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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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Zach gave what could almost be a mad cackle "Works for me, sit back and take a rest Phee. Watch how Papa Zach works~" The sage seemed to be crackling with energy begging to be released in the form of lightning, and he was oh so happy to accommodate

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"You're the only person I see here arguing against what I said," Blake said, "And like I said, you and anyone else who doesn't want to be productive can feel free to wait. I'm going to go and see if I can help get teams ready. I'd suggest that you follow Valter's advice, though." And with that he turned away.


"Excellent," Grant said, with his everpresent smile returned to his face. "Now, I suppose all we need is a third fighter, so Blueberry, er, Blake, won't get on our case..."

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"Tch! I'm usually the only one who stands up for my positions. That's nothing new," Norbert responded, even though Blake was clearly disengaging from the conversation. More to himself, though bitterly, he added, "I'm not about to place myself and what I think should be done above anyone else and press them to do it without authority, though. And even with authority, some people just shouldn't be followed."

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"C'mon Norbert, stop complaining already and get ready to fight." Faatina teased, giving the man a firm pat on the back, before flourishing her lance.

"What Blake's saying sounds pretty solid to me, y'know. Just because someone isn't Raquel doesn't mean they don;t have good ideas worth following, so I'm gonna count on you to watch my back if that black stuff jumps me, okay~" Faatina finished, deciding to grab herself a team while she was at it.

Though one more thing needed to be cleared up, she supposed. "Hey Blake, you're our strategy guy, right? Who's gonna be me and Bert's third?"


Teams, huh? Usually Weyland's operatives did squads of three, and Arietta figured the same would work here. Scanning the available people, she quickly pinged two out, a speedy looking horseman whose sword looked to be designed to take down sword wielders, who always gave her trouble with their speedy little assholes, and one of the healer girls. Addressing both Valter and Chelsea, Arietta decided to get this over and done with.

"Aye, you two should fight with me. I'll be the front line, you two keep me from takin' too much damage, aye?"

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"Well...," Blake said, turning around at the sound of a team question, "Assuming our friend Bert here iss cooperative, maybe someone like..." The man's searched the arena, eventually settling on Gabriella, who appeared to be unarmed and in a down mood. Oh dear. First thing's first, though "Gabriella! Do you have a team yet?"

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Only one to stand up for his positions? Valter wondered if Bert was not paying attention or simply exaggerating. The horseman did raise an eyebrow when he heard the rest of his mutterings though. He wasn’t quite sure why he was the only one allowed to boss Bert around without getting yelled at, but that had been useful so he wasn’t about to bring attention to the fact.

Faatina came over and placed herself as third on the team, or, well… second. As Blake apparently tried to replace him, Valter got an invitation from an unlikely source. He recoiled when he saw it was Arietta. “…What?”


…Blueberry? She had to use that later. “Yeah, probably…” Synthia agreed. She looked around, but didn’t see anyone immediately forthcoming. “Uuh, what happened to that guy with the horse?” He had followed them, right?

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Final Preparations

"Discovery is in no position to change course now," Hypnos warned the group. "She is sustaining the weapons you wield. It's up to you to win this battle now." From the sound of things, Raquel was going to be in that trance for quite awhile, possibly until the end of the battle, which meant she really was in no position to change the course of events.

"What do you mean 'sustaining'? She's not going to fight with us?" Shadrak inquired.

"She isn't strong enough to sustain your weapons in this world and fight at the same time. Her current state should keep outside distractions from completely breaking her focus and dismissing your weapons. As I said, the rest is up to you."

"Great! Just great! Now she's a sitting duck!"

"I'll keep her out of harm's way. You ought to focus on the dragon."

Meanwhile, Gabbie was trying to think of some alternatives and was coming up short. Blake reminding her about the teams thing didn't help matters. "Ugh, no I don't, or at least I don't remember ... not loike it even matters at this point." She quickly stood up and took a deep breath. I need my lance, but I can't focus on it for more than loike two seconds. There's got to be a way to ... "I've gotta look into something. Put me with whoever you want; I don't care," she told Blake as she walked by. Ringo got up and began to follow her. She soon reached the exchange between Hypnos and Shadrak.

