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Mmm, I'm fairly willing to accept Prims as town right now. He's the one who pushed for both BBM to be lynched and Aere to be vigged. If it wasn't for him leading the lynch against BBM I'd probably have been lynched which would have lost town one of their vig shots (though I ended up losing that anyways) plus would have delayed getting scum lynched and such. So unless he's going for major major townie points, I'm keeping him under my town view for right now.

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I'm not sure what you mean Elieson by "Argue This".

In regarding to reads so far:

Prims - I found it very odd at first that his first post a roleclaim, but after i figured out what PGO means its alright i guess. I'm guessing scum PGO wouldn't claim so fast but i mean that could be why he claimed in the first place. The real thing i find scummy is the fact that he choose a mafia role as "town" and claims it wasn't alignment specified, yet it seems that everyone else could only choose from their alignment. (Verification on this would be nice as i could be wrong.) Oh yea and the fact that Aere randomly stops being against Prims and defends him. Mostly because Aere flipped scum.

Elieson - What i found very weird is the fact that he makes a theory about a redirect/PGO scum team that could do very well. Now the thing is, that how do we know that isn't a scum slip? How do we know he isn't a scum and he accidentally mentioned the redirect he knows is in the game? I dunno, is it possible that a redirect could be in the game? I don't feel like looking through all the drafted games that aren't dead for a redirect, if we find one though it could be a possible Elieson/PersonWhoIsRedirect Scum Team. Also him being "Paranoid" during D1 is just kinda weird, unless this is normal for his Meta, it comes across as kinda scummy.

Sorry, but for the most part that is it. I had some reads on Psych/Bluedoom/Strider/BBM/CT075 but they are all dead now. Everyone else is pretty much a null tell so far.

In regards to Elieson, what is a Alliance Checker, is that just a cop that only learns Alignment?

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Rocker, if you wanted to lynch someone today, who do you think is the scummiest? Your reads are pretty weak right now, and I don't think Elieson or Prims are gonna get lynched this phase at least. What are your thoughts on Bal (previously Rapier) for example?

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Some thoughts to consider. If I get roleblocked tonight instead of Elie, would that make you guys more or less suspicious of Elie? Additionally, if I were to use an action tonight, which would you guys prefer I used and on whom? Any thoughts on Bal being scum even with a cop role like that? The nexus could be useful for scum.

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Thoughts? There are obviously ppl lying about their roles. I think anou and prims are unlikely to be scum.

I think it's strange that Rocker is aware of Iris's intent on a role choice. Have Rocker/Iris communicated? Are there notes somewhere? This, to me, is scummy, as the most practical place to discuss roles and rolepms are in a mafiaPM.

I still think a mafia are moe likely to benefit from a Nexus. I also think Bal's claiming of my role is 100% forgable. But, lots of things are. In fact, the Anou is the only proven role, with Shinori provable in what, 2 days? 3?

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##Vote Snike

I don't want to hammer, and it's possible to fake his watch results if someone else on scum-team has watching powers. He could be the hooker/1-shot strongman from his game, which is more dangerous than a misguided scum Tyrant Sage. I suppose Kay could theoretically also be the hooker even if she's not the extra kill, because her jail was only n1. However, I wouldn't presume a hooker claiming a wolf role with a killing ability would deflect attention, so am inclined that at worst she is ITP.

Shinori is the other main PoE at this point, but there's a plan in place for that, and if he claims hooked tomorrow interfered with his ability to die+self protect, I'll claim bullshit, because the mafia has better people to hook.

This is pretty shitty reasoning for a vote, but I need to get something down, and as I said, I don't want to hammer.

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Thoughts? There are obviously ppl lying about their roles. I think anou and prims are unlikely to be scum.

I think it's strange that Rocker is aware of Iris's intent on a role choice. Have Rocker/Iris communicated? Are there notes somewhere? This, to me, is scummy, as the most practical place to discuss roles and rolepms are in a mafiaPM.

I still think a mafia are moe likely to benefit from a Nexus. I also think Bal's claiming of my role is 100% forgable. But, lots of things are. In fact, the Anou is the only proven role, with Shinori provable in what, 2 days? 3?

I only know Iris's intent because she said it herself. (I was given the exact same "conversation" or Pm that Iris had already been in. As such i got to see the exact PM she sent to the host in regards to drafting her role. That is also how i know what her actions were n1 and n2.

(Also i have never spoken to Iris.) If Iris needed to be subbed out, do you really think she would respond to her sub about the intent on her drafting?

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##Vote: Snike

rocker's recent posts are a gut town read. Snike / BBM interactions on D1 were pretty awful (see huge re-read post), and I don't think town-Snike would've survived last night. I'd also pin him as likely to identify Psych as Question Asker.

