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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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"Yeah... we can get very territorial, just look at my homeland and Neviskotia... And to think I wanted to be a soldier there, it's, well, I can't claim to be completely peace loving and a pacifist, but I'd rather there not be so much pushing and shoving, metaphorically or literally." The dragon's words were having a rather soothing effect on Aneda, enjoying talking to such a, as she'd put it, majestic beast. "I just realized we haven't introduced ourselves yet, though the burden lies on me there, so lets fix that!" Giving the most formal bow she'd ever really given anyone, Aneda spoke very clearly and perhaps a little loudly. "My name is Aneda Welnon, I'm a happily employed mercenary looking to learn about the world!" Looking back up and giving a genuine smile, "If you would grace me with your name, I'd be honored, sir."

Nanahm saw Robin off in the distance and of course he made his way to her, ignoring pretty much any and all things on his way there, and even things going on immediately by him. "Robin! There you are, I seem to be losing track of you kids easily these days. Anyway, I just wanted to hand this off to you..." Pulling out the figurine he had crafted, he held it carefully out for her. "I hope you like it, and more importantly I hope I've done your old man some justice with this thing."

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So, apparently everyone wanted to be protecting Raquel, which left the other group rather... understaffed, what with only Veronika, Reign, and Gar as opposed to Gytha, John, Robin, Shadrak, Sophia, Zach, and the merchant herself. Blake wanted to protect his employer, but even he had to admit that this was getting a bit ridiculous. And if no one else was going to move, he'd may as well.

"... Actually, I'll go with the splinter group, seeing as I guess there are enough people to guard you, Raquel," Blake said, after Gar agreed to go with the smaller party. He wasn't really sure about how safe it was to have Gytha and Robin in the same group, but he doubted that his opinion would change things much.

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Paranoia Mage

Paranoia was such a fun thing to have in a social situation. There was two things that could make the mage feel comfortable right now. Either getting the hell out of the town ASAP and away from aura's appearing out of nowhere, or getting as close to that dragon as possible. Seemed like the scaly lizard was like the ones back home, fairly friendly if you were, nice change from previous experiences. "I got ten of them as well... Oh, Gar."

After spending a few moments trying to translate what Gytha said in his head Zach somewhat meekly raised his hand "I can... kinda speak some Kigen? I don't know I'm only fluent in Common, Skotian, and picked up a good bit of Rexian But I might be able to get us by with what I know? Won't need it if we're lucky though...."


Luka gave a grin at Connor's question "I am a Weyland Enterprises employee Master Connor, however I am technically on vacation even though I'm still working hehehe...." He chuckled "But my time is up soon anyways and I must head back to headquarters myself. If you'd like and wouldn't mind I could come with you. My healing skills might prove useful in an emergency, and my pegasus Rika and I could search around to help you."

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A Man Called Gar

That um, other guy, went and threw his name into the splinter group, bringing them up to a magnificent four. "We'll be the most magnificent group of four... whatever-we-have-in-common ever." He really didn't know. Veronika and Other-guy were probably swordsmen from the way they moved. Also from the swords. But Reign-guy was something else. "I'll also humbly offer my services as translator of any swears any crews we encounter may snicker about in a different tongue."

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It was easier to take one of the wider, main roads than the narrower side roads through town primarily because both men were on equines. So far there wasn't really anything noteworthy about the place, other than the unfamiliar -- but seemingly uniform -- structure of the buildings. Well, since there wasn't a lot to look around at, Norbert decided to strike up a conversation. "So...how have you been liking travelling with this crazy bunch?"

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With great care, a lone Kigenese mage pierced a stack of paper with his sewing needle. Tugging the thread connected to the needle, Ranyin smiled when he was sure of its firmness. Quickly, he began snaking the needle in and out of the sides of the stack of paper, binding together some of his notes written in simple Kigenese. It detailed some of his favourite techniques of shaping the wind into walls or the old prank he used of sending a low gust of wind to trip others.