"Oi!" She came right up to the former and put her hand on his shoulder. He had half a second to turn around, and then she would 'turn him' herself.

"I see you don't have a weapon yet ..."

"Roight ..."

"Having trouble focusing?"

"Damn roight I am. I need your help or I won't be able to do anything here. I know you know how to fix this, so just do it," she demanded.

"W-wait, you 'know' I know how to fix this? I'm curious. How did you come to that conclusion?"

"Because from what I can tell, you're exactly what we need, when we need it. There's no reason for things to change now, so help me call my lance," she answered in an angry tone.

"Well, alright. You don't mind if I touch you ... do you?"

"Pffft, just hurry up." And with that, he carefully placed his palm over her forehead. She closed her eyes to try picturing her lance again, but with her hands not held out, it was up to Ringo to catch it in his jaws when it finally appeared. First a golden light, then a lance resembling Raquel's emblem piece in texture, and finally her lance, whole and complete. Ringo held onto it for the time being. "... thank you," she said when she opened her eyes again.

"Gemini ... I like that name~" Hypnos commented.

Gabbie turned to take her killer lance from Ringo but shrugged at that first. What was she supposed to make of it?

"Good luck."

"Thanks ..."

Reign overheard the issue of Raquel being a helpless weapon sustaining force for the time being and grimaced. Fortunately, Hypnos said he would keep an eye out for her, so hopefully protecting her over the course of the fight wouldn't be an issue. What still had him worried though was the dragon head itself. Those hands were apparently made out of concentrated magic? There was no way they could truly 'destroy' them then, or at least that's what he theorized while staring down the arena toward the dragon and its two hands. And what about the dragon itself? He needed answers or this wasn't going to work out at all. "Hypnos, just a couple of questions if you don't mind."

"I'll answer if I can," he replied.

"What's the goal here? Right now it's just the dragon and those hands ... I don't see us taking down a phantom head and two hands made out of dark magic."

"Oh that dragon is no phantom on this plain; Discovery even sat on his nose once~ It's true, don't expect those hands to stay gone for more than a few moments even if you do disperse them, but the dragon itself is your goal. Weaken him enough, and you'll win his challenge, but be extremely careful; there is very little he can't do by comparison to Discovery."

'By comparison'? "Appreciate the advice."

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"Somethin' wrong? I said we should cover eachother for this fight... that sword looks made to take out those bloody quick sword guys, right? Keep 'em off me and I can beat anyone else offa' ya. And she's a healer so she can keep us both up good." Arietta replied, confused by the horseman's reaction.


"So that means we're going to fight together again, huh?" Faatina noted, addressing Gabbie.

"Hehe, it went really well last time, so that's awesome~ Let's give 'em hell!"

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There'd been a whole bunch of either dream voodoo, or regular magic mojo, Sinbad hadn't been entirely certain which. Talk about some sort of 'emblem', and some special powers may have come up as well, but he was having a hard time taking everything in. The bunch of squabbling and infighting didn't make things seem to be too promising, guess that was why they needed the teamwork session in the first place. The female mage he'd followed getting into the argument with the much younger, maybe too young, other lass, with no actual combat experience was one indication, the loud mouthed prat with authority issues was another. Still, when the comfortable weight of his piece materialized in his firing hand, he felt the weight of his tonic flask and extra powder and shot in his pouch, and the grip of his sword hilt bit into his off-hand, he figured things were about to get down to business.

First priority, a careful inspection of the firing mechanism. Making sure your flint was in good working order, and that the pin was released when the trigger squeezed was vital. Next, an examination of the barrel for any blockages or burrs in the metal. Nothing, absolutely clean. There was no way he was having a misfire blow up in his face. Especially not after having seen that. Sinbad damn well knew better. Finally, despite the crazy atmosphere, and the wacky surroundings, things were starting to feel a little more like home. Well, until he opened his eyes again and caught another glimpse of the alien sky.

At any rate, the whole crew seemed to be breaking into mini-squads, and since trying to be better in a group when needed was the whole reason he let himself get dragged along on this crazy charade, he quickly interjected in the conversation of the two fellas he'd been paying most attention to, simply on accounts of having run into them first. Apparently they were partnering up, and based on the man's latest statement, there was an opening for a third.

