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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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Naturally, while they were scrambling, the dragon head took the initiative and knocked both Shadrak and Zachary off of their feet, at least, for the time being. Blake decided to take a stab at eliminating the already weakened right hand. With a strong swing, the swordsman sliced the mass of goo, which fell apart almost immediately afterwards. That just left the Dragon Head itself.

"All clear for now," Blake said, turning to face the enemy. "Just focus on the head..."


3,1,2 = 9 + 3 = 12-10 = hit!

9+1-1 = 9 points of damage! Dragon's right hand is defeated!

Blake gains street cred!

DRH 0/24

Blake 15/15


Given that the two shadow hands of the dragon head had already attacked and been slain, Grant figured that it was on. So, he advanced a bit and drew another crossbow bolt, ready for trouble.

Grant defends Synthia and Sinbad!

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“No, no, nothing,” Valter had replied, walking over to Arietta. It wasn’t his ideal team placement, but he could live.


“Yeah, I meant you,” Synthia offered when Sinbad came over. “Well, our team is done I suppose…”


Katrina just kind of stared at the Hannah duplicate. “Holy crap, it makes horses too? Maan, I should have asked for other stuff, like those hashbrown things or a kitten.” Well, Aneda was on her team now. They probably needed a third at some point, but the wyvern rider was much more interested in getting outside and actually doing something. Teams be dammed, she was everyone’s team member gosh darn it.


The battle started and the ooze hands went down quickly, effectively leaving Valter out of a target. The head didn’t look like it’d be particularly receptive to arrows…


Can’t think of anything to write here in my limited time, so Synthia heals Zachary!


Zach’s new HP:15/15 (overflowing with HP OVERFLOWING DAMMIT)


“Whoo, go Aneda!” Kat called from the air. She had taken off and made a full circle of the arena before landing down next to Blake, apparently the strategy guy or something. “Hey, you think the whole thing’ll be this easy? It seems too easy. Two thirds of our targets are already down and it’s been like… a minute.”

Kat defends Blake! And has a relevant conversation apparently, nice

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Before the sage could even react a shadow fist had slammed into his gut, the force being enough to actually send him flying back a ways, rolling into the dirt of the arena, clutching his stomach. Zach could feel a healing light wash over him, so at the very least he could stand. An obvious pissed look on his face as he opened up his tome, ready to get revenge on the dragon for that. "W-what? I can't cast anything! What the hell did they just hit me with? Raquel I need a.... Shit Raquel had the only Restore staff we had!"

Luka saw that Synthia was handling one of the people that had been attacked, so he just focused on his teammate for the time being

Luka heals Shadrak 18/18

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Well, things were proceeding rather smoothly. The two giant hands had gone down to coordinated attacks, and all that was left was the main event. Nobody else seemed to be making a move on it, while the two folk that got hurt got some attention from those that could heal them. Still... it looked like one monster of an opponent, so it couldn't hurt to go into this one fully prepared. Taking a swig from his tonic, Sinbad made sure to focus his breathing, and aim dead between the eyes. With a gentle squeeze, his pistol propelled its ball straight toward its target. With any luck, this would wipe that stupid grin off its face.

"Nothing personal, ya know," he offered as weak apology to the head, "But this is just a dream, and hells, you literally were asking for it."

The bullet connected, and it was a solid hit, though still, the beast had a thick hide, and thicker skull. Perhaps he'd have been better served aiming for an eye directly, instead of making sure he didn't miss. With a target that size, missing should have been impossible anyway, now that he thought of it, though he still took pride in his marksmanship.



Horseman Action 1: Swig Tonic. Dream Tonic: 2/3. Tonic Buff round 1/3. MT 22 -> 27.5, Hit 11 -> 13.75 (wrote that wrong in the notes because I cannot math, apparently).

Horseman Action 2: Attack with Pistol [1,6,2]

Hit: 13 + 1 = 14 >= Evade 10 -> Success!

Damage: 27 + 6 = 33 - 13 -> 20 Damage to the Dragon Head.

Because pistol, Dragon Head does not counter.

Pistol Shots available: 1/2

Sinbad: 24/24

Dragon Head: 91/111

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"My ... hands," the dragon whined as his right and left helpers were violently cut down. "Well, I suppose Discovery knows what she's doing. Despite her demeanor, force may be her specialty~ Still ... it would have been nice to have her on my side, if only for a little while."

The phoenix girl was surprised that she had suddenly drawn the dragon's attention. "She looks just like Discovery~"

"Please, enough with the acting, it's obvious you were planning this from the beginning. Why else would she be here, and with that appearance?" Hypnos cut in with a grudging smirk.

"... perhaps~" And in that moment, the girl's eyes became completely red, and her hair darkened until it was as black as the sky. "Now I have my own Discovery to fight beside hmhm~"

"Urgh ... it's up to you people how you want to deal with her, but she isn't completely under his control," Hypnos advised.

