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Nostalgia Mafia Game Over



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Updated Living Players/Claims List:

Train Mafia II - Kira (SK/Protect) - Kay

Pokemon Tactical Game - Jasmine (Bodyguard) - Helios

Theatre Mafia - Rick (Alliance Checker) - Elieson

Agent Minimafia - Len (Jailer) - Tyrant Sage

JB's FE10 Mafia - Kurthnaga (Doc/Courier) - Manix

MtG Mafia - John Yossarian (Rogue/Bonusvoter) - Shinori

Shining Force Mafia - Zuika (2-shot anyvig) - Anouleth - Shot twice D2

Sacred Stones Mafia - Lute (Jack (doc/cop/vig/hook)) - scorri

Duel Terminal 2 - Mist Valley Watcher (Tracker/Watcher) - Snike

Kamen Rider Ryuuki Mafia - Kamen Rider Scissors (PGO) - Prims

Schoolgirl Mafia - Hinata (Watcher) - Rocker

Etrian Odyssey Mafia - Rine the Ronin (Slowcop/Nexus) - Balcerzak

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It suddenly occurs to me that nobody has claimed the Cam kill.

I might have an explanation for this (that surprisingly doesn't involve ITP Kay), but I'd rather wait until later to out it. I just don't see why scum would use their doublekill on Cam of all people.

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When I was talking about the second kill, I was talking about the Cam kill. Scorri claimed hooked, and no one else apart from Kay claimed to have a killing role, so wouldn't it have to be her?

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When I was talking about the second kill, I was talking about the Cam kill. Scorri claimed hooked, and no one else apart from Kay claimed to have a killing role, so wouldn't it have to be her?

Not necessarily.

Remember that scum have an extra kill, seen N1.

I have a specific explanation for this that I will out on a later day phase. For now, it's best not to worry about it.

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Nope. I wouldn't have targeted Cam anyways. If I used my kill last night, it would have been at you actually. As it turns out. We've already seen that scum has two kills. So, they could have used it there. Or, something else could've happened, which I also have a theory for, but apparently we're not outing theories right now, so.

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1 active Killing roles + Mafia Kill = 2 potential killing actions for N2.

+ 1 for scorri, that could be technically be or not at this point.

Now, it's silly to assume that everyone here is telling the truth, but let's think for a minute.

Considering the circumstances, scorri claimed Roleblocked, but there are no claimed roleblockers (except herself). 2 people died. scorri is refusing to claim any of her actions, so that the mafia doesn't know what she has left. Therefore, she could have plausibly run the N1 Kill, alongside of the Mafia's general kill (being as Kay was jailed).

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N1 kills

Strider, Eclipse

Claimed killing roles: scorri, Kay, (Mafiakill)

Kay is jailed, cannot kill.

N2 kills

Psych, Cam

Claimed killing roles: scorri, Kay, (Mafiakill)

scorri used up her shot, and still hasn't claimed what she did. Kay can kill.

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Elie: Just step back and consider for a second that a theoretical scum killing role (who isn't scorri) would obviously not have claimed to be a killing role.

By the way, I want everybody who hasn't outed their restrictions yet to do so for completeness.

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If you were scum firing, you could've have killed him. We know Strider didn't target any PGO, and Eclipse couldn't target anyone if I understand her role correctly. Kay was jailed.

Either Anouleth and Sage are scumteam, and confirming Sage's jailing role, Snike and Bal and Me represent some combined mishmosh of scum, crossclaiming (As there's no way to confirm that Cam targetted me outside of Snike saying so, and Bal could've assembled my role with any effort at all), or you're scum with whoever, and you fired your shot N1, and ran...i dunno, something else on N2

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Elie: Just step back and consider for a second that a theoretical scum killing role (who isn't scorri) would obviously not have claimed to be a killing role.

By the way, I want everybody who hasn't outed their restrictions yet to do so for completeness.

I am prims. Notice I haven't voted yet (well, my vote is on Rocker, but that was from earlier). I'd only vote if I was pretty certain at this point.

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Dear Manix,

You are a role from a multifaction game that was unable to kill or gather information.

Because all of the cool kids are doing this

And a watcher claim? Hmmmm. Not sure what to think of that right now (7am too stronk)

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actually hold the fuck up

Why the hell would Tyrant Sage jail Anouleth? Seriously; yes they've confirmed it, but while Anou probably clear, this is raising alarm bells

There was literally no reason to jail Anouleth N2, it doesn't make sense

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Results of re-read.



