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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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Main Deck

"Alright, I know who ya are-grab your sword and follow me. You're gonna have to do more than spit shine the floors to earn your keep around here, and it just so happens we have a stowaway aboard. Brock!"

"Crap ..." the sailor who was swabbing with Gytha reflexively muttered.

"Get your gun; you're comin' too. THE REST OF YOU KEEP AT IT!!! DON'T GIVE THE HELMSMAN ANY TROUBLE!!!"


"Not quite-was on the way to the galley shortly before new arrivals. Once your nose is dealt with, can take care of that. Also-no need to have it delivered. I wanted an excuse to get out of the workspace of a little bit. Use my legs before atrophy sets in. I don't get much exercise," the doctor explained to Aneda.


Raquel merely groaned in response to the training suggestion. Shadrak immediately added, "Hey don't forget you have to learn how to use the emblem too. Lilith's just going to take it back if you don't, right? You're still a pretty easy target right now." She groaned again which left Shadrak frustrated since he had gone through this during the last boat trip. "... why do you do this ..." he muttered.

"I'm not hearing a no, so I say the training is a go," Reign spoke up. Shadrak glanced over wondering where Reign got off making decisions like those. "I'll talk to the captain and see if we can't get an area or two set aside for it." He then grabbed two slices of toast off of the stack to go and stood up from the table. Before leaving he put his hand on Raquel's shoulder and quietly said, "If we're going to have any chance of getting Jethro back ... you need to do this." To the others he said, "I'll be back," and then left the room.

That guy has been here for like ... a week and a half, hasn't helped out in a fight even once, and suddenly he gets to tell Raquel what to do? So what if she knew him from her academy days. Suddenly he gets to boss her around? The pecking order in this group is ridiculous! Shadrak quietly fumed.

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Rook, having completed his task, finds himself bored shitless. In an attempt to ward off tedium, his arch-nemesis, he wanders up to the deck and asks the nearest sailor where the leader of the whole shebang might be found; he'd heard from whispers in the mess hall that she'd awoken, and Rook ... kind of wanted to make sure his status here was official.

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"Aye, sir," was Gytha's simple reply. As always when she temporarily joined a crew, she expected to be called on to use force. She was just a bit surprised that the quartermaster was handling the stowaway without telling the first mate about it first. Not goin' t' tell th' senior staff how t' run their ship. she thought with a small shrug to herself as she set aside the mop and drew her sword.

When the quartermaster began leading them towards the holds, Gytha quietly noted to the sailor, "So, yer name's Brock. Nice t' meet ye." It wasn't much, but it was enough to erase the blank look she'd had to her face and reapply the grin. She much preferred to have something to smile about, after all.


There was that word again: atrophy. It seemed to be a serious concern of doctors. Regardless, Norbert wasn't sure whether or not the doctor had heard him. He didn't care much, though, seeing as if he had heard him, it would be in keeping with his way of things not to acknowledge it, it seemed. In the end, though, the doctor would be along shortly so it probably didn't matter much whether he went up for breakfast right then or not. So, since the doctor had told him to head up anyway, the pegasus rider exited the infirmary to get on his way. Valter had probably been waiting a while already, after all, and it was kind of rude to keep someone waiting.

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Well Zach didn’t sound fine, but Kat wasn’t going to bother him about it and instead simply accepted the help up. She vaguely recalled the yelling from earlier. That must’ve been the thing with Robin he mentioned. But anyway, food. “To the galley then?” she said, gesturing for him to go first.


Mushirah had Luka teasing covered at the moment, and Synthia’s newest vantage point gave her a better view of Raquel’s table which she had pretty much been ignoring till now. “Hey, what are they talking about?”

Synthia wasn’t leaning back anytime soon, so Valter resigned himself to the invasion of personal space and propped his head up on an arm. “I don’t know. I wasn’t really paying attention either,” he replied.

“That doesn’t help,” the mage said. She didn’t want to get up either. “Hey, go ask them.”

“Are you planning to add ‘nosy’ to your list of faults?”



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"To the galley indeed." Zach said, taking the lead on the noble quest for food.


After pretty much loading down a few bowls of stew, what he was hungry, and waiting to make sure Katrina got her's as well Zach looked around for a place to sit. There was the table where people seemed to be having fun, the business table with Raquel, .... and the girl they had rescued last night, he couldn't remember her name? Anyways she seemed the best choice, so he walked over to the table and sat down across from her.

