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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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Raquel and Co

"Me neither," Raquel quickly replied to Zachary before turning around. "Hey guys, I need help here," she spoke up, trying to interrupt the exchange between Veronika can Gar. "Are we supposed to go someplace specific to talk to ship captains and hope one of them is heading for Sergio with a big enough ship, or should we find and write down the names of any ships we see around here large enough to carry the Dauntless and the animals first and then talk to those captains to see who's willing to help us?"

"Second one sounds like more fun ... and faster if we split up for just a little while." Reign chimed in quietly.

"Split up?" Raquel echoed, but she was drifting somewhere else with that thought. Oh right, John was worried about Gar ... but it's not that kind of splitting up, I don't think. We'll be fine. "I guess that's fine ... just nobody wander off on their own. Oh and I need ... at least a few ...-" dozen "-bodyguards." Embarrassing to say that, but it was what it was.

Mandy and Tali

While Faatina was off fetching Sharif, Mandy and Talitha took the opportunity to mount up themselves, though Talitha quickly ran into a bit of trouble with the dress. She had no intention of riding side saddle, so she carefully made sure her tail wouldn't shift around too much and fall to one side or the other or be noticeable from that position. Hopefully that would be enough.

"Edge of town might be a little boring, but I'm sure they'll enjoy it." Mandy commented. Summer would enjoy the wide open spaces, Autumn was still getting used to this place. "If it's okay, Tali, we should take a scenic route to get there. Maybe cut through town square or something fun like that."

"Okay, but you two better cover me if someone wants to stop us and ... check me." Talitha muttered.

Gabbie and Anna

"When I left, the workers had made a lot of progress with fixing up the damage to the estate, your uncle's doing great! Learning that you were alright was just the news he needed to get back to work and get things running smoothly again. Oh, but there is one thing ..." Anna paused and raised a single finger up. "Theee Dauntless ..."

"What about it?" Gabbie asked, raising an eyebrow.

"There are some flaws inherent in the design, but I was wondering if you've experienced anything that we might have missed. If we're going to improve on the design, we need some field data."

"Ummm ... well the deflectors tend to kick up a ton of dust and that was just sheer murder in the desert. Also we need a crane to get it from from ship to shore, which I think Raquel is off seeing to roight now. The thing is still great for hoiding in during a foight, though. Still no way to protect the horses, though, so I think you should add an emergency release for them."

"Okay then, no new data, just yet. Thanks for the review and suggestion though, Gabbie. Connor, do you have any issues or suggestions I can have sent back? I'm sure we'll be seeing review material in the next version."

Around this point, Gabbie noticed an unfamiliar approaching. An unfamiliar with pink hair no less. She immediately began snickering and covering her mouth while pointing the boy out to Connor.

"Friends of mine? Um, sure." Anna replied. "Luka, this is Connor Weyland and Gabbie-no surname. Don't call her Gabbie, though, or she'll immediately threaten you with violence. Connor, Gabbie, this is Luka Rendvulk. Gabbie, stop laughing, pink hair is perfectly fine on him. Pink hair is ... also fine in general."

More barely restrained laughter.


"'Dragon society', now see the Ursians don't usually call it that. I like that~" Fyodor came back with a teasing smirk and a single claw making a pointing gesture. Afterward he went into deep thought, looking up at the sky as he did so. "Our Goddess wanted us to live off of and protect the land. We were an ideal breed for doing so, and we had balance in such a life style. We were ruled by kings in various areas throughout Sardius, and that's probably where the similarities end. Every dragon had an obligation to protect his neck of the woods from destruction and strife and not antagonize the humans. Some were better at it than others, it seemed. I know that all sounds rather simplistic, but it's just who we were in the old days. I don't think we saw enough of each other, but a lot of dragons gathered together in one place tends to scare people spitless, heheh. I'm afraid copying you humans would have hurt the both of us. You would all run out of space to call your own and we would lose touch with who and what we really are. Of course, with how we've always handled ourselves, we get treated like animals or barbarians. Even our allies, the Neviskotians are eager to 'culturally uplift' us, heheheh. Not that we don't appreciate the sentiment, but facilities and homes designed specially for dragons aren't economically friendly anymore, and the money might be better used elsewhere. I'm also not a fan of 'drakewear' and whoever thought of that indeed has an unbound imagination, heheheh."