Satisfied that it looked neat along with some touches of fine black and white painting depicting the hand and leg motions in order to channel the psychic energy to maximum effect the Kigenese mage sat for a brief moment to reminiscent of how much time compiling the notes took. After the last fight, Ranyin finally realised the connection between dark magic he was now wielding with the 'ancient' magic his mentors wanted him to bring back. His meant he could now go back...and perhaps graduate from his training. The realisation unfortunately invited an unwelcomed guest. Homesickness.

Not wanting to abandon his new friends, Ranyin decided to perhaps leave behind some of his techniques in wind magic to aid a fellow wind mage. Compiling his techniques proved time consuming, and he had shunned all outside contact while he was at it. But now that it was done he could finally relax for a short moment. And how lucky it was that the group happened to bring him close to home just as he finished his work.

Heh, she's so going to hate me for writing in Kigenese...but hey, that should make her ask around for help translating. The girl really needs to go around talking more, thought Ranyin as he reviewed his notes. Somewhere at the back of his mind, he hoped Synthia would at least put some effort to learning what he wrote in his notes.


It did not take long for Ranyin to find Raquel...but unfortunately, he decided it was not appropriate to approach her and tell her off his 'retirement' with such a large group of rather intimidating personal around her.

And so he settled for his next objective. Finding Synthia with Davod, Ranyin called out waving his notes, "Hoy! Synthia! I've got something for you!!!"

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Raquel and Reign

"I'd prefer a common speaking crew anyway, but we'll see, I guess. I guess one kigenese speaker could go with each group." Raquel suggested. Just in time, as that was the only thing Shadrak was close enough to hear by the time he arrived.


Robin's remark about shooting at the docks had Reign wondering if she was expecting a battle. "I doubt a fight is going to break out with this many guards around, but if one does, you could always just ... you know ... wait for innocent bystanders to clear out."

Next, Blake offered to accompany the splinter group to fill it out more, and then Gar offered to do some ... limited translating if it was needed. "Swears?" Shadrak spoke up. "You might need someone who can translate a bit more than that." he said as politely as he could manage.

"If you're coming with us, then come on. You two can sort it out on the way." Reign interjected.

Gabbie and Anna

"We have two shipping routes to Tracea; one is for use during wartime when the Central route isn't safe. The second route is from Sergio down to Chousokabe, and from there, everything is sent over land to the Ursian territories. Don't get your hopes up just yet, but you might be able to take one of the ships that brings in goods back to Sergio." Anna explained. "I'll have to check to see if any shipments are coming in anytime soon and then see if the ship can handle cargo like the Dauntless and the horses."

"Can you give us a crane too?" Gabbie chimed in. "Raquel would worship Weyland forever and ever if he took care of that for us." she added as a bit of a joke.

"Oh right ... I should probably apologize on Mister Weyland's behalf. The Dauntless wasn't meant to travel oversees, so there should never have been any crane fees to begin with. He would be willing to compensate her for the previous expenses."

"Worship, I tell you ..."

Mandy and Tali

"I'm still in the lead, and there appears to be a left turn coming up~" Mandy warned. Talitha had escaped the dust cloud with Autumn and was beginning to catch up, but she already knew she wasn't going to be able to pass up Mandy. As soon as they reached a turn, the woman was going to take advantage of the terrain and Summer's wings to leap right over a building's corner and create a huge gap between them. Summer had a weak sprint, however and so Autumn and Sharif could catch up during straight races. It would come down to how often Mandy planned to exploit something in the environment ...

Fyodor and Guards

"Fyodor," the dragon replied before pointing a claw to each of the three guards and going. "And these are Keichi, Rin, and Iori." He seemed to be teasing them with the unexpected introductions, and the three guards became a bit unnerved by it. Why did he have to give out their names too?, they wondered.

Merchant and Merchandise

"Mmm, I give you eighty for both of them." the merchant came back after little over a second of mulling it over. Let the games begin.

Katsu and Provisions

<"I think I can manage with two. One could hold any food I'm saving for the road, and the other can hold things like maps, the whetstone, and so on."> Katsu suggested, though he wasn't sure if Sumire wasn't preparing his rations with a container of their own. He supposed he would find out soon enough.

