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Your favorite character of each class?


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lol. No, I wasn't shooting any argument down except for yours. Other characters may not be forced or have to stay alive ALL the time, but they still are, and that's what matters.


Are you not seeing the circular logic here, truly? Lemme pick a random chapter from a random game that involves protecting an NPC, eh? Ah, how about 1-P! If Edward dies, you GAME OVER. This is meaningless. It's about as meaningful as "you have to keep zephiel alive in chapter nino". Geoffrey is forced for 2-3. ok.

Micaiah (just. like. ike.) is forced for every single chapter she's able to be deployed in, and is not allowed to die in any of them. No other unit in the game besides Ike can claim that for any meaningful number of chapters. Any unit in FE that can claim that for a meaningful number of chapters (killing the inevitable "but athos lol") is considered a Lord. Why not Micaiah?

Right. Bias.

Are you sure about that? If so, I admit to being wrong here. Still, Micaiah lacks the actual lord class, and that's the one thing that keeps her from being a lord. Ike has had the lord class though, so he still is one. And Micaiah being on the box of the game makes no sense to me. Ike is the one that has to defeat most of the major villains and he has a more significant role in the plot. So why is he not on the box?

1: I counted. And I'm an engineer, so you can count on my counting skills.

2: that's rly rly funny because ike's class is hero->vanguard

wait what? Oh, that's not Lord. So apparently Ike is as much of a Lord as Raven, if you want to count his class name.

3: I'm sorry IS messed up in your mind and put Micaiah on the box. Now, please return to reality where Micaiah is on the boxart. That argument was entirely pointless, by the by, but I'm glad you bit.

Note that many other FEs have, like, swords on the box. Does that make Falchion the main character of FE11? You're not even countering my stupid obvious and easy targets, dear.

Having an opinion is not childish.

Ramming it down others' throats in a thread where you ask for peoples' opinions is.

TearRing Saga is not Fire Emblem, so no. This thread was meant to be about FE only.

Yet you didn't take offense to my pick of Roger (note: he's from trs) for Mr. Cavalier. Or Sasha (note: she is too) for Horsebird. Nah, it's just Micaiah you have problems with.

Face it, love, you're just letting your biases color your judgment, such as it is. That's not necessarily wrong, unless you decide to go about acting up like this when you're seriously and honestly wrong.


I know that. I was talking about Runan and Holmes.

so what about Alm and Celica? At least respond to the argument.

But Ike had the lord class in FE9. So he still counts as a lord. And FE9 Ike and FE10 Ike are both still the same Ike.

To be a lord, you must have the lord class or something that's the equivalent of such. It's common sense. Light Mage/Light Sage/Light Priestess is moreso an equivalent of Mage/Sage/Archsage.

So what about Alm, again? He goes Fighter -> Hero. What about FE10!Ike? He goes Hero -> Vanguard.

Ike had the Lord class in FE9? Who gives a fuck? Leaf was the Lord (by that name) in FE5, does that make him a Lord in FE4? Or if you want to argue RL chronology, he wasn't a Lord in FE4, why is he one in FE5?

Oh, right, because FE4/5 and 9/10 are different games.

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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To be a lord, you must have the lord class or something that's the equivalent of such.

Doesn't stop Alm and Celicia from being counted as Lords, now does it? What, pray tell, is stopping Micaiah from being counted if it isn't bias?
Light Mage/Light Sage/Light Priestess is moreso an equivalent of Mage/Sage/Archsage.

Monk/Bishop/Saint would be more accurate comparison, but that's aside the point here. Edited by Little Al
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Micaiah (just. like. ike.) is forced for every single chapter she's able to be deployed in, and is not allowed to die in any of them. No other unit in the game besides Ike can claim that for any meaningful number of chapters. Any unit in FE that can claim that for a meaningful number of chapters (killing the inevitable "but athos lol") is considered a Lord. Why not Micaiah?

Read what I said above. She. Does. Not. Have. The. Lord. Class. Or. Something. Of. The. Equivalent.

Right. Bias.

WTF? Where the hell did you get this idea?

1: I counted. And I'm an engineer, so you can count on my counting skills.

Fine, so I was wrong here. Big deal. It's not changing the fact that I don't consider Micaiah to be a lord.

2: that's rly rly funny because ike's class is hero->vanguard

wait what? Oh, that's not Lord. So apparently Ike is as much of a Lord as Raven, if you want to count his class name.

Apparently, you forgot that Ike had the lord class in FE9. So he's still a lord.