"Fair enough," Belial decided as he flicked his fingers at one of Kit's wandering tails that had gotten just a little too close for his liking. "They probably needed the help of those peasants to hijack the Dark Duck anyway, so you can deal with that. I'll see that the eggs are retrieved ... by tonight."


Katsu finally managed to finish his breakfast as well and made sure the empty soup bowl was put right back in its place on the tray, along with the eating utensils. And with a small bow of his own, he said <"Breakfast was delicious. Thank you.">


<"Now you're getting it~"> Bryn replied in a relaxed and subdued tone.

Meanwhile ... <"Svan, dear.">

<"Yes, mother?">

<"Something just crossed my mind.">

<"Something important?">

<"Mmm, no, but it has me wondering. There is virtually no sea food available in our province.">

<"We are rather far from the ocean, mother.">

<"Well yes, of course, but perhaps with some work, that can be rectified.">

<"Most everyone prefers to dine on equine meat, so perhaps making that more widely available would be a better move.">

<"Yes but that might require demolishing some towers just to make room for them, and I'm hoping to avoid that if possible."> Helga's attention shifted to the woman tending to her. <"What do you think? More variety or more availability?">

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"If ye want me advice," Gytha began, having caught up with Robin to Raquel's other group fragment, "I'd say whichever ship ye choose'll be less expensive if ye dedicate some time aboard it t' work alongside th' crew. So best t' make sure ye like th' crew 'r at least th' captain b'fore dedicatin' people t' work with 'em."


Well, she never got the chance to ask Katsu about how he'd been rescued by her husband -- they each had their work to get to -- but she decided she was content with that outcome. <"You're welcome,"> she replied, <"I am glad it was enjoyable.">

<"Well, we have work to do,"> Daichi mentioned as he stood up from the table, his dishes completely empty and likewise set up in the same way as they had been when presented to him, <"Sumire, how long do you think it will take you to gather meal supplies for Katsu-san's journey?">

<"I will pack lightly, but he will be supplied. I wish Hana-chan would help her mother more, but it should not take too long if I limit it to bags of rice and dried fruits and meats,"> she answered.

<"I won't ask you to help pack any more than that,"> Daichi replied, <"You have other things you have to do, I know.">

<"I will be on time,"> she assured him.

<"We should begin packing your other supplies, then,"> Daichi said to Katsu as he began walking back towards the guest room Katsu had been staying in, <"Do you have anything to carry the supplies in?">

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"You don't need to worry, Talitha... I'm not going to let anything happen to you, so long as I am able!" Faatina replied, as she moved Sharif closer to the other woman.

"Sharif's a big boy, if he starts charging, it'll take a hell of a badass to stand in his way without getting flattened."


"Ohoho~ Well, I'll leave you to your work then, Squawks." Kit replied, lowering herself from his desk.

"I suppose I'll be off to track that strange thing, then. Have fun~!"

And with that, she had darted off, towards a less dingy area of town.

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A Man Called Gar

"Find a ship-type that looks promising then ask any nearby crew the questions or about the Captain," Gar advised when Raquel asked. "If you want to split up I'll be fine with wherever you want me, I have no preferences."

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"I guess the thing with that idea is that we have no idea where they are, so if we were to try to look in that, we'd either have to lolligag for a while longer, or try and find them, which could waste time," Blake, finally speaking up, responded to John, who everyone had apparently ignored. "So until they come back or we stumble upon him, I think we should probably arrange things personally." The main conversation now went to discussing splitting the team. Well, time to give his opinion of that.

"As for splitting up the group, I'd prefer to go with my employer if we do split up," he said, in response to Reign. He certainly couldn't look Raquel in the eyes, right now, given the circumstances. Hopefully though, if the swordsman wasn't already on his way out, he'd be able to redeem himself.

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''Well, I suppose,'' John answered. ''But if Connor is able to, better not be when we have already found something as well or so. Anyway, I'd probably be heading with Raquel as well,'' he turned to face Sophia. ''What about you?''

''I'd rather go with Raquel too,'' she answered. ''Though personally I don't think splitting up to be a good idea.''

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As they began to head out Norbert decided to apologize, something Valter hadn’t expected from the pegasus knight. The horseman merely smiled and waved him off. “Don’t worry about it. I wasn’t in the best of moods, either.” Of course he didn’t want to be bothered again, but Bert probably already realized that.


So apparently the people standing around were to guard the dragon, Katrina found out. Thankfully the dragon called them off before anything actually happened and Aneda got to converse with him like she wanted. Katrina just kind of hung back and listened for the moment.


