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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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So a dragon huh, that had to be the aura he had sensed earlier on the ship. And he wasn't attacking stuff at that, freaking Jackpot is what Zach had just hit. The young man had seen dragons in his lifetime at various instances, what with travelling through Neviskotia and all during his two year hiatus. But he'd never actually gotten to talk to one! Maybe after they were done looking for a ship he could ask Raquel if he could go visit the scaly guy!

While the group was walking along the dock away from their ship Zach suddenly felt a huge aura appear ahead of them in the city.

'By the gods, that completely dwarfs Kerrigan! And he's the strongest human mage I've ever gotten to meet, but it's nowhere near the power of a dragon.... What the hell is that!?!'

A slight hint of panic in his voice Zach asked his companions "Guys.... please tell me someone else felt that aside from me! That aura was insane! It was weaker than a dragon's but much higher than I've ever felt a human one be!"

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Well, that was news.

''A powerful aura huh,'' John thought out loud.

''Could it be from a Dark Avian?'' Sophia asked.

''That seems most likely,'' <Probably just arriving to town or we got close enough for him to felt it. Still, doesn't seem to be enough to cause alarm. Well, it's something to keep in mind I guess.>


<Well well, what do we have here?> Nobishige stopped his walk. <Seems the port is being graced by the presence of such powerful auras. That of a dragon's, and... hmm, this one... seems to be a winged one's, but the element... and yet... Perhaps it's a sign...> Who knows, his curiosity was tugged, but whether or not he'd bother to check was another matter. Either way, before resuming his walk he made sure his aura was still concealed, just in case.

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"Not sure we'd really want to talk to the dragon. Most dragons don't have much need for transport vessels after all. Still, if it is a particularly old dragon it could be a good source of information- dragons have very long memories," Veronika pointed out.


"I'd like to visit the local branch of Weyland Enterprises if we can," Connor said, feeling a bit of a rush riding Ringo. "Problem is that I don't know where we're located on Tracea and I'm not sure who would know. Our offices aren't exactly tourist attractions."


Nadya decided to make her way down the markets with the horses, ignoring the rest of the group for now. They should be able to find a ship by themselves, there like ten of 'em. Besides I gotta pawn that stuff I took from that mansion before that gets 'requistioned' by the governor too.


<"Well...yes. Your mother isn't just any customer, it was made very clear to me that we should do whatever it takes to make her happy. Of course it's also very important to make you happy!,"> Ida corrected quickly.

Svanhildr's hair was being cut into long sweeping layers to create a wavy effect while Helga was having some her older feathers carefully trimmed one by one, a long and tedious task.

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As Robin walked down the ramp she thought about what she could possibly do in this new town. She wasn't terribly sure to be honest, but she had to figure out something. "I... If you do not mind, I would like to see what sort of hunting items and possibly something a bit more cultured, like statuettes, they have here." she said, unsure of if she even had enough money to buy something like that.

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"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wake you! Well... I did, but I didn't... Ugh, I'm sorry, it's just that I've, well," Taking a deep breath and standing tall, "I've never met a dragon before on my own terms, I've always been told to hate you guys on principle..." Clearly flustered and waving her hands in front of her, "I'm being incredibly insensitive here, I am so sorry but really, I'm... in awe. I'll be honest, I don't know much about your kind and I just really... really wanted to take this chance and talk to a dragon as a dragon, not some arbitrary thing to hate. I'm sure there's some dragons to be hated, just as there's plenty of jerkfaced humans, but uh...." Blushing, Aneda was at a loss for words. I've said so much and yet so little... Dammit motormouth, don't give out on me now! Looking at the massive figure before her, Aneda's stance wavered and a sheepish smile replaced her previously enthusiastic face.

Davod nodded, "Sure thing, once things have settled, we can dive right in at your leisure. I must say, I admire your enthusiasm." You know, had that been pretty much any other woman here I'd snark at you, but even I know you wouldn't be that creepy.... Well I hope so anyway.

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Raquel and Co

"I spent a week trapped on a ship with a bunch of dragons. I'm a little numb." Reign replied to Zachary and left it at that.

