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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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From inside the Dauntless, the head of a certain red-headed girl popped out. All throughout the ride, Tia had been busy studying, reading, and working to try and figure out a viable answer to Mao's problem. It was not going well. Already she had written out three separate ideas that she had developed with Connor, but all three were... little more than curious doodles in her book margins at this point. However, with the sudden, stop of the Dauntless, she figured that they had arrived at their campground for the evening and had stuck her head out to see where they were. They were not exactly where she expected them to be.

"Hey. Where are we? What's going on?" she asked, confused. As she did, she looked over to the nearest person, who happened to be Valter at that moment, hoping that he would answer her.

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Valter had been mulling over how likely they were to get themselves killed when Tia’s head popped out of the wagon and asked something. He glanced at her briefly before returning his gaze to those speaking. “We’re at a fortress to retrieve Raquel’s father. As for what's going on… We’re making fools of ourselves,” he answered.

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"And your experience as a mercenary qualifies you as an expert in treaties or hostage situations? We have something they want as well- to submit to Sardis's every whim is this situation is foolish. In the future, it would be wiser to keep silent if you have nothing valuable to contribute," she responded to Aneda.

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"We have something they want that he could try and take by force but is offering something that we, that is, Raquel wants, in exchange instead of everyone beating the shit out of each other." Aneda shot back, miffed. "I'm sorry you don't see that and uh, no, I'm not gonna be silent if that's the attitude you're gonna have when someone decides to interject even the slightest possibility that doesn't coincide with your distorted worldview. You don't want to bend over and grab your ankles with this guy, cool beans, I'm not asking that and I really don't want to ask anyone to do that either, and cool beans, this could also be a trap, but you really want to fight this guy instead of trying another course? You would really fight an uphill battle, an entirely ludicrous gamble, instead of taking a less bullshit gamble?"

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Marella nodded. "Ok then. But either way, Blake should be the first warped out. You'll be needed back here to take care of getting people ready to fight if it comes to that. And I'll be fine protecting the other two until Luka can get us out of there." Glancing over at the continuing arguments, she coughed slightly. "Perhaps we should tell Raquel our suggestion and she can make the final call? Anything would be better then this continuing display of hotheadedness among our group."

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Field of Daunting

"I really can't give you any proof on my own. I've been with you people this whole time. You'll have to take it up with the scout guy whenever he gets back," Colin answered Gar.

What kind of proof could they provide other than bringing him here in person? Raquel mused. "Will they bring him here?"

"Hell no," Colin instantly answered. He listened to Veronika's comparison of their meeting to that of two nations but didn't agree with it. Aneda gave her opinion on the matter before he did, however. "Like the lady said. Besides, this really isn't some meet between two warring nations. You're a merchant and a bunch of friends and mercenaries, that's all. We're ... something else entirely. There's no reason to meet in a neutral location when your ultimate objective is to destroy us, period. It doesn't matter what you think is reasonable. Sardis made you an offer and he won't alter over a complaint or two, so take it or let's just get out of here." Colin said in response to the comparison.

"Our objective isn't to 'destroy' you," Raquel replied.

"Sure it is," Colin replied to her with an assuring smile.

"No, I just want my father back!"

"And to punish Sardis for taking him in the first place~ Go on, lie to me. Tell me you don't want to have some kind of 'justice' come out of all of this hardship." Raquel went silent and said nothing. She didn't want to deal with this again. This happened while Veronika and Aneda had a slightly separate debate on the issue. "You'd make a pretty good Wrathite, you know that, Raquel?" he added with a smirk. That prompted something of a cringe from her. "Heh, they aren't all bad, you know."

Relatively close by, the finer planning continued. Reign nodded agreeing with Blake's mention of Raquel. Katrina voiced her own thoughts on the matter, so there wasn't any need to say anything else about it. It only made sense to warp Blake first, as warping Marella first removed all of their cover, likely before they would be ready to act, and warping Raquel first would nullify the other warp staff and actually force them to leave someone behind. Though ideally both warps would happen within a second of each other, preventing any kind of response at all. Responding to Katrina's latest idea in part, he said, "Well they're archers, so I wouldn't chance sending a flier at them at all really. It'd probably be better to assault the gate itself--and tear it off its hinges--and then have our fastest people head up after the archers from the inside and take them at close range. Then the fliers and chargers can run interference until it's time to fall back."

Marella then suggested informing Raquel. "Sure." He then glanced back at the fortress and began musing aloud. "I wonder what they're doing over there right now ... putting the final touches on an obvious trap or setting a table and making tea ...."