"Mind if we sit here? For myself at least you seem to be the most.... desirable choice based off the other options." Zach said as he gestured to the other tables. "I'm Zachary Fairweather, stupid name I know, call me Zach. And this is Katrina."

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Marella glanced up at the newcomers and shrugged. "Yeah, feel free to sit down. I'm Marella. Nice to meet you. Zach... Where have I heard that name... wait, you're the one that angry archer chick was talking about. Said you threatened her. What was up with that?" Hopefully he's nice and not actually a threatening person. Seems nice.

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'Dammit Robin, what were you telling people?!'

Giving a sigh Zach ran his hand through his hair before trying to explain "Last night someone I cared very much for.... almost like a daughter I suppose, died. It really hurt me bad, and I drank the most I've ever drank in my life to be honest. Hell I was wasted when we saved you, so was Kat, she lost someone too.... But anyways back to the point, Robin woke me up this morning talking about the girl a lot, going on that she was dead but that she, being Robin, was still there. And I just snapped and walked off. I never threatened her."

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Katrina took a bowl of beef stew and a cup of water and followed Zach over to the table they were apparently sitting at. After setting her items down she waved at Marella and sat down herself. “Hello~”

The first thing she did was take one of the pills with a gulp of water, no need to suffer any longer than necessary. The second thing she did was pay attention to what Marella was saying, because it was kind of important. The third thing she did was listen to what Zach said, because that was also kind of important. It also had the effect of reminding Kat of John, which she done all that drinking to prevent. She didn’t really feel like eating anymore.

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"Oh, I am so sorry. I wish there was something I could do, but... well I know how that is. Losing a close companion is never easy. I tried to tell what's her name, Robin, that. Tried to tell her to leave you alone and let you have your space. But, well, I suppose that since I don't know her there wasn't much I could do. Careful with that drinking though. Never seems to help in the end." She stares off into the distance for a second and then shakes her head. "Anyways, why don't we talk about something more pleasant? Like what exactly are you lot up to on this ship?"

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Kat’s stew must’ve been pretty interesting, the way she was staring at it. “I don’t know all the details, but we’re headed to Sergio in Ursium. I was hired just before the fight so I haven’t really gotten a proper explanation yet…”

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"We're on our way to meet up with Seth Weyland, yes that one, my employer has connections with him and needs his help." He explained for Marella.

Zach realized that he probably shouldn't have brought up John out of the blue, bad idea. But he's a guy, when do they ever do smart stuff to begin with.

Thinking about his option he clasped his hand onto Kat's shoulder in what he hoped would be a comforting way. "Come on Kat, you need to eat, don't just stare at it. I'm sorry for bringing up John..."

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Katrina had heard the name Weyland thrown around a couple of times, but this was the first she was heard of going to meet the guy. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Zach’s gesture was appreciated, but it wasn’t going to change how she felt right now. She sighed. “I’m fine, really, though thanks for the concern,” she said, then ate a spoonful of the stew. Hmm, wasn’t bad. Didn’t bring back the dead, but wasn’t bad.

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Robin - The Galley

Robin hadn't been idle while the others had been going about and doing their things. However, she had kept to herself and kept out of the way of others. As she headed down into the galley, she made it a point to keep her eyes low and avoid looking others in the eye. Not that there were many people she felt she wanted to look in the eye. Gytha wasn't in the galley and her feelings about her were mixed still. As for Shadrak and the rest of the men, Robin was feeling very down after her little altercation with Zach. She couldn't even bring herself to look in his direction. Instead, she calmly sat down in a corner as she started to satisfy the reason she was even down here.

"May I please have a cup of water?" she asked, her tone flat and clearly down.

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A Man Called Gar

Raquel ignored Gar's suggestion of armor. Which was fair enough. She probably didn't like armor, god knows Gar didn't either. But still, it was kinda annoying she didn't at least comment on it. Oh well. There was talk of horses, but that brought out their own difficulties. Reign-guy's insistence on Raquel's leg training was starting to become so persistent that it was starting to feel like he had ulterior motives. But still, everyone was sort of congregating on Raquel getting some running training--except Shade Drake who just wanted to go on about the Emblem--and Reign-guy left to secure some running spots. "So do you actually want to do this running training Raquel?" Gar asked.