"Well first things first, dragon or no dragon. I don't want to waste any time, so we need to find another ship and reserve a crane." Raquel noted as they walked along. The office the docker mentioned was coming into view and there seemed to indeed be some imperial soldiers around.

Mandy and Tali

"Hey, if you're willing to help me clobber people who give Tali a hard time, we could definitely hang out. Just make sure they aren't guards ... I mean worse case scenario, they find out about Tali anyhow and we have to ride out of town like outlaws, but we're all capable of handling ourselves and I think we can manage." Mandy interjected.

"Umm ... that's pretty dangerous in the middle of town. I don't think it's a bad idea necessarily but ... let's stick to the edge of town while we ... hang out. Just to be on the safe side." Talitha commented. It wasn't the first time they had pulled the dark avian disguise, but it was the first time they pulled it off so well, thanks to Raquel. The chances of her being discovered were much lower than usual as a result, otherwise she would have had to pass and frown.


"They should be tourist attractions." Gabbie countered. "Alroight, let's go lookin'." Connor was in for even more of a thrill, as Gabbie had Ringo go into a steep descent as they approached what looked like town square ... that or just another fountain ....

Before long it became obvious that they were coming in for a landing. A man minding his own business thought he was about to be killed and stumbled back in a panic, but began to calm down somewhat once Ringo landed in front of him. "Sorry about that! Ringo stinks at landings. You seem loike a local so moind if I ask ya somethin'?"

He nodded fearfully.

"Do you know of Weyland Enterproises by any chance?"

He nodded again ... fearfully, but a bit less so this time.

"Any way we can get in touch with'em?"

"T-the W.E. operate out of the marketplace. There is a very large sign in common. You cannot miss it."

"The market place?" Gabbie echoed in surprise. "Maybe it'll make more sense once we get there. Alroight, let's go, Connor! Thanks, guy!"


"Oh, it's no trouble at all. Your timing couldn't have been better." Fyodor tried to assure her. She was certainly amusing. "It's true, there are dragons to honor and dragons to dishonor, though I might be stating that a bit too formally-I don't truly know how common is being used nowadays. So then, what did you want to know about our kind?" he asked with a big smile.

He Who Wears A Mask

"Hmm?" a lone goon wondered aloud as Kit appeared out of thin air. If the fox tails weren't enough of a dead giveaway, she mentioned having a report. She was definitely with them. "Are you the fox demon? The master is right this way. If you will just follow me." They seemed to be heading into an office area, though it hardly counted as an office; more like a rundown room that could serve as a gang hideout and little else. There was still a desk, which a green haired masked dark avian man sat behind.

He seemed intrigued by Kit's arrival but not much beyond that. "Ah ... well if it isn't the pretty furball. We were told to standby for word from the fleet. They didn't really send you, did they? Interesting ..."


<"I'll ... probably be writing down the information, then."> Katsu replied. <"Hopefully that will be enough.">


<"Well good luck with that; that woman is never happy. We could take over the entire world and she would still find something to complain about. 'The clan doesn't control enough territory.''Now that the humans and avians are conquered, who will we fight?''The food shortage is even worse now.''The royals aren't acting swiftly enough.''My tea is cold.' Ectera.">

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"Okay... Davod." Lisandra replied, not much else to really say at the moment. As she began to make her way down the loading ramp, Lisandra pondered what might be in store in the near future.


"Really? Ah, that's great!" Faatina replied, genuinely surprised her suggestion had been taken so well, let alone accepted.

"So, what should we do, then? This is pretty far and away from anything I've ever seen before... you seem to know a decent amount about it, perhaps you've been to this country before? Either way, you likely have a better idea of what's around than me."


"Hey now, what's that supposed to mean, Squawks?" Kit replied with a pout, before straightening herself out.

"Well, either way. The two ships managed to break through our formation, and made a getaway. We had two ships designated to tail them, but the other was destroyed by some sort of mage... his power was through the roof... stronger than an elder dragon at that... I would have to peg him as one of the Vasili... I don't know of anything else capable of that kind of power... I don't know what they were doing on that ship, but they departed soon after, and we managed to recover the crew. One of the two ships is docked at the port here, and the other, the one with the eggs and hatchlings, is still at sea, as is the Wolfen." Kit continued, giving her report to the masked man.