I'm not opposed to lynching rocker but feel stronger about this now.

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Also, rocker, regarding restrictions: Manix, Kay, scorri, Shinori and apparently you claimed restrictions that didn't lock the player into picking a town-aligned role. My restriction is far from an oddity given the massclaim.

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Also, rocker, regarding restrictions: Manix, Kay, scorri, Shinori and apparently you claimed restrictions that didn't lock the player into picking a town-aligned role. My restriction is far from an oddity given the massclaim.

Yea, i guess. The gut of my case on you is the PGO claim, but that isn't a very strong case. I'm much more for Elieson than you.

What are the vote count at the moment?

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@Helios: I personally find Elieson suspicous, but i wouldn't mind seeing Snike lynched. I mean i haven't seen too much scummy from him, but neither have i seen too much townish from him. Actually, since i doubt this will hammer. (Also Not Me Over Me)

##Unvote: Anyone i was voting prior.

##Vote: Snike

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Man, sorry about not being on for awhile guys. I'll try to be better about my availability.

Anyway first of all:

JailorNetworker confirms neither your aligmment nor Anouleth's, Sage. It's a good role but does nothing as far as confirming.

Speaking of, who was your day1 target?

I did not target anybody on Day 1.

Secondly, here's my role restriction:

Dear Tyrant Sage,

You are a town role from a No Outside Contact game that was able to talk outside the game thread.

You are fifth to draft.

You are allied with the Cereal Killers. You win if the Cereal Killers eliminates all threats

Now for the next order of business:


##Vote: Snike

Bal seems pretty pro town for me in his recent posts. Snike though has sort of tripped my alarm bells. For one thing, he hasn't actually posted that much throughout the game and he's flown under the radar mostly. The posts Prims linked also seem kind of suspicious to me. Also Tracker seems like a pretty good role to me, so I'm surprised he hasn't been killed yet. Finally Bal's explanation also seems legitimate to me.

So yeah.

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##Vote: Snike

Snike ISO gives me the feeling that he's trying to coast through

ED1 was like "Well I think BBM is suspicious, but Kay is worse", which I feel was there to placate the town later when BBM flipped

#482 stands out like a sore thumb, because he jumped to the conclusion that Arcueid was picked before anything was fullclaimed

etc. (don't really have time right now to complete this)

also he was all too happy to out Watcher to get Bal lynched (even though I probably should have mentioned that the Ronin would visit on the first night (but not the night of receival if mod mistake didn't happen) anyway)

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Okay, I think you guys are making some decent points about Snike, but frankly, it's a bit weird that you're all suddenly voting for him one right after another. Especially with Dark Sage acting like Prims and Rocker had nothing to with it. I think there's a bunch of scum who decided to push for a Snike lynch. I'm keeping my vote on Rocker because I don't think one of the others would be lynched. Also I'm more suspicious of him than Prims, because the scumwagon might have been suggested once they saw that Prims was willing to lynch Snike, and then they could pin the blame on him, and because Prims hasn't been consistently nonexistent. Plus, usually I can spot scum!Prims on meta, although he could have changed his playstyle as scum after Blitz caught him so easily.

Someone mentioned Sage being clear somewhere. Am I missing something, or has his role just been basically proven (since I think we can probably rule out Anou as scum more easily than anyone else)? I just wanna know whether it's at all possible to narrow down who in this wagon could be scum. Will reread more carefully later.

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1: Just got home and online after busy previous day and currently beyond shitty recent day.

2: Going to make up a content post in a bit, but Sage is a hypocrite to say the least wrt the whole me not posting very much.

3: Even if I was targetted last night, I wouldn't die unless I was hit twice. My restriction was a town-sided role that held an item in its' game.

BBS with more content.

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I can see the points being made against Snike, and based on the flips so far his interactions and other actions involving Aere and BBM do seem strange. I'm willing to hammer if necessary, but I'd like to hear Snike's retaliation before that if possible. Depending on Snike's flip though I think we can learn a lot. If he flips scum Kay will look bad for defending him, and if he flips town I suggest we take a hard look at Tyrant Sage, Rocker, Bal and Prims for starting and adding onto to the wagon, especially when Bal felt that his reasoning for voting Snike was "weak".

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Looks like this whole wagon built on theorycraft, and filled with sheepy sheep.

Awful wagon is awful, and I don't support the logic this was built on. I do think that the wagon has scum on it though, with as easily and quickly as it filled, given the reasoning.

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Looks like this whole wagon built on theorycraft

Not... really? Snike has more incriminating interactions with BBM than Rocker's slot does. I'm still down for either lynch as I believe they are both scummy.

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