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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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As Zach ran off, Marella cursed under her breath. Grabbing Rook, she spun him around. "Follow me." She charged after Zach yelling after him "How can I defend you if you refuse to stay near me?" She slid right in front of Zach just as he launched off his attack. Bracing herself, she brought her sword up just in time to catch the returning dark magic attack from the dragon. With a shudder, she took a few steps forward and stabbed Morpheus right on the nose before quickly retreating back towards Zach and Rook. "Now, this time, stay where I can easily defend you, ok? Look at what happened to those shadow versions of us. She got distracted and, well, he's dead. Don't let that happen to you."

Edited by scorri
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Arietta awoke with a start, sweat pouring down her back.

"That was bloody freaky..." She murmured, drinking some water before going back to sleep, this time free of dream training.


Faatina cursed... why couldn't she touch anything? Was this really the limits of her strength? Seeing Veronika sidle past the defending knight and shred phantom Zachary to ribbons didn't exactly help her self-esteem in that regard.

Regardless, she began to circle around looking for another chance to strike when suddenly her vision went hazy, followed by it fading to black...


She awoke with a start, the pain in her leg immediately catching her attention, followed by the less pronounced pain coursing through the rest of her body. As Faatina tried to look around and figure out what was going on, the thing that caught her eye was her leg, jutting out at a far from normal angle... it was the same one she had injured on the ship.

"Fuck... the hell happened?" Faatina swore, as she tried to move in a position to better support the broken limb... from what she could tell, for whatever reason she had fallen asleep on a decently high tree branch, which had apparently broken mere moments ago, sending the woman plummeting to the ground. Her vision still hazy and the pounding in her head making it's presence known, she scanned the campsite for anyone who might not be participating in the dream training... if no one was there, this was going to be a long, painful night....

Faatina has withdrawn from battle!

Arietta has withdrawn from battle!

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Nadya came over and healed the Phoenix, which was alright, though she seemed odd. No jokes or anything...

And that was the last thought Blake had, before the fire wave hit him. Then there was pain. Lots and lots of pain. So much that he couldn't even scream. It was like he was being cooked alive by his own flesh.

The pain persisted for some period of time, but then it subsided a bit, enough for the swordsman to get up. His saviour was Nadya and the Phoenix girl, apparently.

"I... guess hitting you wasn't the best move," Blake said to the Phoenix, as he gingerly got to his feet. Somehow his weapons were charred, but intact. "S-sorry. Ugh..." He couldn't tell exactly how bad he was burnt, but he figured he wasn't exactly dashing. Just a short distance away Zachary was just finishing off an exchange between himself and the hand. Further off, there were... clones of his allies? Oh, this was ridiculous. Through sheer force of will, the swordsman drew his word, charged towards the gathering of clones, and went directly after an already weakened clone: A dragon-head theme colored Nadya, one arrow bloodied. The Ursian lunged, and the duplicate was impaled by his blade. With a single motion, the sword was removed, and the fake fell.


5,6,4 = 14-9 = Hit!

15 Might = DH's Nadya has been KO'ed!

Blake gains fury (and burn scars)!

Blake 11/15

DH's Nadya 0/21


The Dragon head hardly put up a fight, the burn hurt worse... And it wasn't getting any better, sadly. The duelist tried to shrug it off, and continued in his defense.

Grant Defends Sinbad and Synthia!

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The battle raged on as whatever passed for normal in this world so far until the dragon head suddenly...spat out...members of Raquel's group, except colored differently... "Okay, what in Nature's stupid, twisted world--?" Norbert cut himself off, just plain confused by the happenings below. That was interrupted when he saw one that looked like Zach look up at him and do...something with a book he held.

Norbert only had enough time for the following reaction: his eyes widened as he realized just what the shadow copy was doing. "Oh bl--" He was cut off by a sudden blast of electricity that lit up the entire bit of airspace around him and caused him to cry out loudly in pain.

He remembered this feeling. This was the same, overwhelming power that Suzume had unleashed upon him at the last port before they came back to Ursium. He was so caught up in his own suffering that Norbert didn't notice the shrill whinnies of pain Rizen was shrieking. When the main current finally stopped, the pair's own voices faded with only a light groan every now and then as Rizen glided back to the ground and painfully folded her wings and lowered her head. She hurt and so she didn't want to move, keeping her eyes tightly shut. Norbert likewise was bent forward and though his focus was severely impaired, fading in and out, he remained conscious. His breathing was somewhat rough and heavy, though.

