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Dear Helios,

You are Hinata. You're soft-spoken, shy, and the HELL is up with your eyes? You came to this school because you wnated to follow Naruto (spoiler: he's dead).

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Byakugan on <PLAYER>". You'll use your family's signature eyes to see who visited <PLAYER>.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

If you are part of a lynch tie, you will automatically lose, and everyone that is tied with you will be permanently stripped of their night ability

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Quick disclaimer: May be a bit more emotional than usual. If someone sees that, call me out on it please.

Let's start with this:


##Vote: Prims

Ok, now onto my defense, and then the reason I think Prims is scum next post.

#1246(First Prims Analysis post):

-First point is using eclipse's meta on me. No need to explain why I feel that's flawed. If you want justification for it, RVS.

-So, wait. I make an unreasoned(no reason cited) vote, then I shift gears and start attacking Kay, while posting things about how I think BBM is scummy, but post what I feel are stronger things about Kay, and later, Aere, because I thought that they were the greater of two evils. I act accordingly, and, if I'm interpreting this correctly, I'm scummy? I am not sure how that makes me look bad, unless you're going to liken this to what BBM was doing D1 with the Elieson wagon in the sense that he was pushing for an Elieson lynch without actually voting it. In which case, I'd like the point out that he was saying something along the lines of, "I want an Elieson lynch, but I think that's enough votes for now."

-Fourth point doesn't make any sense considering that it was only a 54 post gap between when I posted that wall with a suspicion of Aere, and when I changed votes. Both are still relatively early on, because I was the third vote on him that game, and at the time the second vote. There's also the fact that he posted his legendary "This is probably the most defensive half of a post I've ever read." post between those two times.

#1310 (Bal Vote and wagon start):-First of all completely ignores the watcher claim. I can literally prove my role tonight by using tracker style, whereas Rocker has no such ability.

-Secondly, if I were strongman, one would think that I wouldn't be afraid of hitting someone like obvclear Anouleth.

-I can't really argue about the watcher report thing, aside from mention that it sort of strikes me as role speculation where role speculation shouldn't be.

#1312 (Prims vote) : Terrible appears as a tone word towards my early d1 actions, but uh nitpicking aside, gut read factors in predominantly on the why Rocker is less of a lynch as opposed to me. Not sure how he'd pin me as likely to guess Psych's role, except beside either gut or meta. Former feels weak to me when compared to why rocker isn't supposed to be lynched (PoE), and the latter goes against what he said in #1246.*

*I'll address the me not dying later.

#1316 (Rocker vote): Null telling, if what I'm reading correctly, as well as out of self preservation. I guess the thing that bothers me here is that you should be prepared to be lynched if it's going to catch scum and your role isn't 100% vital, but even if that's the case, you should fight the wagon as hard as you can. Just voting so that one doesn't get lynched strikes me as a really weak and possibly suspect motive, considering he's claiming watcher.

#1317 (Sage Vote):

-Hasn't posted that much: Kettle, meet pot? (68-15 ratio atm, I believe.)

-Has flown under the radar: Not sure how to argue this aside from maybe Prims viewing me as pro-town/ me not being wagoned?

-suspicious links: I'm not sure what I said there that was 'kind of suspicious', but I think #346 personally sinks that line of logic.

-Tracker seems really good, and I'm surprised he hasn't been night killed yet: Cherrypicks Prims' remarks that I should've died last night. Ignores my first claim. Thinks Tracker is better than Watcher. Neglects to check the day (3) or to realize that I only claimed today, so killing me because of my role doesn't make sense.

#1319 (Manix vote) :

-Early Day 1 was like that, yes, but then you forget Aere. If you're talking about end of Day 1, I was on Aere. General sidepoint: whoever thinks I'm scum essentially thinks that I'd bus two scumbuddies to get townie cred while alliance checkers were still about. And that I'd fake a watcher report to get someone mislynched while alliance checkers were still about.

-482 is because that instantly came to mind. I was kind of modkilled in that game out of desperation, so I would hope that I would certainly remember the opposition I was losing to when I made that wrong choice.

