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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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Falling Dreams Are the Worst

"You're worried she'll be harmed by the weight of the burden I'm not carrying? Again, don't be. The laws regulating this place and everything in it will crumble right along with it. If concern for her safety is what's staying your hand, then let that go and execute your maneuver while you still have the time," Hypnos replied. "Show me what your teamwork can accomplish-hrg ...!" Hypnos suddenly reached for one of his wounds, and seemingly in response, the island itself began to give way as a single long fissure spread out marking the areas where the coliseum and island broke into two unequal halves. Fortunately for the challengers, the two halves weren't drifting from one another just yet. However one noticeable change that came with the shattering of the arena was that every inanimate object left to itself was now floating away. Everyone else remained on the ground as if gravity were normal, but the rest of the environment was in total free fall.

Reign nearly lost his footing from the swift shock but recovered quickly enough. Damn, we're about to crash into whatever counts as the ground in this place, aren't we ...?

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The island almost split in half, knocking Blake off- balance. This thing really was going to crumble, wasn't it?

"Got it," Blake said, after he had regained his balance. "Well, you fought well. Thank you for this experience."

The man then lifted his sword, motioned for Gar to launch his attack, and charged Hypnos.

Blake prepares for Dual Attack!

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One Gar Will Rise Two the Top

Sword-guy was finally in position. What position? The position to be a distraction while Gar rammed his knife into the substitute dragon head's back. Or side. Hard to tell. But either way the important thing was that someone was stabbed. And slashed. And the replacement probably fully expected it which took some of the charm out of it really.

Gar activates the Dual book ability through hax!

Gar does 9+5-5=*2=18 damage!

Hypnos is on the ropes!


Blake activates the Dual book ability through more hax!

Blake does 9+3-5=*2=14 damage!

Hypnos embraces negative HP something fierce.


Note: Even if Mar's damage is discounted, Hypnos would be at 9 HP. Gar and Blake both do 5 damage minimum and autohit. Since there's no points, we get a taste of GM-approved hax! our new reward! Against a target it can't actually affect because of the Iron Rune and the *2 was only there because it's meaningless.

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The ice magician had accepted the medicine, but indicated he'd probably need attention from a medic before attempting anything strenuous. Sinbad had offered to help him up onto Hatsune, so they could quick follow after their teammate, but he insisted that he was at least fine enough to walk. Not about to press the issue, he nodded, whistled to his horse to follow after him, and started hustling that direction on foot, trusting the man to follow after.

When he arrived, Sinbad saw that after having healed the pegasus knight, their mage friend had recklessly channeled some wind magic against one of the newest clones. That seemed to be exceedingly reckless, and he figured he ought to have a word with her about that.

"Whoa there, darling! Just wait a tic, that was mighty dangerous just there. Thought I mentioned we'd be following right after, that I could cover you if ya needed. Forgive me for saying, but you don't look like you're built o' very stern stuff, and I reckon if you hadn't put him down with that first blast, we'd be having to put you back together here too. If we're supposed to be doing this thing as a team, what say you we actually do it as a team, not going an gettin' ourselves sent to dreamland...'s dreamland." Sinbad's finish was a bit awkward, as the whole phantasmal aspect of the situation kept derailing his usual train of thought in strange and unusual directions. He supposed he should just be glad he didn't have to see a new friend laid low by that fierce looking fighting staff, or the impressive sword.

Speaking of strange and unusual directions, just what in tarnation was going on with things now? The world had cracked like an egg, and instead of flying upward, they now seemed to be falling downward. "Guess maybe we need to brace ourselves?" he muttered.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Katrina was affronted by the words of her clone. “I-I’m not a jerk! You, you’re the jerk!” Wait, didn’t the clone just say something like that? Forget that! Silly clone, stealing her ideas. The original Volga’s head also popped up at the mention of food, earning a scowl from Kat. “You can’t use the same name for your wyvern! That gets confusing…”

And then… and then there was wailing and melting hands. What the heck was going on? Looking around, Kat noticed the Dragon Head had began disintegrating. Oh, good, so that meant they were done? Except, then Hypnos unleashed a roar identical to the dragon’s. The sky literally began to crumble and the copies that began to attack were stopped by a strange glowing light. That was good for Kat, considering hers had been coming right at her. With a flap of her wings Volga leapt back out of range again before the copyKat could try again.