Then, he felt his tight muscles and burns begin to soothe. His breathing calmed and he steadily became more aware of his surroundings. By the time he was fully healed, so, too, was Rizen. And who was standing close by with a staff in hand but his fellow pegasus rider.

"Thanks," he sincerely told the boy. Looking around and shaking off the last of that electric attack, the pegasus rider considered his options of what to do next. He didn't see the one who'd shot him down around anymore, so someone had probably gotten rid of him already. That blast had taken a lot out of him, though, and he was still a bit out of breath from it.

Then, he locked his red eyes onto the hand he'd attacked before. Steadily, his fervor returned to him and along with it, his sheer will to fight. Yeah... Last time I was knocked unconscious by Suzumay's blast. This time...I didn't black out. Either I'm getting better at this or that guy was weaker than she was. A small grin began to grow on Norbert's face. Maybe there's something to this dream training after all.

"Hey, you!" Norbert called out to the hand as he readied his mace in one hand and kept a grip on Rizen's reigns with the other. His smile was replaced by a focused glare. As he charged Rizen directly at the thing, he finished his proclamation, "You don't get to stay in one piece! I'LL CRUSH YOU!!"

(6+2)-10 = miss!

Dragon's Left Hand 3/24

Norbert 18/18

That didn't go entirely as planned, though, as the hand agilely bent its form to rather easily escape Norbert's swing. "Urgh!!" Perhaps proclaiming where he was coming from this time wasn't the smartest approach.


Gytha managed to escape Reign's flames, but the intended targets sure hadn't. The dragon head also...heaved out some allies... Hm. Well, nothing was normal in this world. It was a bit unsettling how much these enemies looked like their own, though. They sure didn't act like friendlies, so they were fair game, as several were already displaying.

"Well, if this is how it's done..." Gytha muttered to herself before targetting a black-haired Chelsea and running at her with her blade ready. An ally of the copy's wasn't having any of that, though, and a copy of the very lady who'd helped her and Veronika down to the others intercepted her attack.

Gytha's attack on Dark Chelsea gets redirected to Dark Katrina!


((7+2)+3)-6 = 4 = hit!

(7+2)-8 = 1 CRITICAL! 2 damage!

Following through on her attack in spite of the target change, Gytha managed to wound the woman even through her armor with a precise cut. The copy of Katrina wasn't going to take that lying down, though.


((7-2)+3)-8 = 0 = hit!

(7+2)-2 = 7 damage!

7/2 = 3 health regained!

Gytha 17/24

Dark Katrina 24/24

Dark Chelsea 15/15

The black-red-and-gold wyvern rider barely managed to strike at Gytha, though magically. The mariner could feel her energy be drained if only some and by the end of it, the copy of Katrina's wound was completely healed, from what Gytha could tell. At least, the one she'd given her.

"A'right, then," she quietly commented to herself as she retreated some, sword up defensively, "Tricky."

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Ze Gar

Gar kept watching without interfering as the battle heated up--literally in the case of that flame girl. This really wasn't his kind of fight, a big bad dude like that. Even when he called in some reinforcements of his own in the shape of the others Gar didn't get involved. Best to not reveal how many of the party he could take down by himself after all. Well, granted if a copy of him showed up... well the shadow-guys looked a fair bit more powerful than their originals anyway so eh...

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There had been some dopplegangers who had appeared and took out Shadrak, but the vast majority of them were quickly cut down in return. Grant had noticed that there was still a healer up, however. That wasn't good.

"If you don't mind...," Grant began, turning to his allies. "Can we take out the medic? Saves us grief in the long run."

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Sindbad had finished loading his pistol, cocked back the flint, and had begun to look for a clean opening to fire at the Dragon Head once again. The introduction of a small horde of additional combatants had been worrisome, and the best was to stop that was probably to cut them off at the source, or so he thought. A plea from an ally caused him to reconsider this a bit. The cowboy hadn't noticed this "medic" healing anyone on the enemy phase, but maybe he'd been distracted by watching their pegasus rider nearly get struck from the sky with an impressive bolt of lightning. Poor fella seemed like injury just had it in store for him, he reminisced about the arrow and helping to take care of that. Anyway, the fact that she was armored and wielding what looked to be a fierce magic tome had caused him to overlook the staff at her side, not being particularly familiar with who it'd been based off of hadn't helped matters any either.