"Not sure if I'm intruding here or whatnot, could be you meant another fella on a horse," Sinbad had started forward, adjusting the introduction he'd been trying to put together in his head when the woman asked a question that seemed like it implied she might be referring to him. A quick glance around showed there weren't exactly what you'd call a host of others vying for that description, but... "Anyway reckon if you're not opposed, I could try an' lend a hand? Been mostly used to working alone, so might need ya'll to guide me a bit on the finer parts of coordination and such, but... I figure I can't be worse than some of what you're used to. Least'n I hope to the gods I'm not," he offered his services.

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"Alright, then," Blake said, after first Hypnos's announcement, then Gabbie's statement that she'd be placed with whoever. "Gabbie will be your third, I suppose. Just let her know when she comes back from whatever." Now, it was off to form another team...


"Well, I suppose that answers your question," Grant noted to Synthia, before turning to the horseman. "No, you'll do fine I think. All you and Synthia have to do is unload on the enemy, and I'll cover you guys with my magic."

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"I'm always ready to fight," Norbert grumbled in reply to Faatina's comments, "And I'm fine with listening to other people's ideas, I just don't like people telling everyone what to do when they don't have any right to do it."

Then, she asked Blake -- who she referred to as their strategy guy -- who would be the third person on their team. "Wait, who ever said--?" Blake was already answering, though, and it sounded like he was picking out the wyvern girl. Well, he hadn't every fought alongside her and she made good company so he could hardly complain about the choice its self. He just resented that people were just assigning what he was going to do without any sort of authority to back it up with. It sounded like Valter was being conscripted, too. That sent Norbert into a brooding mood, muttering and grumbling while his anger simmered and bubbled.

When the unfamiliar guy spoke up -- he seemed to at least know what as going on -- and said that Raquel would basically be stuck the way she was for now since she was apparently maintaining their weapons... Well, that was a bit strange. Not like anything in this dream was normal, but it did draw a particular string of ill-tempered muttering just for Raquel and the dream. At least it sounded like this stranger was going to look after Raquel while they fought the dragon head.

This has "bad idea" written all over it... At least in the real world. In here...I guess the rules are different. It sounded like wyvern girl and Faatina had fought together in the past. Well, that's good. If they already know how each other fights, then that can only help us out. He was still grumbly about the whole thing, but there wasn't any reason to leave the assembled team that he could see, especially since these were two people he didn't mind working with, even in his bad mood.

Gytha, meanwhile, hummed and thought about whose team she would be joining. She was pretty undecided, wondering who would even want her on their team. I've been asked not t' be a part o' others' teams b'fore. Best t' just wait t' be invited, I suppose.

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Tome in hand, Mushirah's demeanor brightened and her confidence got a small surge. Still not comprehending what was going on, she decided to ready herself, taking as defensive a stance as she could with the limited knowledge of what was going on. "I can do this, I can this..." she whispered to herself, a mantra of sorts. Super simple but effective for the woman.

"Whaddaya mean? Hannah's right here!" Well not the real Hannah anyway, but Aneda was indeed patting the very likeness of Hannah right next to her immediately followed by a swift mounting and a spur towards Katrina. "Though I'll still take your offer at another time if Hannah, bless her soul, is out of commission!" Hefting her lance over her shoulder, Aneda was tensing up reflexively, waiting to spring into action and letting her spear rip.

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Robin looked over at the people, getting sorted to be in teams and the like. She was no good at that sort of thing. She was always a solo-hunter, and had noticed that she still acted like that even when on a team. She was better off waiting and not saying anything until those who had better heads for this figured out which team she was best on. Then, she saw Gytha standing off to the side.

