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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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The wyvern girl unleashed not one, but a wild flurry of attacks. Blast it...! As each came, Norbert took a step back, raising his maces to shield himself. Though he managed to block strike after strike, they were coming at a ridiculous speed. There was no room to attack or escape, only to retreat and do his best to not get hit until she slowed down.

That wasn't happening anytime soon, though. Actually, it felt like her speed was increasing. Finally, one of the attacks -- which turned out to be feigned -- opened him up to her true attack. He only had enough time to tell what was happening right before a combination of his vision being fully obscured by multicolored, shimmering, shifting shapes and a pain in his head which ripped through his focus. The result was his stumbling backward and landing in what almost counted for a sitting position, if he wasn't propping up his torso with his elbows. He sure was dizzy. Not to mention his head hurt.

"Oiigghhh," he lightly groaned before gritting his teeth and hissing an inhale, "Sweet Mother Mercy, that..." His vison began to clear "...was really impressive." He still wasn't too inclined to look up, but he did lean his weight onto one elbow while gingerly touching the forming bump on his head. Moving his hand back down and shaking his head to try to clear it faster, Norbert carefully got his feet under him again and stood up.

It took some blinking, but eventually he didn't feel as dizzy and the surrounding light wasn't making him see so many spots. He'd belted his maces in the meantime. Then, he smiled at Gabbie and asked, "So, you feeling better?"

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"Yeah, that's true. Like I said, I can't really ask more than I have, anyway." Looking at the fire as if it had the answers (spoilers: it didn't), "Life's weird, that's all I can say for certain. And speaking of weird things, care to explain that whole purgatory thing? Sounds like a fascinating place if visuals are to go by, but that may just be me." The place certainly intrigued her but she wasn't sure beyond that. Stories, probably myths, are all she knew of the place, so hearing a firsthand visitor's take on it was a super cool opportunity for the Mushirah.

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Synthia left. Sticking around to watch people beat the shit out of each other didn’t interest her, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to be an enabler. She grabbed Myra before the mare could respond to Rizen and went to look for an open area further from camp. Now that the horse had a saddle and they weren’t actively traveling, she was going to see exactly what commands the mare already knew and what would have to be taught.


“You could say that again,” Cloe put in about Cecily’s last comment from her place against the wall. “I mean, as long as the fee for the concert doesn’t come out of our paychecks, though…” The idea actually had some… miniscule amount of potential.

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Marella glanced at Aneda. "Don't worry. There's nothing for you to feel bad about. Now then. Rook! What did they do with your bear meat yesterday? Aneda and I here are starving."

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"Well, for my 'idea' I'm going to need to buy a few things, and then divvy them up between a portion of the others. I'll fund it with my own gold, so don't worry about that," Blake said, before looking back at his employer. "Anyways, thanks for the information. I'll just borrow Synthia, then. And, if anyone asks, I'm just helping out with settling wage issues."

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A Man Called Gar

"What no goodbye?" Gar amused himself when Veronika left without a final reply. Well, whatever, this gave Gar the opportunity to do that other thing he wanted. He straightened out his hair and identified the longest strands. He brought out his knife and carefully began cutting away the excess baggish while also carefully grabbing the stray hairs. It didn't take him long to finish, and his knife went back to his normal sheath while the hair went into some other pouch--after a bit on finicking with something in there.

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Veronika rolled her eyes at Colin's response. "You think an invisible woman was coming onto you in the dream? To answer your question, I don't think anyone in the group can cloak themselves. Personally, I think you're just flattering yourself and it was the wind or something," she told Colin flatly.


Nadya decided to introduce herself now that the fighting had concluded. "Howdy Bert, howdy Wolfy. Do ya want me to look at that head injury Bert? Just in case it's somethin' serious."


"Oh, I don't know about that, I think Colin's pretty cute. If he wanted to take me to a concert I wouldn't complain," Clara said, giggling a little. "Either way, we should all make plans to go...y'know following this mission thing."


"What is this obsession with the Valcyn girl anyway Sardis? If you're that desperate, there are brothels around here- dye a whore's hair pink and it's all the same," Layla quipped. "Like I've said, just kill the girl and her band and take the artifact. If you need new recruits, we can find them anywhere." Ripper wiggled along the floor near Samael and nuzzled his leg.

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Grant wanted another tome as well it seemed, wind in fact. Well that should be easy enough to accommodate. Digging around in his satchel again Zach found a wind tome, tossing it to the other mage. "Here, wanna test it just to make sure that it's genuine?"