"Though honestly Squawks, how can you keep yourself holed up like this? It's all dingy and depressing... usually a bunch of men stuck in this sort of place would at least have some risque pictures about to stem the loneliness and boredom, but I didn't spot a single one... unless you and your men are... ah, that's so naughty Squawks! Ooh but I wonder is it Jeremy or Edward that's your type... hey Squawks, are you a top or a bottom?" Kit rambled, to no apparent point aside from jabbing at the other Dark Avian.

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Zach gave a sigh at the reaction of his companions. Yeah sure it wasn't an aura that was on the level of a dragon or anything like that but still, it was a huge aura that had just shown up out of nowhere....

That kinda seemed like a reason to be concerned to him, but then again he wasn't the leader of the group and Raquel didn't seem to be that concerned, so he would just try to stick close to Raquel. Not a chance he could fight something like that, but he could get her away if needed


A young pink haired.... boy? Had just finished saying his prayers to his goddess, Lady Mercy was something he could always count on to make him feel better. Getting up off of his knees in the room he had at the local headquaters for his bosses business Luka was prepared to start his day.

Smoothing out his clothing and picking up his staves in his arms the boy made his way out to the stable at the back of the H.Q. "Hey Rika, how are ya girl?" A friendly neigh was his response as he stroked the pegasi's face. It was nice to see that the winged horse was still all right. This may be a nice vacation and all from Ursium, but he still wanted to try to get some work done. After making sure Rika had water and food to last the boy went back inside. If it was needed he could try to help out somehow...

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"Sure," Gytha replied to Robin as she took in the scenery, "We can look fer a marketplace 'r somethin'. Best place t' find those. Probabla won't have much in th' way o' cultural things here, though. Yer more likela t' find those further inland. This is a port, after all. Probabla gets a lot o' trade."


<"Thank you,"> Sumire replied with a somewhat deep (as deep as she could manage while kneeling at the table) bow, relieved as it began to sink in that someone was actually going to search for their missing child. Daichi, meanwhile, was trying to balance finishing up his breakfast quickly and maintaining some form of dining etiquette. He was eager to begin working on gathering the supplies Katsu might need for his journey.

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"How are we going to reserve a crane if we don't know when we're leaving?" she asked Raquel. "We could be on this island several weeks for all we know- have to find a pretty big ship to hold us after all," she cautioned.


Connor felt a little bad about scaring the poor man, but the sudden descent was pretty cool...anyway the guy seemed to know where Weyland Enterprises was located. "Thanks!" he added before Ringo took off. Better make sure I have my insignia on hand...can't rely on running into someone we know here.


<"Well I just don't want her unhappy with me...I can trim it and change the style while keeping it a similar length. Your mother said below the shoulders right?"> Ida asked, examining Brynhildr's hair carefully.

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It wasn't long, seems they were finally approaching the office.

''Hopefully Raquel won't encounter similar problems like at Temptress, heh,'' John said.

''Well, this port isn't being accosted by fierce winds,'' Sophia pointed out.

''At least there's that. Though personally, it wouldn't surprised me if we get delayed again, whether or not it's regarding the crane or something else.''

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Meanwhile, at the Estate

Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, the reconstruction of the estate was nearly complete, minus the aesthetics. On the bright side, this meant Ethan was no longer working in a partially destroyed manse. On the other hand, no construction workers meant less people to take care of, which in turn meant less freedom when on duty. Oh well, at least the healer wouldn't have to worry about falling debris much longer.

The purple-haired man passed Red as he was going to the medical ward. The armored man didn't seem to notice. What a curious fellow, though. Shows up one day, all shot up and on the verge of death, gets up the next day and immediately starts scrapping like his injuries never happened. Same thing here. Once he was all patched up from getting right toasted, the lancer started back with mercenary work with a new haste. It was unreal how fast he was coming and going from the estate. Never took any time off either. It was like he was possessed or something.

Ethan shook his head. Enough thinking about Red. Time to get to work. And with that, the Weyland employee made his way into the medical ward, ready to go to work.