3: I'm sorry IS messed up in your mind and put Micaiah on the box. Now, please return to reality where Micaiah is on the boxart. That argument was entirely pointless, by the by, but I'm glad you bit.

Note that many other FEs have, like, swords on the box. Does that make Falchion the main character of FE11? You're not even countering my stupid obvious and easy targets, dear.

Don't be an idiot. Falchion is a weapon, not a person. And please don't call me dear.

Ramming it down others' throats in a thread where you ask for peoples' opinions is.

Which is not my intent. I've merely been curious as to why people call Micaiah a lord when I never once thought she was one and then decided to explain why I don't consider her to be one.

Yet you didn't take offense to my pick of Roger (note: he's from trs) for Mr. Cavalier. Or Sasha (note: she is too) for Horsebird. Nah, it's just Micaiah you have problems with.

Because I didn't fucking know they weren't from FE. I know absolutely nothing about TearRing Saga except that it was made by the same guy who created FE. That's the whole reason I was asking only about FE in this thread (which I admit, I should have specified when I made the thread, my apologies). MY OPINION OF MICAIAH HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS.

Face it, love, you're just letting your biases color your judgment, such as it is. That's not necessarily wrong, unless you decide to go about acting up like this when you're seriously and honestly wrong.

I still don't know where you're getting this so-called bias from. And I'm not your love, so don't call me as such.

Little Al: Well, what are their classes? I actually don't know.

Edited by Anacybele
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I'll give you a mo' to read my edits before I respond fully. They answer everything except one bit.

I still don't know where you're getting this so-called bias from.

It's a slight combination of your ridiculous devotion to Ike and the fact that you're obstinately not seeing any of the facts, as far as I can tell on the sole grounds that "but ike is the lord in fe10 because he was the lord in fe9". That and the fact that you ignore good arguments like Alm/Celica and seem to be doing this literally because it's Micaiah. Feel free to tell me I'm wrong.

EDIT: Eh, since you stopped reading I'll just assume you missed it in the frenzy.


I know that. I was talking about Runan and Holmes.

so what about Alm and Celica? At least respond to the argument.

But Ike had the lord class in FE9. So he still counts as a lord. And FE9 Ike and FE10 Ike are both still the same Ike.

To be a lord' date=' you must have the lord class or something that's the equivalent of such. It's common sense. Light Mage/Light Sage/Light Priestess is moreso an equivalent of Mage/Sage/Archsage.


So what about Alm, again? He goes Fighter -> Hero. What about FE10!Ike? He goes Hero -> Vanguard.

Ike had the Lord class in FE9? Who gives a fuck? Leaf was the Lord (by that name) in FE5, does that make him a Lord in FE4? Or if you want to argue RL chronology, he wasn't a Lord in FE4, why is he one in FE5?

Oh, right, because FE4/5 and 9/10 are different games.

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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Like I said, I don't know Alm and Cellica's classes. Feel free to fill me in on that.

And I never said Ike was a lord in FE10 because he's a lord in FE9. You misunderstood me here (though I apologize if I wasn't clear enough on this). He's not one in the game either, though he's the main character. But he's a lord in FE9, so he's a lord character at some point in the series. Thus, he can be placed under that category in this thread. Micaiah never had the lord class or something of the equivalent, so she is not a lord character.

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Alm's class is Fighter --> Hero, Celicia's Class is Priest --> Princess. (As previously pointed out.) They have the same amount of story importantance as Micaiah and Ike do. By your (apparent) definition, if anyone declared any of these two to be their favorite Lord, they shouldn't be counted because they lack the Lord class. Now tell me, why should the Lord class be qualification enough for being counted as a Lord? Not counting the former English name for the Dragon Master class, Haar and Jill easily fit your definition of the Lord character, despite everyone else not considering them as such. Now why do you think that is? Hmm?

Edited by Little Al
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Like I said, I don't know Alm and Cellica's classes. Feel free to fill me in on that.

Already did, mate. Comprehension is magic.

Celica, for reference, is Priest -> Princess. I never covered her.

And I never said Ike was a lord in FE10 because he's a lord in FE9. You misunderstood me here (though I apologize if I wasn't clear enough on this). He's not one in the game either, though he's the main character. But he's a lord in FE9, so he's a lord character at some point in the series. Thus, he can be placed under that category in this thread. Micaiah never had the lord class or something of the equivalent, so she is not a lord character.

