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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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Nadya woke up nuzzling a stone column...not very comfortable. After a quick scan, she saw Valter dozing nearby and decided to shake him to wake him up. "I don't get paid enough for to deal with all this weird shit..." she muttered to herself.

"Rise and shine, we're weaponless and I can't find Luca. I dunno if there are dream bandits around or somethin', but if there are we're in a heap o' trouble," she said to him.


Veronika woke up in a darkened hallway...near a horse? She thought she recognized it as one from the group, but she couldn't be sure. She immediately noticed her sword missing from its sheath, which made her feel rather naked. Ok, so I'm alone and without a sword...is this supposed to test my resourcefulness or something? Maybe this isn't really a horse?

With a lack of a better plan, she decided to go up to the horse and ask for directions. "Hello horse, I am looking for a sword and my friends. Can you direct me to either?" she asked him, feeling quite silly. She felt sillier when the horse reacted as she expected, by looking as if it did not understand a word she said. Is the point of this to prove I'm going crazy? she wondered to herself.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Raquel was shocked to see Kit talking, but she not shocked to silence. "You're not easily forgettable," she replied in a low agitated tone. "Gah!" And the hugging commenced again. "Why is she doing this?!" Raquel asked the man in black.

"You look like sisters, hahahah. I would be all over you too after so long trapped inside an egg," the man replied with a wide smile. He didn't stop his finger work, though. Kit's fur was comfortable to run his fingers over.


"I'm fine. You ...?" Reign replied casually. He made a mental note that Faatina seemed more sober than before and might be coming back to her senses. An odd place for that. A drunk person might fare better in a place like this.


"I'll feel better once we're insoide and away from the bottomless pit," Gabbie commented offhandedly while they headed for the coliseum. Fortunately it wasn't a long walk, less than a hundred feet in fact, but once they reached the outer wall, there was a decision to be made, slip inside through one of the gaping holes in the wall, or look for a door. "Hmm ... I wonder what's in there ..."


No apples, no gold, no love. Luca missed Nadya already. He nickered once to see if Veronika would take him back to Nadya.


Ringo hadn't come to yet and was fast asleep near the bottom of the stands near the arena. It was a nice view, but Ringo wouldn't know; he was fast asleep, curled up like in the real world.

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The rest of the night was uneventful for the girls, feasting and whatnot followed by sleeping, the usual winding down things. Mushirah fell asleep with her things, leaning on her backpack for a pillow, lumpy but she could cope. Aneda fell asleep next to Hannah, quite content with things, except for all the death that kept following the group. And her disgusting lack of letter writing to Fyodor, but that's for another time.

Mushirah could have been dreaming about something nifty, something cool or something fond like her home that seemed to be exceedingly distant instead she was woken up by... "Shadrak...?" she muttered sleepily, waking up, or whatever one does in a dream. Cognitive abilities seeping back into her brain as she sat herself up, stretching and yawning, the magician looked about and noted nothing really spectacular except that she was in a completely different spot than she was originally asleep in, that and only Shadrak was around which did strike her as incredibly odd. It wasn't until this moment that she figured out that she was in that session that was supposedly happening that night. I wasn't aware I was gonna join in, but at the same time if I'm going to be around these folk, I could stand to be more productive and cooperative. Gods know I could use it, maybe make my parents proud someday, or something... "Where are we... Where is everyone else? Is this even... This is that test thing, right? I'm not just dreaming this up on my own... right?" Oh dear, this could get weird...

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"Hey, there's no way I'm somebody else's 'dreamed up persona'," Shadrak replied, sounding a little annoyed by the question. "But, yeah it's the dragon head's ... dream world. I'm not sure where the others are but we'd better find them before the dragon head finds us. I've got a feeling this isn't going to be a fair fight."

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"Fine... fine... sorry about that, I uhh... you were pretty comfortable I guess..." Faatina replied with a bit of a stutter, her voice dropping to a mere squeak by the end of her reply.

"So uhh... where are we?" She managed, trying to get herself out of her own stupor.


"Only one way to find out, right?" Arietta replied, before making her way over to one of the many holes and attempting to find her way inside.