Was super amazing, rip in peace. You're welcome.


CLAIM: Zuika, Town Vigilante


D2 ACTION: Shot BBM and Aere.

- If Anouleth is scum then he's ballsy as hell, given that he could have just used his vigshot to kill off important townies. It's also confirmed that he wasn't the source of the extra N1 scumkill, since he used up all his role's potential vigshots openly.

- Also, Aere heckling him reads as scum taking potshots at an easy town target.


CLAIM: Alliance Checker from Theatre

RESTRICTION: "You are a town role that was modkilled."

N2 ACTION: Scanned Helios as town

- I'm still reading this dude as super town. BBM and Aere started off treating him like a silly townie and later potential mislynch bait. Reactions toward my PGO claim seem to draw too much attention to be ideal for scum, at some point he should've just backed down to stop gathering votes.

- Was even confirmed as town by Bal, which looks excellent regardless of Bal's alignment (because if Bal is scum, I would believe the implications are that he didn't want to give out too information).


CLAIM: Kurthnaga, Town Doc / Courier

RESTRICTION: "You are a role from a multifaction game that was unable to kill or gather information."

N2 ACTION: Sent Elieson a claim

- Role is as proven as you can get thanks to Snike+Elie, unless we have a Snike/Elie/Manix scumteam (lol). Possible he picked it as scum to mess with people though (also unlikely).

- Find him town on an interactions level as well, since BBM defended him from my attacks when BBM should have at least understood why scum would whiteknight a town wagon due to voting Scumnorin in Anonydraft. Looks like scum whiteknighting town, especially given that BBM defended me from townies being dumb in a similar way.

-------kirsche -> Helios

CLAIM: Jasmine, Town Bodyguard (functionally doctor)


N2 ACTION: Protected scorri

- Was scanned town by Elie, and Pokemon Tactical had no Godfather. Assuming Elie is town, scum would need a Tailor for Helios to be scum.

- Still don't like kirsche's D1 waffly distancing toward BBM. Would consider voting for Helios over this should a tailor be outed.

- Helios not rolling over and dying looks decent but from a VCA point of view all he did was further doom Marth so not too strong of a towntell.


CLAIM: Kira, Town Serial Killer / Commuter

RESTRICTION: Killing role from an anonymous game with a town faction.

N2 ACTION: Commuted

- BBM treated her like a D1 mislynch that he backed off of so he wouldn't get accused of tunneling, so unlikely to be scum.

- Couldn't have killed N1 due to Rein.

- Still a potential third party? She may have commuted last night, but this could easily be cover for killing Psych or Cam or somebody (as neither make too much sense for scumkill unless scum were scared of potential question asker, which town-Psych would've really obviously picked).

-------Rapier -> Balcerzak

CLAIM: Rike, Town Ronin

RESTRICTION: A town-aligned role.

N2 ACTION: Scanned Elie as town (Mod mistake?)

- N2 action testified by Snike. Paperblade confirmed there was a mod mistake, though this could mean anything instead of just Bal's role.

- Rapier picking a role he never got to use isn't too surprising. However, his posts were pretty lackluster, what with a lack of original content and the weak swing over to Aere.

- Bal's pre-contentpost looks pro-town but Bal's contentposts almost always look pro-town so.

- Overall, leans town from mod confirmation and role shenanigans, but isn't actually clear.

-------Serious Bananas -> scorri

CLAIM: Lute, Town Jack of All Trades

RESTRICTION: "You are a role that was able to stop players from dying at night."

N2 ACTION: N/A, was roleblocked.

- Had her game counterclaimed by BBM. The only way she's scum is if BBM was explicitly trying to distance from her, which isn't out of the question.

- Has no other useful interactions with anybody which is frustrating. If she's scum I suspect she'll eventually get PoE'd the same way she did in Anonydraft at least.

- It's possible the reason Bananas didn't choose a full doc was because he was scum and wanted the roleblock/kill/inspect?

- Also, if she used up vig N1, it would explain why she'd have to make up excuses to use other parts of her role (why'd she consider roleblocking?) N2 and make up a roleblock (in case there's no blocker).

-------Tyrant Sage

CLAIM: Len, Town Jailer


D1 ACTION: ???

D2 ACTION: Jailed Anouleth.

- Role is confirmed to be Jailer, unless Anouleth is lying scum (unlikely).