"<She doesn't have a team either it looks like. We never did go out together and Zach...>" She glanced over at the three people she currently thought the least of in the group. The drunkard, the hussy, and the scumbag. She shot a cold glare at them before returning her focus to Gytha. "<I shouldn't. She's a strong, solid, woman and she'll get a group for sure. Still... Maybe... Gah! This is a DREAM! Why am I fretting HERE?! Just go and do it and, if it doesn't work out, oh well! It's a DREAM!>"

Taking a gulp, Robin approached Gytha. "Gytha. I know I am no good at this but, since we did not get to go out together earlier, maybe, I can make up for it by being on your team? If you want me that is?" she asked, clearly a bit nervous.


"Teams? Cool! Can I be on one?" piped up Tia, jumping up and down just beyond the edge of the main group. "I know a lot of cool spells and I know how to serve as support, plus I have some awesome theories and such I wanna test out! Can I be on one of your teams? Who are my teammates if I am? Please?"

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Gytha looked over when she heard her name. Turned out it was Robin. As she listened curiously to what the huntress had to say, her grin began to steadily spread across her face. "A'course!" she cheerily replied to Robin, "I'm glad someone wants me on their team! Seems like people haven't been realla wantin' me around recentla, which is fine, I suppose. I'm happy ye want me t' help ye out, though! I'll do me best! Heharr!"

That said, the mariner asked, "So, who d' ye think we should ask t' join our team? We've got room fer one more."

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"By the Lords above, can we not simply murder this bloody thing!" roared Rook, clearly agitated further by the taint of magic in the winds.

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"Lets go already! This is all gonna get disorganized anyways so just grab someone and start stabbing the damn things!" Zach called out right after the sniper had

Luka meanwhile sidestepped to stand next to Mushirah, quite frankely going over the possibility in his head that both of those men were insane and going to hurt them if they didn't hurry up..... assuming Luka didn't hurt the stallers first

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"Why one more?" asked Robin, a bit confused. "I mean, I know we want to keep mobile and all that, but a healer and someone with thick armor would be nice at least. No matter. I do not know. Maybe Shadrak? Or Tia? Or... Or... Just someone who is skilled at casting magic is probably wise all things considered. Not that it matters though. As of now, I think we may be lucky to just get one more. Also, I... Nevermind. It can wait until we wake up." said Robin, relieved that Gytha had accepted her.


Tia made a small shuffle to get a bit further away from Rook and Zach. Something told her, deep in her spine, that they would likely end up taking the brunt of the initial assault. Something she didn't want to be near.

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Luca suddenly seemed to appear from nowhere in front of her when she thought hard enough. "Hey you!" she said, relieved, getting on his back quickly. This allowed her to focus on recalling her tome and staff, since apparently there was a battle coming. At least I feel like I have a chance to survive this now...dyin' in a dream would probably be an ill omen. she thought to herself.


Veronika used her utmost cognitive power to tune out Bert's ranting as finally her sword appeared in her hand. Don't feel defenseless now- hope this works as well as it does in the real world. She decided to go over and answer the loud Tia. "Battles are not 'cool' or made for 'testing theories', they're blood and they're pain and people get killed. Even a dream battle isn't a game," she stressed to the child.

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"Of course!" said Tia with a smile. "But no matter how much practice you get, eventually every theory has to be put to the practical test. Besides, I've read a lot about how epic some battles can be. Heroic struggles of life and death, good and evil, ploys of tactical genius and the like. I've never been in one myself, but they sound amazing. Sides, if this is really a dream, we'll all wake up perfectly fine come the morning, so I might as well see if I can employ some conceptual stuff and see just how it might work. Like, for example, I think I might be able to modify my defensive spell just a bit to get superior offensive power if I do it just right. I know it's a dream, but if I pay attention and remember well enough, I might just get something out of it in the waking world."

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"Battles aren't at all like they're written in stories," Veronika tried to explain to Tia, but they were running out of time. "Just go in the back and try to stay out of trouble. I don't know what this battle is going to be like, so be careful," she warned, stepping over towards Reign, sword in hand. This certainly feels real...I don't know if losing here would do something funny to our minds.

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Challenging the Dragon

I have no idea what's going on right now. I can't hear, see, or feel anyone. How long am I going to have to ...

"Discovery ..." came Hypnos' voice.

"Huh? W-where are you?"

"Where you last saw me. Don't worry about that; just remain as you are. Their weapons and equipment are being forged as we speak and as long as you remain in this state, they won't vanish."

