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Anrimited Bureyd Waksu

The Joker

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His body's angle doesn't match up with his face's angle (unless that was intended), and his nose is kind of weird. I really do like the hair and the design altogether, though.

that's intentional. I know about the nose since it's still just a fast drawing. I'll fix it up afterwards. Thanks. This is all original. glad you liked it. I was having trouble with the eyes though.

Eyes are seeming far apart, I think, though it seems like there are a few ways you could fix the eyes being derpy depending on what you want--changing the chin/face angle or changing the eyes themselves as RisingSolaris kind of touched on. The eyes are also sort of big by FE standards? IDK I'm generally partial to smaller eyes so that could just be bias talking.

And don't feel the need to connect every line in the strands of his hair, it can look a bit more graceful when there are some breaks in the lines. Right now it's very harsh and piece-y

Anyway though this sprite is lookin' nice, are you referencing something? I ask because my boyfriend and I were perusing my TO art book the other day and noticed that you referenced Denam :V

for the WIP, no. I didn't reference Denam or anyone for that matter. Which is probably why it looks derpy. But if you meant my avatar portrait, yeah. It's his design and I referenced a drawing referencing an official art of him. does that even make sense?

I was trying to look into how to fix his eyes. I'm looking to make it smaller since in my story, he belongs to an asian-esque place. I wanted him to make a slight head tilt, explaining the head angle and body angle. and... I didn't quite get what you meant with the hair... x.x

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oh right yeah

when I was talking about Denam I strictly meant the other sprite you did earlier, the one in the avatar. I was just asking if you had reference for the new one is all.


Sort of what I meant with the hair, breaking apart the strands you defined with the 2nd hair color and using more of the brightest color--but the hair doesn't seem finished yet so it was more of a "keep this in mind" kind of thing. It's hard to explain anyway. And idk maybe move the OPV right eye down or something

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Ah, I think I get it now. I've made a few changes with the color and to his eyes and hair. I also added a few details in his design as well as more shading.

I think it was more fitting to give him black hair. Hopefully, Reiji the Tempest will be complete soon.


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I think that it's a bit strange that his clavicules (or whatever those neck bones are called) can be seen through his shirt, unless it's a really tight shirt. Might want to fix that. Also, his right side of his chest doesn't really match with the rest of the body's angle.

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I think that it's a bit strange that his clavicules (or whatever those neck bones are called) can be seen through his shirt, unless it's a really tight shirt. Might want to fix that. Also, his right side of his chest doesn't really match with the rest of the body's angle.

Ah, I just kept that for reference for now. I was gonna change it later. And could you be a bit more specific with the chest and body angle? I'm not quite sure I follow. Thanks. :)

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update on Reiji


most probably the last version unless I screwed up some shading here and there.

And new WIPs


Aidan, Katherine/Klaudia's bodyguard. :>


and here I tried a new approach to spriting so the style is very experimental.

I don't think it looks FE-ish.

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Reiji's ear is just an oval.

I uploaded the wrong pic. D:


i like that last one a lot, so pretty!

thanks. :)

but it looks so weird when I flip it. and it looks far from being FE-ish. :/

I tried using a different drawing style and tried psuedo-realism in that one.

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update time,


still not sure about the shading on the left side.

also, how do I make the hair look darker? do I change the

colors or is there a shading trick i could use?


I'm running out of brilliant ideas for color palettes.

and is Reiji clear of any glaring mistakes?

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update time,


still not sure about the shading on the left side.

also, how do I make the hair look darker? do I change the

colors or is there a shading trick i could use?

I think the hair's dark enough. Any darker and it'll be darker than the outline, which is a no-no. I'm concerned with the shape of her left (our right) shoulder... it currently looks dislocated. The shape of the clothing also doesn't follow her body very well. Her body is also incredibly wide for a female. She's 82 pixels wide. You can take the shoulders in a few pixels and it won't affect her proportions or composition.


I'm running out of brilliant ideas for color palettes.

Neck looks a little too long. The body's kind of large for a head that size as well.

and is Reiji clear of any glaring mistakes?

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It just appears to be wide because of the pose and the puffy(not sure if correct term) sleeve.

I do agree with you on the other shoulder though and I'll fix that later.

I was looking for input on the color palette for the second one. I only plan on keeping the hair color

but I can't think of a better set of colors that complement that hair color. It looks crappy structurally cause it's

still in early stages. I only posted it cause I wanted input on the colors.

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well, i hope it's better than the previous version...


and since I'm close to finishing this, I've started on a new one.


well, this was what I had in mind with regards to Vermillion. It's still flats and the structure is still wonky and basic.

I can already feel that making the scarf is gonna be a pain. :/

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The shoulders look better, but that blue is really bright. I liked the red before. Or at least tone down the saturation of the blue.

that's just my response to my unconscious favoring of the color red. I'll try to lighten it up or look for a different blue.

I like how everyone is, like, LET ME GLARE HOLES INTO YOUR HEAD.

not sure if positive statement or negative...

But Vermillion is one angry person and Aidan is a stuck-up prick. and I suck at making eyes D:

More of Aidan and eye problems:


are the eyes kinda weird? and how do I fix it?

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update timeeeeeeee~

2Moy8zO.png used a lighter blue for the outfit. :)

0h4yOaj.png had to make a few changes with the design and structure.

8sb0V2h.png Well, this came out better than I expected.

PkFzIcJ.png to complete the trio of travelers, i had to remake Katherine

[spoiler=map for my story]


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The shirt shading on the first is still bugging me, but the colors are much better.

Third guy's cute. ;)

Fourth one's looking good so far, although the neck is a little thick. Shave off a pixel on the far side and it should look better.

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The shirt shading on the first is still bugging me, but the colors are much better.

Third guy's cute. ;)

Fourth one's looking good so far, although the neck is a little thick. Shave off a pixel on the far side and it should look better.

specifically what part of the shading is bugging you? .__.

hahaha. Well, didn't actually have that in mind when I was making him.

that was actually bugging me but when I try to correct it it looked kinda wrong. I'll deal with it as I go along spriting her.

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