The entire sky broke away, revealing a much larger world than she thought they had been in. “Well, ok then… We’re falling I guess. Should we do something about that?” Volga just grunted. “Uuuh, hmm…”


The world continued to fall apart, yet after Hypnos taking a few more hits Blake decided to have a conversation with the guy. Synthia would have yelled at him to hurry up and stab him, if not for the fact that Gar was sneaking around from behind. So they had that covered then. A fissure broke through the center of the island, but they would be out of here soon anyway. There didn’t seem to be much to do but wait till they woke up.

She was watching the exchange between the boss and Blake when Sinbad caught up. “I… what?” the mage uttered, taken aback. Ok, what she had done may have been considered a rash decision in some circles, but she felt it was perfectly justified in this particular situation. “If he had come after me, it’s only a dream, right? It was guarding Hypnos. Winning is more important than keeping imaginary me safe. And I am working with a team. It’s just more people than only you guys,” she finished, huffing. People she didn’t know well, telling her what to do. Hmph. The bit about not being built of stern stuff was being ignored indefinitely. Synthia was more than aware she wasn’t the strongest here physically.

“Ok, so, brace for what exactly? Aren’t we going to wake up in a sec?” she asked. Her attention had returned to the conversation over by Hypnos just in time to see Blake and Gar execute their tandem attack. There was no way the guy was surviving that.

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The mage brought forth pretty decent rebuttal, to be honest. Sinbad open and shut his mouth, almost saying something then thinking better of it. Nervous habit kicked in and he adjusted his hat before finally responding with, "...Suppose you might have a point there. Mayhap I wasn't seeing the forest for the trees. I did tell ya I was new at the 'working together' thing, so I guess I'll need to cash in on that here. Got too caught up in our own little cell. Hells, if the other fella hadn't told me to take out the healer clone, I probably wouldn'ta thunk to do it, so I suppose I really have no place lecturing, do I..."

When it came to answering the next part though, he was at even more of a loss. "I dunno how we're waking up, don't you? Haven't ya'll done this before? I just figured well, it couldn't hurt none to try to be prepared here, when the world seems like it's collapsing beneath my feet."

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The horseman had offered a ride on his horse, but Grant had declined. He wasn't the best with horse riding, so odds were that he'd fall off and hurt himself, in this state. Unfortunately, that meant that he'd have to go over to the new battfield- the side they started on- by foot, a slow task. Compound it with the fact that they began to fall, which made his balance worsen, and it definitely took a while for the duelist to catch up. By the time that he did, Synthia had just finished telling off the gunslinger, who had apparently been concerned with her well being.

"...To be fair, you could've asked for a defender," Grant said, before hearing the word, 'brace', and promptly bracing himself.

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"MARELLA!" the archer roared again, slipping over crumbling rock to get to his companion. Stones skittered under his feet as he charged heedless of the new foe, ripping his dirk from its scabbard. He stood over the stunned and bleeding warrior, steel drawn and ready to defend her with his life if needs be.

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"Whoa!" That certainly was an unexpected display. Norbert pulled back on Rizen's reigns and the pegasus was happy to oblige to the command to slow and stop. Something had happened to the Dragon Head, clearly, as it seemed to be writhing in pain as it spewed...something...and then fell to the ground and disintegrated. For a moment, Norbert thought they'd won. A smile was even forming through the shock of the sight he'd just witnessed. But then, something all-around chilling occurred: the hands in the stands suddenly froze. Then, they melted away, numerous cries filling the air as though coming from a distance. It sounded a lot like people were dying...and that the source was the hands.

Then, the sky cracked. ... Sure, why not? Maybe that was normal here. The creepiness of those voices was beginning to ebb by then, luckily. However, the real tip-off to something being quite wrong was when a roar that shook the stadium sounded...from behind. Norbert twisted in the saddle to look back the way he'd come. Judging by the colors of the figures, enemies were behind as well as before now. By Wrath... The pegasus rider grit his teeth in frustration. They're surrounding us now? Is it because the dragon head's down?

The sky cracked some more, too. Was something trying to destroy the world while they were still in it? Well, the arena they were in was crumbling, so it was working if that was the goal. Blast it... This isn't good!

