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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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"Easy there, lass," Rook said, casually. "Wouldn't want to hurt yourself, would we? Put down the bow before you hurt yourself."

Edited by Furetchen
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"I have been using this bow for years now. I have hunted every wild animal in Ohka with it even up to the bears. I have handcrafted every arrow and every arrowhead. I know what I am doing with my weapon. You, however, look like you are using a storebought bow with clumsily-made arrows. I would be surprised if your own bow did not snap the moment you even tried to use it. Do you even know which end to point at the enemy in your drunken stupor? I will give you a hint, it is not the end with the fletching, if you even know what that is."

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Well that escalated quickly. Veronika thought to herself, sighing. "Everybody just needs to calm down. There will be no strangling of Colin or anyone else, no discriminating people of noble birth, no selling of children into brothels, and no fighting each other. Put the bow down Robin, if you use it there will be serious consequences," she said, attempting to keep her voice calm and even.

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Robin glowered at Veronika as she lowered her bow. Though she said no words, the feelings of hurt were clear. How Gytha had gotten away with almost no punishment and now Robin was being threatened with consequences for pulling her own on someone who had provoked a fight in her eyes through offensive language and suggesting dropping a young teen off at a brothel. Regardless, though, her bow was lowered, though her hand kept on the arrow in the event Rook decided to stupidly try something.

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Rook interjected Robin at several different points. Impertinence was something he was quite good at, and his deep bass easily boomed over her shrill, reedy tone.

"I have handcrafted every arrow and every arrowhead."

"I'm an archer, not a fletcher. You want to waste your time on that, you go ahead. Arrows are a means to an end."

You, however, look like you are using a storebought bow


with clumsily-made arrows.

"Also incorrect."

I would be surprised if your own bow did not snap the moment you even tried to use it. Do you even know which end to point at the enemy in your drunken stupor? I will give you a hint, it is not the end with the fletching, if you even know what that is."

"You ever wondered what these chalk markings on my quiver are? Every one of 'em is for a man I've killed. They add up to fifty-three. So yeah, I think I'm qualified. And unlike you, my prey fight back."

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"We have enough problems on our hands without you two acting like a bunch of petulant children. Insulting each other, and especially attacking each other, is not tolerated. Any more outbursts like this and your pay will be docked and you may be removed from this group. Rook, apologize to Tia and Robin. Robin, apologize to Rook. Then let's put this silliness behind us so that we can focus on the real threats here," Veronika said, looking at Rook and Robin in turn, hands on her hips.

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"Actually, I was on the verge of shaking Tia's hand before this uppity bitch smacked me in the mouth. I mean it didn't hurt, but..."

Rook saw no reason to apologise to Robin, brushing past who he considered a non-entity, nor did he see a reason to care about Veronika. What was she gonna do, burst out the firepower herself? For what it's worth, he did drawl "Sorry I thought you were from the nobility" and attempted not to crush Tia's hand.

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"I was brought up in a brothel, so I don't see what's offensive. And I make it a policy never to talk to anyone crazed enough to shoot a colleague. If you can't take a joke, then get out," said Rook, evenly.

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"Oh trust me, I don't want to fight the military either if we can help it. Being able to freely travel is a nice thing to have, and being tossed in an Ursian prison would kind of hamper that idea wouldn't it? I've got no plans to instigate anything that could result in a fight for us anyways. But I'll promise you I'll fight as hard as possible for any trouble we do run into.... killing seems to be just about the only thing I'm good at these days."

A sigh escaped Zach's mouth after he finished that. "She'd be proud of me for fighting for something I believe in. That's something I know for sure"

Pausing for a moment Zach decided to try to lighten the mood with something fairly morbid. "So, betting pool for who gets the highest kill count in the next fight? Not to brag buuuuut~ I think I've done well for myself so far." he said with a wink, obviously kidding.

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"There are more people than yourself here Rook, and at least one of them found the remark offensive and insulting enough to stand up for me over, and I don't think she will apologize unless you do so first."

"If Rook promises to mind his tongue around Tia, I will apologize."