"Don't in particular take well to shooting a woman as ain't tried to shoot at me, but... reckon you might have something there," he conceded with a sigh, and trained his sights on the dark chaplain. Mounted opponents tended to be a little trickier, as sometimes even the best trained animal will do something unpredictable. To ensure a solid hit, Sinbad took another swig of tonic, lead her position a little, and fired.



[2, 2, 6]

Hit: 16 + 2 = 18 - 7 = 11 SUCCESS

Damage: 33 + 2 = 35 - 8 = 27 serious ow (not quite Nika ow)

Sinbad: 24/24

DH Chelsea: -12/15

No contest. The girl hit the ground like a rag doll. Sinbad wasn't sure he'd be able to load up another shot before combat ended, so he rather hoped he'd used them wisely. Holstering his weapon, he took out his sword, and contemplated the next steps. Riding up close to rest of his team, he informed them, "Deed's done, but don't expect too much more of that. I'll probably needs be fighting face ta face from here on out."

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To the girl's surprise, Blake forced himself up and not only remained that way, but proceeded to cut down an enemy only moments later. She followed after him carefully, not quite sure what happened still. According to Blake, he had attacked her ... but why? That was part of the reason she was keeping a safe distance.

Gabbie was dumbfounded to see what had happened in the last minute, casualties on both sides, two people on their side outright disappearing, and various other little bits that didn't make sense to her. She shook it off and began looking around for a target she could take down herself. Without Faatina to back her up and Bert writhing from yet another thunder magic injury, she was on her own for the time being. Sighing a heavy sigh she muttered, "Roight ... that's how it is ..."

Reign was in a great deal of pain but managed not to end up flat on the ground. Once he was standing again, he uttered, "That ... does it ..."

"How are they doing ...?" Raquel inquired, still stuck in her trance and trapped in silent darkness.

"Casualties on both sides. They're doing ... alright, but their strength is still divided, and the dragon is now in a position to begin tearing them down by the foundations," Hypnos explained.

"What?! Tell them to fight harder or something! Isn't there some way I can help them?!"

"Of course, but it's only within your power to do so."

"So basically there's nothing I can do because by the time I figure out how or what and become strong enough to actually pull it off, this will all be long over ..."

"As long as you maintain their weapons while you experiment, anything is worth a try," Hypnos concluded.


Morpheus-47/111 (Erratic) Firewall

R!Hand-0/24 (Respawning)

L!Hand-3/24 (Erratic)


Nadya-0/21 (*Blake'd*)

Zachary-0/15 (*MGR'd*)

Marella-24/24 (Erratic)


Chelsea-0/15 ("Ow, right in my disease!")

Shadrak-0/18 (*Flatlining*)

Katrina-21/21 (Erratic)






Arietta-[File Not Found]

Reign-13/24 (Stun)



Grant-11/21 (Plagued)











Faatina-[File Not Found]

Marella-24/24 (Defending Team)

Rook-24/24 (Defended)

Zach-15/15 (Defended)




Blake-11/15 (Plagued)


The dopplegangers were being cut down quickly, but not quickly enough to stop the dragon from unleashing a few more before the party could concentrate solely on him again. What was worse, his right hand had restored itself and was now ready to strike in tandem with the left. Before that though, the dragon wanted to consolidate his forces, and that meant he would need to summon his reinforcements first. Three new fighters emerged from his jaws in the middle of a tremendous roar, not a single one mounted. All of them flipped and tumbled through the air before landing gracefully in formation in front of the dragon and between him and the party. Robin ... Gytha ... and Gar. The first two nodded at one another while the third scanned everyone still standing and then began to slowly backtrack toward the dragon. If they didn't keep an eye on that one, they were going to regret it.

With sufficient forces to press the attack, the dragon head began to rear back in preparation and his forces moved in. He unleashed another shock wave, this one aimed at Rook, but Marella was able to stop it from ever reaching him. His right and left hands moved in on Veronika and Blake respectively and struck them both.