So Grant was leaving with the horses, huh? Synthia wondered where he was taking them… In any case, she didn’t find out because she was soon distracted by Davod walking a ways in front of her. The guy seemed to be having a very elaborate conversation with himself. If she hadn’t known about the voice in his head she might have assumed he’d gone off the deep end (it seemed likely even with that knowledge). She walked a bit faster to catch up. “Hey Davod, you alright?”

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Well, that was a relief. It seemed Synthia's advice was right on. Glad that was over, Norbert was able to relax a little more and looked around as they got off the ramp and onto the dock. "So, what do you think this one's going to be like? This town, I mean," he asked Valter.

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"Finding a ship that can hold us first might save some time pursuing leads that will go nowhere. If we want to split up I can be in a separate group from Raquel- might save us some time," she thought aloud.


"Hi Luka, nice to meet you," Connor said to the pink-haired boy before returning his attention to Anna. "Good to hear, and I concur with Gabbie's thoughts on the Dauntless, it's been working really well except for the weight thing. Do you think it could be remade with a lighter metal making up the infastructure?" he asked Anna. He wasn't sure on the extent of Anna's knowledge in this area, but from personal experience she seemed to know an awful lot.


After cutting Brynhildr's hair for a while and brushing the hair off her neck and clothes, Ida finally took out a mirror and showed Brynhildr her new hair. <"So...do you like it? Any adjustments I should make?"> she asked in a hesitant tone.

Surprised she's asking my opinion on the matter...wonder if she's looking for something specific. <"I'm quite flattered that you would ask my opinion madam. I would say that given some recent food shortages, quantity is more important than variety right now,"> the eldest said hesitantly as she applied a light oil to Helga's feathers for extra shine.

I could go for some fish right now...though I wouldn't turn down horse. the middle one thought, before stopping her clipping. <"So, is it up to standards? Or do you want more cut off?"> she asked, not specifying whether it was Svanhildr or her mother she was referring to.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Raquel and Co

"I'll keep that in mind, Gytha, but there's not much work I can do beyond sewing and arranging inventory. Maybe the first one is handy, but I'm not a heavy lifter. And if we're lucky we won't get attacked again so no one has to fight or anything." Veronika suggested leading one of the groups, which made sense; she was seen as the second in command, though more of a general in Raquel's eyes, while she herself felt like a domestic affairs person most of the time. "Okay, Veronika will take one group, and I'll take the other. So there's some going with me already. Reign which group are you going with?"

"Veronika's. She has my allowance." Reign commented blankly.

"Allowance? Oookay ..." Was he getting a loan? If so, what for?

Gabbie and Anna

"There are lighter metals, but only a few that we can make the Dauntless out of without sacrificing its durability. It's got to be able to stand up to several firing squads unloading on it all at once without a single shot getting through to the inside ... or at least that's the durability we're going for. Dexterium would be a wonderful option if it was affordable, but it's not." Anna explain with a small frown. "We're hoping to mass produce the Dauntless once we perfect the design but ... if it isn't cost effective, then we're back at square one, I guess. I think we can improve the design if we find a way to use earth runes more effectively. Wind magic is the easiest method, but it's a big red flag for anyone trying to find an MP Dauntless once they become a standard. The dust they kick up probably bothers the horses too when the wagon is stationary, I'm guessing ..."

"Yeah." Gabbie nodded.

"Well, thanks for the field data Connor and Gabbie. I'll file a report once our business here is finished and have it sent off to headquarters. So then, how may I help you today?" She went to a generic and unfamiliar attitude as if by habit.

"Money?" Gabbie shrugged.

Mandy and Talitha

"Okay, let's see it, then," Talitha challenged, her attitude becoming a bit more upbeat and competitive, something like Mandy's.

"Oh, riding through town at pace, now that's the way to end a boring trip over the water and get some exercise in all at once!" Mandy commented.


"Ursian goods? You not fence, are you?" the merchant asked almost reflexively. Despite the worry, he was still clearly interested in seeing what she had to offer, evidenced by him leaning forward curiously as she retrieved them from Luca's saddlebags.

Now this scene was familiar. Luca hoped the other two were watching closely. They could now learn where food and treats came from, and then grow to appreciate the human called Nadya as he did.