Finnians and Finesse

<"After I've had a nice relaxing bath. Oh hey, fetch me my lance. I need to test something once I'm done bathing. If my mother asks, tell her 'matriarch's orders, leave it at that, and hurry back."> Bryn instructed.

Meanwhile ... <"Well, I suppose that look does suit her ..."> Helga approved the middle girl's results. She herself was then asked about her eldest daughter. <"It may be nothing. I doubt things will go quite as poorly as the last time. She may just be taking a nap.">

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''It's highly likely, especially if they travel to other countries, that they would know Common, or at least have a translator on board, so it wouldn't be too much of a problem communicating with them,'' John commented. ''But I suppose it's better safe than sorry I guess.''

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<"Sumire will worry about anything regarding any food we give you, so you don't have to concern yourself with that,"> Daichi good-naturedly clarified as he handed over the furoshiki so Katsu could choose one for himself.

Then he went back to looking through he closet, listing things as he picked them out and handed them back to Katsu to hold. <"Tinderbox, handkerchief -- unused, of course --, a blanket, a coil of rope -- hmm yes, that might be all for this closet. Or do you think you might need an extra blanket? Oh, wait, no, here are some medical supplies, too. A roll of bandages, a vulnerary, some medicine to fight infection in case you run out of the vulnerary, painkiller, an antidote, tweezers, an extra cloth, some scissors... The knives aren't stored here, but I should ask Sumire to provide you with a cooking knife and an extra, sturdy mug in addition to what she is preparing already. Is there anything else you think you might need from here? And you do still have the whetstone, polishing rag and sword polish I gave you, don't you? I could pack you some books in case you get bored...">

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"I doubt we'd find all Kigenese crew traveling to Ursium, but you never know. I think we can separate now, if you get in trouble make a lot of noise or send a lightning bolt into the sky or something and we'll come," Veronika said to the other group, waving a quick goodbye before heading down the south side of the docks.


"Well we're not exactly on a pleasure cruise here, this group gets into a lot of combat and you'd be expected to help out. If you're not a battle trained healer I don't think it'd be appropriate to put you in a combat situation," he said to Luka.

"Can't we cover the expense of the crane now? Raquel was really upset about the crane last time and I'd like to help her as much as I can," he asked Anna.


"Oh don't try to pull that, I wasn't born yesterday. Look at this engraving on the urn! It's a golden...goat or sheep or somethin'," she said, looking at it quizzically. "Anyway, I don't think I can let 'em go for less than fifty apiece," she renegotiated.


<"Erm, last time my lady?"> the eldest one asked in a concerned tone, before Ida appeared from the back.

<"Just fetching Miss Brynhildr's lance! Matriarch's orders!"> she said with high pitched fake enthusiasm, grabbing the lance leaning against the wall with both hands. Shit this thing is heavy! she thought to herself, flashing Helga and Svanhildr a huge fake smile as she lugged it back to the spa area.

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"I would like it a lot if Zach could come with us." said Robin as Zach offered what little Kigen he knew to try and aid the group. Then Nanahm approached offering of the small statuette. Robin looked down at the small thing, looking at the strong and compassionate figure before her. It wasn't the image of her father, but it was the image of his soul. The man she remembered and knew.

"Thank you so much." she said as her fingers curled over the figure and held it close to her chest. "I will find some way to repay you for it. Some well-made clothes, or a fine tool of great quality. I cannot let this go unrewarded."

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"Okay then, be careful and we'll meet back at the Leverager!" Raquel called back as Veronika's group began to depart. It was time to get moving again, so Raquel started off and began walking up the docks and motioned for everyone else to follow, but didn't initially check to make sure they were doing so. There was a lot less room to maneuver as they passed the office the docker had pointed her to earlier. She tried to pay attention to the ships docked off to her left, but she found herself constantly having to look back to avoid bumping into a guard or two. Most were willing to make room as they went by, though.

Reign just stuck with Veronika's group and gave every ship he saw a passing glance. There were enough sloops around to make him wonder if the gods were just messing with them. When he thought he spotted a ship large enough to carry the Dauntless and the animals, he began to get his hopes up a little bit, only to realize half a second later that it was a patrol ship docked for what looked to be maintenance. Plenty of uniformed guards were strolling about on the main deck. He sighed silently and just kept looking.