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Grant caught the tome, flipped it right-side up, and studied it for a few minutes. Then, after turning away from everyone else, the duelist, with some effort, summoned up a small wind blade, which promptly flew out to meet air, and dissipate.

"We're good to go," Grant said, closing the tome. "Lead the way."

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"Righto, anybody that cares to watch come along. Still need that healer too if anyone wants to volunteer." Zach commented as he started to walk off away from the group. Grant presumably being right behind him. Coming across a clearing not long afterward where there would be less chance of FOREST FIRE in case he missed. "This work for you?"

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Rook shrugged. "Some of it's still lying around the place. Salted most of it." He shivered, despite the heat. "Got to get myself a new cloak," he muttered.

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"If it does for you," Grant said, as he moved to the far end of the clearing. Once there, he turned to face his opponent. "Ready when you are. You can go first."

Grant Brayden

Level 1 Warlock

HP is 21, Might is 8, Hit is 6, Evade is 9, AS is 8, Defense is 2, Resistance is 4.

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"Works for me then, let's go!"

Zachary Fairweather

Level 2 Sage

Hp is 15, Might is 11, Hit is 9, Evade is 11, AS is 9, Defense is 1, Resistance is 2

Zach knew that this was time to stop joking around. Forgoing his normal plan of sacrificing movement for power Zach went with a basic Blast attack. He couldn't take a hit very well but the sage could sure as hell dish them out.


11MT+3 roll = 14-4=10 damage to Grant

Zach always hits.

Zach HP 15/15

Grant HP 11/21

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"Nice one," Grant said,, cringing from that blow. He launched a light wind blade, which hit the other mage, but his other strikes weren't nearly so lucky.


Counter! 1.4.1 = autohit! 4 damage!

4,3,5 = Miss!

4,2,1 = Miss!

Grant 11/21 HP

Zach 11/15 HP

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"Not bad either, that was fast." Thumbing at his cheek where Grant had cut him with a blade of wind. Before noticing that the other mage was already casting more blade of wind, dodging out of the way while shooting out another blast of fire at his opponent.


11MT+5 roll = 16Mt-4 = 12 Damage.

Zach wins

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Mao waited (semi)patiently for Tia to finish heating the water. Seeing the water move around inside the pot was quite interesting; she hadn't seen magic used this way before, but it seemed pretty practical. Unless it wasn't usually done because it wore pots and caused food poisoning...?

She hoped that wasn't the case.

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"A-Alright, enough of that," Grant said, after getting hit by the second torrent of flame. Damn that hurt. After he caught his breath, he said. "... You win. You're pretty good with fire. Ever considered focusing on that, instead of lightning?"

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"Not really, what I can do with fire is pretty weak compared to lightning. Plus it's what my mother taught me, so it's got some sentimental value to continue the tradition." Zach said, working out a crick in his shoulder.

The sage had honestly thought this would be more of a challenge, but maybe that was for the best. Getting destroyed before a big day was a bad thing, and this was going to be a pretty important day it seemed. "Might as well head back now, you need a healer though? Dying on me now wouldn't be a very pleasurable experience for either of us I bet."

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"Oh, so it runs in the family, huh," Grant said, trying to ignore his burns. "That's a solid reason, I suppose. And yeah, I'll get a healer once we get back. These won't kill me, anyways, for now."

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"Uh ... okay, then." That wasn't even close to the level of description she was hoping for, but maybe he would explain the whole thing later ... when Colin wasn't within ten meters. For now, she decided to try and decide what she would do in various circumstances while checking on the horses. She began heading that way as she weighed her options.

Close By

"Riiight, was probably you then ... judging by that response ... and you look about the right build. It's fine though. We're back in the 'real world' so it's perfectly normal to be like that," Colin explained. "Well, if that's all I was going to go pester Raquel a bit ... unless you wanted to tell me anything else ...?"

Fight Club

"I ... might have felt better if I hadn't just bashed you in the head throice as hard as I meant to," Gabbie explained with a pained wince. That was when Nadya showed up and not only greeted them, but offered to have a look at Bert's injury.

Why were humans from the same herd beating each other up, Luca wondered. Two males, this would have made sense. Probably competing for Nadya's attention, but a male and a female? Rather than strain himself tackling human motives, Luca instead thought about apples and eating them.

"Oh hey, Nadya," Gabbie greeted. "Yes, please have a look at him. I hit him loike someone wearing a helmet."


"Oh right, Purgatory. We did agree to talk about that later, didn't we?" Shadrak replied. "Well, the real purgatory was a lot like what we saw in the dream ... sort of. I mean when we were there we weren't flying around in a coliseum. We were in the middle of nowhere. Everything was gray and dull. The sky was completely black with bright clouds here and there. Not my favorite place in universe ..."


