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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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Oh, she's coming with me? I'm super popular or something. Thinking about something other than the blood smeared on her face or the annoying itch just below her nose that was getting really irritating really... oh no... Oh dear. "Ah.... Aaah..." Holding her hand over her mouth, Aneda was looking like she was going to snee- "ACHOOO! Augh! Excuse me!" Blood and snot sprayed from her mouth and nose, because she just wasn't gross enough as she was. Snorting, she smiled and kept her now absolutely disgusting hand to her side, looking around for a simple towel or cloth before finding just such a thing. Seems clean enough she thought before laying into the thing and rubbing her face and hand all over it. Checking beforehand is for fools!

Mushirah could only smile wider at Luka's embarassment. "You don't sound happy to help me, heh... But all joking aside, I'm really pleased to get some help with this endeavor. Who knows? Maybe I'll let you in on some... business opportunities!"

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Main Deck

"Mmm," the man sounded worried, but didn't stop what he was doing, not while the quartermaster was still pacing around watching everything. Soon enough, the man spoke up.

"HEY!!! You're not on break, you disorganized monkeys! Get back to work!"

"Heheh, he's a mean sort, but we don't lose pace, I'll give'em that much," the sailor commented quietly to Gytha.

That particular shouting episode woke Gabbie up with a start and she began looking around expecting trouble only to see that things were all fine and normal. Hell, even Gytha was close by doing her crew assimilation thing. Sighing heavily, she dropped back down and just as her head hit the bedroll, a thought occurred. "... oh no. I've got to look after Connor and the egg now. Ringo, remoind me to foind someone to dump that thing on. I'm not gonna be whoined at if that fire bird thing comes out rebellious."

Instead of any kind of recognizable reply, Ringo simply put his wing back down over Gabbie and her bedroll like an extra blanket and laid there.


"Hmm-yes! Avoid main deck if possible. Lots of ways to get injured up there; also falling hazards everywhere. Be careful around staircases-general advice, really. I recommend you go to the galley and get something to eat. Something to help your recovery. Might come with; realized my breakfast wasn't delivered this morning. Either still on the way or ... forgotten. Would rather get it myself at this point," the doctor said before standing up from his chair.


Raquel looked visibly put off by the thought of having to put on armor, though her imagination had been jumping to extremes lately and she was envisioning something akin to Mireille's armor. She didn't mind Riley wearing armor as long as it didn't slow him down too much, but she figured that Gar meant armor specifically for her. Instead of replying to that, she jumped back to an earlier subject hoping to get input on that. It sounded like a genuine concern for someone who might end up relying on a mount hence forth. "The only thing that worries me about using a mount is that it won't always be available. I mean like when we get ambushed ... Riley might still be hooked up to the Dauntless and I just won't have the time to get him ready for battles like those."

"Leg muscles," Reign prodded again. A fair point, just because you would be on horse back at any other time didn't mean some running practice wouldn't come in handy for those rough days.

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"Hhehheheheeheheharrr," Gytha quietly snickered at the sailor's comment as she kept to her task. For some reason, it just struck her as funny right then. It could have been because that was a quartermaster's job and so the sailor had just been stating the obvious. She hadn't really been expecting him to state the obvious, either.

Well, no matter the reason, she wasn't worried. She was a hard worker and she figured so long as she did her best, she wouldn't have to deal with the quartermaster's anger. It was generally a good idea to do as you were told anyway regarding ship work. Fighting too, now that she thought on it. He's not all so scary either. Heheharr monkeys... That th' best he could come up with?


He's...talking quickly again... Yeesh, is he such a heavy sleeper because he spends so much energy just talking when he's awake? Norbert wondered, not entirely certain how to handle this guy. "Uh, okay, so I shouldn't strain myself..." Norbert summarized before going on, "I was going to get some breakfast already, actually. I just figured I should talk to you before I did that."

Even as he was finishing his last sentence, Norbert went over towards his stack of equipment and tunic. "Is there any reason I should keep these bandages on?" he asked as he picked up his tunic. It was still dirty from the fight, so he made a mental note to clean it later.

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While Aneda cleaned herself on a rag of questionable cleanliness, Katrina approached the doctor who was already talking to someone else. Seemed he was about to leave as well. “Sorry to interrupt, but you wouldn’t happen to have any pain pills..? Willow bark or something? I have a horrible headache,” she said, pointing to her noggin.

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"Yeah, ya might want to consider gettin' another horse to use for ridin' if ya need two to pull the wagon," Nadya noted.

"In any case, some physical training probably wouldn't hurt. Not that getting right into armed combat is the greatest idea, but running away faster could save yourself," Veronika noted in between bites of toast.

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Luka was growing steadily more red as time passed "R-really, it's no p-problem..." still shifting his gaze to the side. But at the mention of 'business opportunities' the shade of red quickly changed to that similar of a tomato.

"Meep!" the pinky squeaked, trying to hide his head in his robes.

'Oh the woes of being me...'

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Main Deck

"I said ... GET BACK TO WORK ... NOOOOW!!!" the quartermaster shouted at the top of his lungs. Before long he had his blunderbuss out and the thing looked ready to fire. One of the men put his hands up to about the height of his chest in a defensive and pleading manner.