Robin's doppleganger took aim hoping to hit Zachary of all people, and there was a strange mix of contempt and longing in her eyes as she drew back in preparation to shoot. "Dead ... to me." She almost killed him, but not quite. The doppleganger of Katrina swooped down to defend her from any rebuttals the enemy might have in store.

The dopplegangers of Gytha and Marella then banded together for an attack of their own. Singling out Sinbad for destruction, they charged in only to be intercepted by Grant. That didn't slow them down though and they decided to tear him down with a dual strike. He shrugged off both hits and countered the two of them at the same time. Neither got through to Sinbad despite their best efforts.

Just when Gabbie didn't think things could get worse, she spotted who she could have sworn was Luka wandering over toward the dragon. His hair had been drenched black which was ... odd. What she thought was suicidal turned out to be anything but, as the dopplegangers and the hands were leaving him alone. The intent became clear when Luka used his staff to heal the dragon and his features returned to normal. "What are you DOING?!"

When the doppleganger of Gar reappeared, it was too late for anyone to prevent him from taking action, and he delivered two devastating blows to Aneda from behind. ... one ... wait. "Hmm?" She wasn't out just yet, but this prompted a smile from him rather than annoyance.

DH equips Rex Barrier(Dark) and attacks Rook! Marella defends! Rolls 1,4,1



-8 hp

DH hp 47/111

Rook hp 24/24

Marella hp 16/24

DH's Right hand attacks Veronika! Rolls 4,4,6



-3 hp (Stun)

DH's Left hand attacks Blake! Rolls 3,2,4



1 damage (Stun)

DH's Katrina defends Robin!

DH's Robin attacks Zachary! Marella defends! DH's Robin uses Bypass! Rolls 5,2,3



-14 hp

DH's Robin hp 15/15

Zachary hp 1/15

DH's Marella and DH's Gytha Dual attack Sinbad! Grant defends! DH's Marella rolls 6,2,6


Grant counterspells and hits for 8 damage!


-4 hp

DH's Gytha rolls 2,2,2


Grant counterspells and hits for 8 damage!


-6 hp

Grant counterspell rolls: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3998762/

DH's Marella hp 16/24

DH's Gytha hp 13/21

Grant hp 1/21

Sinbad hp 24/24

DH's Gar attacks Aneda! Rolls 2,6,1



-12 hp

DH's Gar doubles Aneda! Rolls 6,3,1




Miracle activates!

DH's Gar hp 9/9

Aneda hp 1/18

Luka heals DH: hp +20

Plague ticks.

Blake -4 hp

Grant -7 hp KO!

Dragon Head's Robin

Class: Level 1 Sniper

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 0 SKL: 11 SPD: 8 LCK: 4 DEF: 3 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 4 Hit: 11 Evade: 12 AS: 8 Defense: 3 Resistance: 1

Special Weapon: Hunting Bow (Arbalest)

Item: Stimulant

Book: Dual

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 4(13-HB) Hit: 11 Evade: 12 AS: 8 Defense: 3 Resistance: 1

Dragon Head's Gar

Class: Level 2 Sword Master

Raw Stats

HP: 3 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 12 SPD: 12 LCK: 7 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 9 MT: 3 Hit: 12 Evade: 19 AS: 12 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

Special Weapon: Dual Knives

Special Item: Silver Mail

Book: Dual

Overall Stats

HP: 9 MT: 3(9-DK) Hit: 12 Evade: 19 AS: 12 Defense: 1(9-SM) Resistance: 1

Dragon Head's Gytha

Class: Level 1 Hero

Raw Stats

HP: 8 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 6 LCK: 2 DEF: 4 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 24 MT: 7 Hit: 7 Evade: 8 AS: 6 Defense: 4 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: Sacred Sword

Special Weapon: Flintlock Pistol

Book: Dual

Overall Stats

HP: 24 MT: 7(12-SS)(14-FP) Hit: 7 Evade: 8 AS: 6 Defense: 4 Resistance: 2


If there was one thing she could be sure of, it's that those hands were the enemy. Maybe she wouldn't warrant another attack if she helped them fight. With that in mind, she summoned up as much fire as she could manage and engulfed the dragon and its hands in a tidal wave of flames. One of the hands was dispersed by it, but the other managed to survive along with the dragon. On the bright side, there was one less enemy to deal with for the time being.

