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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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Faatina gave Davod a disapproving glance before her vision moved to her own figure, and with a disgruntled sigh, she turned back to Davod.

"If doc's orders didn't say to keep easy on this leg, comments like that might have found you on the floor, y'know." Faatina teased with a smirk, before taking Davod's hand and beginning to make her way towards the main deck.


Wandering about proved uninteresting, that is until one of the newcomers mentioned what could only feasibly be her, to one of Raquel's mages.

Making her way over to them, Lisandra gave this 'Griffin' fellow an inquisitive gaze.

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Daichi nodded then began walking back through the house, telling Sumire as he passed the eating area, <"We'll be back for breakfast soon so don't worry about us.">

Of course, as they exited the house, she wondered just how long they would take with whatever it was they were going to do. <"They aren't going to fight each other are they?"> she quietly asked herself, sighing right afterward. <"Of course they are. What else would they be doing? Their meals are going to get cold... I'd better not set it out yet.">

Meanwhile, the head of the Kazemi household led Katsu to the detached room and opened up the door that led inside, entering it himself and walking right up to the display on the wall directly opposite the door. <"Chose any bokken you would like to use,"> he invited as he picked up one of the bokken katanas on the wall in front of him and replaced it with one of the katanas made of live steel he'd been carrying with him. The other katana he had with him he leaned against the wall so he was only carrying the bokken he'd selected now. Then he looked over to see which training sword his opponent would choose.

<"We'll have our match in the field outside when you are ready."> he informed.

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''Well, in terms of not killing a lot we've already crossed that line,'' John said. ''The organization doesn't mind sending wave after wave of men just to get the emblem piece. As we've seen at the manor and Tremere, they're starting to just attempt to take us by surprise than waiting along the road until we meet each other. You have to be prepared either way.

Back to the emblem, well, perhaps you can heed advice from other sources,'' he shrugged. ''But if you're subconscious has been drawing in energy, then all you have to do is to now focus on stopping that. Or failing that, then try to now channel the energy through you instead of the piece itself, since that's where it's going at the moment. If the separation from the cloak gem is any indication, you can make it work, just not how you've been trying before due to the as-yet-unknown circumstances.''

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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A Man Called Gar

The conversation going on was full of interesting tidbits of info, some Gar could use, some he couldn't, but when he spoke his answers were towards only a few specific subjects. "Well it is possible to do the whole 'no killing' thing it's just not feasible if you want to continue on this apparent no casualties run of yours," Gar pointed out the obvious. "And if you wanna keep your hands nice and clean just delegate the dirty work to me, that's what I'm here for."

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Aneda joined Katrina over by the railing and commented on her apparent introversion. Well, that deserved an answer. “Um, well, no…” And then Aneda kept talking, telling about herself and offering to be friends. “Oh, that’s nice of you,” Katrina said with sincerity. Well, a speech like that called for a similar response, no? “Well, there’s not much to me, here,” she said, laughing. “I’m just a mercenary, have been since my late teens. I’ve always wanted to travel even if sailing wouldn’t have been my first choice. Um, so where have you been? You said all over the world, but I sense that was an exaggeration of sorts.”

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As it just so happened, Gytha noticed that she and Nadya weren't the only ones around the party. Synthia was by the guardrails, watching the sailors celebrate. So, Gytha walked over with a skip in her step and happily greeted the mage. "Enjoyin' th' celebration?" she inquired as she stood beside her teammate.

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Synthia was drawn out from her quiet contemplation (of how ridiculous everyone was being, of course) by Gytha’s approach and question. “Um…” Well, the mariner seemed to be enjoying herself. The mage was trying to be sensitive to other people’s opinions or something, so she decided not to be negative for once. At least, not directly. “…I suppose,” she replied. It could be better. Food would definitely make it better, if there were anything worth eating on the wrathdamn ship.

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"Aye, ye don't like sailin'," Gytha mentioned, recalling that fact, "Well, good thing ye don't have t' like sailin' t' like music! Nice tune, don't ye think?"

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“Not particularly. At least, not what they’re doing here.” Being from a middle class urban family she knew a few formal dances, but this… Everything going on here was completely foreign and she wasn’t really interested. Not that she liked formal dances, either.

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"Oh," Gytha responded, curiosity piquing, "What sort o' dancin' d' ye know? Nadya knows a different sort o' dance, too." She wondered if they were the same kind, but Nadya and Synthia were different enough that it probably wasn't. Either that or that was why Nadya was fine with dancing and Synthia wasn't.

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Well, Gytha couldn't quite recall what ballroom dancing was. She thought maybe she heard the term sometime long ago, but right now she couldn't remember. Anyway, it was a form of dancing. "I love dancin'. Good way t' let out th' stress n' ferget yer worries. Ye just get so happy hearin' th' music, ye have t' let it out! That's what I feel, anaway. N' when I dance with a bunch o' other people around, it just feels more like... Hmm guess it makes it feel right. Havin' fun with th' ones ye work b'side... It just makes ye feel closer to 'em. It's why I wanted somethin' like this t' happen n' fer Raquel's crew t' have fun t'gether. Thought it'd unite us more," she expressed, sighing a little at the end with a helpless and a shrug.

"Least some o' us're out here, aye?" she asked, her happier grin appearing again.

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"I'm not sure what he could have that sets the emblem off," Blake admitted. "And I haven't been around long enough to experience multiple emblem reactions, so I'm out of my depth here. Though, your 'church' also goes to prove the point that it isn't just pieces the Emblem reacts to." Then, the conversation moved on to discussing actually killing Sardis, a topic that brought Raquel's spirits down, it seemed. The swordsman didn't have anything particularly insightful to say on that matter, nor on the matter of actually controlling the emblem piece, so he rather awkwardly returned to his strategy manual. Some use his input turned out to be.