"Hehe, now now Raquel, no need to be so bitter... ahn, I wish I knew more guys who knew how to use their hands this well~" Kit responded, content to allow the man to continue going at her fur.

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Synthia had put off talking to Raquel too long, and by the time she had remembered to ask about the training the other girl had already gone to sleep. Next to Reign. That bastard. Also, the bear had tasted weird.

Eventually with nothing else to do the mage had gone to sleep. One moment she was curled up by the warmth of the campfire slowly dozing off, the next she was laying on something cold, hard, and decidedly uncomfortable. The black sky filled her vision and she idly wondered where the stars had gone until the rest of the ancient looking structure came into focus. She was laying on a stone bench in the stands of what looked to be a ruin in the middle of purgatory. There was also no one else in sight, as far as she could tell. Furthermore, she had neither her tome nor her staff with her. This was not a comforting state of events.

“Does this dragon think it’s funny,” she muttered walking down from the stands, “to drop us in hell? And if this is really a training exercise, where’s my stuff? And everyone else?!” She turned a corner at the bottom of that particular set of stairs, and between complaining, gesticulating, and staring up at the descending wall of clouds with feelings akin to horror, she completely failed to notice the pair of legs jutting out from a shaded portion of the wall. She tripped. The fall may have been graceful, but the landing was not. Pain was oh so very real in this dream world, she quickly found out. “Fucking hell, it’s been less than five minutes and that bastard is already winning…”, she mumbled, hunched over and holding her nose. That hurt.


So one moment Volga had been snoring and drooling all over a patch of grass, and the next she was snoring and drooling all over a patch of stonework. Something smelt good though, and the thought of food was enough to make her drool more. Then she woke up, and the dream smell of something delicious turned out to be a real smell of something delicious. Being a small brained creature, she didn’t concern herself much with where she was or why she was there. The most important thing was that nearby was food.

It took her a while to find it, but there it was: a delicious looking bacon apple. The only problem was that it was being held by someone. That should be easy to rectify, she thought. The wyvern jumped and fluttered the several feet to the top of the wall several yards away from Gar before hurriedly scurrying over the top. Volga put on her most effective puppy face as she approached the underclothed person with yummy yummy bacon. Here, bacon bacon bacon.


After avoiding bear meat like the plague and sulking for the rest of the night (or whatever qualified as sulking for Valter), the horseman had gone to sleep by his horse fully intending to take part in whatever this dream training was. If he didn’t, he’d regret missing out on it later. Not to mention it was important to keep up with things. He wanted to know what both the dragon head and Kit were up to.

So, as he fell asleep in the real world, he appeared still sleeping in the dream one. His somewhat pleasant sleep was interrupted by someone shaking his shoulder and he turned a bleary eyed gaze to Nadya. “What?” It took him a moment to remember what was happening. True to her word, his weapons were missing, but at least he still had his glasses. “Nevermind,” he said, getting to his feet. “These may sound like really stupid questions, but do you know where we are or where we’re supposed to go?” She had been awake before him, after all. “And, I’ll help you find your horse,” he offered after a moment’s thought. Nadya wasn’t his first choice to be stuck with, but there was no reason to not be helpful.


Kat had fallen asleep somewhere, hell if she knew, but woke staring up at a black sky with some oddly behaving clouds. “Not another one of these dreams again…” she muttered. Except, she didn’t feel the sensation of falling. In fact, the way the clouds were moving made it seem as if where were moving upwards instead. “What the hell…?”

She sat up, glancing around at the odd surroundings. Next to her was a soundly sleeping Aneda, which was more than a bit odd for Katrina’s dreams. If there was a person in one of them, they were usually not female. So, investigation time. She inched closer and gently poked her in the stomach. It felt like a real Aneda. Aiming a little higher, she poked the side of her chest. It felt like a real boob. “…This is a really weird dream,” Kat said, laying back on her arms.

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After returning to the group and acquiring a list of whoever was participating in the 'training', Blake began to create and play with combat teams for the majority of the night. He had already caused enough trouble with his theory about the following morning, and so he decided to go back to what he could do passably, instead of worsening the situation. Eventually, the swordsman put his notes away, laid down, and tried to drift off to sleep.