- Only huge problems with this guy are lack of D1 action claim, no D1 content to judge from due to V/LA (null tell though since irl isn't related to alignment), and the amount of newbie defense yesterday (which isn't that unreasonable for newbtown either). Can't find any usable associative tells with him yet. Day Jailer isn't that great of a rolepick for scum aside from being confirmable. Like scorri, expect him to be PoE'd if he's scum anyway.


CLAIM: John Yossarian, Town Bombardier

RESTRICTION: Vote-altering role that couldn't kill or investigate.

N2 ACTION: ???

- PoE detailed in previous post narrows likely Roleblocker options down to Shinori and rocker.

- Claim actually turned out to be the easiest and least provable thing ever. I also don't understand why SHINORI THE D1 POLICY LYNCH would pick a rogue-esque role, given that he does most of his dying during the day phase. Pretty sure there were better roles around, Kamen Rider's Day Persuader and PMD2's Beloved Persuader Mayor had the potential to kick ass.

- D1 scumhunting was alright, presence sorta dropped after though. Basically feels like a huge null read aside from claim, which is frustrating and enough to make him a policy lynch at this point. If I were to read him on meta it's Townnori but I'm not that great at meta reads.

- How the fuck did you forget BBM was dead after already writing a D2 contentpost? Interestingly, this actually might be townslip since scum should know when a buddy dies thanks to the scum PM.


CLAIM: Mist Valley Watcher, Town Tracker / Watcher


N2 Action: Saw Cam, Manix and Balcerzak target Elieson

- I haven't actually played with Snike enough to know how to read his alignment meta-wise. His play has been very different from town!Bear_Knight, but Bear_Knight didn't exactly work out for him so it's hard to judge.

- Interactions with BBM aren't as great as I thought early. He initially voted Psych over BBM, and ignored other people posting lots of "token questioning" to snipe BBM. #252 is literally a scum-eclipse post. I don't think it has to be buddies interacting, though, just not worth towncred like I assumed.

- Actually... this post plus the ninja comment indicates he unvoted BBM before getting a solid response. Doesn't look like real pressure if he found BBM scummy. Then he dropped BBM pressure entirely, much like Iris did.

- More interesting stuff. Snike suspects Aere from early on, but doesn't jump on Aere's wagon until the Kay wagon begins to die out.

-------Iris -> rocker64

CLAIM: Hinata, Town Watcher

RESTRICTION: Investigative role that isn't cop or rolecop.

N2 ACTION: Saw nobody target Snike

- PoE detailed in previous post narrows likely Roleblocker options down to Shinori and rocker.

- Scummy Stuff Iris Did, pt. 1: Has an early vote on the Elie wagon, but is too hipster for the wagon when it gets popular and all traces of Elie suspicion die out. Looks as if her questioning didn't go anywhere.

- Scummy Stuff Iris Did, pt. 2: Overreact to scum-BBM's pressure and call him scummy, then drop it without doing anything about it.

- rocker hasn't really done anything useful so far, haven't been able to read him as well as Iris.


Earlier I felt concerned somebody was succesfully moleing the town, but now I'm not so sure.

Strongest scum reads are rocker's slot and Snike. Not sure why I was writing Snike off as town up until now.

It should be noted that of the most suspicious players, rocker is the only one who could have been responsible for the extra N1 kill. This makes him the best lynch from both a scumhunting and information standpoint. If rocker flips a scum role that isn't "1-shot vig", I highly recommend Kay shoot scorri tonight.

So imo optimal way to handle this day is to have rocker post his reads on other players, then hammer him.

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Something curious to note: Why did Iris/Rocker playerslot decide to watch Snike N2? I'm fairly sure there were better watch targets then Snike for N2 (like scorri (even though theoretical SG should have been on her (and there is no claimed))/Bronouleth)

Snike also wasn't likely to be the target of anything (not viewed as scummy by most), so it seems like a safe fake.


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Can't really get an answer to that since Iris subbed, but I don't think it's that big of a scumtell for rocker's slot compared to some other stuff. I expected Snike to die last night as well tbh.

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Also, I changed my mind, and decided to talk about my actions last night since I decided it'd be more useful to let the town know what I did. I attempted to shoot Helios last night. I was roleblocked. I figured that since I've been suspicious about that play slot from the start I'd attempt to get rid of it. That obviously failed, but ah well. Reason for my change in thought is that I decided hiding information from the town isn't helpful. So. Yeah.

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