What was worse was Norbert didn't see an enemy closing in on him. Rizen noticed it first, snorting and whinnying as she backed up from the source. Norbert turned around to see the dark version of an armored woman with a sword closing in on them, ready to strike with her sword. "Drat!" The panicked exclamation as he realized, too late, his mistake would have, undoubtedly, been the last conscious thing he did in the subconscious world if it hadn't been for a golden light coming from inside the woman's chest that seemed to cause her to stand down.

For half a second, Norbert was a bit too surprised at the happenings in general to figure out what'd just happened. The answer came to mind quickly enough, though, and quite frankly, Norbert was more stunned at the answer than at the goings-on surrounding them. Raquel...?


Gytha literally dodged the bullet with that throw and still managed to hit her target. She landed as she'd expected: on her side out of the line of the shot her double had taken. Though she was relieved at her relative wholeness, the reaction to her shot from the dragon head was a bit concerning. Spewing out whatever that stuff was while roaring in agony certainly didn't look healthy. Gytha felt a bit sorry for having shot him, actually, even if it was to help her allies. He'd seemed like such a nice guy and he was helping them out with this dream training.


The mariner's attention shot over from the dragon head as it began to fall to her duplicate as she heard her cry of rage. Though she didn't have time to say or think the words, "uh-oh" was clearly written on the original Gytha's face as the copy slashed at her with her sword. The mariner rolled out of the way and tried to quickly get to her feet as the other Gytha continued her pursuit. The mariner didn't even notice the sky cracking or the cries from the hands. She was just doing her best to avoid her double's furious slashes.

Even as Dark Gytha continued her efforts, the ground shook as a roar blasted through the air. The mariner, though surprised, didn't dare look back to the source. She knew herself well enough to know how angry her double was. She'd taken out someone she clearly at least respected and that tended not to go well for the ones who'd committed the act. Gytha herself hadn't had time yet to switch to her sword and was still rather uselessly holding on to her pistol. Unfortunately, that meant she couldn't use her blade to shield herself when her foot caught a crack in the ground and sent her back down. That also gave her dark double just the opening she needed. The black-haired copy raised her sword, ready to end her original.

But something -- a magic of some sort -- stopped her. The golden light came from her chest and she seemed to calm some, lowering her blade and taking a step back to let her original up. Gytha had no idea what was happening but she didn't particularly care. As quickly as she could, she scrambled back up onto her feet, holstered her pistol and drew her blade. The others may have been rushing to the other side of the arena, but she was just fine with keeping an eye on her double for the time being.


It was strange seeing the sky fall. What was stranger was how big the world outside of wherever they were was. It looks like Ursium. Norbert thought. He also wondered if it was safe to fly what with the sky having broken and all. He and Riz had moved away from the copies that had been near the dragon head and was now back on what used to be their side of the arena, though he and Rizen had opted to stay on the ground. For now, he was just observing.

Usually, if the ground's falling away, I'd take to the air, but this is just strange. The area around wherever they were was oddly familiar. The structure and ground crumbling around them hadn't escaped his notice, nor had the tilt of the ground. Suddenly something more damaging to the landscape appeared as a fissure split the arena right down its center.

"Oh great! What's happening now?" Norbert complained. Though he was worried, the Ursian kept reminding himself that this was all just a dream. We'll be okay no matter what happens here, right? Debris began to float upward. ...Right? This certainly was a real-feeling dream. In all honestly, the pegasus rider was feeling quite panicked, though he hid it fairly well. That is, so long as you weren't looking at his face. Even in his thoughts, he was attempting to swallow the fear. If this really is the end... Merz, this is a dumb way to die.


As she'd expected, her double began to shake off whatever calm the golden light had caused and her focus was entirely on her. With a cry of rage, the dark mariner lunged forward, intent on dispatching her opponent. Gytha quickly backed up to avoid the lunge, however, avoiding the intended harm. The sky began to shatter even further. The dark one rushed forward and attempted a low slash, but Gytha managed to parry that. It was followed up by a quick, short thrust that caught her arm, though. Gytha retreated some again, though her double pursued.

This is no good. The mariner thought as she deflected another slash. This one had been aimed at her torso. If all I do is avoid 'er attacks, I'll tire out n' she'll best me. Can't have that happenin'... Gytha's worried expression hardened into a determined one. I'm fightin' back!