"I'm going to be stuck like this the entire fight?!"

"I'll be here with you, if only as a disembodied voice. I ... hope that's worth something."

Those words weren't what Raquel was expecting, and especially not in that tone. It was the first sense of emotion she'd noticed from him. "Umm, yeah, it is. Thank you ..."

"There's one more thing."

"... yes?"

"You wanted to know why I know so much ..."

A chance to learn the mystery behind this man? "Y-yes! Who are you and where did you come from exactly?"

"That's a story for another time, Discovery. Heh, 'Discovery'. I don't know the exact intention there, but hopefully you'll live to fulfill it. Anyway, the dragon head, that apparition who keeps bringing you to this world ..."

"It's you, right ...? You're the one controlling it?"

"No, I am not controlling him ... but the dragon and I are a part of each other. We come from the same place. I bear our true name and purpose, 'Hypnos', and he bears our scars and the desperate desire for change, 'Morpheus'."

"I don't understand ..." Raquel couldn't find any other way to voice all of her concerns and so settled on a blanket statement.

"I warned you it would be confusing~" Hypnos teased. "But ..." his tone shifted to something more empathetic. "... I want you to know that after this battle, should your friends emerge victorious, things will change."

"Change how?"

"Well, you will have fought the dragon on equal terms and come out victorious ... for one."

"Equal terms? But he controls this entire world from the looks of things," Raquel argued.

"What do you think the dragon is ... some kind of god? Wherever there is control there is always a means. Nothing simply happens ... so how do you think he is controlling this world?"

"... sheer willpower? No ... dark magic?" 'Fire Emblem' was in the back of her mind, but she couldn't bring herself to actually say it, even though that suspicion had been with her since the dragon's appearance onboard the Prometheus. "Is it ... is it my emblem piece?"

"Equal terms. That is what I meant. And who better to advise you on the emblem than someone with first hand knowledge?"

Of course that's the reason. Both I and the dragon have been using the emblem, me fumbling around in the real world, and him during these dreams ... but ... but what is he? What are they?

"And there is one more thing that will change. If you defeat the dragon here ... you'll be seeing a lot more of me and a lot less of ... him ... for awhile."


"That's just the way my mind works, Discovery. Even I can't change that," Hypnos replied in an optimistic tone.

Outside of Raquel's abyssmal trance, the dragon waited for the challengers to approach with a massive grin on its face. Gabbie gave Faatina a doubtful look as she said "I'm not sure what good a couple of sharp sticks are going to do against that but who knows, maybe we'll get lucky."

Shadrak kept an eye on Raquel for the time being, wondering if she was really okay. If she had to be in a trance just to sustain their weapons, what kind of strain was that putting her under? Would she be alright?

Reign had the same concerns as Shadrak but figured the sooner they defeated the dragon, the sooner she would come out of that trance. "So, just take down the dragon, then?"

"And try not to die in the process," Hypnos replied.

She wasn't confident in her ability combat the hands, let alone the dragon, but she was going to try and help them just the same and quickly ran out to the front.

"Remember, for you, this is about teamwork. Lone wolves are dead wolves. And do not leave yourselves open. There are few feats the dragon is not capable of, and I can't be certain just how long he'll hold back," Hypnos warned.

"Will he call in more of those hands for reinforcements?" Shadrak asked.

"Probably ... and maybe something more disturbing, so watch yourselves." And with that final warning, it was time for the battle to begin.

OBJECTIVE: Defeat the Dragon Head

REWARD: Dual Book Unlock

Battlepost Limit: 8


Class: Dragon Head

Raw Stats

HP: 37 STR: 10 MAG: 10 SKL: 10 SPD: 10 LCK: 0 DEF: 5 RES: 5

Simplified Stats

HP: 111 MT: 10 Hit: 10 Evade: 10 AS: 10 Defense: 5 Resistance: 5

Weapon 1: Firewall (Dark)

Weapon 2: Barricade

Weapon 3: Rex Barrier (Dark)

Special Item: Iron Rune

Book: Switch

Overall Stats

HP: 111 MT: 10(5-F/B/RB) Hit: 10 Evade: 10(6-F)(5-B/RB) AS: 10(6-F)(5-B/RB) Defense: 5(13-F)(20-B) Resistance: 5(13-F)(20-RB)

Traits: Immune to all status ailments.

