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Homosexuality > heterosexuality


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It's also nice to know that everyone who isn't hetero or homo is just showing off hipster behavior.

I didn't even say that. I said people who use their sexuality as an excuse for hipster behaviour, basically "Look at me, I'm so cool and different because I'm <fill in the blank>! :smug:"

Everyone can do it, even heterosexuals.

let's just say that when you're pansexual, you don't care about gender or sex period

bisexual is liking both sexes, but to pan people it doesn't matter what sex they are

Then how come I know people who don't care but identify as bi?

And weren't we trying to get FEWER labels?

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men, remember that you will never get a blowjob from your girlfriends that matches the amazingness of another guy.

we know what we like.

it's actually a good comment on communication in a sexual relationships

or me saying i give good head

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So you guys are perfectly willing to twist what I said and make bad-natured cracks at me but answering a genuine, sincere question is off the table? Good to know where your priorities lie guys. :/

Nevermind that I might be witnessing dozens of people gleefully misidentifying themselves and that I only have a problem with the term itself, it's smackdown time!

Nevermind, I'm tired of these sorts of arguments anyway. I've been trying not to do them anymore and this has just further shown me why. If you have civil queries to me about this, PM me.

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no one bothered answering your question because it'd just lead to more pointless arguments. you say that we're aiming for fewer labels, but who would do that? people want to label themselves as how they feel, and if they need a new label for that, then they can have it. it doesn't inconvenience anyone. and if you've met people who identify as bi but still would be with a transperson, a pansexual, etc., then great. i'm glad there are more open minded people in the world. that doesn't mean that pansexual people don't exist. removing labels does nothing but satisfy whatever want you've got going on in your mind.

so yes, that is why we ignored your genuine sincere question.

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