"Are you and Gabbie planning on carrying around a bunch of money again?" Anna teased."

"... maybe."

"How about this? Go and tell Raquel about the situation while I search for any ships that might be suitable for the trip back to Sergio. She can come here to collect the money, and once you're back, I should have my search results ready and waiting for you as well."

"Okay sure. By the way, where's the real receptionist that works here, normally?"

"She is on her break, currently." Anna cheerfully answered.


"Mmm, looks like a young strong goat. Okay, I will give you best price," the merchant paused for dramatic effect. "Forty-five for each. That's ninety for both!"

Luca snorted at the stalling merchant. Him and his stalling. He could tell the man was trying to give Nadya less than she was due for these ... these ... things.


<"Very well,"> Katsu took note as Daichi went to gathering up things. He produced quite a few provisions, enough to get Katsu wondering if he wouldn't need a second furoshiki after all. He got his chance to pick out at least one when Daichi handed him the lot of them, though. He looked for one that would somewhat match either his hakama or his armor and picked out a brown and green pair from what he was given to look through.


Helga watched in disbelief as Ida retrieved the Cloud Breaker for Bryn. <"What is that child up to ...?"> she asked as her eyes narrowed.

<"More than I."> Svan wagered.

And back in the spa area, Bryn was pleased to see her weapon. <"Thank you~ ... now stand back-it's time for some dangerous flourishing!">

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"She seems really chipper to take any advantage she can get, huh? Is she always like this?" Faatina asked Talitha, as Mandy did indeed do just as Talitha said, and cut the corner, using the wings to their fullest.

"Still, I've raised Sharif from when he was a colt, don't think you'll have it so easy!" Faatina announced, as Sharif rounded the turn with more coordination then one would expect of a charger his size, turning the momentum into a greater burst of speed.


'Hmm... so it's on the move, huh?' Kit realized, as she continued tracking the strange magical disturbance.

It took a bit of time, but before long, Kit had the probable source in sight, a young woman donning pink hair.

'Oh would you look at that, she even split her group up for me~ Not that any of them are a threat, but it never hurts~ Now then... whatever could be causing this sort of ruckus with the surrounding magical energy...?'

Deciding to observe for a little while longer, Kit began following the group with curiousity.

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And they were finally on their way again, Gil gladly taking back to flight.

''So, as I was saying,'' John talked as they went, ''Right now it's better to have a lookout on more short-run dangers. Not to mention that even before we left Tremere I was able to talk with Veronika, so I trust she hasn't forgotten.''

''Oh, I see,'' Sophia said.

''So, no reason to drop our guards,'' he said now glancing around at the docks. ''Gotta be alert for anything suspicious...'' he trailed off. <Hm? Well, that's certainly something you don't see everyday.>

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A Man Called Gar

The early investigation by the splinter group came up with no new ships, and the mid-time for Gar's search of his own goals still brought up nothing. So with boredom rearing its head it was time to start conversation. "So Shade Drake," Gar asked. "What was with your sudden desire to exterminate all the seagulls on our sailing trip?"

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His fears have come to life Mage

Yeah no it seemed it would pretty much figure that the huge aura would choose to follow them. Even all together they wouldn't be able to stand a chance against that type of power.... But maybe Zach could buy the others a bit of time if he did something stupid.

"You guys keep on going, I've got something to take care of.... I'll catch up." He said in a rather worried voice before breaking off from the group. Heading to intercept the power he was going over plans in his mind, maybe at the very least he could get off a shot of lightning towards the sky to warn everyone else.

Keeping track of his target Zach almost ran headfirst into a.... Fox woman? What the hell was this, and she was really pretty....? But there was no mistaking it, this was the power that had warped here and was following their group.

"So I take it you're the one following Raquel right?" Zach said, trying to appear confident and brave, though his fear was betraying his attempts

"I am Zachary Fairweather... and I will not be afraid!"