Phoenix attacks DH team with Ground Zero! Rolls 5,1,1



0 damage

-10 hp

-10 hp KO!

Phoenix hp 24/24

DH hp 67/111

R!Hand hp 14/24

L!Hand hp 0/24


Morpheus-67/111 (Erratic) Rex Barrier(Dark)

R!Hand-14/24 (Erratic)

L!Hand-0/24 (Respawning)




Marella-16/24 (Erratic)




Katrina-21/21 (Erratic)(Defending Robin)


Robin-15/15 (Erratic)(Defended)

Gar-9/9 (Erratic)

Gytha-13/21 (Erratic)






Arietta-[File Not Found]



Veronika-12/15 (Stun)

Grant-0/21 (Plagued)











Faatina-[File Not Found]







Blake-6/15 (Plagued)(Stun)


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Things were getting bad and Tia needed to get a bit more active! She opened her tome up again as her words started for form on her lips. Once again she focused on the mists, but this time, instead of making it so that they eased the body and allowed the mind to focus, she tried to use them to strengthen the muscles of all and make their attacks punch a bit more of a whallop!

"You big meanie! Making dream-clones of us isn't nice! Next thing you know we're going to see people beating up those dream clones because they can't tell them apart from the real ones! That's just not fair! Take this!"

She quickly called upon the second of the three streams and sent it lashing out, but her mind was divided and distracted between speaking, misting, and lashing, and the stream hit the dragons hand with barely more than a mild tickle to hurt it.

Tia bards and boosts MT for the entire group! (12/18 HP left)

Tia attacks the Dragon's Right Hand! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3998814/ 2, 1, 2! Tia deals 1 damage to the hand, barely tickling it.

Right hand HP 13/24

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The Phoenix had seemed to ignore him, choosing to follow after Blake and attack some enemies, oh well, that worked he supposed.

Focusing on the next group of enemies Zach could see that his own doppelganger had vanished while he'd been distracted, maybe someone had struck it down while he'd been distracted. More of the dark creatures had appeared though, and just as he had noticed a particular black haired archer something implanted itself in his gut.

Crumpling to the ground onto his back Zach vomited up blood once he landed, the pain he was feeling so intense the only thing that could compare was when he'd been run through back at the Manse battle. Too weak to pull the arrowhead out or even call for help the sage was stuck on the floor, wondering what exactly would happen if he died here....

Mind Control BITCH

Luka blinked, why was he standing somewhere now that he hadn't just been? And why was Gabbie yelling at him? "I... I don't know, what did I do? I can't remember anything....."

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Marella winced as she saw Zach take an arrow to the gut. Pulling herself together, she shoved Rook next to Zach and planted herself in front of them. "Neither of you is moving from behind me. Got it? Good."

Marella activates Bulwark and defends Rook/Zach.

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"Marella!" roared Rook as the dust settled, but the steadfast warrior only pulled herself forward and back into position.

"Neither of you is moving from behind me. Got it? Good."

"Wouldn't dream of it!" Rook said, almost laughing. The woman was barely scratched. "Still feel like you deserve some payback!" The shot was true, but the dragon head seemed barely phased by the clothyard shaft smacking into it. Enraged, the beast sent a wave of hatred and energy back towards them, and Rook flinched as once again his faithful companion took the blow. All he could do was try and shield the heavily injured Zach further from the impact.

Hits, 10 damage.

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The Dragon Head leaned close and spat a dark magic attack at Rook, but Marella jumped in front of it before it could hit her friend. She winced slightly at the sting, but laughed and swung at the head in front of her, sending it quickly back to where it had come from. "Nice shot Rook!"

[spoiler=roll/stat stuff]




(10+1-5)=6, hit

(5+4-7)=2 damage



(5+3-5)=3, hit

(9+3-5)=7 damage



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No Pain No Gain

The phoenix needed a moment to gather her strength if she was going to try anything like that again, and so she fell back enough to have warning of any incoming attacks in advance, or so she thought. An arrow came speeding by that could have very well hit her if the shooter had wanted, but instead it was aimed at Zachary, and he didn't like having arrows in him any more than she did. "GAAAAH ... er- ... errr- ..." What was she supposed to do for him? She couldn't even treat herself while she had those arrows in her and now someone else did. Maybe someone else could help? Those close by him were taking fire from and returning it to the dragon and so they might not be able to. With that in mind, she rushed over, sliding to a stop and tried to assess the damage. It probably wasn't helping, but he was so quiet, she thought he might be unconscious and began carefully shaking him by the shoulder to get his attention.