When he woke next, there were no stars in the sky, only inexplicably bright clouds falling from it. Which meant that they were in Purgatory, at least, dream-wise. Great. The mercenary got up from his seat on the ground against a stone column, feeling inexplicably lighter, and reached for his sword, only to find that it wasn't in its' sheath. Nor was the sheath or the coat itself present along with any of Blake's notes, his staff, and Lia's axe. That meant that he, at least, was alone and weaponless in the middle of Purgatory. What a way to start off a teamwork session. Was this going to be a lesson in martial arts or something?

Well, if this actually was the training session and he hadn't died in his sleep somehow, the others would be around here somewhere. The Ursian man began to walk around the edge of the structure, in the hopes of running into Raquel or one of the other mercenaries. The building he was near appeared to be an aged coliseum, which was odd. Now if this was a 'teamwork-building session', why would they fight in an arena, which for the most part was known for duels?


Once he returned from the woods and over a strip of delicious bear meat, Grant was asked to participate in a 'team-building' exercise, which would be completed during the night, while they were asleep. While that was incredibly suspicious, the duelist agreed to it, if only because it seemed like the majority of the group was going to as well. Perhaps he'd get to know a few people a bit better. Even if that wasn't the case, it wasn't like he was going to have anything else to do in his dreams, anyways. So he'd take the risk, and hope it would pay off. After coming to this decision, the Frost Prince found a tree a while away from the campfire, sat down, leaned against it, and fell to sleep.

The magician was rudely awakened by a dull pain in his legs, the thud of someone falling to the ground near him, and the accompanying cursing that would come with said person meeting the ground. Grant sprung to his feet and found that the victim of the tumble was none other than Synthia, who appeared to be hunched over in pain.

"Hey, are you alright?" Grant asked, ignoring the surroundings for the time being. He offered a hand to his fellow magic user. "That didn't sound pleasant."

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A Dream of a Man Called Gar

The first one to find Gar was... a wyvern. Really? Well, it was drooling over the bacon apple, that was probably why. Or maybe it was his bare scarred chest, it drove all ladies wild, even wyvern ladies. But it was more likely the bacon apple. "At the very least the two of us being up here makes for a good signal for others," Gar explained because the wyvern was the first thing he'd met. "More you than me is visible though really." Gar dug into the pouch of bacon apples. "Here," and he tossed it into the air.

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Rook shuddered and clawed at the earth. "This... isn't right," he growled. "Can't fucking stand magic... rrgh!" The archer tried to stand, but staggered and fell onto his fists. He stayed as he fell, breathing hoarsely. Finally, with some effort, he got to his feet. "Sh- show me to whatever we have to kill..."

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Robin had gotten to sleep just fine. On a full stomach and happy after eating the quail she had caught and resting by the campfire. She had been informed of what was going on and was willing to participate. Within the dreamscape, she started to slowly fade into existence near Raquel and the others as her eyes slowly closed and relaxed and... Zzzzzzz


The sudden booming voice came from right in front of Dream-Robin as, suddenly, the young Tia literally BURST into the dream, coming forth in an explosion of fire and steam as she manifested herself, obviously trying to will herself to appear as something more threatening than a young girl, namely a demigod or demon. It hadn't worked.

"Shut up Tia. This is not your dream."

"I know but, can't I at least wish it was?"

"No. I am a bit scared of what you would dream about."

"Bunnies, hugs, and magical contraptions."

"It is the last of that trio that worries me."

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"I didn't mean to... Never mind." She quickly stored that away for another time, finally getting up, miffed that her backpack was gone, which made her more than a little nervous since she had put her shot put in it. After a panicked search of her person, she found none of her standard weaponry on her which irked her more than anything. "Yeah, the sooner we find them the sooner we can get out of here... hopefully anyway. Question is, which way? Both look the same to me. I'd say we should split up but even for a dream that'd be potentially disastrous." Taking a tentative step towards one end then turning back to the Shadrak, grinning slightly, "I hope you don't mind, sir."