The dark copy attacked with a wide cut that aimed to take off the mariner's head, but Gytha caught her opponent's sword with her blade and slid her weapon across the other's to turn her deflection into her own, cutting attack. The dark double looked surprised, apparently not having expected her to fight back so aggressively so suddenly, and it'd cost her as Gytha's attack cut deep into the black-haired mariner's sword arm.

Gytha didn't relent there, however. It was her turn to press the attack, especially when her opponent was still surprised. With a cry of her own, Gytha swung at her double again. The black-haired one managed to parry the two, quick, consecutive strikes as she tried to increase the distance between them. Gytha tried to close the distance, but warily, and it was a good thing she was careful about it as her opponent made a quick lunge as she moved forward. Gytha was able to knock the blade away before ramming her shoulder into the other. The maneuver worked, but the dark one didn't allow herself to be knocked back or to be hit very hard. Instead, she slipped by behind Gytha who promptly whirled about to face the other way, sword held up defensively.

Though now each was facing the way the other had just previously, they also both had paused in the exact same stance, watching each other carefully. She's watchin' fer an openin'... That's what I'd do... That's what I'm doin', actualla. I wonder what she's thinkin'... Best stay focused. Not sure how t' handle this instance o' combat...

They were both so focused, in fact, that they hadn't noticed everything going on around them. Not until their concentration was broken by a sudden split in the ground and the shockwave that either resulted from or caused it. It threw both off-balance somewhat, but they recovered quickly enough. Both sets of eyes darted to the large crack that'd formed in the ground, only just now noticing just how decrepit their surroundings were becoming.

The fissure was the most concerning thing for Gytha, however. Everyone else, after all, was on the other side of the crack. Both seemed to realize this at the same time, as their eyes darted to each other simultaneously. Gytha broke out into a steadily-curving sprint while the other gave chase. The former was trying to escape to the side with her allies while the latter was trying to catch the former to keep her on her side of the splinter in the ground.

"Hoy! Help me out!" Dark Gytha called out to her allies as she continued to chase down the original Gytha. After all, the two of them were running at the exact same speed, so she knew she'd need help from her dark allies. Gytha just continued to run for her life, a little panicked at her copy's cry for aid.

Edited by Mercakete
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One World Ends; Another Continues

"G-good .... You did wonderfully." Hypnos closed his eyes and smiled, taking on his earlier, less fierce appearance. "Discovery won't be able to maintain this place for very long and so ... you had best ... hold onto someone ... heheh. Again ... wonderfully done." Hypnos' body suddenly disintegrated from the bottom up and the weapons of everyone began to fade away in the same manner within a matter of seconds.

What passed for gravity for the rest of those present finally began to give way. The rest of the dopplegangers looked on in shock as their feet slowly left the ground and they too began to disintegrate from the bottom up. Gabbie broke away from Veronika's now panicked double just in time to avoid an attack that was hampered by the sudden loss of gravity. Reign could only look on helplessly as Raquel began to drift from the ground, still in her trance. Was she alright? He had no way of knowing, it seemed.

"Urrrgh ... Hypnos? Hy-Hypnos ...?" Raquel felt the strain quickly returning, and it never seemed to stop getting worse. "Oh my gods, what's going on?! Hypnos?! Hypnos, take it back! I can't handle this! Arrrrrggghhhh ... h-help ... someone heeeeelp! My head's going to-ARRRRGH!!! STOOOP! MAKE IT STOOOOP!!!"

Suddenly the island and everything on it slowed to a stop. Reign and Gabbie scanned the area wondering why they were basically floating aimlessly now rather than falling and couldn't find any answers. Nothing was collapsing anymore for the moment either; it was all simply, standing still ...

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR-" Raquel shot up from her place on the Dauntless with a loud gasp. "Wait what ... what happened? It doesn't ... hurt anymore ..." were her first utterances upon waking up in the real world. Looking down to her emblem piece, she noticed it flicker for a few moments, and then dim until it seemed dormant once more. "So the dragon head's been using the emblem piece this entire time ..."