"Robin, why are you being so protective of me? I'm a girl who regularly toys with the very elements of nature and magic just to see what they will do after all and I've known you less than an hour."

Robin looked at Tia, confused herself. "I... I do not know how to answer that. I guess I just find it really sickening for people to act so... lewdly towards a young girl who clearly does not even understand the... birds and bees I think the term is?"

"What is there to know about avians and insects that would be offensive?"

"That. That is why I am so mad about Rook's remark."

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"Because, even though I barely know her and she just started a fight with you over some words I don't understand, it was a fight to protect me and, Rook, I don't know what you said, but it was apparently bad enough to be deserving of a physical reply and, if you had not said it, I don't think she would have punched you. Sides, her condition is only that you mind your tongue around me, apparently, is that so bad?"

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"Hah. You really don't get Rook, do you?" Marella turned and quietly whispered to Rook. "Look, it's just words they want. You don't have to mean anything by it, but if you want to keep on making money here, just say some words and move on from this, ok?"

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"I might be a sellsword and a cutthroat, but I still have pride," said Rook, derisively. "These two aren't worth my time. Call me if you want anyone shot. <You, hunter,>" he added, switching to Noviskotian in a heartbeat, "<are beneath contempt. If it is a fight you wish, I will oblige you. But next time, be more professional about it.>"

He spat on Robin's boots, turned and walked away, pushing through the crowd.

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"Fine then, both parties will get docked pay until they apologize to one another- right Raquel?" Veronika asked, turning to the pink-haired merchant with an expectant look. If we don't enforce any of our consequences, then this group will have no discipline whatsoever.

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"And that is why I did not apologize." said Robin with a scowl, shaking his spit off her boot. "A man like him has no shame and cares only about himself. Even a meaningless apology is beneath him if it requires him to admit he may have done something wrong. Disgusting. To the rest of you, I am sorry that that had to become such a huge scene. Maybe I should not have pulled my bow and I apologize for escalating it to such a huge level."

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<"Maybe you should have let Tia speak for herself. After all, that's a big thing for you, isn't it? Having people fight their own battles? You had no reason to get involved. Anything that happened involving you was your fault, not Rook's."> Marella shook her head, and walked off in the direction of the clock tower.

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"Well, that's good reassurance, so thanks for committing to help," Blake said, returning his mind to the present for a moment. "Anyways, it must be nice to know that your mother cares. Can't say the same here, but anyways..."

Zach then brought up kill counts, which darkned the swordsman's expression a bit. "I really don't think who kills the most enemies matters, as much as winning with preferably no permanent casualties. Though, people like you and Gar will probably dealing with the bulk of our foes last time I checked the roster, if that answers your question. Speaking of the roster, I need to reorganize it, given we have at least one more fighter. I saw Red Armor talking to Veronika ealier, so I assume he's joining. Do you know if there's anyone else who was hired?"

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"Well, I'd certainly count Katrina as part of the group now, at least until we get out of Ursium, as much as it kinda hurts to say it she's the replacement of John for our combat needs, she uses a Rune Axe, siphons the life of those she hurts and returns it to her, basic dark magic really. The people we rescued from that ship, you know Marella and Rook? She told me she plans to stick around with us for a while, and I imagine he will as well. After sparring with her I can attest that she can take a hit, or seven, and isn't too bad with a blade. Rook is an archer but I honestly haven't seen his skills to tell you any more." Zach explained, almost out of breath after talking for so long

"Speaking of which." He said, noticing Marella coming up on the tower as well. Sending a wave in her direction "She's one I'd trust to have my back in a fight. Especially after I saw what she can do against both Magic and Melee attacks."

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"Right, so Katrina, mobile self-sufficient defender, Marella, strong defender, Rook, probably a precision sniper, but I'll have to talk to him later," Blake said, while he produced his makeshift roster. After writing down the mentioned newcomers' names and strong suits, he made a few corrections before continuing.

"And you trust Marella enough to cover you if needed. I'll keep that in mind." And he did, by writing it down as a side note.