Of course his remark about her not being completely possessed didn't seem so likely when she turned on them. Flames spread out at her feet just before she lunged at the group. At the same time, the dragon summoned his hands again. "Now that wasn't very kind. I don't mind the abuse but those poor hands ... harm them again and I'll have to give you a taste of your own blades."

In the meantime, the dragon decided to knock Shadrak down again since the man was finally back on his feet and staggering around in pain. He took a deep breath and then unleashed something akin to a shockwave directed right at Shadrak's center of gravity. It probably wouldn't have killed him, but without Mushirah there to stop the attack, he would have been back on the ground in no time.

The phoenix girl seemed to be under orders to retaliate for the attack on the dragon itself. Why else would she be after Sinbad? Either way, her searing hot attack was taken by Grant in Sinbad's place, and she didn't get away unscathed herself. She began to groan and nurse her wounds as she retreated on foot.

The hands seemed to want revenge as well and went after those who had defeated them the first time around.

DH equips Barricade! Attacks Shadrak! Mushirah defends! DH rolls 2,1,4



0 damage

Counterspell activates: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3997081/

Counterspell hits!

-4 hp

DH hp 87/11

Mushirah hp 24/24

Phoenix attacks Sinbad! Grant defends! Phoenix rolls 4,5,1



-11 hp (Plagued)

Counterspell activates: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3997038/

Counterspell misses

Phee hp 24/24

Grant hp 2/21

Dragon's Right Hand attacks Blake! Katrina defends! Hand rolls 5,6,6



-4 hp Stun

Katrina hp 20/24

Blake hp 15/15

R!Hand hp 24/24

Dragon's Left Hand attacks Aneda! Rolls 3,6,6



-4 hp Stun

Aneda hp 14/18

L!Hand hp 24/24


Morpheus-87/111 (Erratic) Barricade

R!Hand-24/24 (Erratic)

L!Hand-24/24 (Erratic)



Phoenix-24/24 (Erratic) Fallout








Grant-2/21 (Defending Team)(Plagued)

Sinbad-24/24 (Defended)

Synthia-12/12 (Defended)




Aneda-14/18 (Stun)


Katrina-20/24 (Stun)




Marella-24/24 (Defending Team)

Rook-24/24 (Defended)

Zach-15/15 (Defended)






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Robin took a deep breath as she tried to pick out her next target. This was tough. The hands were clearly a threat, as was the actual dragon-head itself, but she wasn't sure she could actually damage the head barring a VERY accurate shot! So, instead, she singled out the target that had just tried to attack one of the group members and was the perfect quarry for her. The phoenix-girl.

Robin's breath was held in her chest as she drew back and took aim, adjusting for motion, and then... TWANG! THUNK! RIGHT IN THE RIBS! A well-placed shot from a determined girl!


"Another one needs your help, Discovery," Hypnos spoke up.

"Who? What's wrong?"

"Well as you may have noticed, this place is lacking for our favorite life sustaining substance. One mage in particular will be of little use without it."

"You want me to forge ... water? I'm don't doubt I can do it given everything else that's going on, I'm just a little ... surprised. Umm ... how is everyone doing?"

"No casualties, but the dragon is still only just getting started."

Only a few feet in front of Raquel, a golden light, as small as a grain of rice appeared and began flickering as it grew to the side of her emblem piece. Eventually this light began to expel a golden luminescent liquid, but rather than falling to the ground, it flowed through the air like a snake, branching off several times as it did so. The multiple streams made their way to Tia and began to orbit her body at neck, stomach, and thigh level. With no resistanting forces in place, she would be able to manipulate the golden liquid with her own magic.

"Is it working ...?" Raquel asked Hypnos. It was all she could do with none of her five senses working.

"I believe so. Keep it up," he answered before encouraging her.

As the golden water made its way to Tia, the young girl's eyes seemed to light up. Dream water. Awesome. So.... AWESOME! Tia quickly looked up as she started to chant, watching as the water responded to her words, twisting and churning in response. This would be perfect! Then, taking a deep breath, Tia knew it was time to get into action.

Her hands raised up, the tome spread open in her right hand, as she looked before her at the three streams of water coursing about her body. She had three chances to do some real damage, and she was not about to waste a single one of them! Words started to flow from her mouth, arcane words laced with power far beyond those normally learned in the simpler spells and normally reserved for those masters of language, the bards. With a sudden shimmer, the first stream responded. Then, with a single word, Tia's hands thrust downwards.

A literal cascade of golden water flowed downwards to strike the ground at her feet, blasting outwards and forming into a fine mist that burst forwards like a rolling cloud, covering all her allies and friends with a soothing mist, designed to ease the body and calm the mind. Something that would make it much easier to focus on the actual threat at hand. Something she felt sure that the dragons scales and phoenix's flames would not allow to happen.