Inside the coliseum, things returned to the way they were when the free fall began and as the coliseum broke down into well over a billion pieces, the entire group as well as the fading dopplegangers found themselves falling helplessly along with the debris toward the ground. Gabbie was picked up by Ringo, but for some reason the wyvern wasn't able to fly anymore. They could only fall with everyone else. Despite this sudden lapse in physics, She felt much safer on his back than anywhere else and wrapped herself tightly around his neck and held on for dear life. Reign meanwhile tried to float over to Raquel but by the time he was even close, she vanished. "Shit! RAQUEL!!!"

"RAQUEEEEL!!!" Reign came up screaming this, but having fallen asleep right next to her, it ended up doing more harm than good.

"Agh! I'm right here, Reign! Merz," Raquel yelled back.

Reign froze for a moment taking note of where he was and then went limp, collapsing over Raquel's lap and laughing in relief. "Hahahahaahhaahah-"

"What's so funny ...?"

"We won, and you're alright despite what I thought might happen."

I thought my head was going to implode ...

Down by the side of the Dauntless, Gabbie slowly opened her eyes and began quietly scanning the area without moving anything but her head. A campsite's never looked so intimidating before ... but at least that's over now. That was when she noticed Ringo had opened his eyes and was staring up at her. "Hello~" Hahah, I know that 'never again' look on his face.

Shadrak moaned as he began to come to, his memories of being taken down by his own double fresh in his mind and clear as day. "Uuuugh ..." We lost, didn't we ...?


[~Heroes~]Blake & Gar[~Heroes~]

Dual Book has been unlocked.

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As she was running, Gytha found that her strides were steadily getting slower and propelling her further until her feet stopped touching the ground entirely. That was odd. Worried about her pursuer, she twisted around to see her double also suspended in the air, though she looked even more distressed than Gytha as she began to disintegrate from her feet up. Gytha found that her own weapons were disappearing, too. In the case of her sword, it was from point to pommel.

"I'm...dyin'? No, that can't be right!" Dark Gytha cried out in alarm. Gytha felt a bit sorry for her. They shared the same fears after all. Speaking of fears, Gytha felt a bit intimidated when her shadow self locked her furious gaze back onto her. "Ye killed 'im! No one hurts me friends! Yer not gettin' away with it!"

With that, Dark Gytha raised her sword and slashed at her counterpart. Gytha quickly raised her sword to block the attack, which looked a bit odd to her since her sword was getting shorter and shorter as time went on. She couldn't hold the blade forever with hers disappearing, so Gytha kicked her counterpart in the stomach, forcing her to float a distance away.

Dark Gytha looked to her lack of feet then angrily latched her gaze onto Gytha again and shouted, "That's not fair!" Gytha just shrugged in reply. The falling had stopped for the time being and briefly Gytha wondered if the fighting was supposed to continue in some strange, new phase. The falling continued in short order, however, as did the ground's crumbling. Soon, there was nothing but debris falling along with copies and originals alike, though the former had it worse seeing as they were disintegrating. As they fell, Gytha couldn't help but figure her bullets were long gone. All that was left of her sword was the hilt and that was fading fast. Her pistol was already gone.

That turned out to be quite unfortunate as she heard a click. She knew that sound. The mariner looked over in horror to see her double had somehow managed to reload her pistol, though she was half gone herself. "Ye killed 'im... N' now, yer goin' t' die, too!"

The last thing Gytha remembered was hearing a loud bang.


The falling had certainly caught Norbert off-guard as he couldn't tell why Rizen wasn't flying and he'd been in the saddle since before the ground fell away. She was flapping her wings in a wild panic, whinnying and flailing in terror. It wasn't working... Why wasn't it working?! There was no way to right herself, either, as they plummeted to the ground.

"It's okay, Riz!" Norbert called. He'd been tightly gripping his pegasus to try to keep from floating off of her, but now his fingers had a vice grip on her bridle. That got her attention. She looked back at him as best she could. Her eyes were wide and wild with terror. Even so, she recognized the sign she'd learned meant there wasn't a need to worry: those fingers hooked around her bridle. It was enough to get her to stop flailing as she listened, disparately needing to hear him speak again.

Norbert saw it in her eye. His unspoken reply was evident in his own expression. It was a silent, gentle "I'm sorry." Then, quietly, calmly, as well as he could without letting go, Norbert stroked Rizen's nose in an attempt to soothe her and gently told her, "It's okay."