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"Uh ... same. Heh, yeah," Brock weakly replied as they made for the lower decks. Having to work so closely with the quartermaster had lowered his spirits quite a bit. The prospect of needing guns to deal with a stowaway was also worrying him. And just three people? He wondered if the quartermaster was severely overestimating the threat or severely underestimating it. Was it even a threat? That seemed up for debate for the moment, too.

Main Deck

Ironically the woman Rook had been asking about was still in the mess hall, but not being certain on that, the sailor advised Rook to check the armory first, then the mess hall if he hadn't already, and then finally the sleeping quarters her people had been using. She wasn't invisible, so he figured he would find her eventually.

More Travel

Reign left the galley and went up the stairs to get to the second highest deck. The captain's cabin had to be around there somewhere since the aft deck wasn't elevated enough for the kind of officer quarters one might find on a galleon. He'd just have to head toward the back of the ship to search for it. He wished he'd taken the time to learn the layout of the ship the previous night, but too much was going on, and he rightly reasoned he had plenty of time to learn it later. It was just not as convenient searching for it right that minute. When he arrived at the stairs, he saw the quartermaster, Gytha, and some other sailor he didn't recognize heading down. He quickly got up to the second deck before getting off of the stairs so they could easily pass, but the quartermaster stopped before passing Reign and motioned for Gytha and the other sailor to stay put. "Be right back," he told them before walking off down the hallway.

Reign began wondering if he was heading to the same place he was, the captain's cabin. If so, it was in his best interest to follow, wasn't it? Reign nodded at Gytha and the sailor, a silent greeting before turning to follow the officer.


"No I don't," Raquel answered, putting her head down and focusing on her tendril weaving.

Shadrak sighed heavily, being on the verge of speaking up again, but Robin asked for a cup of water which immediately got his attention. This was a ship, not an inn. Some people were courteous, but she couldn't very well expect service, could she? Well, maybe, at least with people like Zoe around. She was already setting a couple more bowls of stew in front of those seated and took note of Robin's request, returning with some water inside a minute.

Shadrak still stood from the table though. "Raquel, I bet if you master the emblem, you won't have to do much else as far as training goes. It's a powerful ancient artifact, right? If you figure that out, you're pretty much set, I think. Just something to consider. It might not be true, but it's worth finding out, isn't it?" That was actually a rhetorical question; Shadrak made it those his parting words and went over to see what was bothering Robin. He stopped once he was close enough to have a vaguely private conversation with her and stood there crossing his arms inquisitively. "Alright, what's wrong? You look bummed out, again."

Kidnapping 101

Oddly enough, Zerachiel waited. Instead of taking the girl right outside of Hammer Industries and attracting a platoon of guards, he tailed the wagon she rode in on foot. He cut through alleyways when he got a sense of where they were headed to avoid too much suspicion, but keeping up with the wagon on foot was suspicious enough, causing passing onlookers to make random comments. One even spoke to him directly asking, "Whoa, you seem to be in a hurry there. Is she pretty?"

"She's a tiny underaged smart ass I'm going to have fun breaking." Zerachiel replied, somewhat hoping that his words would be completely misinterpreted. Sure enough, they were; the man was left gawking as Zerachiel ran off ahead. He kept going with a smirk on his face. As soon as the wagon made a right turn, he cut through another alley and waited. When he caught sight of the wagon again, he looked around trying to see if the girl who had been accompanying him earlier had caught up yet. She had and could be seen moving into position just ahead of the wagon.

"Just crossing the street, minding my own business. Didn't look both ways, but that's for paranoid people. Ack!" Suddenly she tripped and fell just as the wagon approached. There weren't as many people around, but there were still over a dozen witnesses to what followed. The driver stopped the wagon while one of the guards peeked out from inside to see what was going on. The man sitting next to the driver hopped down to help the girl, and that was when Zerachiel made his move. As one of the men headed for the girl, Zerachiel moved on the wagon. He was easily spotted by the Lois' bodyguards inside, which was just fine by him. As the two of them came out, one of them warned the driver about the real threat and all three of them brandished short swords. Zerachiel smirked while Lois watched curiously from inside the wagon.

The guard who came to investigate the girl was surprised to find a small blade rammed all the way through his wrist. He backed off which gave her time to prepare for her next move, which was as simple as planting another blade into him ... two actually, one in each eye. He topped over writhing in agony on the ground while she carefully approached the wagon.