As the fine mist settled down and started to do its job, Tia stumbled back, clearly drained slightly by the effort. This was no easy thing to do to be sure! So many variables, so much to go wrong, and so much WATER! "Oh wow. That was more draining than I thought..." she commented before locking her eyes on the dragon. It was time to get REAL!

She raised her tome flipping through the pages, until she reached the proper spell. She had two tendrils left, more than enough for what she wanted! Quickly focusing on the second one, the water started to course and flow about her, circling about as it formed into a slender stream coursing through the air. Then, with a single word, the stream shot forth towards the head of the dragon in open assault! Striking forwards it approached the beast like a powerful serpent, seeking it's prey. And it's prey was dragon eye!

The crisp sound of a sharp crack combined with the liquid slosh of water striking it's target and spraying everywhere filled the air as Tia's strike connected hard with the dragons eye. This would doubtless elect a response, and Tia was ready for it. She had three streams, and as a blast of concussive energy shot towards her, she used her third. Chanting as she did before, she suddenly thrust the water down into the ground before harshly yanking it back up, laced with sand and dirt, before forming it into a barricade. A barricade that the blast smashed into HARD! Tia could feel the water straining and shimmering, even the force of the blast on her skin and rippling up her flesh, before it passed. The wall of dirty water having absorbed the blast.

Taking her chance, she then focused on the second stream again, pulling it up and together, reforming it into the whip, before lashing out again at the dragon's eye before pulling it back to her. Her mind was taxed. She needed to take a moment to breath and focus again. Controlling three streams of magic water simply was not easy, even in a dream!

Robin attacks Phoenix! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3997115/ 1, 6, 1! AUTOHIT!... Like she needed it... She deals 11 damage to Phoenix leaving the Phoenix at 13/24 HP.

Tia uses the Bard ability to boost hit for the entire team! Loses 3 HP though. Tia HP 15/18.

Tia attacks Dragon Head with the Fortune Tome! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3997120/ 5, 4, 6! She deals 5 damage to the Dragon head! Yeee! 83/111 HP left.

Dragon Head Counters Tia! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3997125/ 4, 2, 4! AUTO-HIT! Tia shouts out 'OBJECTION!' and uses her Fortune tome to reroll the SKL dice. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3997134/ It's a 1! Dragon Head Misses!

Tia now doubles with a http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3997136/ 6, 5, 3! Hit for 6 damage! Dragon head has 77/111 HP left!

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Well, that turned out to be completely pointless, as the hand she had attacked had returned and seemed no worse for wear, and even had time to whack at someone before they could really react to it. Walking up to the head itself and giving a hard swing, Arietta scowled as her maul literally bounced off the thing's scales, doing absolutely nothing at all.

"Fer fuck's sake, what kind of convoluted bullshit is this?" Arietta cursed, before slinging her maul over her shoulder and walking away from the head with a dejected expression.

"Guess I'll go sit in the fuckin' stands then."


If you read the above, it was pretty well the same song and dance for our paladin.

"What is this guy made of... my spear got stopped like I was trying to stab a castle wall... I didn't even leave a chip or even a mark..." Faatina noted with a grimace, as she fell backward flat on her behind.

"Dream training, huh? Seems like pretty worthless training to me..."

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So apparently the Dragon Head was capable of possessing their allies. That… was not a comforting thought. Regardless of how Valter felt about it, however, the Phoenix was attacking them and that wasn’t really a good thing. One of the other archers had already taken a shot at her and the horseman followed suit.

Roll: 2,4,1


7+4=11-3=8 DMG

Phee HP: 5/24

Valter HP: 15/15


Katrina’s question hadn’t been answered by Blake, but rather by the rematerialized hand that came over and smacked her off her wyvern. Ow. Her axe went flying a few feet away, meaning she had to run off and get it. Volga backed away from the fight in the meantime.

“I’ll get you, you jerk! Just you wait!” she shouted back over her shoulder.

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People seemed to be reasonably healthy, so Nadya took this opportunity to attack the dragon head. Everyone else seemed to be hitting it with magic, so she figured she might as well join in.

(6,1,3)= Hit! 10-5= 5 damage. Dragon Head 72/111

The dragon head hit back.

(4,1,2)= Hit! 6-0= 6 damage. Nadya 15/21


Other people seemed to be attacking the girl who bore a similarity to Raquel...Veronika wasn't quite sure what to do about that so she stabbed one of the hands instead. They were definitely not on her side.

(6,1,4)= Hit! 9-1= 8 damage. Right Hand 16/24

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So the cute phoenix girl was the teeny-tiny baby vasilus inside the egg that the party was caring for. Chelsea quietly thanked Raquel as Synthia began her questionnaire (AKA: abusing) on the merchant girl. This new revelation made Chelsea pause for a moment amd she pondered on the cute little thing with wings, as much as she wanted to stop thinking and go hug the phoenix girl with no regards to whoever saw her, and those that tried to stop her, be damned!!