Gytha's eyes shot open. She was inside the Dauntless with her head resting against her bag just like when she'd fallen asleep. For a moment, she stayed like that, not moving or making any sound. Her eyes wandered around for a moment before she took a deep breath and sighed heavily. After another silent moment, she mumbled to herself, "I'm downright relentless... N' a good shot. Hope I don't have t' meet me again 'r I might blow me head of for real..."

As she sat up, Gytha felt her stomach was a lot tighter than usual. "Oighh... Musta been from th' fallin'... I've...had better dreams..."


When Rizen woke up, she found herself with all four hooves on the ground...and her rider was no longer on her back. In a sudden panic, Rizen loosed a loud, shrill whinny and bolted into the sky, accidentally kicking her rider on her way up.

"OW!! Augh..." Norbert had been leaning against Rizen's legs and so fell to the cold, dewy ground when she took off. Not to mention he had a bump on the back of his head, now. He pushed himself up and grumbled as he gingerly touched the spot Rizen had hit. Suddenly realizing he was on the ground, Norbert looked up. He saw Rizen circling above, probably calming down seeing as she could fly again. As for the rider himself, he felt a wave of relief overwhelm him. In fact, to the point where he couldn't help but smile and begin to laugh quietly to himself as he let himself fall back against the ground and covered his eyes with an arm.

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The rest of the night passed without event, and by the time morning came, Axel was fully armored and hopped up on combat stimulants. Hopefully they would be waking up soon.

Then the yelling began.

First it was a woman, which ended rather abruptly, then a man, shouting Raquel's name. Had he had some sort of nightmare, or something? Regardless, the lancer went to investigate the source of the shouting, only to find Raquel and a Rexian man, the latter's head on the former's lap. This was becoming increasingly confusing.

"Wrathdamn, you people are loud," Axel said, as he came to a stop. "I take it you made it out of that 'training' business in one piece? Or was that why you were screaming?"


One stab to the back, one stab to the chest, and one final message later, Hypnos was disintegrated, shortly followed by their weapons themselves. Last to go was the suspended gravity, after which everyone began to float off of the coliseum's ever-collapsing ground. It was pretty clear by the growing objects in the background that they were in freefall. Not for long, though, as all of a sudden the motion stopped, and everyone floated above the arena for a few moments. Blake spotted Raquel and tried to make his way over to her motionless form despite his burns, but then, the free fall resumed, which threw his trajectory off. Before he could even correct it, the merchant was gone."NO!"

After getting over the initial shock of the disappearing act, the swordsman glanced down to the incoming ground below, then closed his eyes. If this was a dream, he'd wake up any minute now. But if it wasn't, the man prayed that Raquel and any others who might disappear would be alright. Those were his last thoughts, as the ground came rushing up.


Blake opened his eyes after a while of waiting for the inevitable, only to find that he was back at the campsite. The pain from his burns was also gone, and the man could see that his jacket and staff were laying right beside him. The swordsman quickly donned his jacket, picked up his staff, and made his way over to the Dauntless, where, it appeared that aside from Axel, the designated guard, Raquel and Reign were both awake. Even better, both appeared to be fine, the Ursian realized, letting out a sigh of relief. The red armored man appeared to be talking to the two, so Blake just stood to a side and waited for the conversation to end.

OOC: Grant comes later to give people options for wake ups.

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Good Morning

"Yeah-er ... I think so? I was, in the dark for most of that ... literally," Raquel replied, trying to explain her state during the entire battle."

"You'll have to go into more detail about that sometime," Reign said to Raquel before trying to answer Axel's question. "Some people went down but ... we won. That dragon's got a funny way of teaching us teamwork, but it certainly gave me a few new ideas I'd like to try," Reign explained with a grin as he rose up to sit normally. "By the way. Faatina disappeared during the fighting. Is she alright?"

Not terribly far away, Colin began to come to and quietly rose up. He couldn't be too careful with this lot. "Well, despite falling for what felt like an eternity, that was a good sleep," he quietly said to himself. "I wonder if Chelsea's still ..."

"Stay away from her, you conniving bastard," came a low, threatening, and all too familiar voice.

"Good morning to you too, Shadrak," Colin replied. "Sweet dreams?"

"You were there too, idiot, wouldn't you know?"

"I meant when you got knocked out in the dream," Colin clarified. Then he paused for just long enough for it to sink in and smirked.

"... go to hell."