Rudely awakened by poking to sensitive areas, there was a loud yelp and a swatting from the pegasus knight, heart rate rising before she assessed the situation and figured out she wasn't in any danger just yet. Hopefully. "Dude what the fuck, don't... don't do that again. Try the face, punch me in the face next time... or just a slap. Like this!" she wound up for a slap before pulling it back and laughing to herself. "Haha, I wouldn't slap a friend, not unless they asked for it, in person or otherwise." On to more pressing matters, Aneda was kind of overwhelmed with this new landscape around her, not sure what to think of falling... upward? "Well, mister Dragon head guy sure has some imagination." finally noticing that she had no Hannah and no weapon, Aneda sighed, frustration on her face for a mere moment followed by a smile. "That's... that's cool, that's fine..."

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Throwing her arm around Rook, Marella gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze. "It'll be ok. We can face it together, alright?" Glancing at Zach, she continued, "Besides, if anything tries to hurt us, Lightning Head over there will distract them with a pretty lights show until I can punch them hard enough to knock them out of this dream." Taking a deep breath, she looked up at the arena. "Alright. Lets head in there. Seems to be the best place to go." Glancing around her, she muttered under her breath, "Also the only place to go..."

Edited by scorri
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"Oh I'll do more than just make a pretty light show..." Zach muttered as they started to move forward, he being in the lead considering Marella was still helping Rook with whatever was wrong with him. Walking through the entrance into what seemed to be a massive arena the sage glanced around, not being able to see anyone just yet.


When Arietta showed up Luka instinctively tensed. He'd been purposely avoiding his fellow employee, because quite frankly the girl scared the hell out of him. Maybe for the moment at least they could work together, this was supposed to be a teamwork exercise wasn't it? For now he'd just stay close to the older women.... Gabbie moreso though

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Within the dreamscape Robin and Tia traveled. It was cold, lonely, and seemingly devoid of anything except for the occasional person appearing into reality and the one, overlooming, arena entrance. The one place that they were obviously supposed to go. Shuddering, Robin held her sides close as she headed while Tia, seemingly devoid of fear, was fervently crawling about on the 'ground' behind her.

"Interesting. It feels like real dirt, but it's touch seems to adjust with a minor bit of perception. Hmmm... I wonder why?"

"It is a dream Tia. I would say that, since the dragon controls this dream, it is his dream, but you are not totally powerless and you make minor adjustment to fit your view of the world. In your case, dirt being more interesting than dirt."

"Spoilsport." said Tia with a minor pout. "But just think of the interesting stuff we can learn! Dreams rarely get explored, if ever, so being given a chance like THIS! I mean, if the dragon lets us back, imagine the medical and psychological possibilities!"

"I can not. It is a dream. It happens when you sleep. I do not know why, but it is just a dream. It can not-" started Robin as she entered into the arena, coming just in time to see Zach. "-hurt us. <Hello Zach.>" she said coldly. She knew he was going to be here. Indeed, seeing him again would only be a matter of waking up no matter how far apart they were in the dream. Still, a pang of hurt went through her spine as she looked at him.

Edited by Snowy_One
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"Hi" Zach quickly responded, now was really not the time to deal with whatever problems were going on between Robin and himself. Still looking around the arena for signs of anybody else, or a weapon for that matter. Honestly at this point he'd be okay with either a staff or a tome.

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Volga neither knew nor cared what the shirtless man said, because immediately afterward he tossed bacony goodness her way. She caught it in her mouth and swallowed it whole before spying out the bag he had dug it from. So that’s where they were, eh? Volga sat down on the wall and stared at Gar again. She wanted the rest of them…


Synthia had assumed what she tripped on had been a step or random piece of rubble, but quickly discovered that was not so when Grant got up and offered a hand. She took it with the one that was not currently holding her nose. “It wasn’t,” she replied, standing up. Her nose was bleeding, she discovered after removing her other hand. Dream blood didn’t stain, did it? The mage grimaced and wiped it off on her cloak.