Dragon's Right Hand

Raw Stats

HP: 8 STR: 0 MAG: 0 SKL: 14 SPD: 7 LCK: 3 DEF: 1 RES: 6

Simplified Stats

HP: 24 MT: 0 Hit: 14 Evade: 10 AS: 7 Defense: 1 Resistance: 6

Special Weapon: Aurora Alpha

Special Item: Iron Rune

Overall Stats

HP: 24 MT: 0 Hit: 14 Evade: 10 AS: 7 Defense: 1 Resistance: 6

(Aurora Alpha: The target's highest raw attack stat(str or mag) is reduced to zero for two turns. Can be cured with a restore staff.)

Traits: Immune to all status ailments. Stuns on contact when initiating attacks but never launches counters. Will target the weakest stat(def/res).

Dragon's Left Hand

Raw Stats

HP: 8 STR: 0 MAG: 0 SKL: 14 SPD: 7 LCK: 3 DEF: 1 RES: 6

Simplified Stats

HP: 24 MT: 0 Hit: 14 Evade: 10 AS: 7 Defense: 1 Resistance: 6

Special Weapon: Aurora Omega

Special Item: Iron Rune

Overall Stats

HP: 24 MT: 0 Hit: 14 Evade: 10 AS: 7 Defense: 1 Resistance: 6

(Aurora Omega: The target's highest raw defense stat(def or res) is reduced to zero for two turns. Can be cured with a restore staff.)

Traits: Immune to all status ailments. Stuns on contact when initiating attacks but never launches counters. Will target the weakest stat(def/res).



Class: Level 5 Adept

Raw Stats

HP: 8 STR: 0 MAG: 10 SKL: 10 SPD: 10 LCK: 3 DEF: 3 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 24 MT: 10 Hit: 10 Evade: 13 AS: 10 Defense: 3 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: Ground Zero (Cataclysmic Fire Attack)

Weapon 2: Fallout (Plague Fire Attack)

Special Item: Legendary Headband

Book: Skill (-25% AS/Evade 1 Turn)

Book: Skill (-25% Def/Res 1 Turn)

Overall Stats

HP: 24 MT: 10 Hit: 10 Evade: 13 AS: 10 Defense: 3 Resistance: 4(12-LH)

Traits: Regenerates six points of hp at the beginning of each turn. Immune to fire magic and fire magic based damage.


Morpheus-111/111 (Erratic) Firewall(Dark)

R!Hand-24/24 (Erratic)

L!Hand-24/24 (Erratic)

























Luka- 15/15






The Dragon's Right Hand attacks Zachary! Rolls 1,5,1



-4 hp STUN

Zachary hp 11/15

The Dragon's Left Hand attacks Shadrak! Rolls 5,3,1



-2 hp STUN

Shadrak hp 16/18





















Zach-11/15 (STUN)

Luka- 15/15


Shadrak-16/18 (STUN)



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Marella stifled a cry as Zach got smacked by the dragon's hand. Quickly moving in front of both Zach and Rook, she settled into a defensive stance with her blade pointed at the dragon. "You're going to have to get through me if you want to do that again."

Marella activates Bulwark. Marella defends Rook and Zach

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So this was the fight, huh? A massive dragon's head and two more of those ooze hands? Not what she had been expecting, but it was good enough to let off some steam.

"Alright you son of a bitch... better grit your fucking teeth!" Arietta roared, as she swung her maul at the hand on the left, battering it thoroughly.


"These things again... I'm getting sick of these damn things..." Faatina groaned, before rushing up to one of them and stabbing it in it's stupid palm... that'll show it to be a fucking hand.

Arietta(3,2,1) 10 hit - 10 evd, hit! 11 Mt - 1 def, 10 damage!

Left hand(14/24)


Faatina(4,4,5) 14 hit - 10 evd, hit! 11 Mt - 1 def, 10 damage!

Left hand(4/24)


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