"Who do you work for?!" the guard shouted, hoping to figure out who the 'real enemy' was in this situation.

"Defeat me and I just might tell you ... but there's no chance of that, now is there?" Zerachiel replied mockingly. That was it, the first guard closed in and tried to take him down with a series of cuts, but most of them glanced. Zerachiel kicked the man in the chest forcing him back. He then reached for one of his grenades. It appeared to have a long thin tether in place of a fuse. The tether was so long, that Zerachiel was able to begin using it to swing the grenade around. Since the bodyguards recognized that it was either a flail that looked like a grenade or an actual grenade being swung around recklessly, they kept their distance. That was just fine with Zerachiel though; he was only building up momentum for his next series of moves. The first thing he did once the grenade had picked up enough speed was to throw it at the guard furthest to his left. It and that end of the tether wrapped around his neck so quickly that he didn't realize he was stuck to a bomb until Zerachiel said, "Gotcha!" He still had the other end of the tether and held it firmly while the guard struggled to untangle himself. Zerachiel quickly turned toward the other guard and chucked his tomahawk at him. It slammed into his chest and buried itself, sending him staggering back into the wagon and rattling Lois. Zerachiel finished by running at him, leaping into the air, kicking the tomahawk deep into the man's torso, yanking the tether so hard that the grenade detonated, killing the man tied up with it, and then finished the wagon's driver off by shooting him in the face with his blunderbuss. All three of them were dead within the space of a few seconds. "Tch, almost boring."

"Awesome, Zecksy!" the girl called out, hopping in a celebratory manner.

"Ze-... no, just ... just drive the damn wagon. We're outta here."

"Oh crap," Lois muttered from within.

"'Oh crap' indeed," Zerachiel added as he hopped inside the wagon. "Try to escape and I will break your legs. All we really need right now is your head, so no one's going to be too peeved about what condition your body's in."

"... who do you work for? Weyland Enterprises is too soft to pull something like this," Lois inquired. She was as good as captured, so decided to learn what she could. The girl outside had already gotten the wagon moving again. She tried to avoid the body of the man she'd taken down, but he was just too close by. The bumping jostled Lois and caused her to wince ... she knew the man they had run over personally. "That was ... excessive ..." she spoke up again, trying not to be overwhelmed by what had just happened.

"Gonna cry?" Zerachiel asked, grabbing a seat cushion and throwing it to Lois' side. "Well use that, 'cause I don't want to hear it." With that, he leaned back and relaxed, ignoring her question entirely.

She ignored the pillow in turn and kept her eyes on Zerachiel. "Seriously, who do you work for? I can kind of understand the violent abduction, but who's behind it? It's not like I can get away. What's the harm in telling me?"

"The harm? Oh ... no harm," Zerachiel began to clarify. "I just don't like you. That's all. Now sit down and shut up. Your mouth doesn't necessarily have to be in working order either. Lucille! Get us to the exchange point and be quick about it!"

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As wordlessly instructed, Gytha stopped and waited while the quartermaster went on ahead. One of theirs -- Reign specifically -- gave them an equally wordless greeting before following the man. She likewise offered a nod before he walked off. "Hm. Looks like he might be talkin' t' a senior officer about this after all," she mused aloud, contented at the observation, resting her free hand on her hip. Wonder why he's followin', though.


As he made his way to the galley, Norbert had a bit of time to think about some things. The first was a simple to-do list, but that flowed into some other thoughts. So, first I'll have some breakfast, then I should probably check on Riz and help her get settled. I'll have to wash up properly at some point, too... Hmm... I'm not supposed to strain myself according to the doctor, so I probably shouldn't take Riz for a ride today. Aw, does that mean no training until tomorrow, too? He sighed. Well, it's worth it to recover. If I wreck myself it'll take even longer before I can be at my best again. Maybe I can learn how to play chess in the meantime. Valter did say he was going to teach me. ... Hmm...

"You could've stayed back, though. Why'd you go over there?"

"If I hadn't, you would have certainly died. I hope you know I'm not blaming you for my injury. It wouldn't have happened otherwise, but I was the one who chose to get involved. Don't worry about it."

Thinking about it, the pegasus rider paused. Before Valter had been uncomfortable so he'd changed the subject. This was something to think about, though. "You would have certainly died" "Hmm..." "I hope you know I'm not blaming you for my injury." "..." For a few moments, all he did was reflect on Valter's statements.