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One Gar is Good, Two Gars is Better

The Dragon Head spat out a new set of good old copies to contend with. Including a stunning shirtless figure who Gar couldn't help but recall seeing in mirrors for the entirety of his life. Said handsome figure had a game of knives with that one lance-chick. And insult of insults he failed to kill her! What a rotten copy that was--fancy knives and armor though. Gar studied those in detail before showing to the copy just how a real Gar took care of business. Since attacking a magnificent work of art like himself was just silly, he instead went after the biggest, baddest thing around and stabbed the dragon head in a grain between scales.

At the very least he wasn't surprised when the Head didn't spontaneously combust or something. It was a lot more hardy than some woman after all. Well it didn't combust in a positive way, and instead sent some dark pulse that knocked Gar clear of getting a couple more swipes in. It also made him dizzy.

Gar has 10 MT, Gar doubles, Gar vantages, Gar hits.

Gar does 10+6-5=11 damage.

Gar does 10+2-5=7 damage.

Gar does 18 damage total.

DH counters, autohits(WTC) does 5+3-1=7 damage.


DH has 33/111 HP remaining.

Gar has 2/9 HP remaining.

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Things were going great, and most of the other clones were being cut down hard. They could do this!

Then, the hands came. and things went to hell. Aside from his weapons being knocked away in the altercation, Blake saw that Grant and Zach both went down, one to a combination of a Gytha clone and a knight clone-the new girl?-, the other to a cloned Robin. A third clone- Gar- nearly killed Aneda. Meanwhile, Faatina and Arietta had both disappeared, so they couldn't rely on them. Lastly, but worstly, Luka had, for some reason, healed the dragon head. Just like Nadya had healed the Phoenix... Wait a sec. The Phoenix was controlled, too... Oh, dammit, he was controlling them. This was bad. They couldn't hold out much longer, let alone trust each other, and the Dragon head seemed to be almost invincible to both physical and magical damage at this point in time...

Then, the Phoenix attacked the hands and the Head, and didn't even scratch the latter while killing off the left hand. That was odd, the head's resistance was much weaker a moment ago when Zachary started... That might mean...

"Physical fighters, charge the dragon head!" Blake yelled out, practically killing his throat as he did so. He himself couldn't do much without his weapons, and the burns only seemed to be getting worse with time, but nonetheless, the swordsman tried to get over to his weaponry so he could join in on the potential charge.


Two lovely lady clones tried to gut Sinbad. Grant was having none of that. He jumped into the way of the attacks and hit the aggressors with one bolt each. It hurt, but they didn't bring him down. The burn hurt worse. Speaking of which, it flared up once again.

"Not getting past me.... Urgh," Grant said, falling to his knees. Okay, so maybe he wasn't so alright. "G-give me a minute.."

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Zach was phasing in and out awarness, he could still feel the arrow in his gut and the pain of it felt off the scale. Still though the sage could feel someone shaking his shoulder. Tilting his head over to the side he could see it was the Phoenix girl, she seemed to be really upset, was she worried about him? Such a good girl....

Blood trickling down from a smiling mouth he reached up and stroked her cheek with his thumb "Hey, kiddo." he muttered, not able to talk any louder "Don't worry about me.... I'll be fine okay?


More blood coming up, it certainly seemed the sage was lying about his condition, but worrying her wouldn't do much good would it. A sad small chuckle escaped his mouth "Dad's taken worse than this before I'll be right as rain in no time."

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Once again, his duelist teammate had moved to intercept, this time holding off a pair of clonespawn bent on violence.

This time, not standing back up with the usual grit and determination.

He'd held them off, but couldn't stand up from his knees, and it was due to Sinbad having roused the ire of the enemy. He felt an acute sense of responsibility, something drilled in during his Kigenese upbringing. Alright then, how to rectify the situation as best he could? The tonic wasn't only good for the concentration, it also had a convalescent effect, aiding in the recovery of wounds and illness. There should still be a swallow left he could give his fellow fighter. Keep him from total collapse, even though the man was obviously in no position to fight again for the remainder of the engagement.