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As soon as Rook was awake, the entrepreneur got shakily to his feet and threw up violently into some bushes. He grabbed a nearby waterskin and drank deep, splashing his face in water once or twice before drifting back off to an uneasy sleep.

Edited by Furetchen
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Marella sat up with a start, grabbing for her sword. She had to defend, her friends were hurt, she was... back. Out of the dream world. She slowly stood up and walked back towards the fire from where she had dozed off. As she walked in, she noticed Rook still asleep. Grinning, she went and sat down next to him, waiting for him to wake up.

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Well that was certainly an adventure and a half, for both of them. Aneda had no idea what to make of it, both of them actually. It just seemed like a world breaking around them, not a victory if they even did win.

The pegasus lady was rudely awoken via someone else screaming and a Hannah snorting at her face and neighing. Horse in the face right in the morning, part of a balanced diet! Rather irritated, she blurted out "Gmorning hannah... gimme five more minutes... Go away." and that Aneda just rolled on her side but Hannah mastered the pester skill back in the academy and kept neighing, unfortunately to no immediate avail.

Mushirah awoke with a start, feeling unsure of what all transpired. Is this the kind of stuff they go through... on a regular basis? Even if she was feeling it was an exaggeration, it definitely made her feel incredibly disturbed. It was a dream she wished she could forget, and quickly, but there was absolutely no way that was going to happen any time soon, especially if she was gonna be with these same people for... who knows how long. Why am I here? It's fairly obvious I'm not gonna get anything done with what I wanted to do around these people... Standing up, stretching and groaning like she'd just had a bad night (spoilers, she did), the woman didn't really know where else to take this and plopped herself right back down, staring at the firepit.

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The soft squeak of a yawn announced Tia's awakening as the young mage girls eyes opened and she rolled over and sat upright, looking about. "Wow... That was... AWESOME! I wonder if that's what it will be like in a real battle or if that training was just for nothing?" she asked, not really caring if anyone was listening or not. Then she noticed that her water flask, which she had used for spell casting and was likely full of various impurities from such usage had been moved... and was uncorked...

"Hey! Who drank my water flask?"


Robin's own eyes cracked open as she sat up, a cold shudder in her spine. "<Great. We do dream training and I'm the first, and only, one to go down.>" she muttered to herself as she sat up and moved closer to the campfire. "<Why me? What Goddess did I wrong to get luck like this? Did I accidentally kill Truth's favorite squirrel or something?>"

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Gar of Dreams Words

"I do hope my little private chat is still on," Gar whispered while the dream world collapsed around him. "I tend to get stabby when I get crossed." And then he was falling. He relaxed into his sleeping position, so when he woke up he didn't suddenly jerk his whole body around to contort with what his mental state was.

It worked kinda perfectly.

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When Katrina’s axe started to disappear, she knew something was up. Glancing around revealed what. Hypnos had finally been defeated. “Whoo! Ah… what?” And then gravity took the day off, and she started floating off of Volga’s saddle while the wyvern clawed at the earth that apparently no longer wanted her on it. Kat grabbed onto Volga’s neck and held on tight as not to be separated. Looking over, she could see her double doing the same as her wyvern disintegrated. Tough luck, copyKat.

And then everything stopped. The feeling of floating in midair was novel and Katrina tried to focus on that rather than worry about what was happening. Suddenly the floor beneath them shattered, and the girl clung to her wyvern as they plummeted towards the ground below. Volga desperately tried to catch the air with her wings, but only succeeded in spinning herself in the air. Katrina just gripped her neck harder until their inevitable crash.


Valter had assumed that with Hypnos’s defeat the craziness would end, but no, it just got worse. Figured. His alarm at the disappearing bow in his hand paled in comparison to what happened next, as people started floating above the ground and the earth literally shattered beneath their feet. The horseman soon found himself hurtling towards the ground and neither shutting his eyes nor reminding himself that it was just a dream were alleviating the terror he felt at the prospect.


Done this before? “No, this is the first time,” Synthia replied, and her tome and staff began to disappear. “See, we’re leaving... now…” Holy crap, were they starting to float? Everyone was starting to lift off the ground, including the now crumbling doubles. Then everything stopped. Any second now she’d wake up and this would all be over. Any second now…

Instead of the hoped for happening of course, the entire coliseum fell to pieces and the free-fall began in earnest. This prompted a scream from Synthia along with a frantic attempt to grab onto something, anything, to keep herself from falling what looked like several hundred feet before becoming a smear on the landscape. Unfortunately for her, everything else was falling too.