Seeing as another person was arriving- probably Marella, judging by what Zach had said -, the swordsman decided to focus a bit more on playing with the roster, so as to allow time fore the newcomer to close in, if that was her intention.

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Meanwhile At the Dauntless

"Hello~" Colin gave a small wave to Mao. Meeting new people was usually a good thing if they were women as far as he was concerned.

The back and forth didn't seem all that serious at first, and so Raquel's attention was on Colin for the moment. "Alright, so when we go to the tower and meet up with the rest of the group, do not yank off your hood and casually start anything," she demanded, pulling the hood back over his head with her own hands. "Seriously, that could have gone so wrong so quickly."

"I'd have been fine. Shadrak couldn't touch me to save his life~" Colin assured her with a smirk.

"Okay don't say things like that because it's just annoying to hear and it sounds like you're picking fights."

"We're all adults here, aren't we?" When Tia became the focus of the other conversation, he chuckled. "Apparently not. So then, about the question I had earlier. Since there's no time for a formal interrogation, I was wondering if you'd mind me taking a passenger seat. On the Dauntless specifically."

"That would put you right next to me while I'm driving ..." Raquel noted with some dread in her voice.

"Yeah. The one on your left or right can go to whoever you want overseeing the exchange."

"I guess I can understand your reasoning, but I don't want to spend anymore time with you than necessary and we'll be on the road all day ..."

"I promise you won't feel quite so bad about it by the time we're out in the sticks. Your beliefs about Sardis and the rest of us is forcing you to hate me on principle, but you and I only just met. I work for Sardis, so you can label me a morally bankrupt pig with no reason to receive even the slightest bit of mercy, but-" "I'll say," Shadrak interrupted. "... but there are people in your group who could just as easily be bought by Sardis if not by you first. Hell, if your timing was better, I might have been yours first rather than his. I only joined up after the incident in Sergio. Didn't even know Sardis was behind that until awhile later."

"You have attacked us though," Shadrak quickly pointed out.

"Yep. I'd be a good for nothing traitor if I hadn't. That may be alright with you people, but that's also bias as hell."

"I'll give you a fair chance, but I don't owe you that, so when I say stop talking from now on, stop talking. I'm not just saying it to give myself a moment's relief; I'm actually trying to keep things from escalating."

"Whatever you want, Raquel."

"Finally," Shadrak muttered.

"She didn't say it yet~"

Around this time, the physical confrontation started and Colin glanced over saying, "Heh. Well that escalated quickly."

"Wha ...?" Raquel inquired, having only just looked over herself. Her eyes opened wide in shock when Robin drew her bow. This was going to be another one of those roadside shootings wasn't it? Wrathdammit all. Veronika was the first to intervene proper, though it took the threat of pay docking along with some extra words from Tia and Marella to get things calm again which was just sad but Raquel quickly decided that a rowdy group was nothing to be surprised about with her being in charge. She imagined a little foal trying to lead a herd of stallions and oddly tough mares with no success.

Next Veronika decided to enforce a punishment for the confrontation and turned to Raquel for confirmation. "Y-yeah! Err-yeah," was her knee-jerk reaction to the inquiry and she felt awkward about the whole thing. I guess I shouldn't be surprised something like this happened. Veronika's so much better at handling things like this than I am. Sure maybe the threats themselves aren't much, but I'm always caught completely off guard and never know exactly how to approach these random fights. "Okay if that's settled, let's head over to the tower now and see who else is still missing."

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Good Fortune

Suzume tried the steak and was pleasantly surprised. It was juicy and tender, something she was hoping for, but not really expecting. "Mmm, this is good~" Should I have him try the soup? I mean he didn't ask, but it seems like a good idea. I don't want to be pushy. "Thanks, I was really curious. Sorry for not just ordering one myself."

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B Man Called Gar

"Real glad we came to this place," Gar commented before taking another bite of his own. "Curiosity's good, I think. World needs more people wondering why." Gar took a swig of water after. "And speaking of curiosity and all good things being even, mind if I have a spoonful of your soup?"

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