But she wondered about something, about the egg. If that was indeed the child inside the egg... then who was going to be the parent? What would happen if she had multiple mothers and fathers? While it would be enjoyable to have multiple fathers and mothers, there could only be one pair. Everyone else could be uncles and aunts, or at least elder siblings, and maybe Lilly and Grif coukd be grandparents... but it would be wiser not to mention that little fact to two vasili, especially Lilith. Women don't like being told they're old and wrinkly.

Once the troubadour snapped out if her reverie, she FINALLY noticed the ooze, and backed away at an inhuman speed to where some of the party was. And then the cute little girl was throwing fireballs, prompting Chelsea to silently cheer her on from the sidelined. Then the man named Hypnos asked the party to imagine their weapons. With a small nod, Chelsea began imagining her tome and staff within her hands.

Soon she had her tome and staff again, but the dragon head had materialized along with two little helping hands. Instead of fear, Chelsea squeed with glee as she got ready for battle. "A dragon?! I get to fight a Dragon?! So cool!!!"

Soon she joined thr cute Arietta and ther mountef archer Valter. and she took her stance watching the battlefield for any severe injuries.

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That was certainly an experience for the girl, not quite sure how she came out completely unscathed but figuring it was stupid to question it at this point in time. Naturlaly, she decided to go ahead and keep her guard up, unsure of being able to successfully land another hit so easily and much more confident in her actual defenses.

Mushirah DEFENDS Shadrak.

Aneda: Drools.

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Alright, hands were down, the head took a bullet, and things were looking up. Blake was going to answer Kat...

But then the hands reformed and knocked her off of her mount.

"No, I don't think so," Blake said, well aware that his conversation partner wasn't going to hear the response. Elsewhere, the phoenix had apparently been possessed by the Dragon Head, nearly took out Grant Brayden. Already a few arrows were sent in her direction, which didn't bode well for the poor thing. He was about to issue an order to just knock the Raquel lookalike out when Faatina and Arietta both tried and failed to scratch the dragon's head, and promptly gave up. Oh for crying out loud...

"Come on! Don't give up just yet! Where there's a will, there's a way!," Blake yelled over to the two, before witnessing a water magic attack successfully hurt the head. Magic, then? "See? All Magic users, aim for the head! Physicals, get rid of the hands! I have the Phoenix," he finished yelling out, before turning towards their new adversary. After sheathing his sword to his belt, the man ran over to the controlled girl, gripping his staff with both hands.

"Sorry about this," the man said, before cracking his staff into the back of the Phoenix's head, presumably dropping her.


Blake activates Valiant Stance! HP -3! 12/15 remaining. MT + 2 AS +2 Hit +2 DEF +1! Now 8/10/15/3

Bard boost Hit +1! Now 16.

6,1,2 = Hit!

9-3 = 6 points of damage! Phoenix is Defeated!

Blake 12/15

Phoenix 0/24

Blake gains Staff Mastery Level A!


Damn, that hurt. One minute, Grant was stepping in the way of the possessed chick's move to attack the horseman, the next, he was in flameville. Augh, that'd teach him to play with fire, especially after he missed his throw. Luckily, before he could bleed much more, a healer wandered over and patched him up, but he could still feel the burn. It could wait, there was some bona fide guarding to do. Especially after that.

"I... got this..." Grant said, breathing heavily but retaking his position at point nonetheless.

Grant defends Synthia and Sinbad!

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It wasn't often that an enemy got a jump on their group. Usually, it was they who struck first and asked questions later. Norbert mounted up onto Rizen and quickly strapped his poleaxe to her side. He wasn't needing it quite yet, even as he surveyed the battle from above. It was kind of eerie how a bunch of disembodied, large, magic hands filled the stands of the arena, cheering as only disembodied hands could. So far, the group had managed to destroy a set of hands and damage the head. But then a girl who kind of looked like Raquel suddenly changed colors and started attacking allies. The dragon head was beginning to sound a bit...insane...too.

I knew we shouldn't trust him. Norbert mentally muttered. There was something strange about those hands. For one, another set appeared. People were already attacking the fiery enemy. There was also some weird, golden mist and flying, golden streams. ... Okay, then. He wasn't about to let those hands stay up, though. Not after they'd already been shattered once.

"Stay down!" Norbert yelled at the left hand as he and Rizen dove straight down at it, mace ready to hammer it. The pegasus was a bit wary of them, but she had her rider this time, so her fears had no place with her.

+1hit from the barding

((6+1)+4)-10 = 1 = hit!

(8+6)-1 = 13 damage!