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Raquel and Co

"Well ..." Raquel paused to try and make sure she wasn't just making up an excuse. "Honestly, I was just flat out assuming we would be able to find a ship that was heading for Sergio in the docks within a couple of hours. I wanted to reserve the crane first because last time they only had one left and I don't want a repeat of that. If we can't get the Dauntless off of the Leverager, they might be stuck here, or we might have to go with them farther north."

"Emblem powers ... hope those kick in soon." Reign commented in the background.

"So do you think we should look for a ship first after all?" Raquel asked Veronika, trying to tune out the emblem comment. Reign knew good and well that she'd made all of no progress in that area. "I'm trying to catch a ship out of here as soon as possible. It's early enough in the day to find a ship that's heading out soon. We just need to find one heading to Sergio that's big enough to hold the animals and the Dauntless and then convince them to- ... sheesh, that is kind of a tall order now that I think about it ... I still want to try though."

Mandy and Tali

"Tali's not as familiar with these places as I am." Mandy quickly noted.

"Oh, you should probably get your horse. I know your leg is fine now, but if we're all riding our own horses, you won't have to ride back once we leave." Talitha suggested, somewhat reluctantly since it revolved so much around their inevitable departure.

"Oh you don't have any horses, Tali. You're just minding Autumn for me~" Mandy quickly teased.

"It's the same thing ..."


They were on their way ... to the market. That area was a bit more crowded, and there actually seemed to be some foreigners traveling about, though not very many compared to the locals. "Where to land ... I see the soign, but I don't see a good spot anywhere near it ... oh well, toime to scare some folks." That was the only warning she gave before another rapid descent. Unsurprisingly Gabbie's chosen landing spot was clear by the time Ringo got there, as the half dozen people near the W.E. main entrance had scattered.

The building was kigenese in appearance just like all the others in the area, so everything save for the sign seemed to blend in with the others. Gabbie hopped off of Ringo and headed inside expecting Connor to follow. Ringo could ... do whatever he wanted so long as he didn't get into trouble. Knowing how easy it was to get into trouble, Ringo opted to lie down.

Once inside, Gabbie stopped in her tracks, jaw slightly open, and expression completely disbelieving. "Hello, Connor, Gabbie. How was your trip from Rex-Avaz?" greeted ... Anna.

"H- ... how ... when did you ... get here?" Gabbie tried to find the right words.

"A few days ago. Mister Weyland realized that the most efficient route for you to take back to Ursium would have you passing through Cousokabe, so he wanted to make sure there was a familiar face here to greet you~" she explained.

Eh, he just sent her because she's Zero-One. Hmm ... I wonder what Craig is up to ...


"It's easier for men to focus without that sort of distraction. After all, it seems rather obvious that these thieving bastards escaped because you were strutting around in that getup of yours." the dark avian countered. "Seriously," he stood up from his chair and leaned forward over the desk with one hand pointing off to the right. "I doubt any of these poor fools have even gotten a look at your face yet." And having said his piece, he calmed down somewhat and slowly sat back down, putting his finger tips together as he came to rest in the chair. "Sooo ... the eggs aren't in the port, huh? I may be able to address that, but it will take some time. What are you planning to do ... not distract my men and get them all killed, I hope."


<"Daichi-san saved my life and the both of you have been very kind to me. This is the least I can do to repay that debt."> Katsu said. Breakfast was just about finished, and after that, the time to relax would be at an end. From there it would be preparing to wander the region, alone, in search of his friend's daughter. Positive thinking was in high demand.


<"Can't remember. Just don't cut off more than a few inches and she won't notice."> Bryn assured her, though she was more concerned with just having her problem addressed at this point than anything else.

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"Oh... there's so much, but where to start?" Taking a very long moment to think about what was most interesting to talk about, Aneda was stumped, "I'm so sorry, I rushed into this without even thinking of what to ask or say... Um... Oh! I'll start with something that I always thought was interesting! Do dragons really like to hoard treasure?! That's what the stories my parents told to me always had dragons doing, stealing jewels, trinkets, valuables and just storing them in some really ominous location... Is that just embellishing? I-I'm not trying to judge you, it's just... I always found it odd and intriguing that powerful beasts would do that..."