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<"Hmm so, do you think that will be enough, or is there anything you're missing? If you do not have the supplies I asked you about, I could go get them,"> Daichi asked. He was also serious about the offer to loan some books.

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Well, maybe Davod didn't hear her. In any case, Synthia could check on him later if she needed to. It seemed something else demanded her attention. "Hey, Ranyin," she greeted, waiting for him to catch up. It looked like he was waving around some paper. "Oh? What is it?"


Well, town so far may have been a bit more boring than Valter had expected. Bert seemed to have the same idea and decided to talk. The horseman had to think for a moment about his response. "Well, I can't say it hasn't been interesting. Seeing Sanctuary was a once in a lifetime opportunity, even if we ended up there by mistake. I'll definitely be relieved once we're back in Ursium, though," he said. "I will say, I've never seen so many... interesting people in one group, before."


Oh, Katrina hadn't introduced herself either. How rude of her. "I'm Katrina. Great to meet you, Fyodor, and... uh... you three," she said, waving to the guards. They seemed a bit uncomfortable with being addressed.

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"Ohoho~ What have we here... a brave little pup who thinks he's a full grown hound?" Kit responded to Zachary's inquisition with a playful interest.

"So the name is Raquel, how quaint~ I was just going to call her Pinky or something~" Kit teased, as she sauntered her way over to Zachary, leisurely placing her left hand on the side of his head, giving his hair a gentle ruffle, before pulling the mage in against her.

"Now Zachary... or should I call you Mr. Fairweather~? Anyway, I am verryyyy interested in that strange power that seems to be radiating from that Raquel woman of yours. Now, I could just find what I want in your head, but that's messy~ I was hoping you could tell me what you know about that... blur." Kit finished, pulling Zachary in closer, and giving his right ear a playful nibble.

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And whoever it was, it seems she caught Zach's attention.

''Wait, did he figured out she was there?'' Sophia asked.

''Probably means she is a magic practitioner then,'' John concluded. ''And the owner of the aura he spoke about earlier.''

''But didn't he mentioned it was a powerful one?''

''Well, for someone who looks like that then she's either a gifted mage or an avian who lost her wings,'' John shrugged. ''Dark aligned too since most likely that get-up was self-made, considering it's artificial.'' <Dark and powerful huh, just like back at Tremere, but perhaps it's too soon to assume the worst.>

''Do you think we should tell the others? Or try to help Zach?'' Sophia asked.

''Well, if she's that powerful the best we could do is bail him out, but it might be futile barring getting the town involved. We should try with the group instead.'' And with that Gil was ordered to descend yet again, looking again for a spot to properly land.

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Why... why did she know his name? Why couldn't he move! Who the hell was this woman, and what did she want with the emblem?

'Dammit body.... please move! Have to warn the others.... but I can't move! Is this some kind of magic or what?'

Even if he wasn't in control of his movement Zach could still speak for now. But even with how serious and deadly the situation was he couldn't help but blush at being teased by Kit. He was still a redblooded male after all.

"Y-You already know w-what it is. The e-emblem has had y-you people coming a-after Raquel for a month... P-Please, let my friends go. I d-don't care what you d-do to me, don't h-hurt them..." Zach managed to stutter out. This kind of thing really needed to end soon for the sake of his sanity.

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"You could say that again," Norbert gave a light laugh to Valter's last statement. "I really didn't like the desert, personally. I guess I should feel lucky to have seen a place hardly anyone gets to see, though, even if how they run things irks me. Not that I particularly like Ursium's structure, but it's not like the government only focuses its resources on the capital, so I guess it has that," he went on.

It's a little weird thinking about going home after all we've seen out here. "Do you miss home?" Norbert wound up asking.

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"C'mon big boy~ I won't bite unless you make me~" Kit replied with a giggle at the sudden, severe drop of composure from this newcomer. Nuzzling herself more tightly against the man, Kit brought her lips closer to his ear, her tails coming around and tickling at his back.

"Though I'm curious... it seems you've... mistaken me. I don't know who these people after you are, but I'm not one of them~ I'm just... a bit of a curious scholar~"

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