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Augury Text Box Problem


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I have what may be a dumb question. The augury text box forthe chapter I created looks really, really wrong (image below). I am certainthat the text I modified in the FEditor is correct. I followed the same format as allother text, and have never experienced a problem.


I did modify the portrait to Hannah in Nightmare, but that's about it. I am thinking I did something wrong in Nightmare, but marybe not. Does anyone know what might be causing this? I also included the Augury text below just in case.

A young boy is about to die,[.]
but with luck he can be saved.[.][A][0x02]
Archers and mages will prove[.]
invaluable in the narrow corridors.[.][A][0x02]
Thieves and staff wielders[.]
are among those to bring.[A][0x02]
I sense one here who is[.]
quite strong.[.][A][0x02]
Be mindful that of when[.]
to fight or flee.[.][A][X]

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I've never actually replaced the augury text before, but...

invaluable in the narrow corridors.[.][A][0x02]

try shortening this line, maybe?

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I've never actually replaced the augury text before, but...

invaluable in the narrow corridors.[.][A][0x02]

try shortening this line, maybe?

Yeah, that ended up being it. I believe that line of text was like 3 characters too long. Something very silly. I guess the augury text is very sensitive to the character length. Thanks!

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what would really help is if you can text edit in the font that the game uses so you don't have to estimate line length using a fixed width font

I think most characters are the same/very similar length except i/l and various punctuation marks, though?

doesn't FEditor have some autoformatting utility?

FEditor will only do stuff like add [X] and detect where there's new lines and stuff, I think.

Edited by Agro
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Oh that thing. Yeah, it looks like it might be able to do the trick. (The documentation header comment on the source says I specified the format, but actually we both came up with ideas for it.) The batch file doesn't really do anything itself, of course; it just runs the program telling it to use a different main class.

Edited by zahlman
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