"Listen, listen, we got good reason for taken a break," he informed the man as he stepped closer. No telling if he was going to get shot or not but there was a doctor aboard so it was anyone's guess.

"The only good reason, is the one I give you, deck monkey!" Following that was a swift smack to the side of the sailor's head with the blunderbuss. He almost toppled over from the sheer force behind it but caught himself and put both hands on the wound as he staggered behind the others.

Another sailor decided to continue for him saying, "There's a stowaway below decks. We just found out about it, and we're gonna go take care of it, ya know ... bring'er to the captain."

"'Her'? Where'd a brain dead workhorse like you come by this information, hm?"

"T-that'd be me, sir," one of the shorter sailors from the group of five spoke up. "Saw her real early this mornin', sleepin' near the crates. Was gonna ... uh ... investigate, but I'd be signin' my own death warrant if she turned out to be a mage. Figured I'd tell my mates here and we'd figure somethin' out. We didn't want to bother you or the captain until we had the situation ... err ... handled."

"You're an idiot," the quartermaster said to the short sailor's face. "You're an idiot," he said to the one who provided the second round of explanation. "You're an idiot," he repeated to the sailor he struck. "You're an idiot," he said to the fourth. "And you're an idiot," he concluded at the fifth. "You're all idiots, and I should just shoot the lot of ya ... but I don't have enough bullets, unfortunately. I'm just flat out assuming that Silas has no idea what you mindless hires are up to."

"Uh ... right, sir. He doesn't know. Haven't seen'em since last night."

"Figures. If he knew, this wouldn't suddenly be my problem. Alright, I've wasted enough of my time listening to you fools. Get back to work. The stowaway's my problem now."

"... uh ... alone, sir? What if she's a mage?"

The quartermaster immediately conked the short sailor and shouted, "BACK TO WORK, WRATHDAMMIIT!!!" The short sailor was the last to run off having just received a pretty good welt. It would be a minute before he would recover from the daze. "Hmm ... better have a word with the captain about this."

Over by the mops and wet floor, the eavesdropping sailor gave a sad smile. "Sheesh, Blane didn't deserve that. Jesse, definitely, but not poor Blake ..."


"Hm? Ah, bandages. Keep them on until mid to late afternoon. Want to minimize exposure for the moment. Skin likely still tender, plus, some minor scarring. Should fade in a few years," the doctor replied.

When Katrina came in, the doctor was about to sigh at his missed opportunity to go grab breakfast, but her question seemed to indicate that he would only be waylaid for a minute at most. "Headache? How severe? What caused it? Don't want to over or under treat here.


"But Riley's fast. I always wanted to be able to ride him more, but my father usually did that because he was still training him before ... Sergio. He wasn't even meant to be a wagon horse originally, it just sort of worked out that way in the end. A third horse would help with that problem, maybe, but that's a third animal to feed and clean. I can barely manage two horses with everything else that's going on," Raquel explained/complained. "I'm ... also not sure how I'm supposed to get running practice in on a ship."

"Lies," Reign cut in. A prompt glare came his way and then he continued saying, "There's nowhere a person can't train. Even here, you can run laps around one of the decks, do some crouch walking, star hops ... ke-" he was cut off there by a swift grunt and smirked in response.

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"Hmm," Gytha hummed, wincing a bit at the nearby scene, though not looking towards it as she dunked her mop back into the bucket of water and suds. Then, she mumbled, "Not one fer insults, but th' man sure can holler. Right nightmarish. If ye don't do yer job, anaway, looks like. Can't realla blame 'im, I s'pose. They shoulda gone t' th' first mate with that information first, realla, n' a ship doesn't sail its self. Not well anaway."


Mid to late afternoon. Got it. Scars too... I seem to be collecting those recently... Norbert noted as he shook out his tunic some and a girl with green hair came into the infirmary asking the doctor for a cure for headaches. He found it a little odd that she'd ask for bark since he never thought that was good for anything. Aneda was with her blowing her nose or something.

The doctor replied to her in his usual, quick manner as Norbert slipped on his tunic and tucked it under his belt. Then, he frowned, noticing the long cut in said tunic leading down from where the arrow had been. Well...at least that thing's out. I'll just have to see if I can get this repaired again... Okay, next time we're in a town, I'm seeing about getting some new clothes. There's no reason not to anymore. ... Unless Raquel gets attacked by a pack of feral wolves suddenly or something half as crazy...

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Robin sighed as she considered what Chelsea had said. I don't get it. If I was distressed, I'd want Zach or someone there to cheer me up instead of leaving me alone. Maybe it's just a guy thing? I don't know. she thought to herself as she calmly waited about, not really sure what to do for the rest of the voyage.

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Main Deck

"True, the dunces can't go around makin' important decisions like that on their own," the sailor agreed, but quickly added, "... still, the man doesn't have to conk people with that thing. Doesn't he know how much that hurts? I swear to the lady dragoons, I'd rather get whacked with a tuna than the butt of that gun. Man aims to draw blood every time too, ugh."