Riley was just adjusting his ears and trying to make sure no one was sneaking up on them while they had their backs to the streets, and Sandrock was enjoying all of the new, familiar, and interesting smells around. This place also had green and lots of it. If they could just get off this road, she could have a little snack~


<"Agreed,"> Katsu quickly turned to Sumire again and bowed after standing up. <"Again, thank you for the meal and your hospitality."> Following anything else said, he was ready to head off with Daichi and prepare. Unfortunately, he had lost just about everything not directly attached to him thanks to that doomed trek through the woods trying to evade the demons. He shook his head in response to Daichi's question. <"I was lucky to get away with my weapons ...">


<"Hmm,"> Bryn began shaking her head to get the ends to swish back and forth. <"They'll have a harder time getting a grip on these~"> It sure sounded like a Brynhildr approval if nothing else.

Meanwhile ... <"It would also take far more time to establish an aquarium than it would to breed the horses faster and move them to a newly renovated area."> Svan added.

<"I suppose ... though the province always seems to be lacking something. I was wondering if that was it.">

<"If our population increases much more, we may require more managerial support.">

<"Oh Svan, still trying to find a place for your sister. Hmm?!"> she quickly glanced over at the other fallen girl. <"Unless you're clipping split ends over there ...">

<"It is satisfactory. Thank you."> Svan quickly answered.

Helga sighed. <"These children. I'm willing to wager, Bryn is putting that girl up to cutting her hair short as we speak."> she stated, shaking her head toward the end.

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"Just put some o' th' mercenaries ye hired t' work," Gytha replied to Raquel with a shrug before asking, "D' ye want me t' go with ye? I was plannin' t' head o'er t' th' market with Robin if ye don't need me."


<"We will supply that as well, then,"> Daichi replied to Katsu, <"You can wait until I've gathered some things, if you'd like.">

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"You seem a lot less timid than a minute ago, Talitha." Faatina commented, as she gave Sharif's reigns a tug, causing the stallion to rear up, before bringing his hooves down hard in front of him, letting out an energetic snort.

"Though to be honest, I would really rather not trample anyone if it isn't strictly necessary, last thing we need is to draw too much attention."

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Mage Guy

Zach was still feeling jumpy at the moment, splitting up might have let them find a ship faster but it certainly wasn't the safest option.... not like all of them combined could even do anything against that aura that he had felt. He'd rather stay close to Raquel if possible, something happened to her and the whole group would fall apart.

"I'd rather stay with you if I could Raquel. But if you want me to I could go with the other group...."

Pinky Boy

The boy gave a small twitch as Gabbie started to laugh at his hair, it wouldn't be good to try to hit someone that Anna knew just because his hair. "It is nice to meet you as well Conner. Your Uncle has done a lot for me, is there any way I may be able to help you?"

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''Knowing our luck, getting attacked could might as well happen,'' John commented. ''Though I suppose if we get attacked here instead that might lessen the chances of being attacked while on the boat,'' he mused. <Anyway, seems the majority want to go with Raquel,> he noted. <Kinda beats the purpose of splitting up, but I suppose some have also stated they didn't minded which group they joined in the end. And also perhaps that's probably what Raquel would want anyway, have the group with the majority on it to be there to protect her, heh.>

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Split Fail

"That's fine." Raquel replied to Zachary.

"Okay so, Veronika and me ... and then pretty much everyone else then ..." Reign noted. People had certainly taken that manse battle to heart, hadn't they? Well good for Raquel, but this tendency to crowd around her was actually an exploitable weakness in Reign's eyes.

"Yeah it's ... not really a split at all. It's more like a splinter." Raquel admitted. As Reign shrugged to that, she added. "I mean maybe two people in your group is enough for what you're going to be doing, but are you two going to be alright?"

"Which one of you killed around ten people back to back during the last fight? Was that Gar? Let's take him with us; that evens it out a bit."

Start Fail

"Not trample, get up to speed." Talitha corrected, but it was a little too late for what she had in mind. Mandy was way ahead of both of them. Summer reared up and neighed just as Talitha finished her clarification.

"Prepare to eat Summer's dust, and she's got wings so there's gonna be an awful lot of it!" Mandy warned before bolting off and heading into town. Summer flapped her wings several times to get a dust cloud running as they hit dry ground and then pulled the wings in so they could pick up speed.

"Urgh, she always cheats! Come on, we have to catch up to her!" And with that, Talitha got Autumn up and running after Summer while snorting frustratingly at the dust he had to give chase through.