Steadily, he began to accept them, if only a little. It's...weird. He put his life on the line to try to protect me... No one's ever done that for me before. It's not really all that rational, either... I mean, protecting someone else I could understand. I could even understand protecting me if it was on someone else's orders or because I'm at least somewhat useful. But...someone actually cared if I lived or died and not just to use me. That's... How do I take that? My life isn't worth someone else's -- I don't understand! Maybe... Maybe it's just because he's a decent person. Maybe it's because there's nothing special about it and he'd do that for just anyone. That makes some sense, at least...seeing as any life for my own is a poor trade.

Steadily, Norbert shook his head. There's no point in speculating like this, but I didn't want to bother him by continuing the subject at the time. I should just go get some breakfast and get on with the day. So, he continued on his way to the galley. It wasn't that long a walk, actually, and when he arrived, there were already quite a few people sitting, talking and eating. Not all of them appeared to have cleaned up from last night's battle yet, either, which was at least a little nice since that meant he wasn't being exceptionally rude by not washing up first. It didn't take much looking to find where the horseman was sitting. Near him were Synthia, the other pegasus rider who could use a heal staff and a girl he hadn't met before. The pink-haired pegasus rider, though, seemed...ill or something.

Well, nothing to do but walk over and sit down, which is just what Norbert did. "Hey, sorry that took so long," he greeted Valter, giving the others a nod.

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"Oh... Well maybe I can help you or something? I ain't just a mercenary you know, I've taken odd jobs before, not that I'm charging you here or anything. Just saying, if you need some extra help or hands or something, I'm your girl if you want. I'll clean up first though, not sure people like my blood and... stuff." Aneda made an offer this person could quite easily and reasonably should refuse, but hey, who knows. Shits weird yo.

Mushirah was fairly concerned when Luka decided to utter gibberish instead of human words. Or maybe it was human and she just didn't understand it? "Hey, Luka, are you seriously embarassed? If so, sorry, didn't think you'd take it so... harshly, I guess? I haven't really met too many people of my own volition before, sorry if I came off strong or whatever."

Davod is moping more. What a crybaby, oh my god he seriously is. NARRATOR, OUT.

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The Galley

A soft sip came before Robin looked up at Shadrak. She clearly was not happy about what she was thinking about. "Hi Shade drake." she stated before giving a sigh. "I am sad. Very sad. I am sure you know that Zach's friend Lia died in the last fight, right? I tried to comfort him this morning and now I am afraid I may have ruined my friendship with him as well. I am too afraid to approach him because, if I do so, I will try to make him happier and get over her death, but he might take that as insulting. Chelsea said I should give him some space, but if I do so, I will be abandoning him to his grief as well. I do not know what to do."

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Main Deck

The yelling had stopped but Gabbie was too hungry to go back to sleep. She actually managed to use Ringo as a shield so she could take care of what little morning hygiene she could before heading below decks. Ringo stood beside the Dauntless with her sandwiched between them and covered from above by Ringo's left wing. She freshened up as best she could, using up most of her spare drinking water in the process, and then changed into another hooded tunic, almost identical to the last one. She decided not to don her armored bits like the scale mail vest or gauntlets and simply put on some fingerless gloves and her boots before emerging again. She wanted to go get some breakfast, and then find someone to dump the vasilus egg on. Of course, as she had to check to see if Connor was even awake yet. She figured he might have gotten up and gone down to the galley already, but just in case he hadn't ...

She grabbed the egg and kept it under her arm and then headed inside the Dauntless. "Hey, Connor! C'mon, let's go get something to eat before everyone else takes it all. Also you can help me get rid of this thing," she added, glancing down at the egg she was holding.

Captain's Cabin

Reign's hunch was correct and the quartermaster ended up leading him to the captain's cabin. He would still have to wait for whatever the quartermaster's business was to conclude before he could get a word in, but that was fine with him so long as the quartermaster wasn't planning on convincing the captain to go off somewhere. Long drawn out attempts to ask people for the simplest things weren't something he wanted any part of today, period.

The quartermaster arrived at the captain's cabin and knocked on the door before glancing over his shoulder to see Reign relatively close by. "Ya need somethin', boy?"

"After you," Reign replied, gesturing at the door as it opened.