"Ah, hangover. Along with pills, advisory ... stay out of the sunlight if possible. Stick to lower reaches of the ship, perhaps? Also avoid loud noises; sensory overload all too common here," the doctor explained while rummaging around his desk. He produced some pain pills eventually and handed Katrina two of them. "Take one as soon as you can, the next in one hour. Drink plenty of water to speed up recovery," he instructed.


"Okay, these two look done," Zoe assessed when she came over to check on the stews Rook had been looking after. She was finished prepping the fish, so getting the beef stews out of the way would give her some legroom. "All that's left is the fish variant, but I can manage that pretty easily. Say, Rook, can I ask you for one more favor?" Zoe inquired, smiling preemptively.

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"Aye, they sounded respectin' enough o' 'im t' not need that sort o' treatment. Not about t' question how yer senior officers run their ship, though," Gytha replied quietly to the sailor as she continued with her work.


Well, that was a little disappointing, though not really surprising. It seemed that his body armor had to be cut through to get it off as well. Looks like I'll have to talk to Connor about this again... For the time being he just slipped it on. The doctor was still working with the girl from the sounds of things. Putting his gloves back on and tying on his forehead guard were pretty quick tasks to accomplish.

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Main Deck

And before long the two of them were approached. "You," he pointed out the swabbing sailor, "I recognize. You on the other hand, I don't," he followed up with, looking to Gytha. "You have some arrangement with the captain that I don't know abou-wait ... you're that one woman. You were mentioned. Mariner, right?" Something was up ...


The doctor handed Aneda another clean cloth once she had thoroughly gooed and bloodied up the previous one. "Any broken bones or merely superficial? Breakfast may have to wait for the moment-pegasus rider, may as well go on ahead without me. Will catch up ... eventually."


"Well now that most of the food's done, it's time to start serving it~" she pointed out. "I'll help of course, but there are two whole pots to deal with right now."

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Well that was unexpected. Gytha stopped working to address the quartermaster properly. It was a little surprising to her that he already knew who she was, at least somewhat. "Aye, I'm a mariner and aye, yer captain and I came t' a business agreement regardin' work n' pay," she answered. Might as well be clear about it. For now she guessed that he just wanted to make sure he knew who was who.


I was planning to. Though thinking back on it, he did feel a bit sorry for the doctor. If he hadn't said anything, I probably should have waited anyway... "Norbert," he decided to finally clarify, "My name is Norbert."

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Zach thought about going back onto the deck, but threw away that idea. Robin would still be up there probably and he didn't want to have that conversation just yet explaining his actions. The altercation with Grant had put him in a foul mood as well, but Zach still didn't really have anywhere to go for the moment. Bracing himself against the wall below deck for a moment he then just started to slide down until he was on the floor, clutching his head from all that had happened, oh and the hangover too.

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Oh man, this guy sure talked fast. “Erm, Take one pill now, the other in an hour, drink some water,” she repeated. “Ok, I think I’ve got this. Thanks, doc.” On her way out she stopped by Aneda to say, “Hey, I’ll meet you in the galley,” before leaving the infirmary altogether. She just needed some water to down this pill with and everything would be better hopefully.

And then on the way there she came across Zach curled up by a wall. That was troublesome. The point of last night had been to forget everything, not be in a funk today, and dammit now Kat was thinking of sad things too. She crouched down next to him. “Hey, are you alright?” she asked softly. “...I’m going to get breakfast. You should come.” Food was the answer to everything, dammit.


Man, it seemed Luka was set off by everything. Synthia almost felt sorry for him. Almost. The mage could break from moping to take advantage of this. She nudged the other girl with her elbow. “Aww, Mushirah, he’s so cute when he blushes.”

Valter couldn’t tell if Mushirah was trying to antagonize the kid or not, but Synthia certainly was. “You really shouldn’t do that,” he grumbled, which was something he immediately regretted when the mage turned her attention to him. She just wanted someone to bother, apparently.

“Don’t worry, you look cute when you blush too~” she said, leaning sideways towards him.

He simultaneously leaned away. “No, no I do not.”

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"It's superficial, I think..." she said followed by a snort. "I didn't fall that far and my nose just happened to take the fall. The initial pain is gone, just a dull ache at this point. And are you really that busy?" Well that made Aneda a sad pegasus rider. "Anything I can help you with to get you some breakfast faster? Hell, want me to bring you some?"

"D'aaaaw, I think he kinda does" Mushirah replied fairly honestly. "But he doesn't seem well, to me anyway. You alright, Luka?"

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Oh, Katrina was here. It wouldn't do any good for her to see him moping like this again. "Yeah I'm fine, thanks for asking. I've just been trying to think about stuff.... bad idea really." Standing up he offered his hand to the wyvern rider. "Food doesn't sound that bad now that I've calmed down I guess. Robin just really pissed me off by acting like what happened didn't matter ya know?"


'Error, error! System failure imminent!'

Luka was still breaking from the embarrassment he was feeling from the people around him. With the way he was sinking down into his clothes you could have easily mistaken the kid for a turtle or something. "Hblgrb" was his attempt at a response to what Mushirah asked, along with a half nod.

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