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"So Sardis thinks we're out to destroy him, but he can easily destroy us? I'll inform you people if I want any more of your counsel," Veronika said, growing tired of Aneda and Colin's nattering. She took out a pen and parchment out of her pack and quickly began writing, before showing it to Raquel. "Are these terms acceptable? We can give them to the scout to deliver to Sardis when he comes back- perhaps Sardis will accept them and perhaps he won't, but we can at least try to give ourselves more advantageous positioning," she said.

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"I don't have time to get people organized in that case, so it would be better if we set someone up to do so. As for the gate assault, well, looks like we'll be needing more explosives," Blake said, before moving on to the suggestion that they reveal the plan to Raquel. "I'd rather wait until Colin's out of sight, but I can go over and whisper it, if you all want to."

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“Well, something like that. There have been several arguments so far. The issue is that we’re allowing the enemy to see how divided we are, and I don’t doubt they’re going to use that against us,” Valter replied.

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A Man Called Gar

Colin's answers were starting to get obnoxious. "There's plenty of ways to get that proof," Gar shrugged. "Though I suppose until the little man comes back out it's pointless to talk about." Or at least that was Gar's intent until Veronika wiped up some things of her own. Oh well, it was now or never. Gar adopted a slightly more serious tone before speaking again. "Yeah, I'm sure you're something else entirely and that there's not a dozen different other groups like yours with arrogant all-powerful people at the top who's motivations are just so deep and complex and our minds would shatter at the unfortunate truths you'd bring to the table. And aren't you just a random hired mercenary or am I making that up?" It wasn't really a question intending an answer. "And I'm so sure Raquel wanting to hit back against someone who hurt her is so in-common with a gang of wrathites wandering around the countryside hunting dragons and their sympathizers that aren't there because some guy in a fancy robe said 'rawr they're there an evil'. And her expressed desire to avoid violence and fighting sure makes her a pitch-perfect sister for a wrathite zealot who'd murder their own family if they said dragons were only 99% evil."

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"Enemies? You guys have legit enemies? Not just random bandits and the like, but people actually trying to kill you?" asked Tia, shocked at the news of that. "Oh... Oh wow. I didn't know... And now I'm involved in this until my books get mended. Well, could be worse. Looks like I'm going to end up getting combat experience in the real world now no matter what I do. After all, I doubt they'll overlook a young girl in their enemies wagon just because. I mean, I'm clearly a mage and I doubt they'll believe me even if they stop to ask if I was involved in a fight or not regardless of my answer. Oh well. No use worrying about it now. Who are our enemies anyways?"

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Everything Tia just said deserved a disbelieving, blank stare of at least five seconds. “You’re taking this rather calmly,” Valter said eventually. “I don’t suppose you’d listen if I told you to get back in the wagon? Because you really should. Who our enemies are doesn't matter, because you’re not fighting.”

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"Well, the way I see it, I have two choices. I can either flip out and start screaming like a child that I got myself stuck in this situation because I wanted my books mended and am now with a group that has a defined enemy, one I won't likely be able to avoid the wrath of just by the virtue of cowering in the back of the Dauntless, or I can accept that I went and got my self involved in some trouble and try and get something out of it. After all, can you guarantee that they won't kill me if you lose just because I'm not as old as you, despite clearly being a mage carrying a combat tome?"

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And so the deliberations continued, and as she had suspected, Arietta seemed to not even be under consideration to act as an escort. Letting out a sigh, the woman leaned against the Dauntless, waiting to see if any new developments were to come about.


And, to no surprise of anyone, really, a fight had broken out amongst their own... again. Faatina couldn't help but bury her face in her hand for a moment, whilst considering what options were available. At this rate, they would be shooed out from the place, Raquel would lose the chance to see her father and perhaps even recover him, and tensions would mount in what might even culminate into a full scale battle... none of that was a desirable outcome to say the least.

Dismounting Sharif, Faatina put her lance safely away, as she turned towards Shadrak, who had asked her what exactly was going on.

"Sardis only wants Raquel to take three people with her into the fortress, and as usual, people are arguing over everything with no regard to their circumstances... I'm gonna try and do something about it." She told him, before making her way over to the hostage swordsman.

"Colin, was it? If things continue on like this, no one is going to like the end result. So I have a proposal... I haven't been with this group all that long, but it's clear that there is a lot of vestment against your boss... to be perfectly honest I don't see many of them going in there even close to objectively." Faatina began, rubbing her temples somewhat agitatedly.