Deciding to take that at face value, the quartermaster turned all of his attention toward the captain saying, "Captain, we've got a stowaway aboard. I'm headin' down to take care of it, myself."

"Still don't trust Silas?" the captain inquired with a grin.

"Pfft, 'course not! But you still need to know about it, Sir."

"Alright, fair enough ... ... but Gerald ... be gentle. Stowaways always have their reasons. Focus on that, would you?"

The quartermaster nodded affirmatively and then turned to leave. Reign's turn! "Uh, captain?"

"Something you need?"

"Some of us are hoping to get some training in between here and Ursium but it would be safer for everyone if we had someplace reserved for ourselves," Reign explained.

"Hmm, take the forward cargo hold. There's more room down there, fewer fire hazards for you mages, and even some running or sparring space if you need it."

"The ... cargo hold?" Reign repeated, wondering if he was thinking of the same wooden crate and wooden bulkhead infested place the captain was.

"The forward cargo hold, Reign. We only use it for priority cargo so it's usually empty and sealed behind a rather large door. Would you like me to show you?"

"Sure, that'd be great," Reign replied. The two then set off a ways behind Gerald, who by this time had made it back to the staircase.

He motioned for Brock and Gytha to follow him and went down the stairs to the lowest deck of the ship.


"Might consider it, but first, need breakfast," the doctor replied. "If you're still interested once you finish cleaning up, you can find me there." With that, he stepped out of his office and looked to the staircase and first saw the quartermaster and two others head down farther into the ship, and then the Captain and another do the same. Not finding it very interesting of and by itself, he waited for the seemingly separate groups to pass down below and then headed on up.


Shadrak winced at the explanation. "Yeah, that's not really how it works. It's fine to try and comfort someone, but Zach spent like ... what ... a year or two of his life trying to help her? You don't just 'get over' something like that. It takes time. My master said there are different stages of mourning and you have to be able to recognize which stages people are at before engaging them or you can make the situation worse. I'm not entirely sure which stage he's at, but Lia died last night. I don't think he's anywhere near recovering just yet. It's like a ... uh ... like a natural progression, I think. You have to give people time to grieve and trying to help him 'get over her' this early probably was insulting to him. I can't be a hundred percent certain of anything with that guy. I guess what I'm saying here is that there was a misunderstanding and that it'll probably work out ... you just need to give him time to work out his feelings or something." Shadrak crossed his arms again and began thinking, glancing off in random directions and reviewing his own points. Not the most confident look could be seen on his face, but he was trying to help with his limited knowledge on the subject.

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"Sure I could get something to eat," Connor said, looking up from his latest tinkering project. "By the way, what's with the egg- I think I missed that part. If it's a dragon egg, I wouldn't suggest trying to smuggle it into Ursium," he said to Gabbie with trepidation.

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Le Egg

"It's the egg the vasili left with us," Gabbie clarified. "Probably has an immortal quail insoide it, but I don't wanna have to look after it. They moight end up blaming me if it comes out 'wrong'," she explained, rolling her eyes abit.

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"Why are we trusted with it? And what are we supposed to do with it exactly? Eggs usually have specific conditions they need to be in to be able to hatch- well normal eggs anyway. Seems like it's too cold on deck for an egg to hatch," Connor said to Gabbie, still a bit dumbfounded that there was a supposed legendary vasilus in an egg right in front of him. Then again, nothing seems too strange anymore after seeing Lilith and being in Purgatory- this group is encountering things most scholars could only dream of.

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A Man Called Gar

Raquel didn't want to do the training. Shade Drake tried to press her into using the Emblem again before bugging off to do something with Robin. And on the note of the archer-girl, Gar should probably talk to her about the battle. But that was later, now was Raquel time. "So, what is it that you do want?" He asked Raquel. "Besides doing whatever it is you're doing with those clothes there."

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So they were trying to convince Raquel to get some training, huh? Synthia could see the sense in that. Unfortunately, Raquel was against the idea. And then her snooping was cut short by Bert’s sudden appearance in her line of vision. “Hey,” she said, annoyed.

Oh, good, someone less bothersome than the mage. “It’s not a problem,” Valter replied, a bit relieved.

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Luka gave a brief nod towards Mushirah, signaling that he was okay. "Y-yeah, I'm just not used to being teased or anything like that." He said staring down at his knees to avoid eye contact.

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