Except the corner this statement paints you into is that FE10 taken on its own literally does not have any Lords. Is that the case? Are you going to argue that Elincia is the Lord?

Face it, Micaiah has as much or more of a grab for the coveted title of Lord than any other unit in the game, Ike included, and there's no clause that states that you can't have multiple Lords. In fact, there's precedence saying you can have at least up to three.

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Ramming it down others' throats in a thread where you ask for peoples' opinions is.

Which is not my intent. I've merely been curious as to why people call Micaiah a lord when I never once thought she was one and then decided to explain why I don't consider her to be one.

I really should have put a note in the first post saying that Micaiah will not be considered a lord for the purpose of the thread...

^Looks like forcing to me. =/ That isn't saying "why do you think this" it's saying "because I am making this topic you will not do this because I think you shouldn't"

.............................................. Personally I don't see how you don't consider Micaiah as a lord character. They don't have to be the class. Imo it seems like "lord" would be used for the leader, which Micaiah pretty much leads the Dawn Brigade. And nobody ever denied that Ike is a Lord like you think they are, they're pointing out the flaws of your logic for Micaiah.

If it wasn't clear, saying that the other characters were only included for a part of the time that they couldn't die was proving Integrity's earlier point about Micaiah not being able to die every time she appears. It looks like you didn't get that part so I hope that clarifies x3

And there is such thing as more than one Lord as well.

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Like I said, I don't know Alm and Cellica's classes. Feel free to fill me in on that.

Alm's class is called Fighter and he promotes to Hero. Celica is a Priestess and promotes to Princess. Hell, other characters can promote to her first class. Micaiah is actually probably more suited to the lord-type than these two. Fuck, FE2 doesn't even have seizing. But if you're going to argue Alm and Celica aren't lord equivalents, you are wrong.

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Actually, I would consider Princess to be a lord-equivalent if Cellica is a main character of the game. But Alm, no, though he'd still be a main character.

You also made me realize that by bringing up the Dragonlord class that I missed a few more characteristics that a Lord character must have. They must also be the main character of the game or one of the main characters at least. And they must also have a unique class unless there's a case like FE7 and FE8 where there are multiple lords. Only non-main characters have gotten the Dragonlord class.

I apologize for not specifying this earlier. Micaiah fits most of my logic here. But not the fact that she's never had a lord class or something of the equivalent.

Freohr: ...I never said anyone had to agree with my opinion. They're still free to think Micaiah's a lord. But I made this thread, so I make the rules for it.

Edited by Anacybele
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Actually, I would consider Princess to be a lord-equivalent if Cellica is a main character of the game. But Alm, no, though he'd still be a main character.

Before I really go into this statement, are you saying Alm isn't a Lord?

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Wowie-zowwie, Batman.

Quick check, have you actually played FE2? Because you literally cannot have played a single chapter of FE2 and actually believe what you're saying.

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Lord: Micaiah. Even though she's kind of a Mary-Sue, I like her perspective. Everyone in Tellius shouts "Ike's Amazing", but she's the only one who says "Ike's a terrible person", and I think that's pretty cool. I would list Lucina here, but I want to know more about her character.

They who rider Horses: Hmm, probably Astrid. I like that she isn't afraid to grow up, and she's a pretty sweet unit in PoR to boot.

Myrmidon: Leaning towards Mia, because I find her supports in PoR hilarious, even though she isn't too good in that game.

Soldiers: Nephenee I guess. Mostly because Aran lacks personality and Devdan is just weird.

Dem Heroes:: Echidna. Don't like any of the other ones. I guess FE5!Machua could count here too.

Horsebird: TANA! Like Astrid, she isn't afraid to grow up. I like that, and again, good unit.

Lizardbird: Jill because dat character development

Magic User: Hmm, tough one. Probably Calill because she and Tormod are the only magic users in Tellius that I use seriously. Pent's a close second.

Foot Healer: uhhh, let's put Mist in here. Worst of least evils mostly.

Healer on a Horse: L'Arachel. No questions asked.

Anything I didn't list I either forgot or hate everything in the class (9 times out of 10 its the second one)

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Wowie-zowwie, Batman.

Quick check, have you actually played FE2? Because you literally cannot have played a single chapter of FE2 and actually believe what you're saying.

No, I haven't played it because I don't emulate. But that doesn't mean I can't still apply my logic. All I have to know is their significance in the game, whether or not they're a main character, and what their class lines are.

HorseBird: Apparently you didn't read the edit I put in the OP.