Norbert 18/18

Dragon's Left Hand 11/24

The pegasus rider grinned as he felt the structure within the hand give way like bones under the force of the mace's impact. That sure felt like it hurt it. Though it didn't crumble, it seemed to be in pain. Norbert took that opportunity to direct Rizen's dive into a pass and the pair pulled up back into the air above. If he'd managed to give himself an opening in which to escape its reach, he was going to take it.


Gytha had followed Robin out into the arena. She was shooting at a fire-throwing Raquel thing with different colors from a safe distance, so Gytha looked around to see where she could help the most. The dragon's latest set of hands were under assault, one by Norbert and the other by Veronika. Between the two, Gytha decided to rush to the aid of her fellow swordswoman to bring down the right hand.

+1hit from the barding

((7+1)+5)-10 = 3 = hit!

(7+2)-1 = 8 damage!

Dragon's Right Hand 8/24

Gytha 24/24

Gytha wasn't able to land as solid a blow as she'd hoped, but her sword still managed to cause the hand to visibly recoil. The mariner took some paces back before quickly looking over to Veronika and giving her a little smile and a nod.

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"I gave it everything I had and I didn't even manage to scratch it." Faatina murmured in reply to Blake's attempted cheer-up speech.

'It... it wouldn't have left itself purposefully weak to magic... would it? I just... I just have to try harder...!' Standing with newfound determination in her eyes, Faatina lunged at the Dragon Head once again.

'That can't be the best I can do!'

The first to land was her shield, rammed into the scale with all the strength she could muster with her off-hand. It didn't appear to do anything, but the point of it was to gather momentum for her stronger arm, and with all the might she could muster, Faatina stabbed her spear directly into the scales of the Dragon Head...

Her thrust was immediately stopped dead. As soon as the spearhead met the opposing scale, it simply stopped. All of the strength in her body stopped cold in an instant... she kept applying pressure to the weapon but nothing was happening, the armour before her didn't give an inch... she couldn't even see a minor nick forming.

A motion of some sort from the head, she hadn't really witnessed what exactly it was, only knowing that it threw her a ways and onto her back, her lance clattering to the ground beside her.

"What is this thing...?"


Thought to the stands Arietta didn't actually go, opting to stop in front of Valter and Chelsea.

"Pfft... I dunno what the hell's up with that thing but if ya need me to take a hit fer ya let me know I guess." She spat, before turning back towards the head with a look of contempt in her eyes... given the chance and ability, she would without question ram her maul through it's smug face.

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Well Sinbad shot the head before it apparently possessed their fiery ally, who saw fit to catch Grant aflame. Luka hurried over and healed him quickly, but it looked like he was still in pain. Synthia grimaced. “If you say so…”

The few physical attackers who had gone after Morpheus hadn’t done too hot (hahaa fire), but it looked like the other magic users were managing to get through his defenses. “Well, if you’re sure you’re alright, cover me,” the mage said before running in closer and making a pass at the head with a wind spear from the side.

Mage skill ACTIVATE

-4 skill +4 mag

Synthia attacks Morpheus!

Roll: 1,2,2

4+1+1(bard)=6-5= HIT

12+2=14-5= 9 DMG

Dragon counters Grant!

Roll: 2,6,1

10+2=12-9= HT

5+6=11-8= 3 DMG

Grant’s counter!

Roll: 5,1,5


8+1=9-5= 4 DMG

DH HP: 59/111

Grant’s HP: 18/21

Synthia’s HP: 12/12


“Hmm. Gladly,” Valter replied. Yeah, arrows certainly weren’t going to work on that thing at the moment. Magic seemed to be, though.

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"Whoa, there fella, that bird hit you right hard," Sinbad had worried over the man whose self-imposed task seemed to be leaping into harm's way to keep his companions safe. He'd wheeled his horse around to return the favor, but before he could manage, a friendly staff-wielder had fixed the man up. The cowboy wasn't entirely sure if he'd have survived that inferno, but either way, he now owed the man. "Don't go gettin' yourself killed on my account... is what I'd say if this were real, and not just dream. Just, take part of the blast if you have to, I can shoulder some," he offered.

The duelist seemed steadfast, though, insisting he had things under control, and set up interference when the woman went on an offensive raid against the head. It looked like those two already had a pretty good set of synergy going, and Sinbad felt himself feeling a bit like a third wheel. Still, there wasn't much he could do at the moment, so he focused on reloading his flintlock, preparing to unload another round at the oversized foe.

He wasn't rightly sure what exactly had gone down with the shifting allegiances, that firebrand hadn't been a foe initially, and her demeanor hadn't seemed... aggressive. There was perhaps a twinge of regret when she went down, but nothing more, it seemed the man doing it had intended to neutralize, and after all, things were only taking place in dreamscape. There may be harsh words flying from her come morning, but those will happen, when they happen.

