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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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“Hurgh…” There was someone yelling nearby. Katrina tried to roll over to maybe escape the noise, but that wasn’t so easy with Zach treating her like a stuffed animal. Volga moved, which woke the rider enough to know that she felt like shit and someone had been talking to her. She managed to detangle herself enough to look up and see whatever bastard had decided to wake her. “W-What’s going on…..?”

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A Man Called Gar

Gar stayed up into the night as the new ship sailed the ocean blue. He meandered about the deck as best he could, waiting until he got tired enough to held into the ship bowels to stake out a sleeping spot in some dark and dank corner. It actually should have occurred sooner since the rush of battle had worn off. But that whole thing hadn't been all that exciting for him, so he didn't crash as hard as he really should have. Or maybe he was just making weird and pointless excuses because he wanted to stay up on deck, who knew.

There was a bit of talk involving people with spyglasses, but Gar didn't pay attention and instead gave his full attention to the waves.

He really should have paid attention.

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With all the movement and talking going around it would be a small miracle for Zach to manage to stay asleep, not like he could ever be that fortunate sadly but at least this meant the nightmares were gone. Rolling over and sitting up Zach was rubbing his eyes with one hand and trying to soothe his head with the other.

With how late it was there could really be only one reason as to why they would be woken up, something had gone wrong, again.

'I've been drunk enough in my life that I can power through this. But holy shit is it gonna suck in the morning....'

"What's going on now dammit...." He asked the Quartermaster

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Marella sighed. Reaching over, she casually slapped Rook on the back of his head. "Stop that. We need to get ready to hopefully transfer ships. Everyone grab whatever is needed. And someone try and signal for that pegasus rider. He really needs to get his butt back here." Marella casually backed out of Rook's reach.

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"Right!" Rook's eyes brighten, and he lurches unevenly to his feet. "A'ight, lads, get your- where the hell's Flaxen?"

There's a scream, as someone is thrown overboard in the heavy winds. There were three people on board, and two of them were Rook and Marella.

Well then.

"RIGHT!" shouts Rook, trying to sound optimistic. "I shall fetch my equipment and horse, and you should do the same. If nothing else, we can at least be of use to our would-be saviours as hired muscle, at least until we can slip away before properly paying our debt to 'em."

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It appeared that punishment and termination time would come later, as Raquel appeared to be asleep. At least, from what Blake could see: the merchant's back was facing the door, so it was hard to tell, aside from her slow breathing. Similarly, from what the man could see, his employer was already healed and relatively fine. That made him feel a little better about the battle. At least he had done something right around here.

Only a few cots away was a sleeping Bert, now apparently arrowless. The operation must've been for said arrow, Blake realized. He had mentioned needing to go see the doctor to get the projectile removed, before taking off. ... Now that he was thinking about it, the swordsman was going to have to press the pegasus rider the next time he saw him. Especially with regards to why he was talking to the then-enemy while being downed. Not tonight, of course. It was getting late, and the mace wielder showed no sign of waking up soon.

Blake lingered for a few more minutes, before heading towards the door. He'd have to see if one of Reign or Veronika were still up, and inform them of the situation. After that, well... He'd find some nice, desolate place, near the aft of the boat. Beyond that, the man had no idea what he'd do, aside from venting.

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Marella looked about and found a spare white shirt that must have been Flaxens. Tying it to a spare rod, she handed it to Rook. "Start waving that around. Hopefully either the ship will see it or Andrei will see it."

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Rook does so, trying desperately to keep Chariot steady. The ancient, stubborn stallion continually rears up, defying a man who could charitably be described as a master and more accurately described as a pet to be tolerated and humoured for his tendency to produce carrots.

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Main Deck

"You even sober?" the quartermaster questioned dubiously. Not waiting for an answer, he moved on. "There's a vessel close by and she might be takin' on water. We need a flier to go over and see what's what. Don't wanna bring the ship too close if it turns out to be a ruse, and we don't want to just sail off and chance whoever's on that ship drownin' out in the middle of nowhere."

Gabbie was over by Ringo, both next to the Dauntless, trying to sleep. Her bedroll combined with Ringo's right wing was enough to keep her nice and comfortable, though the increase in the crew's alertness and activities jarred her a bit. She opened her eyes and began scanning around without getting up. "I don't hear any cannon foire, at least. That's good ..."