“Sorry for tripping over you. I’m fine, apart from missing my stuff… I think the dragon took it, though. This whole thing is fishy if you ask me,” she said. Giant bunch of ruins in a place that looked like purgatory? And then there was the arena below them that would take descending a few flights to get to. If she had to guess, that’s where they had to go.


“Hey, chill out. You’re not allowed to be stressed in my dreams, ok?” Katrina said, continuing to lounge on the coliseum floor. She was only half listening to Aneda, but this was dream Aneda, right? If this was within her own mind she obviously knew what was going on already! “…You know what this place needs? Donuts,” the wyvern rider said, snapped her fingers and held out an arm. When nothing happened she sat up looking confused. “Huh, that usually works.”

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"I'm not bitter, I just don't trust y-" Raquel might have finished stating the obvious, but her balance was threatened by a tremor that shook the halls. "Whoa-whatwasthat?!" she asked as quickly as she could.

The man in black looked up slightly as if waiting for something. "Something smells spiffyyyy ..."

Then the phoenix girl turned around and ran off in a big hurry. That left Raquel with two new questions. "Smells? What are you talking about, and where is she going?"

"I think someone's wandered into the arena, but I don't think they have their weapons just yet. As for the phoenix, she's making her way there as well."

"Do they need weapons in the arena?"

"Mmm, yeah I think so," them an answered while massaging Kit.

"I've got to help them!"

"Well ... let's follow the phoenix then."


"No need to apologize," Reign assured her. He didn't have a full update as far as their location, though. "Looks like an arena from where we are ... a huge one. People on the other side would look like specs from here. Keep your eyes peeled, or we might miss someone." That was when the tremor hit, and Reign braced himself. "Well ... that's not surprising. How stable could a flying arena really be?"

He couldn't be sure if what he saw next was the source of the tremor, but it was definitely trouble. Down in the arena, there were numerous black spots appearing. He couldn't tell what they were but they were spreading out across the ground, threatening to cover the entire fighting grounds in a matter of minutes. What he couldn't see from where he was was that these spots were actually a blend of heavy vapors and ooze, spreading outward across the ground.


Gabbie eventually settled on one of the holes herself, but didn't quite make it all the way through before the tremor came. "Okay, what the hell was that?" Deciding she didn't want to be trapped on the inside, if the place suddenly came down, she hauled herself back out of the hole and jogged backward a short ways to gauge whether or not the building was beginning a collapse. It sure didn't seem like it. The tremor was short and left her wondering if maybe something else had caused it. "Mrgh."


"Uhhh, I don't know ..." He wasn't real clear on what he didn't know at first. "This hallway curves, so whatever kind of structure this is, it's most likely cylindrical, like a gladiator ring or something. The best places to gather are either outside the building, or at the center, so we should pick one of those and see if we have any luck finding the others," he concluded with that suggestion. He almost wanted to ask her to see if she could draw up a map of the place so they wouldn't get lost, but her things were gone. Loaning his notebook wasn't possible either since that was gone as well. "I guess it's fine if we ... go that way?" he added, trying to answer her question more fully.

The tremor threw Shadrak off balance, but he quickly recovered. What kind of training is this? Is he going to pick us off one by one or two by two?


The tremor woke Ringo and he began scanning the area with his eyes. The black puddles showing up all over the arena's ground floor weren't of much concern to him; he'd seen far stranger things in his time. Instead, he focused on trying to track down Gabbie and oddly enough, he thought he knew exactly where to find her. Following up on this, he took off and began flying up toward the top of the stands in hopes of reaching the outer walls of the coliseum.

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"Nope I have no idea. Fair warnin', if we run into anythin' weird I'm runnin' away as fast as I can." After saying this to Valter, she felt a small tremor. "Well stayin' here isn't gonna help- let's get movin'," she decided, heading off in a random direction.


The horse appeared to be trying to communicate with her, but Veronika couldn't understand it anymore in a dream than she could in the real world. "Well...maybe the others are here or I can find a sword or something- follow along if you want," she said, turning down the hallway to find another one. Talking to the horse seemed ridiculous, but it did help her feel less alone.