Sloth Fail

<"I'll help."> Katsu instantly decided. Seriously there was no processing time behind this decision, he just up and volunteered without a second or first thought. This guy needs help, or he's going to get conned one of these days.

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"Works for me," Veronika added, smiling a bit at the allowance comment. Wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on Gar anyway...still don't know much about that organization of his. "We could start at the far end of the dock while you all start at the other end, meet in the middle. We should cover the most ground that way."


"What we could really use right now is a ship back to Ursium- probably looking to land in Sergio again. Weyland Enterprises must make some sort of shipments between here and there..." he said to Anna, before turning his attention to Luka. "Well, aren't you a Weyland Enterprises employee? You probably already have an existing assignment."


"Oh nah, I'm a private freelance trader," Nadya lied, almost reflexively. She put the vase and candelabra on the stand for show. "Pretty nice pieces, right? Don't think I'd be willin' to let 'em go for less than sixty gold...each," she said in her most convincing attempt.


<"Well that sounds like you're happy enough to me,"> Ida said, somewhat pleased with herself. <"Um, when do you want to show your mother?"> she asked, hesitant once more.

<"All right if you're satisfied, then so am I,"> the middle fallen answered, beginning to sweep up the hair that had fallen to the floor.

<"Would you like someone to check on your other daughter? It has been a little while, although I'm sure there is no trouble,"> the eldest asked Helga while beginning to cut her hair. I really hope Ida didn't do something stupid.

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"I should have guessed she would pull a stunt like that... hyah!" With a quick motion, Faatina had Sharif up and moving, chasing down Mandy and Summer. Used to the rigours of battle and the desert sands, Sharif had no issue powering his way through the dust cloud left behind by the flap of Summer's wings.

"Did you really think a trick like that would stop a desert-bred, Mandy?"

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Well, it was looking like Raquel did want her and Robin to go along with her. It was probably for the best since they were splitting up some, apparently. "A'right," she agreed, "So, yer lookin' fer th' captains t' ask their next destinations, aye? If they onla speak Kigenese, I won't be able t' help ye much."


Daichi was a little surprised by Katsu's immediate answer, winding up giving a light laugh. <"You may not look like it most of the time, but you certainly are eager, aren't you? Very well, then. Follow me,"> Daichi responded before walking over to a closet and opening it up.

Inside were various supplies neatly organized by function. <"So, first you need something to carry things in,"> the Hikibain mumbled as he took out a few, neatly-folded sheets of furoshiki with varying sizes then presented them to Katsu. <"How many do you think you'll need? Pick out whichever ones you want.">

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"Likewise, I do not know Kigenese. I know only Skotian and basic Common." said Robin, following up on Gytha's statement. "I am not sure I can even get a clear shot in this place with so many people about. I could easily miss my target, but not miss shooting someone, if combat were to happen."

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<Well well, the split's bad distribution did got brought up,> John though.

''Say,'' Sophia spoke up. ''Are you going to...?'' she trailed off.

''Actually, I don't,'' he simply said.

''You're not?''

''It's kinda covered, I'll tell you once we're moving again.''

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“I’d assume like any other port. Taverns, a market and the like,” Valter answered. Hmm, Raquel and the others were already a ways down the docks. It seemed most of the group was with her already. “Should we help them find a ship, or do you think they have it covered?”

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Norbert thought it over for a moment before someone rode by and a gust of wind kicked up a bunch of loose dust. A couple horses ran by shortly after that, and there was a bit of shouting from the riders. Rizen was a tiny bit startled by it and so sounded a stark neigh and a snort as she bounced up off her front hooves for a moment. After that she was just complaining at all the dust. Bert himself coughed a bit then glared off in the direction the riders headed off in. "Hey, watch where you're going!" he called after them, not that he thought they could hear him.

Addressing Valter again, (though squinting a little now because of the dust) Norbert replied, "How many people does it take to find a ship? We'll just come back a little later. Come on, let's get out of this dust cloud."

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Well, a bunch of people rode by kicking up a bunch of dust (on purpose, I may add). That was pleasant. Phyllis, who had seen them coming, just closed her eyes and snorted. That was why she didn’t like pegasi. Valter sneezed. “People really need to be more considerate…” he mumbled, starting off towards town. “I guess we can find out what’s in port, then.”

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"Yeah," Norbert agreed as he prompted Rizen into something slightly faster than a walk to get out of the dust then picking a random direction and heading that way. He didn't know what was around town, but he didn't feel like flying to find out. Phyllis didn't have wings, after all.

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