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New Discoveries

The ... pain. One arrow was bad enough, but the second robbed her of her ability to walk and fell to her knees in tears. Why wouldn't the pain stop? She'd had enough and couldn't move. It was starting to driver her crazy, and if that wasn't enough, she was soon struck in the back of the head so hard the whole world began spinning as she toppled over. With one hand on her torso and the other covering the impact point on her head, she curled up and cried.

Offensive Defense

Gabbie's frustration was only worsening with each passing second. Some people were getting discouraged, including Faatina, and the dragon didn't appear physically harmed overall. Gauging how much more damage they would have to deal to win seemed nearly impossible, especially with that smile on its face. There was no telling what it was smiling about. The futility of their struggle? Their almost comedic lack of coordination? The simple fact that they had accepted his offer to train in the first place? Or maybe it was just his default expression. Whatever it was, it was annoying her to no end and she had to do something, but what ... run up and slice a hand that would be back inside a minute? Attack the head itself even though Faatina had just tried and failed?

Shadrak was far less indecisive and launched an attack against the dragon head itself. Cut off the head, kill the serpent, he figured, but like most of the other attacks, it wasn't dealing any sort of significant damage overall. It would take a lot more to wipe that smile off its face. "Urrrrgh, what's your head made of?!" The dragon then retaliated with another shockwave, but Mushirah protected him from it just like before.

"There isn't much enough heat can't destroy, so let's give that a try," Reign suggested, having been readying an attack since the battle began. Unfortunately with all of the distractions going on, he wasn't confident he could hit his marks with any level of accuracy. Sure enough, he wasn't able to hit the head right where he wanted and the hands took the majority of the fire wave. One of them was even dispersed by it, but now he had other problems. The dragon head struck back before he realized he was even under attack and he took a solid hit to the chest, tumbling backward before coming to a stop in a knelt position. "Urrrrhrrrg ... almost knocked the wind out of me ..."

"Well what do you expect when you put on a show like that? I'd be surprised if you didn't get everyone's attention with that."

"Maybe you'll thank me when you don't get killed, then," Reign teased.

Shadrak attacks DH! Rolls 4,3,3


CRITICAL HIT (Nullified by Iron Rune)

-13 hp

DH counters! Mushirah defends! DH Rolls 2,5,4



-3 hp

Mushirah counters! Rolls 6,1,6



-4 hp

DH hp 42/111

Shadrak hp 18/18

Mushirah hp 21/24

Reign attacks DH, R!Hand and L!Hand! Rolls 6,4,1



-9 hp

-8 hp

-8 hp KO!

DH counters! Rolls 6,1,1



-8 hp

Reign hp 16/24

DH hp 33/111


Morpheus-33/111 (Erratic) Barricade

R!Hand-0/24 (Respawning)

L!Hand-3/24 (Erratic)











Grant-18/21 (Plagued)












Marella-24/24 (Defending Team)

Rook-24/24 (Defended)

Zach-15/15 (Defended)






At last the dragon's smile faded, but it became apparent that this probably wasn't a good thing. "Mmmmmmmmmrgh," the dragon groaned before a visible barrier appeared all around it for just a moment. "Discovery does know what she's doing ... force does appear to be what she's best at ..."

"Is that all?! Some training," Shadrak called out. Reign winced at that and then put some distance between himself and the shaman.

"Hmhmhm, alright then. Let us make things a bit more interesting. After all, I did promise you a taste of your own blades should you keep harming my new hands. Time to deliver!"

The right hand was gone but slowly reforming and the left was seemingly furious. It quickly lunged at Reign, stretching itself like a piece of taffy in order to reach him. The punch sent him rolling backward and then the hand retreated. As soon as the hand returned, the dragon began shift and sway randomly while the hand sat there idly. Finally the dragon let out a roar that shook the entire area and new challengers spewed forth from his maw. Two were mounted each with a passenger, while a third was a wyvern rider with two passengers of her own. The newcomers quickly formed up into two combat teams and prepared for battle, and they wore some very familiar faces.

"Is that ... me ...?"

"Tch ..." came the reply of an enemy that bore a strong resemblance to Shadrak. The only differences seemed to be their attitudes and ... well not attitudes, but colors and clothing. He didn't have Shadrak's navy blue eyes or deep brown hair, but instead shared the dragon's blood red eyes and black hair. The others were like this as well. And then they attacked, or at least the two that looked like Shadrak and Zachary did. The former struck Shadrak with a powerful blast while the latter unleashed a powerful thunder spell on Norbert.

Luca wasn't sure what was going on, but before he knew it, Nadya was steering him closer to the fighting. That was weird and so were her now red eyes but he didn't have much reason to object. No one was attacking them. Eventually he stopped by one of the humans and a downed female and Nadya healed her. Ohhhh so they were going over to heal someone. What Luca didn't realize was that she had just healed ... an enemy. Her eyes returned to normal shortly afterward, so everything seemed normal again save for this strange environment. Time to leave then ...