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I Dream of Gar

"Yeah, there's a good girl," Gar said as the wyvern munched up the apple and settled up top with him. "hey now, no more apples until we get some other peopl together and--" a tremor happened, knocking off Gar's word balance and crumbling a bit of wall right next to the duo. "That coulda sucked eh?" Gar looked back at the inside of the arena, and at the very least looked like another wyvern was flying around. Since it wasn't flying towards his bacon apples there was probably someone else it was flying to. Well, not like it mattered, he really couldn't stop it. He also couldn't stop the arena pit from becoming some sort of rapidly expanding black spot. That really didn't looked healthy.

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And suddenly there was a tremor in this strange place, nearly sending Faatina falling back over and right into Reign's lap again... probably for the best that she managed to hold herself steady, girl was in enough of a panic as is... with no help in the foreseeable future.

Speaking of, Reign decided to mention the strange occurrence in the battlegrounds, which drew Faatina's attention.

"Do you think it might be dark magic?" She pondered aloud, before taking more time to check her inventory, as it were. Much to her chagrin, she had no armour, no weapon, no shield... her clothing was in complete disarray, her shirt halfway unbuttoned leaving the chilled night air to nip at the exposed skin not covered by the cloth bra she wore, and her legs similarly unprotected by only a relatively small pair of shorts.

"W-why am I unarmed... why am I in my bedclothes... why did I wak- Reign, what the hell is going on?" She asked, prior mentioned panic and a whole slew of confusion overtaking her.


Arietta didn't pay the quake much heed... she was in too deep to get out in time if the thing would have collapsed anyway, and it seemed the thing showed no signs of even being rattled by the tremors. Soldiering forward, she noticed that the other two hadn't followed.

"Aye! What're you two waitin' for? Standin' out thar won't do ya no good... 'sides, this's a dream, ain't it? Y'should be fine!" She called, hopefully loud enough for those two to hear her, and with any luck, her volume might catch the ears of some other stragglers.


And so they were now following after the Raquel clone, and it seemed that Raquel's group had been scattered and disarmed... oh well, Kit felt like being nice today, and this mystery man was no small part of that.

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Gytha woke up with a start as the ground shook suddenly beneath her. It ended soon enough and though it was dark, she could tell just by the feel of the ground that she wasn't where she'd fallen asleep. Instead of being in the Dauntless curled up with her bag, she was on some sort of old, stone floor on her stomach. The mariner pushed herself up off the ground, but bumped her head on something hard as she did so. Only a quiet "ow" escaped her before she turned her head to look at whatever it was.

...Oh. I'm under a table? Mother always said it was a bad thing to wake up under a table... Hope nothin' strange happened t' me. She thought before crawling out from under the table. As she stood up, looked around and brushed herself off, Gytha tried to figure out just where she was. It looked like she was in some sort of vendor hall, but no one was around.

"So, this is what it's like, hm?" Gytha mumbled to herself as she took in her surroundings and began to slowly wander the hall. Suddenly, she stopped and looked down. Immediately afterward, her brow furrowed with concern. Me sword n' pistol're gone... She checked her belt pouch. The pouch was still there, but nothing was inside it. Well, this isn't good. Hope anaone else around here with hostile intentions aren't armed either...n' aren't stronger than me... Have t' be able t' defend meself. Another thing me mother always said...


The tremor also woke Norbert up. He was a bit groggy, though, even as it hit and so couldn't quite tell what was happening as he fell. The reality only hit him after he'd slammed onto the ground. Previously, he'd been sleeping with the back of his head and shoulders on the ground and the rest of him leaning upside-down against a pillar in a hallway of pillars. Now he was lying on his face with a muffled groan and slowly moving to push himself up off of said face.

As soon as he got a look at his surroundings, the pegasus rider froze. Where...? Where in Truth's name am I? Still trying to figure that out, Norbert got onto his feet, still looking around. Subconsciously, his hands drifted to his maces...only, they weren't there. Again, he froze and again it wasn't for very long. Near frantically, Norbert checked himself over, then began looking around the immediate area, even checking behind a few pillars. Still, there was no sign of them. In a burst of outrage, he demanded of the lack of anyone around, "WHERE IN WRATH'S NAME ARE MY MACES?!"

