in your anonyvote sooner rather than later so we know you aren't BSing us, though.

It doesn't show up in votals, And I got it ideally in the hope that I would have a BPV and if someone did try to kill me I'd be a mayor.

Forgot this was a hammer game, so that scratches my .1 vote extra since no one has tried to kill me.

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Although that leads to the question as to why we haven't seen it come up yet?

Wait a sec. Shinori, can you clarify if you've used your extra .1 vote in any other phase so far?

Yeah I have, it just doesn't show up in votals, so it's actually not that good of a role until someone tries to kill me. =X

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Note: someone has to be lying about their role now because there literally is no one claiming hook

Well, durr.

I'm actually skeptical about Shinori's claim now, because why didn't he just target me to become doublevoter? If it doesn't appear on votecounts then it basically carries as much weight as a typical BPV claim.

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Well, durr.

shut up okay I'm trying to spell things out

I'm actually skeptical about Shinori's claim now, because why didn't he just target me to become doublevoter? If it doesn't appear on votecounts then it basically carries as much weight as a typical BPV claim.

Shinori. Address this.

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I think optimal play is to have Shinori target me tonight while Snike tracks him. That way, Shinori gets the +1 vote due to PGO if he's telling the truth, and Snike can out if he isn't.

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I'm fine with doing that Prims, if my role works like that. I didn't think of doing that before but I wasn't sure if my ability would work that way. Since I just am guessing that someone is killing me I don't think it visits. And the day ability is forging someone else to vote for the player I also don't know if I would visit you then.

I'll ask paper in pm.

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@Elieson: I'm not sure if you just scumslipped there with that second point you made about Rocker. " if my scan on Helios was correct, it needs to be proven by eliminating means of my scan being incorrect." It's not like I really think you're scum or anything, it's just that the line sounds weird to me for some reason. Could you explain what you're thinking by that? Is it just that you're implying he's a tailor because he's claiming from Schoolgirl Mafia (basically Scorri's theory)?

That's just it. Discussion blew up from the possibility of there being a Tailor. The only way I can confidently look at my scan now as though you are with the Cereal Killers (aka Town), is the eliminate the existance of a tailor, and there aren't many games with Tailors in them.

Note, it wasn't my idea, but since it's bouncing around the thread as though it were commonplace (I wasn't here for schoolgirl, so I don't have the same connection that others do), I thought i should take it seriously, so I read up on it, and I felt it was worth at least considering.

And truthfully, until Rocker comes back to confirm that, I have no reason to believe that there is not a tailor.

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Still confused. Shinori's extra vote is hidden, and that's provable how?

Unless we're trying to prove that he is Rogue/BP/whatever it is, and him visiting Prims will yield in him not dying, which is provable how now? By Shinori not dying tonight?

I don't buy that.

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Sorry! I'm slow, especially when i'm not paying much attention to recent posts.

I'm Hinata, from School Girl Mafia, a watcher. So pretty much the only reason people are voting me is because of the mafia the role is from? Dumb. And this assumed tailor, that came up.

Apparently Iris, choose Hinata so the scum wouldn't be able to have a tailor.

Now i know you are looking for this "hooker" or roleblocker or whatever, this second kill that has been mentioned is pretty interesting. And don't we know that Kay/San has a killing role?

I think you know what i am getting at.

##Vote: Kay/San

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Rocker, you're almost there. Out the restriction that you have for choosing a role please. (well, the one that was chosen prior to you joining)

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Also, Kay is missing. She can't be targeted or talk in the thread.

From the D1 lynch flavor

At day, you may reply to your role PM "Day X: Struggle against these holy chains, USER!". You will trap them in a Shining Bind, and they will go missing for the night. You may anonymously converse with them in a provided quicktopic. Once, you may reply in the jail topic "Sacred powers, cast your purified light upon these corrupt souls! Rest in peace, sinners! Judgement!" The jailed user will be killed.

From Rein's role PM

@Paperblade: Can you confirm Rein's role would roleblock as well as make the target untargetable?

rocker, do you have any reads based on interactions rather than roleshenanigans?

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