Reign understood that, worrying about what might or might not have happened. "Yeah it was just the kiss. You got pulled off afterward," he clarified once and for all. And eventually there came yet another kiss, much to Reign's surprise. Still it wasn't a bad surprise. Now he could count the number of good things that had happened to him in the past six months on two hands. Smiling, he said, "I like this version better actually." Seeing her try to get up reminded him of something he'd planned on doing earlier but go sidetracked on. Standing up too, he took off his real jacket and started placing it on her for ... obvious reasons. "Yeah, I was planning on helping you back once you were ready. I've got your shoulder; just need your hand now."


The newcomer was taken away before they could interact much. That was sad, but not entirely unexpected. Humans and their whims .... Riley finished making sure they weren't being flanked by unfamiliars and then began grazing with Sandrock and Rizen. Sandrock's head suddenly came up when she spotted Raquel coming over. Was she checking in on them? That was so nice of her~


"Oh wow, you don't think he's annoying, Clara?" Silvia asked.

"I do," Cecily said under her breath.

"I mean he can be a bit too flirtatious at times, but his heart's in the right place."

"Where, his pants?" Cecily muttered, rolling her eyes.

"He's one of my best friends though, so I guess it's all grown on me," Silvia added nostalgically. "Cecily, Cloe, one of you should go with Hayato. He's usually in a bad mood too, heehee."


"The girl has a special connection to the emblem and I intend to find out what that connection is. If we simply kill her, we may be hindering ourselves down the road," Sardis began his explanation, but Samael cut in while kneeling down to pet Ripper.

Without looking toward the actual conversation, he held out his hand to Ripper to see if the wolf knew how to shake and said, "I'm well aware how valuable she 'might' be, but we simply don't need to bother with any of this now. It would be easier to kill her first, examine her memories, and find your 'connections' there. Catering to Jethro is an amusing waste, but a 'waste' none the less."

Sardis scowled again.

"As I said, you're free to try and recruit her, but if you fail and she escapes. I'm putting an end to this myself."

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Well, that was one mystery out of the way. Responding to Gytha's introduction, the cowboy produced his own, "Sinbad here, probably won't be stickin' with you fellers all that long unless chance has us heading in the same direction, but figured last night's business sounded too interesting ta pass up. Anyway, you folk was actually in Sanctuary? And this Amon fella actually works directly for Aisha? Or was that just wunna them general things, like how a priest'll be saying 'I'm a followin' the call of ...' and then substitutin' in with Lord Wrath, Lord Truth, Mistress Mercy, or whatever be appropriate?"

This band of travellers was just getting curiouser and curiouser. Normally he wasn't the type to pry, but this was Sanctuary and Aisha they were talking about here. His father's homeland, and the Queen who had exiled him. Sinbad couldn't help but to ask.

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"Heh, aren't you playing the gentleman today?" Faatina teased, offering Reign her hand in exchange for his coat... this seemed oddly familiar. Still, Reign's answer was somewhat surprising to the Rexian paladin, causing her brow to rise slightly.

"Oh? You didn't strike me as the type to like that kind of shy initiation... I'll have to keep it in mind." Faatina noted with a light giggle, leaning into the fire mage.


Well, seemed it was about time to wake up then, Arietta decided, as she sat up, hand instinctively going to her chest... right, her heart had only be blown out in a dream...

"Tch... fucking bullshit." She murmured, standing.

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A Man Called Gar

Gar snapped his fingers in realization of something he should go do. He looked around and spoted exactly who he wanted to see. Raquel! He'd have cheered, but it wasn't really something worth cheering about. Well, with clothes at least. He walked over to Raquel. "Hey Raquel, have a minute?"

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After some time, the faint haze of steam rose up from the pot as the water heated from friction and motion. After a while, the water started to stop and Tia smiled, stumbling back a bit.

"Whew. A... bit more draining than I thought it would be. I guess I overestimated just how much heat would be made. No matter... Tea is done!"

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She hadn't quite reached the horses yet, but she was close enough to keep going even though Gar had come over to talk to her. Once she was standing beside Sandrock, she said, "I'm just making sure Sandrock is okay. Yesterday was rough on her. Did you need something, Gar?"


"I like a lot of things," Reign answered vaguely with a bit of a smirk as he helped her along. He was a little surprised not to see Raquel still near the Dauntless once he and Faatina made it back. What was less surprising but more concerning is that there weren't any chairs around. Reign settled on the next best thing and pointed out the front seat in on the Dauntless. She could sit there for awhile.

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