The phoenix held her wounds and shook as she tried to control herself, but eventually the hurt and anger overcame her and she unleashed a powerful fire wave from her body. Blake was hit by the blast and Nadya and Luca were nearly caught up in it as well but narrowly escaped. Never again, thought Luca!

When the smoke began to clear, the phoenix found herself wandering aimlessly, her eyes and hair returned to normal for the time being. Blake was not the first thing she wanted to find ... not in that condition. She quickly rushed over to see if he was still alive.

DH equips Firewall! Attacks Robin!



-18 hp! KO!

Robin hp 0/15

L!Hand attacks Reign! Rolls 4,5,2



-3 hp Stun

L!Hand hp 3/24

Reign hp 13/24

DH's Nadya heals DH!

+13 hp

DH hp 49/111

DH's Chelsea heals DH!

+13 hp

DH hp 59/111

Nadya revives Phoenix!

Phoenix hp 18/24

DH's Shadrak attacks Shadrak! Rolls 1,6,4



-21 hp KO!

Shadrak hp 0/18

DH's Zachary attacks Bert! Rolls 5,3,5



-17 hp

Bert hp 1/18

Phoenix attacks Blake! Rolls 5,5,5


-42 hp


Blake hp 0/15

Phoenix recovers 6 hp!

Phee hp 24/24

DH's Marella defends her team!

DH's Katrina defends Chelsea!

Grant's Plague ticks; -7 hp


Dragon Head's Nadya

Class: Level 1 Chaplain

Raw Stats

HP: 7 STR: 0 MAG: 9 SKL: 4 SPD: 7 LCK: 2 DEF: 0 RES: 7

Simplified Stats

HP: 21 MT: 9 Hit: 4 Evade: 9 AS: 7 Defense: 0 Resistance: 7

Weapon 1: Rex Light Tome

Weapon 2: Sacred Staff

Book: Skill (75% HP revival)

Book: Dual

Overall Stats

HP: 21 MT: 9(15-RT) Hit: 4 Evade: 9 AS: 7 Defense: 0 Resistance: 7

Dragon Head's Zachary

Class: Level 2 Sage

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 11 SKL: 9 SPD: 9 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 11 Hit: 9 Evade: 11 AS: 9 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: Thoron (Assault Tome)

Book: Dual

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 11(20->50%HP) Hit: 9 Evade: 11 AS: 9 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Dragon Head's Marella

Class: Level 1 General

Raw Stats

HP: 8 STR: 8 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 4 LCK: 1 DEF: 9 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8 Hit: 5 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 9 Resistance: 1

Weapon 1: Aegis Sword

Special Item: Bulwark

Book: Dual

Overall Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8 Hit: 5 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 9 Resistance: 1


Dragon Head's Chelsea

Class: Level 1 Chaplain

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 9 SKL: 7 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF: 0 RES: 8

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 9 Hit: 7 Evade: 7 AS: 0 Defense: 0 Resistance: 8

Weapon 1: Rex Light Tome

Weapon 2: Sacred Staff

Special Item: Silver Mail

Book: Dual

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 9(15-RT) Hit: 7 Evade: 7 AS: 0 Defense: 0(8-SM) Resistance: 8

Dragon Head's Shadrak

Class: Level 1 Druid

Raw Stats

HP: 6 STR: 0 MAG: 12 SKL: 7 SPD: 4 LCK : 1 DEF: 1 RES: 5

Simplified Stats

HP: 18 MT: 12 Hit: 7 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 1 Resistance: 5

Weapon 1: Rex Dark Tome

Weapon 2: Healing Staff

Book: Dual

Overall Stats

HP: 18 MT: 12(20 if ET) Hit: 7 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defence: 1 Resistance: 5

Dragon Head's Katrina

Class: Level 1 Wyvern Lord

Raw Stats

HP: 8 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 8 RES: 0

Simplified Stats

HP: 24 MT: 7 Hit: 7 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 8 Resistance: 0

Weapon 1: Fell Axe

Special Item: Legendary Headband

Book: Dual

Overall Stats

HP: 24 MT: 7 Hit: 7 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 8 Resistance: 0(8-LH)


Morpheus-59/111 (Erratic) Firewall

R!Hand-0/24 (Respawning)

L!Hand-3/24 (Erratic)


Nadya-21/21 (Erratic)

Zachary-15/15 (Erratic)

Marella-24/24 (Erratic)


Chelsea-15/15 (Erratic)

Shadrak-18/18 (Erratic)

Katrina-21/21 (Erratic)







Reign-13/24 (Stun)



Grant-11/21 (Plagued)












Marella-24/24 (Defending Team)

Rook-24/24 (Defended)

Zach-15/15 (Defended)






Edited by Phoenix
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So weird phantom versions of party members showed up and wrecked some of them, great.