-So if I'm outing a report without knowing that there's a mod mistake on someone who claims a delayed role cop, yet claims to get a result from the immediate night before, I'm scummy? Can someone clarify this?

To be continued.

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So if I'm outing a report without knowing that there's a mod mistake on someone who claims a delayed role cop, yet claims to get a result from the immediate night before, I'm scummy? Can someone clarify this?

I'm more saying that it wouldn't have mattered if it was a mod mistake.

That said, I'm just wondering why you would out so quickly. I can see why you would though, given the situation that was present.

Responses to my points look pretty good from my end. Need to think about stuff.

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Had a thought along the lines of someone redirecting/driving people into Prims for the extra kill.

Also because I'm split between Sage and Prims and Rocker over who I want to vote today.

Still working on a post.

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Had a thought along the lines of someone redirecting/driving people into Prims for the extra kill.

But would it work like that? Like, remember the masshook from N...1. One moment.

Wait a sec. I know we glossed over this before, but uh, shouldn't the masshook (BBM) have died unless Prims was scum (because it doesn't affect scumbuddies)?

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But would it work like that? Like, remember the masshook from N...1. One moment.

Wait a sec. I know we glossed over this before, but uh, shouldn't the masshook (BBM) have died unless Prims was scum (because it doesn't affect scumbuddies)?

Someone mentioned that back when it occurred. Shit, who was it. I was still being grilled for even thinking scum!prims though.


Voting when I find out who said it

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also also that's bullshit it totally should've counted as targeting :<

Prims' first D2 post, the first mention of the failure to kill the masshooker

hold on, I need to ask Paper a question before I jump into this

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Okay, so case against Prims:

Nobody was scumreading him yet. Elie and scorri were likely behind seven doctors.

-@ me not dying: This doesn't really make any sense given that scorri was supposed to be safeguarded according to night talk. Even if scum knew that she had no safeguard, they should've risked a kill given that town wouldn't have targeted scorri since they were working under that assumption. Which makes Helios's night action claim scummy/stupid, now that I think about it. (Note to self: look at helios later.)

I guess the other thing was that there were, I feel, better targets like maybe Elieson due to not actually being proven yet (This is why I picked Elie, actually).

I don't really see how you could overlook the safeguard issue, considering you reread.

Let's rewind back a bit to post #1243:

actually hold the fuck up

Why the hell would Tyrant Sage jail Anouleth? Seriously; yes they've confirmed it, but while Anou probably clear, this is raising alarm bells

There was literally no reason to jail Anouleth N2, it doesn't make sense

Your response was:

Anouleth was basically confirmed and Jailkeeper protects from kills, so...

Which is a reasonable explanation, but it doesn't match up with Sage's explanation:

I actually used my ability on Anouleth to talk to him during the night since I still had a gut feeling about him. I wasn't sure whether or not he was scum and I figured that even if he wasn't, I could still possibly get some info from him. At the very least, it would be harmless.

He didn't talk at all to me though, so no dice :/:

Trying to ignore my bias against Sage atm, it looks here almost as if you're explaining his decision for him with reasons that he doesn't appear to share. Maybe buddying? Regardless, your response did shut Manix's inquiry down.

Then there's the fourth point of #1246, which I mentioned earlier. It strikes me as almost misrepresentation, even if that misrep was the amount of time between 346 and 400.

I know this isn't the strongest argument, but I think it's enough to warrant suspicion. Also, the net gain from a Prims roll is pretty nice, as it:

-removes potential vig/hooker slot

-removes potential scum redirection into the pgo/driving people into the pgo.

-If Prims is mafia, mole down.

There other people I'm considering to vote are Sage and Rocker, for these reasons:


-Actions make no sense

-Case is inherently flawed by weak and sometimes outright wrong posts

-Feels like he's semi-active lurking


-PoE for hooker / vig(?)

-Not really fighting his wagon

-Hops onto another wagon to preserve himself instead of fighting his wagon.

Going to go look at Helios now.

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