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A Man Called Gar

"Yeah, it might be better to find a ship willing to wait for crane stuff rather than finding a crane willing to wait for ship stuff." Gar threw in his first comment in a while as he was too preoccupied with looking for other things.

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"Sooo ..." Raquel stopped walking. "I guess we find a ship first then." She didn't sound to thrilled about the idea. They had to go into a tavern last time and she ended up completely smashed or rather something close to it. Not to mention that she wasn't a fan of taverns to begin with. If only the ships were advertising and all of their captains were just out and down by the loading ramps waiting for her to come and talk to them.


"Well I'm sure some do," Fyodor quickly came back. "Just think of all the interesting things you could do with it once you got a proper door in place for your vault? Fund all sorts of projects, melt down the the stuff to make a hat, distribute the wealth and uplift small townships-my personal favorite~"

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Seems they stopped, well, might as well. Taking advantage on a gap in the crowd, John directed Gil to land while the chance existed.

The talk had shifted about ships and cranes, well, there was still room for some more input.

''Do you think Connor may have found whether his uncle has presence here? That could make things easier,'' John spoke up.

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<"You are a friend of my husband's; of course, we must be hospitable,"> Sumire replied humbly, bowing a little again from her seated position. The bit about Daichi having saved Katsu's life did intrigue her, but Sumire didn't want to pry right away. Daichi had already finished eating his soup and rice by now and the fish was gone in short order while Sumire was distracted.

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"I think we'd rather not be on board with a 'skeevy' crew, though I doubt we'll get as lucky as we did with the Leverager. Lucky in the sense of the crew being well-behaved, not the fighting bit," she clarified.


"Good timing Anna!" Connor said, surprised and rather impressed. "Our trip went pretty well, no one on our side died I think, despite some trouble. So how is Uncle doing after the attack? Hope he's not too worried, I tried to send a message with er, Lilith," he said. it felt a bit weird to say that he had sent a message with a vasilus but...that's what he did.


Nadya began to make her way through the marketplace, which was fairly wide, allowing her to maneuver the horses through the stands. She stopped at one that appeared to be selling decorative items.

"You speak common right? I got a vase and a candleab-, uh candle holder, both Ursian make I think that I'm lookin' to resell. You interested?" she asked him, waiting for a response before pulling the items out of Luca's saddlebags. Don't want to attract too much attention, 'specially seein' as this seems to be Kigenese territory.


Hope her mother gets mad at her and not me... Ida thought to herself, as she began carefully trimming Brynhildr's hair to shoulder length, keeping the hair straight and smooth. <"Well you're the customer, so what really matters is what you like, right?"> Ida asked, somewhat to herself. Normally hair wasn't cut in the spa area but...Ida wanted to avoid Helga as much as possible.

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"Well I suppose yeah, odds are there's gonna be some that do that... but are you serious?! You'd use it to help others out?" She was trying to work out how you'd steal yet give back, but all in all, she was just ecstatic that the dragon seemed to be so nice. "You are sooooo niiice! Seriously! I've tried exploring this world just for my own selfish desires, but you... Ooooh, I wish I could be half as nice as you! I'd love to hug you but that's just... immature, haha. Anyway, uh... if you'd indulge me some more, ummm... what is a typical dragon society like? I know we've got some... stuff, economies and rulers and such, do dragons have those, or something similar? Which isn't to say you guys are copying, if it is similar!" The nervousness came back. Why am I so nervous? Sure he's a giant wyvern-thing that could probably eat me whole, but he seems pretty nice! Calm down girl...

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A Man Called Gar

"Huh?" Gar said. "I meant you should be glad the skeevy types all off taking advantage of the local services in establishments you're not likely to go to." He cleared his intentions up. "Means you won't have to henpick through a hundred types to get attention and stuff and so on." Since they were stopped now Gar was able to look more in-depth for his targets but still couldn't see either.

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"Yeah, I'll go get him. Surely Sharif will appreciate the chance to move in a more open space then the ship. I'll be right back." Faatina noted, going to retrieve the combat stallion.


And retrieve him she did, taking very little time to do so. Approaching the two, now mounted, Faatina thought it best to inquire as to a destination.