Faatina went to kill phantom Zach because he was a threat, but got interrupted by some new girl phantom, wonderful.

Faatina proceeded to do no fucking damage, again. All fucking right.


"Hehehahaha... finally, something I can smash!" Arietta roared, as she rushed towards the newly spawned doppelganger shaman. Giving a mighty swing, she managed to send the man back like a ragdoll to the floor, but apparently it wasn't enough, as the dark blast that followed blew a sizeable hole in Arietta's chest, causing her dream self to fade into nothing.

Arietta(2,3,4) 9 hit - 5 Evd, hit! 12 Mt - 1 def, 9 damage!(Poisoned)

DH Shadrak(2,6,4) 9 hit - 8 evd, hit! 26 Mt - 1 res, 25 Damage!

Arietta 0/24

DH Shadrak 9/18(Poisoned)


Edited by Ether
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Nadya found herself on Luca, riding away from the phoenix girl and the smoking Blake. I coulda sworn I was over hittin' the dragon head just a second ago...I must be losin' my mind. she thought to herself as she looked over to see a version of herself in different clothes healing the dragon head.

"What in Mercy's name is going on here!?" she asked no one in particular.

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"Bloody hellfire!" roared Rook as Robin, Faatina and Arietta were wasted by the dragon's head, and worse still there was a new Marella. And this one ... really didn't look friendly.

"I fucking hate magic," he muttered, launching a businesslike arrow into the demonic counterpart of Nadya.

Hits, 14 damage.

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Mushirah attacks DH Marella

Deals 3 Damage, takes 6 damage


DH Marella 21/24

Mushirah 15/24

Aneda attacks DH Shadrak

Deals 20 damage, ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg


Aneda 14/18

DH Shadrak Headonapike/18

Edited by ReformBlade
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Nadya saw an arrow fire into her double, which gave her a satisfied feeling. Good, I only want one of me around. she thought to herself. She had Luca trot over and decided to heal Blake, who was looking rather burnt.

Nadya uses rez on Blake!

Blake 11/15


Veronika nodded back to Gytha and then dove out of the way as Reign called fire down on the hand. Getting him that tome was probably a good investment... she thought to herself. She scanned the battlefield, there seemed to be figures resembling her allies attack them. More mental tests- is this supposed to give us resolve in case we get betrayed or something? Marella seemed to be getting sufficiently assaulted enough to allow her access to Zach. She steeled herself and charged in decisively.

(6,6,3)= Hit! 6+4=10-1= 9 damage

(1,4,3)= Hit! 4+4= 8-1= 7 damage

(4,5,1)= Hit! 5+4=9-1= 8 damage

(5,6,3)= Hit! 6+4= 10-1= 9 damage

(3,4,6)= Hit! 4+4= 8-1 = 7 damage

40 damage. DH Zach 0/15.

Veronika cut the mage to ribbons before he seemed to even notice her presence. She scanned around briefly, hoping that the real Zach didn't see what had happened.

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Zach was still trying to recover from the punch he'd received at the start of the battle. No matter how hard he tried his magic just wouldn't answer the call, the feeling of complete uselessness had returned. Looking around the sage spotted the Phoenix girl, just in time to see her attack Grant "Phee, stop, what are you doing! He's on our side!" Even if Zach pretty much hated the ice-hole he was still technically an ally, maybe Phee had picked on him more than he'd thought. One arrow, then another. "What the fuck are you doing! Stop she's not in control of herself!" The girl seemed to be twitching but still standing, that was until Blake cracked her across the back of the head with his staff

Before he could even do anything the area seemed to explode into a ball of fire. Phee was still standing but he could tell something different about the girl, she was looking over where Blake had landed... and it did not look to be pretty. Pretty much abandoning his own sense of safety Zach sprinted over to where the two were. "Oi, Nadya, Chelsea! Blake needs help bad!" he called out after observing the swordsman. Looking down at the phoenix girl Zach had a frown on his face. "Just stay behind me and keep safe, I know that wasn't you in control. You have to fight him Phee! Don't let the Dragon control you!"

Turning around to face said Dragon with a scowl. Electrical energy already charging up around his body. Pouring everything into this one attack, even if it wouldn't bring the thing down it'd hurt like hell "You wanna hurt my friends you scaly son of a bitch? Lets see how you like this!" A massive bolt of lightning shooting forth as soon as the sage was done

[spoiler= Rolls]

Zach attacks Dragon


Speed Overcast!

Zach 15/15

Dragon 48/111

Counter deals 0 damage

Marella follows up


Dragon 47/111

Luka heals Norbert back to full 18/18

Edited by Eail
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