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''Not really,'' John said to Blake's comment. ''Because as Lilith said, the emblem broke off into a lot of pieces, which while they've been merging back, it still leaves an unknown number still unaccounted. So it doesn't prove yet that it reacted to something other than an emblem piece. In fact, as it stands now, it may still be untouched, since the Wrathites may not know of the glowing bit. They certainly didn't at the church. Perhaps we should even tell this to Lilith, in case it does happen to be another piece.''

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Main Deck

Nadya decided to take a break from her dancing and go over to sit by Synthia and Gytha, interjecting in their conversation. "Well ya would just look like a crazy person dancin' by yourself anyway. Dancin's really not about how good ya are at doin' it, since it's not like ya are gettin' paid...unless you're takin' clothes off but that's not really about the dancin' anymore," she said with a shrug.

Aft Deck

"I'm still wondering if it's a good idea to have her with us. We didn't exactly have the luxury of time when leaving Tremere, but our group isn't the best place for a child," Veronika said, looking over Lisandra and frowning.


<"I don't really relish the idea of my daughter havin' kids all over the place,"> Marko said frowning at Haythem.

<"Oh I doubt that's what he meant. Anyway, he probably has a point, if Nadya's goin' around beatin' up dragons she can probably come across some treasure,"> Vadoma said.

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"So why didn't you guys investigate it?," Blake asked, not even bothering to close his tactics book this time. "I mean, if the emblem was attracted to its' other pieces, wouldn't it practically have drug the group there?" He was showing his ignorance and he knew it. Still, this could give the swordsman a bit of information on the group's adventures before he joined.

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''Because that was before departing to Kigen, which on the way back was when we learned that,'' John answered. ''Besides, even if we knew beforehand, we had just narrowly gotten the Wrathites off our trail when their forces at the church were convinced that we didn't had the emblem. So it'd would've been suspicious considering we had gained the support of the rest of the church staff since the Wrathites were the ones who called us to the church to attack us. Not to mention that we had to leave for Kigen quickly due to our errand there. And finally we only knew it was shining when Raquel brought it to the open, so had we not have been called to the church, we would've never known it had been shining if it was before stepping into the actual church.''

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"Gotcha," Blake said, sheepishly. "I guess this hadn't come up yet, then."

A bit wiser and feeling foolish, the swordsman quickly returned to his strategy books.

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Gytha was sure enthusiastic about this, even if she was a little down about the lack of participation. “Well, not everyone is going to enjoy the same things. Also most people are more concerned about Lilith’s arrival right now, I guess,” the mage replied. “Don’t worry about it. It’ll be fine.”

Then Nadya came over to join in their little conversation. “Most of you look like crazy people anyway,” was Synthia’s first response, until she actually listened to what the nomad had said. “…What? Why would you even bring up strippers… I hope you’re not trying to imply anything.”

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"I don't think anyone in our group is a stripper, if that's what ya are askin'" Nadya responded to Synthia, laughing. "Travelin' with a group of mercenaries whose main goal in life is to kill shit really isn't the best arena for that sort of business."

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''I think I'll head to sleep already,'' Sophia suddenly spoke. ''Good night everyone,'' she said before heading over to the door. I don't think I had anything to contribute to the conversation anyway, she thought. Besides, it is getting late. And so she proceeded to get back to the main deck, where she took notice of the celebration outside.

Now that the rebel ship is gone they are willing to celebrate I guess, she sighed. Well, thankfully the insides of the ship had enough things in-between to tone down the noise by a lot, hopefully.

She also noticed some of the group who were just gathered across the deck. Well, they didn't seem to mind the noise, so she just went along to head to sleep, hopefully without any distractions.

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"Doooh, you got me~" with a rather quick laugh, Aneda decided that she would most defintely try to explain herself in this most grievous of lies, "Alright alright, truth be told I've actually been all over Ursium places and such, maybe skimping the north a lot because blegh, don't care entirely too much for cold, I've barely touched Neviskotia seeing as there's that natural bias and of course it just seems a colder place as well, umm... Well, I did just have my first and probably last visit to the Sanctuary over on down in that Rexian desert place, and if you wanna hear the story for that one I can elaborate if you want." She was pretty good at articulating, yeah. "Oh, and I've been to purgatory, even before Sanctuary. Aaaaand I think I've been in some Kigen places very briefly. So yeah!" Giving her best summary of places Aneda had been, she was still all smiles, "It's been a weird ride. Especially the past few weeks, hahaha!"

"Well I'm sure you would have floored me easily, Faatina." It was a simple fact that he wasn't the greatest at taking any sort of blows that well, hence why he puts all his effort into completely ignoring any and all contact in that manner. Speaking of contact, the moment her hand touched his, his eyes widened for all but a very brief moment. Oh wow, she even feels like her, doesn't she? Go on, mention it! I dare you! Hahaha! his mind teased on, though instead of bothering to indulge in that kind of behavior, Davod took a quick breath and cleared his throat as he lead her on towards the main deck. The noise was quite loud at this point, and he had his doubts about knowingly letting her out there in what seemed to be a party but it wasn't entirely his place to be such a rude dude.

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The comment was simple enough, it was fairly easy to see that her physical strength was likely far greater than his, though his silence afterwards, along with a notoriously loud throat-clearing as they approached the deck, had Faatina puzzled.

"Is something the matter, Davod?"


Again with this. Would her appearance ever cease to plague her, Lisandra wondered, as yet another questioned her capability due to the age projected by her stature.

"Not a child."

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