Meanwhile Delan kept an eye on the ship in question for any signs of activity. Using his spyglass he caught glimpse of someone on a horse waving around a ... flag of some sort. "Is that a desperately improvised surrender or a desperately improvised 'Sink or Swim'?" he mused.

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“….Probably not,” Katrina answered, managing to sit up fully. She still felt pretty woozy, couldn’t see straight, and most of her thoughts were generally pretty confuddled at the moment. There was apparently a need for a flier though. Good thing Volga wasn’t drunk. She pulled herself to her feet, using the now awake wyvern for support, before climbing on. “Uh, you should come, I think,” she told the sailor. “Make sure I don’t drown.”

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'Dammit, why does this shit always happen. A little bit of rest is too much to ask for evidently.'

"I can manage well enough..." Zach said, getting up to his feet. Katrina shouldn't go alone though, and the sage could probably provide better back up than a random sailor. Steadying himself against Volga he asked the green haired rider "It all right if I come along? I can handle any trouble we come across, still that sober."

Edited by Eail
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“Erm…” Drunk thunder mage aboard a flying creature over water. This slightly bad idea passed straight over Katrina’s head at the moment. She wasn’t that sober herself, after all. “….Yeah.”

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Remaining silent since the last few hours were just so amazing, Aneda was about to volunteer before she started to feel sick. About to vomit, she used all of her willpower to keep that shit down, even feeling a little bit on her tongue before swallowing it down in a sickening gulp. "I can go... No really, I think I'll manage just fine... Believe it or not, I've done worse and still managed to fly my precious little Hannah..." Covering her mouth for a burp, she gave a thumbs up and a smile. "i'm your flier. For real."

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There's a crash, and Chariot rears again, sending Rook tumbling. With a stream of curses Rook gets to his feet. "What the hell is taking them so long?! We're dying here! I'm too wealthy to drown!"

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And so, the hunt for Veronika or Reign began, beginning with the sleeping quarters. Blake found no success there, to his disdain. The galley, however, was a more successful venture, what with the Rexian man finishing up a meal of some sort. As he approached Reign's table, the swordsman tried to think of ways to begin the conversation that wouldn't end up with him getting immediately decked. His tired mind unfortunately was not in the mood for cooperation, and thus, when he sat down across from his target, the Ursian man remained silent. Best let the other man begin the conversation.

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Robin had been asleep in the infirmary for a while now. After helping Bert with the arrow that he had taken and removing it promptly, she had gone to lie down. Her head was throbbing and there was a lot to take in. When she awoke at last she knew what she had to do. Namely to get up and head out on deck to try and talk to Zach.

I hope he hasn't done something stupid, like try to drown his troubles in booze. That never works and will make everything harder.

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Main Deck

"I'm not goin' with ya; I'm the wrathdamn quartermaster for cryin' out loud. Take one of your friends with ya," the quartermaster replied peevishly. Sure enough, that was what followed, and he somehow ended up with two fliers. "If you're goin' then get goin'. If that ship really is taken on water, then they don't have alotta time."

Gabbie could barely make out what the quartermaster was ranting about, but it sounded important. Frankly she wouldn't have picked up anything if his voice wasn't needlessly raised. Still not worth getting up just yet, though as she laid her head back down she noticed Mireille's shield just sitting on the deck a fair distance away. "Needs a strap," she commented drowsily before closing her eyes.


For a while Reign was staring down at the table thinking. He was waiting for Zoe to bring him her next experiment since Silas wasn't around anymore and using that time to review the current situation. When Blake arrived, it took him almost thirty seconds to look up, but his head barely moved. "Need something?"

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"Well, I was going to update you on the current situation, especially regarding a bit of a sensitive matter," Blake began, as he became unreasonably interested in the floor for the time being. "And seeing as Raquel is both asleep and probably pissed off at me right about now, I figured I'd may as well go to you instead right now, and try again tomorrow, perhaps. I was hoping to find Veronika as well, but I can address that later. But, uh, I guess I'm getting side tracked. Do you want to be updated, or should I just wait until tomorrow?"

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"I've been trying to figure out what happened, but half the group is grieving or sleeping ... or both," Reign noted somberly. "Sure, tell me what happened. The sooner I get the full picture, the sooner I can decide what I'm going to do about it."

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Marella threw a nearby wooden cup at Rook's head. "Stop that. We'll be lucky if the save us at all. Imagine if they hadn't been around. We would've died. Just be grateful and *try* to behave this time? I would really prefer to not be left stranded in a lifeboat with you again. Once is enough."

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