"So where should we go first?"


"Oh hush, Squawks. I'll have you know I wasn't even on the ship that was sliced into four... and besides, I'm sure that they are taking plenty of time to look at my face... what with these alluring eyes... and my ears are adorable, if I do say so myself~!" She retorted, if you want to call it that, before sitting herself on the corner of Squawks' desk.

"Though to be honest, there was something I wanted to investigate in this port... a strange magical presence, that if I'm correct, may be connected to what appear to be a group of mercenaries that were working for the egg-snatchers... and may be related to the appearance of the vasili... I would like to take care of that, while you go after the eggs... I feel it would better suit both of our areas of expertise, no?" Kit continued, leaning in towards her fellow Dark Avian.

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Sufficiently by himself, Davod figured he'd have time to really talk things out. "I can't help but wonder if you know something that I don't...." Do I? "Do you?" Ha... Well, yes and no, if you wanna try and think about it this way, I've been with you through everything you've seen, it's not like I'm not you or something... Think of it as a different view on things. You see one side, I see another, but we see the same thing. "Well that's cryptic as all get out. Anyway, why are you acting so malicious lately?" Malicious how? Pointing out that what you're doing is gonna end really badly? Look, she's much younger than you and it's just not gonna be healthy a- "And it's not really entirely up to you? I hope that's what you were going to say. I don't think you understand that I'm the one in control, not you. I appreciate your... concern, as it were, but I do believe I can make my own decisions. I'm not a child, I don't need this constant guidance..." Right, you're just a guy talking, no, mumbling ti himself in a corner pretending to read a book. Look, Davod, you're not normal, there's no exact need to pretend you're normal! "Oh, that sounds fantastic, maybe I should just go wander the streets having conversations with myself! After all, I shouldn't pretend!" And see, that's exactly why I stick around. Your impulses need to be checked, especially after what happened with your wife. "... What?" Oh for the love of- you still don't remember? I'm sorry, but that's just sad, and before you ask, I ain't going to tell you. I can't tell you. "And now you're being malicious again. If it's important, then tell me!" What part of I am you do you not get? If you don't remember it, how can I? "I... suppose that's a fair point. Maybe the fact that you brought it up means I'm slowly making some progress, so your attempts at getting me away from her have failed, because now I know that there's something there... but if it'll keep you quiet, I'll stay away from her for a little while. Besides, little Lia has my attention right now. Poor girl's been through so much, I just wanna help her out." Do what you want, just remember that she's not your child, it's just circumstance that you're both here...

With that spout of personal exposition out of the way, the bard (in class name only) made his way off the ship as well, deciding to stick near Lia. He knew she could handle herself in all seriousness, but he still felt like being that guy.

Ah crap, then there was Nanahm. That guy gets lost so easy or something... Holy crap, he actually stopped moving since I mentioned him last time, well let's fix that. Nanahm! Come on man, lets go! Aaaaand boom, he's set in motion again. Making note that his surroundings were changed from minutes ago, Nanahm shrugged, he was able to identify that things move without him looking at them. But in all seriousness, Nanahm sought out Robin to finally deliver his latest masterpiece, or what he thought was his masterpiece.

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Our currently still quite paranoid thunder sage kept close to the rest of the group while they moved forwards, that aura from earlier had him on edge still. You don't just appear out of nowhere like that unless there is some really heavy duty magic involved, and Zach couldn't even pretend to understand how it would work.

"Well, if anything I think we're gonna have enough money to get a cranes service. Would the portmaster be our best bet for trying to find one? I don't really know much about how ports work sadly..."

Pinky the 2nd

While Luka was trying to go around trying to find something to do in order to be usefull at the momet he managed to catch sight of the red headed Anna talking to two newcomers. They all seemed to be friends, perhaps they were new comers in town.... though they did seem to be awfully familiar to the pink haired boy. Deciding he might as well pass the time by trying to learn more he approached the trio.

"Hello there, are these friends of yours Ms. Anna?" He questioned after giving a small bow. Pink ponytail falling over his shoulder as he bent over, it could be a bit troublesome at times but longer hair just seemed so much more comfortable to him.

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