Katrina woke in a very familiar place in a very familiar position. She was sprawled out on Volga’s back, the wyvern gently shifting beneath her. Seemed she had woken at about the same time. “Hey girl, that was exciting, huh?” The wyvern looked up, then laid her head back down and turned onto her side, causing Kat to slip off to the ground. “Ow! Hey, get up you lazy lizard. Don’t play with me; I know for a fact you slept all night this time!”


Valter woke up laying back in the grass, and he could’ve sworn that was not how he had gone to sleep last night. Sitting up and glancing around found Phyllis standing a few feet away, staring at him. She had gotten up while he was sleeping, hence the falling in the grass business. The horseman sighed and began trying to brush the random plant matter from his hair.


Synthia woke with a start, and her attempt to sit up ended in her immediately collapsing back on the ground. The mage had been using her cloak as a blanket and sometime during the night it had apparently become tangled around her, forcing her to extricate her arms before doing much else. Eventually free from the confines of a cloth prison, she got up and stretched. “That was one of the worst dreams I’ve had in a long time,” she muttered.

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"Yeah, sometimes you can't tell with these ethereal entities," Axel remarked, before moving to the Faatina issue. "The Rexian paladin? The tree branch she was sleeping on broke off, and she broke her leg. I'm just waiting on a healer to get up, and then that can be dealt with. Nothing else to report."


All of a sudden, Grant's feet, alongside everyone else's, began to lift off of the ground. After a few moments of that, the descent stopped, and the coliseum, along with its' former occupants, just floated in midair, for no discernible reason. Then the structure shattered into a thousand little pieces, and they all fell down. Down, down they went, coming ever so closer to the ground. Synthia was a few feet away, screaming, but the man lacked the strength nor the presence of mind to try and calm her down. He was thinking about what would happen when they hit the ground. If this was a dream, well, they wouldn't hit the ground. But if it was... Well, best to face death with dignity. With some difficulty, Grant brought up his smile, as they all crashed into the ground.


Grant came to a start by his tree. Judging by the fact that the campsite was back, he wasn't singed, and there weren't disembodied heads of dragons or anything, this was reality, and they were back. The duelist smiled in relief, as he got up and brushed off the dirt off of his clothes. That was one hell of a dream.

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History Doing Its Thing

"She broke her leg?!" Raquel asked in shock.

"What was she doing up in a tree?" asked Reign, though he quickly followed up with an expression that hinted at him already having his answer, a mix of awkward realization and uncertainty. "Well hopefully she'll check with us before buying any drinks from now on ..."

"But isn't this the ... the third time? How long ago did she get hurt?"

"That explains almost everything, in the dream and out," Reign mused aloud, glancing off in some random direction.

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"Maybe she should bring a translator or something next time she goes in town," Axel said, crossing his arms. "Might've just been confused by the drink names around here. Anyways, it must've been four or five hours ago when the branch fell. Her leg's been set, and she took an elixir, but we still need an actual healer to look at it."

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Rook finally shifted and properly awoke for the first time, rolling upwards and blinking at Marella. "Hey," he said, brusquely.

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With the dream world crumbling around them Zach actually started to panic a bit, Phee was going to vanish wasn't she? He... didn't want her to go, why did he get to meet her now but they had to leave so soon? It just wasn't fair..... Tiredly reaching out he grabbed the girl on the shoulder for what would possibly be the last time "You're a good girl..." a soft smile on his face


"Phee!" Awakening with a scream, Zach looked around. He was back where he'd gone to sleep, but without the Phoenix. "Phee...." an exasperated sigh escaped, well, maybe he could take care of her a bit more now. For now though he didn't want to go back to sleep just yet.

Getting up the sage walked over to where the fire had been, and plopped down on the other side of Marella opposite of Rook. "Hey..."

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Marella grinned at Rook and Zach as they both said hello. "Well that was an interesting night for sure. Thankfully I still feel nice and rested. And ready to face whatever's coming next. Today should be... interesting. Hopefully we all make it through. I can count on you two to watch my back, right?"

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