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Nostalgia Mafia Game Over



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Rocker64 (4): scorri, Manix, Prims, Elieson

Balcerzak (2): Sage, Kay

Kay (2): Snike, Rocker64

Voteless Scum: Anouleth, Balcerzak, Helios, Rocker64, Shinori

some :effortposts: from the voteless players and the people on bal/kay would be excellent about now. question for bal/kay voters, why do you think they are more likely to flip scum then the players who were PoE'd as those responsible for roleblocking scorri? this especially applies given that paperblade confirmed a mod mistake was made

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Rocker64 (4): scorri, Manix, Prims, Elieson

Balcerzak (2): Sage, Kay

Kay (2): Snike, Rocker64

Voteless Scum: Anouleth, Balcerzak, Helios, Shinori


(Rocker couldn't be voting and not voting at the same time)

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I'm waiting on what Rocker has to say before I end up voting him, and I'd also like to hear from Kay as well because I'm wondering if she's the one who shot Cam. I haven't played a lot of games with mass hooks, but I do remember when I was scum in EO and Paper used the masshook scum was still able to use their actions, so if Kay is the shooter that wouldn't rule necessarily rule out that she's not scum. If that makes sense.

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but I do remember when I was scum in EO and Paper used the masshook scum was still able to use their actions, so if Kay is the shooter that wouldn't rule necessarily rule out that she's not scum. If that makes sense.

actually you couldn't use your actions (only the kill), and such a pick probably wouldn't get the masshook anyway (because of the condition; it was a triggered ability)

also, we already determined that it was the masshook from SFMM2

(and what scorri said)

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Welp forgot about the kidnapping. Thanks scorri. Also Manix I didn't mean that the masshook was from EO, just that a masshook doesn't necessarily mean that scum is hooked too. This is nothing but theorizing though. Still waiting on a response from Rocker though. Looks like he's the safest lynch atm, bar some other revelation.

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If you were scum firing, you could've have killed him. We know Strider didn't target any PGO, and Eclipse couldn't target anyone if I understand her role correctly. Kay was jailed.

Either Anouleth and Sage are scumteam, and confirming Sage's jailing role, Snike and Bal and Me represent some combined mishmosh of scum, crossclaiming (As there's no way to confirm that Cam targetted me outside of Snike saying so, and Bal could've assembled my role with any effort at all), or you're scum with whoever, and you fired your shot N1, and ran...i dunno, something else on N2

Going to reply to this cause I kinda missed it earlier, sorry bout that.

Elie: There are also the possibilities that x number of people are telling the truth about their role, but lying about their alignment, x number of people are lying about their roles, or some various other things. For instance: Snike, Rocker, and Helios could all be scum with a tailor on their side. I can only tell you what I've done and hope that you believe me, but either way, think about this. If, as you say, I'm the reason for the extra death N1, who's responsible for the second death last night? It wasn't PGO, since Cam visited you (unless Snike is lying about that), I only have one shot so even if I was the reason rein died N1, I couldn't be the reason two people died N2. In addition, why in the *world* would BBM and I both claim the same mafia if we were on the same team? Either way BBM was getting lynched. At that point in time, I was looking much worse than he was, due to shenanigans of D1. It was more likely that I would get lynched first, resulting in him then getting lynched and scum losing two people. If I was scum with BBM, wouldn't it have made more sense to cc someone who was town and hope that they got lynched before BBM did?

Basically, I don't know how you can explain two kills both nights with me being one of them unless you're claiming that scum has two killing roles plus their normal kill.

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how far are you in your read?

like, are you going to post opinions?

15 pages in. If you would like me to post any of my reads so far, i can. (I'm logging off after this and won't be returning until tomorrow though.)

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A consideration.

K. Either scorri shot of them intentionally, was redirected, we have an SK, or cam targeted alleged pgo!Prims.

My primary consideration posts.

1 active Killing roles + Mafia Kill = 2 potential killing actions for N2.

+ 1 for scorri, that could be technically be or not at this point.

Now, it's silly to assume that everyone here is telling the truth, but let's think for a minute.

Considering the circumstances, scorri claimed Roleblocked, but there are no claimed roleblockers (except herself). 2 people died. scorri is refusing to claim any of her actions, so that the mafia doesn't know what she has left. Therefore, she could have plausibly run the N1 Kill, alongside of the Mafia's general kill (being as Kay was jailed).

N1 kills

Strider, Eclipse

Claimed killing roles: scorri, Kay, (Mafiakill)

Kay is jailed, cannot kill.

N2 kills

Psych, Cam

Claimed killing roles: scorri, Kay, (Mafiakill)

scorri used up her shot, and still hasn't claimed what she did. Kay can kill.

If you were scum firing, you could've have killed him. We know Strider didn't target any PGO, and Eclipse couldn't target anyone if I understand her role correctly. Kay was jailed.