He swung down from his horse and rushed over, waving off their healer teammate, who'd gripped her staff with a look of determination, and seemed to be about to tend to him. "Go, tend to the others, I can at least do this much for the team," he said, hoifting the healing concoction. "I'll get him back on his feet, at least, though nothing more. Still, even if you spent all your efforts on him, I doubt he'd be fit to fight, and that is certainly not the case for everyone else," he gestured to others on the field who had taken dire, but not life-threatening wounds, like one of the pegasus riders, or the lightning mage. "We'll be sure to catch up after, and even if he can't, I could defend ya if ya needed."

Turning to the patient in question, he offered his tonic, and instructed, "Thank you for again stepping in harm's way. Drink this, the least I can do."

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Gytha was a little surprised when she heard a gun being fired from behind her and looked back to see that someone she wasn't entirely familiar with had just shot someone ahead of her. Turned out to be the copy of Chelsea. Hm. Nice shot. She was relatively impressed. The mariner made a mental note to talk to him later if he was a part of their group.

Then something happened that Gytha really wasn't entirely sure how to handle happened. The dragon head spat out a few more copies of the group members. This time, though, one of them resembled her. The lookalike teamed up with another of the new copies and attacked the gunman, though another of their newer members took their attacks and fended them off. He was considerably worse for wear in the effort, though. That was Synthia's team. That certainly was concerning. Something had to be done.

"Hoy!" Gytha called over to the woman who looked like her, "Can ye talk 'r am I wastin' me breath?" Gytha looked concerned and confused, but didn't appear angry. Her sword wasn't even up, though she still held it casually in her sword hand.


"Whoa!" Norbert's vocal reflex was in response to the fire that was suddenly blasted their way as opposed to Rizen's reaction, which was to run the heck out of the way and get back into the air. As she circled, her rider watched the proceedings of the battle and thought back to how close he and his pegasus had come to coming under friendly fire. The dragon head sent more ally-looking enemies after them and Rizen flew just a bit higher. Luckily, no one tried shooting them out of the sky this time, though others weren't so lucky.

This is tough... Maybe I should check on my team. And so he began looking around for Faatina and the wyvern girl. The latter was easy enough to find, but the former... That was odd. There was no trace of her. And after she'd given him that speech earlier... So, he flew over and landed near Gabbie.

"Hey, wyevern girl, have you seen Faatina?" he asked as he rode the rest of the way over aground.

Edited by Mercakete
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So Morpheus had more tricks up his sleeve, did he? Synthia couldn’t say she was surprised. What she was surprised about however was that the enemies he’d summoned looked a lot.. like.. them. What kind of sick joke was this? Most of the others weren’t having trouble cutting them down, emotional or otherwise, but it made the mage a little queasy. She did of course agree that it had to be done however and so watched passively as Sinbad took Grant’s advice and shot Chelsea’s doppleganger. The attack apparently took his last shot as well, just perfect.

And then of course things had to become even worse when two newly summoned clones swooped in to attack Sinbad, though were stopped by Grant. Synthia had grabbed her staff before he even hit the ground, but was almost immediately waved off by the horseman. “It’ll just take a second to-“ she started, but Sinbad was already administering treatment. “Fine,” she said instead, and ran off towards the nearest downed group members. Aneda was first even if she wasn’t going by alphabetical order.

Heals Aneda whoop whoop +12 HP

Aneda now has 13/18 HP like a boss or something


Katrina had grabbed her axe and was running back to the fray when the Dragon Head decided to unveil his new party trick, creating clones. Of course Kat said the most intelligent things at that moment. “Holy shit, she looks like me! And, and, the wyvern looks like Volga! How does he do that?!”

Her awe quickly wore off though as the dopplegangers started attacking her teammates, and she decided some action was in order. Running the rest of the way to her wyvern, she hopped on the saddle and had Volga take off, landing smack dab in front of her black and red clone. “Woah, you really do look like me… Uh, I mean, why are you attacking my friends, huh?! There’s only supposed to be one of me anyway, so get lost!”

Edited by roymbrog
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That Feeling of Uselessness

Zachary was saying one thing but coughing up another. With no healing powers she knew about and no first aid training to speak of, the phoenix was at a loss for how to respond at first. Next, instead of shaking him in order to get his attention, she did so in a pleading manner, urging him to stay alive and tearing up again. Why was she so incapable of helping any of these people?