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You're seriously gonna force your Micaiah-isn't-a-lord opinion on them? What is the harm in letting people who think Micaiah is a lord list her as their favorite lord? Really now.

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No, I haven't played it because I don't emulate. But that doesn't mean I can't still apply my logic. All I have to know is their significance in the game, whether or not they're a main character, and what their class lines are.

"no i havent played it but its totes not wrong to pass judgment on something i have zero clue about"

Seriously. I'll let Luka has his fun way with this since he actually knows FE2.

You do realize that your entire line of argument is based entirely on semantics and/or translations? And you do realize that you never said who was the Lord in FE10? And also if you're saying Princess is close enough for Celica, you do realize that Leaf (he has literally zero plot importance and can die anytime) in FE4 has the class Prince to start, or Lachesis (same story) is also a Princess? And that Elincia (for whom you could make a modest case for lordship if you really tried) is a Princess or a Queen? If you want to extend it to TRS (i do), Sasha is also a Princess and mostly irrelevant.

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You're seriously gonna force your Micaiah-isn't-a-lord opinion on them? What is the harm in letting people who think Micaiah is a lord list her as their favorite lord? Really now.

I'm not forcing my opinion on anybody. They can think Micaiah is a lord if they want to. I'm not stopping them. But for the purpose of this thread, she's a mage character. That's all.

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No, I haven't played it because I don't emulate. But that doesn't mean I can't still apply my logic. All I have to know is their significance in the game, whether or not they're a main character, and what their class lines are.


FE10 has no lord?

...... Okay

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Actually, I would consider Princess to be a lord-equivalent if Cellica is a main character of the game. But Alm, no, though he'd still be a main character.

Fun fact: Lachesis has a class called Princess, but she's not considered a Lord.
You also made me realize that by bringing up the Dragonlord class that I missed a few more characteristics that a Lord character must have. They must also be the main character of the game or one of the main characters at least. And they must also have a unique class unless there's a case like FE7 and FE8 where there are multiple lords.
1. What do you think Micaiah is, and what do you think she has? 2. It's not like previous Lord classes had no similarities to other existing classes. For instance: Roy is basically a poor-man's Mercenary/Hero, and his father's (and by extension, Sigurd's and Celice's) promoted class isn't too different from a Paladin. (As a note, Ephraim has the same promoted class Sigurd, Celice, and Eliwood has, minus the sword access.) There's more I can certainly list here.
I apologize for not specifying this earlier. Micaiah fits most of my logic here. But not the fact that she's never had a lord class or something of the equivalent.
Which basically boils back down to the "class name = all the criteria I need" thing you have going on. But you caught on to me bringing up the Tellius Dracos. Now why can't you apply the same logic to Micaiah? Edited by Little Al
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FE10 has no lord?

...... Okay

Nope. It does have main characters though. This is one thing that makes RD unique among the FE games. No lord characters.

Little Al: :facepalm: I've explained my logic once, and I don't feel like explaining it again.

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HorseBird: Apparently you didn't read the edit I put in the OP.

Not before I posted, but I just did. Even so, Micaiah is my favorite lord, and I will be listing her as my favorite lord regardless of what your opinion says. If you think Micaiah isn't a lord, then cool, whatever. But I think she's a lord, and she's my favorite one, so I'm listing her as such.

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Not before I posted, but I just did. Even so, Micaiah is my favorite lord, and I will be listing her as my favorite lord regardless of what your opinion says. If you think Micaiah isn't a lord, then cool, whatever. But I think she's a lord, and she's my favorite one, so I'm listing her as such.

You're still breaking my rule for this thread. Feel free to list Micaiah as a lord elsewhere, but you can't list her as one here.

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Little Al: :facepalm: I've explained my logic once, and I don't feel like explaining it again.

All I have to know is their significance in the game, whether or not they're a main character, and what their class lines are.

ok criteria: significance, main character, class line, roger that

MICAIAH: Check, check, no check = NO LORD

ALM: Check, check, no check = NO LORD

ELINCIA: Check, check, check! Ding! We have a Lord!

EDIT: hell, i guess you could probably make a decent argument for Sanaki being a Lord, then. niiiiiiice. SANAKI IS THE LORD OF FE10.

So what about reclasses? It is my firm opinion that Navarre is the best Cleric in FE11, you know. He has the classline and everything!

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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I don't consider Elincia to be a main character. She has less significance than either Ike OR Micaiah in both games she has a role in, actually.

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