Either Anouleth and Sage are scumteam, and confirming Sage's jailing role, Snike and Bal and Me represent some combined mishmosh of scum, crossclaiming (As there's no way to confirm that Cam targetted me outside of Snike saying so, and Bal could've assembled my role with any effort at all), or you're scum with whoever, and you fired your shot N1, and ran...i dunno, something else on N2

Your Response.

Going to reply to this cause I kinda missed it earlier, sorry bout that.

Elie: There are also the possibilities that x number of people are telling the truth about their role, but lying about their alignment, x number of people are lying about their roles, or some various other things. For instance: Snike, Rocker, and Helios could all be scum with a tailor on their side. I can only tell you what I've done and hope that you believe me, but either way, think about this. If, as you say, I'm the reason for the extra death N1, who's responsible for the second death last night? It wasn't PGO, since Cam visited you (unless Snike is lying about that), I only have one shot so even if I was the reason rein died N1, I couldn't be the reason two people died N2. In addition, why in the *world* would BBM and I both claim the same mafia if we were on the same team? Either way BBM was getting lynched. At that point in time, I was looking much worse than he was, due to shenanigans of D1. It was more likely that I would get lynched first, resulting in him then getting lynched and scum losing two people. If I was scum with BBM, wouldn't it have made more sense to cc someone who was town and hope that they got lynched before BBM did?

Basically, I don't know how you can explain two kills both nights with me being one of them unless you're claiming that scum has two killing roles plus their normal kill.

I only hinted at it once in my first post. And, where in the rules does it say that scum can't CC scum for town cred?

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Yes, please give us your reads Rocker.

And also.

Apparently Iris, choose Hinata so the scum wouldn't be able to have a tailor.

Please argue this.

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I see three instances in there where you said you were considering me being the one to take the N1 shot:

"and you fired your shot N1, and ran...i dunno, something else on N2"

"scorri used up her shot, and still hasn't claimed what she did. Kay can kill." (I never claimed to have used my shot until after that post)

" Therefore, she could have plausibly run the N1 Kill,"

All I'm saying is that you're missing a kill is all. Since Kay's claimed to have not killed N2. So unless we're both scum lying about our shots, you're missing one.

Second, I'm not saying that scum can't cc for town cred. I'm saying that it would have been stupid for BBM and scum!me to do so. The reason being I was under a lot of fire. From BBM's perspective, he cc'd a player slot that was almost lynched the day before. He probably assumed that it was quite likely that I would be lynched/vigged/whatever on D2 before he was killed. If we were both scum, it would have been revealed that I was telling the truth about what game I came from and he'd then be lynched for lying about his game. He was clearly going to be in trouble if he claimed his real game. Why would he choose to cc his own teammate who was more likely to get lynched than he was?

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Why would he choose to cc his own teammate who was more likely to get lynched than he was?

He had already used his masshook, and it got you out of the hot seat, didn't it?

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For reference, the last votals of the day before enough people voted Aere:

[7]Aere: Psych, Shinori, Snike, Elieson, Prims, scorri, Strider, Iris

[5]Scorri: Shinori, eclipse, Kay, Manix, Bluedoom, BBM

[2]Elieson: Bluedoom, BBM, Iris, Manix, Rapier, Cam, Aere, Scorri, Psych, Kevin

[0]BBM: Aere, Bluedoom, Snike, Kay

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I'm waiting on what Rocker has to say before I end up voting him, and I'd also like to hear from Kay as well because I'm wondering if she's the one who shot Cam. I haven't played a lot of games with mass hooks, but I do remember when I was scum in EO and Paper used the masshook scum was still able to use their actions, so if Kay is the shooter that wouldn't rule necessarily rule out that she's not scum. If that makes sense.

I haven't shot anyone.

Rocker64 (4): scorri, Manix, Prims, Elieson

Balcerzak (2): Sage, Kay

Kay (2): Snike, Rocker64

Voteless Scum: Anouleth, Balcerzak, Helios, Rocker64, Shinori

some :effortposts: from the voteless players and the people on bal/kay would be excellent about now. question for bal/kay voters, why do you think they are more likely to flip scum then the players who were PoE'd as those responsible for roleblocking scorri? this especially applies given that paperblade confirmed a mod mistake was made

Didn't notice Paperblade's confirmation.

##Unvote (Balcerzak)

Aere........ is dead. He was scum. Do you even read.

Kay is lurking it up cuz she's probably scum who doesn't want to contribute to massclaim.

We gonna hammer Bal and continue this at night? Unless Paperblade comes in and announces MOD MISTAKE.

Rereading some, I'm a bit curious about this. Why would you wanna hammer that quickly, Prims? What's the point of limiting discussion time?

##Vote: Rocker64 because everyone else seems townier than he does at this point. Likely to change once he posts significant stuff.

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