There was a stretch of silence that followed immediately afterward, which was entirely to be expected and, in spite of himself, Norbert's eyes kept shifting about in the vain hope of seeing some clue as to where Splinter and Crunch had gone. His fingers twitched slightly as they hung at his sides. Needless to say, he was quite agitated, as he always was when he was in his right mind and separated from his maces. Just a short while ago he was happily full on bear meat, if not still suspicious of the company Raquel had allowed in their camp. He'd gone to sleep near Rizen for the dream training figuring he could at least try it out once especially since so many others had decided to do it.

Now, however, all he could think about was getting his maces back. He didn't even register this as a dream quite yet his attention was so focused on regaining Splinter and Crunch. So, he began to wander, carefully scanning the area with his eyes as he walked and grumbling about how he was going to make whoever stole them pay.


Well, that was odd. One moment she was happily sleeping near her rider and the next she was gliding around some strange rock thing. Not only that, but the clouds were going down very quickly and they seemed to be in that terrible place with no grass again. Not only that, but it was significantly easier to fly at the moment. Of course, that was because Rizen wasn't presently burdened with all that stuff she usually carried. She couldn't recall Norbert removing it, though... Oh dear, she'd been a bad pegasus, hadn't she?! Someone had gone and taken his things right off her back! This was the sort of thing she wasn't supposed to ever let happen!

As she flew and fretted, Rizen noticed some people down below who she thought she recognized as being a part of that herd they'd been travelling with. Maybe they could lead her to whoever took that stuff she was supposed to guard, and then find Norbert! After all, finding him before finding the other things would probably make him unhappy and Rizen didn't want that. So, she flew down and landed near Luka and Gabbie, giving a snort and a whinny as she touched down. That should be good enough to convey her general concerns, she figured.

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So neither of them knew where or what this place was, and if there were anything dangerous Nadya was going to run. Fair enough, without his weapons Valter would probably do the same anyway. There was a tremor through the arena, and though nothing else happened, the horseman looked around warily. This place didn’t look very stable to begin with. Hopefully it wouldn’t come down on top of them.

“Alright,” Valter had said and ended up following Nadya in whichever random direction she had chosen. They hadn’t gotten very far before he heard faint yelling and stopped. He couldn’t pinpoint the direction, unfortunately. “Did you hear that?”.


Hmph, the silly half-naked man wasn’t giving Volga more food. However disappointed the wyvern was though, the tremor running through the wall quickly caught her attention, especially when one of her feet slid off as a piece of wall fell towards the arena stands. She easily regained her footing, but was wary of staying up here longer than necessary if the floor was going to be giving way. If she fell from this short height there would barely be enough space to right herself, much less glide away safely. Her instincts told her to get off, but her stomach told her to stay. Come to think of it, bacon man probably shouldn’t be up here either…

Volga wasn’t quite sure how to express that sentiment, but she nudged Gar’s shoulder with her nose and spread her wings. Maybe she could get rewarded with a bacon apple for getting him down too?

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A Dream of a Man Called Gar

"Yeah, alright," Gar relented when the wyvern bugged him about getting down. "You'll get your apple once we're... I dunno, close to the pit. I wanna get a closer look at that stuff." Why was he conversing with a wyvern? Well, it was a dream thing. So it could probably totally understand him. He hopped on her back. "Alright, let's go."

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Gar was saying things again, and though Volga didn’t know what they were she could tell by the tone that he understood her intentions. He climbed on and she took off, gliding down towards the stands. She had seen Ringo flying around further down and was heading in his general direction. Volga let out a roar to hopefully catch his attention. She didn't know where Kat was, but at least knew to stay with people (or wyverns) in the group so she could find her again.

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"Yeah I did...maybe we should go towards it? Maybe it's one of the others, maybe it's trouble- but we probably oughta check it out," Nadya deduced.


Veronika continued to make her way through the hallways, eventually hearing a noise coming in her direction. Was it a foe...a friend? Without her weapons, she was very nervous about the former, so she ducked into a corner and prepared to hit anything unfamiliar which came through the doorway.

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