"Do you think they would object to me going ahead of Raquel, alone? I'm unarmed, you can check me if you feel the need, but... I think someone should hear what Sardis has to say without that pre-existing disdain. I understand you only want to many people in there, so you can feel free to send me back before Raquel goes in. I don't think Raquel, Veronika, any of the long-standing members of this group... can go in there and not have what he says clouded by what they feel about you guys, and I think it's important that someone gets the unclouded version." She finished, leaning back slightly, but allowing Colin to check her for weapons if he so desired, as she had offered.

Edited by Ether
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"Going in alone just gives Sardis another hostage," Veronika said, hearing Faatina's suggestion. "I think Raquel can judge what Sardis has to say for herself at any rate." Even if we wanted to send a diplomat I wouldn't send the person who was extremely drunk last evening...


"If this group loses, the plan is to get Riley and Sandrock moving as quickly as possible to escape, not to just wait in here," Connor interjected into Tia and Valter's conversation. "I haven't been in trouble at all staying in the Dauntless personally."

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“I can guarantee that they will kill you if you actively fight against them. You have a much better chance if you stick with Connor. I doubt they’d hurt him,” the horseman replied. Of course the reason they probably wouldn’t harm him was because he’d made a great hostage, but Valter didn’t say that part.

Then Connor inputted in the conversation, thankfully in support of the hide-in-the-wagon-and-don’t-come-out plan. “See? Much safer,” he said, gesturing towards the young alchemist.

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After deliberating a bit more in her head, Mao concluded it would be better to sit back. While she liked the people that she was traveling with, she didn't yet have a vested enough interest in the whole thing to go along with Raquel, let alone volunteer. At best, she could help with diplomatic matters, but she new next to nothing about Sardis and his merry band of soldiers. Also, assaulting a castle or even approaching one wasn't something she signed up for, but then again that bodyguard did tell her anything and everything would happen around them...

Knowing that they would probably be debating this for a little while more, Mao dismounted from her horse to stretch.

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"I'm not a child you know." said Tia, her voice growing cold and harsh. "I am just as capable as you in a fight even though you're older. I'm sick of having people talk down to me just because I'm not as old as them and treating me like I'm helpless. My parents, my teacher, everyone, and now you. I had to steal several tomes from my teacher just so he would stop having me 'practice basics' and not learn anything. I stood up, got disciplined, then kept on applying myself to learn as much as possible, like an adult. Tell me, if I was your age, would you have such reservations on letting me fight?"

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So the meatshield of a pegasus rider was trying to get involved as well, cute. Shouldn't he be dead anyways? Getting stabbed through the spine and left to bleed out on some stairs normally does that, oh well, looks like stupidity makes great life insurance. Seems like he wasn't going either, what a shame. "So is today mess with Zachary-day? Really, of all the times that you want a pissing contest it needs to be now?"

Giving a sigh the sage walked to Marella and put a hand on her shoulder "Just be safe in there okay? I don't want to see you hurt Mar."

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Rook had been sitting quietly in the corner, absorbing everything that he could hear. He didn't like most of what he heard.

"Let the girl fight, if that's what she wants," he snapped, to nobody in particular. "You'll find prostitutes, thieves and child soldiers younger than her... if she's so desperate to prove herself, then let her."

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“Well if the archer plan is a no go, I can certainly help with the gates,” Katrina said. “Or… well… maybe. Between explosives and our mages we could probably take it down. If you need a little extra oomph Volga can ram it, though.”


“The fact of the matter is, Tia, you are a child, and besides last night – and that wasn’t exactly normal, mind you – you have no combat experience. You’re a liability and too stubborn to realize it,” Valter said.

And then another archer spoke up, the same archer who had fought with Robin in port. The horseman wasn’t particularly inclined to listen to him after that mess. “Simply because there are doesn’t mean there should be,” he replied.

Edited by roymbrog
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"I'm not being stubborn! UGGGGGG!" Tia cried out as she stomped her foot hard on the ground before turning about. "Well FINE! If you're going to be so stubborn about this, I'm just going to stay here and make some sort of mega-death-golem or something... I... Gah! I need my books!" she said as she entered into the Dauntless again. She didn't say anything, just pushed Connor aside as she headed for the back and picked up one of the books. Quietly she opened it and started to read it before a tear fell onto the page, splashing the ink.

"Great... I'll need to fix that as well."

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