That Feeling of Kinship

Gytha tried to get a word in with her doppleganger, and interestingly enough, she got a response. A verbal one even. "Huh? A'course I can talk. What sort o' question is that?" Gytha's doppleganger replied, looking a little surprised. "Did ye want t' ask me somethin' 'r are ye reada t' fight?" The second statement was accompanied by a slightly mischievous grin. Her hand wandered down to her pistol which was also concerning.

Katrina attempted the same and received much of the same. "You get lost! I have every right to be here. And ... besides, I don't take orders from you; I take order from uh ... him," she pointed her axe toward the dragon head and then returned her attention to the original Katrina. Giving her axe a bit of a twirl she said, "Bring it!"

That Feeling of ... Being Gabbie

"Faatina ..." Gabbie repeated to herself, seemingly only half present anymore. Suddenly she looked up to where Bert was and shook her head saying, "No, she just ... vanished. I don't know what happened." Maybe she woke up or ... something. Lucky her.

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As dark Gytha's hand moved towards her pistol, Gytha's hand drifted to her own in spite of what she said next and the manner in which she said it.

"Nah, didn't come 'ere lookin' t' fight. Not you anaway n' not just now," she replied, her curiosity remaining, though her tone and expression becoming more casual and friendly, "Ye sure are interestin'. Ye even sound like me! Heharr! Hmm... D' ye have th' same memories as me, 'r d' ye have yer own? These questions're a bit strange, I know, but I've never come across someone so much like me b'fore."


"Vanished?" Norbert echoed, feeling a mix of surprise, concern and frustration, "Did she wake up or something? Merz... Wasn't she the one telling me to just listen to orders and get to the fight?"

He shook that off without even waiting for a reply, though he was still irritated. "Whatever. That's not the only reason I came over here. Things are getting pretty tricky out there and I was coming over here to regroup and see what you were planning on doing. Maybe I'd pick up some ideas."

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It had been a quiet night for the man known as Axel, at least, after everyone else had gone asleep. He had spent the time keeping guard over the campsite, all the while performing maintenance on his gear. For the time being he had his helm off, and was wearing a black hood to compensate, should some of the others wake up. The lancer had just been in the middle of polishing his chestplate when there was a crack, and something fell to the ground. This was followed by some swearing, by a woman, if his ears weren't deceiving him. After picking up his lance, the hooded man walked over to check the disturbance. He swore when he got close enough to see what had happened.

There was the Rexian paladin, with a broken leg, and there was a large tree branch. Judging by how the branch was behind the paladin, and not on her legs, she had been, for some reason, sleeping on the tree branch, when it had snapped and they both fell. The landing explained the leg. And, since he was the only one on guard, he would probably have to deal with it.

"...Are you going to grope me, if I get close?" Axel growled, approaching the victim.


"... Heh, it's what I do," Grant said, his hand shaking as he accepted the tonic. The man took a mouthful, swallowed, and passed the tonic back. "Thanks... Feels a bit better, though I'd better see a medic before we keep going." The wounds didn't hurt so much now, and the burn pain was rapidly waning. Shame he couldn't cover Synthia as she went over to heal someone else, though...

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Luckily, it seemed atleast one of them had not been in this dream training, as the man... Faatina didn't recognize him past his hood, but she couldn't do much but trust him... she was injured and unarmed, if he was an enemy, she was at his mercy regardless.

That was when something that Faatina's hazy mind couldn't quite grasp the significance of occurred, as rather than get to helping her right away, the man held his distance and interrogated her as to whether she was going to grope him if he came any closer?

"I have no idea what the hell you're talking about but this is no time for jokes." Faatina replied with a grimace and a wince.

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"..Tch, I guess you don't remember. You got drunk and basically threw yourself at the other Rexian earlier on tonight. Made quite a scene," Axel said, before coming closer. The leg was broken, no doubt. Perfect, now he had to probably set the bone, bring her over to near the wagon, and then probably knock her out. This would leave the group open to ambush for a while, and that was a headache he didn't need right now. "Yeah, your leg is broken. I'm going to set it straight, at least, in a minute, so you'd best brace yourself."

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