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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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"You should really talk to Robin. She's clearly upset and if you ever want to have the chance of fixing your friendship... you can't just leave it like this. Don't ruin something just because of me. I couldn't deal with that. Please." She sighed. "Fine. I suppose Rook will show up eventually."

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Zach slowly shook his head "It can't happen right now. We all just need to cool down for a little while and that certainly isn't at the moment. And I'm not ruining anything because of you, I'm just choosing it because this is the right choice for now."

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Things had been going swimmingly after Raquel's group arrived, baring Synthia's mild outrage towards Colin traveling with them and Katrina's general confusion about the situation. Then some sort of argument started happening. Katrina winced, not sure if she should help or not. It wasn't really any of her business but she still felt involved somehow.

Synthia and Valter on the other hand had no idea what was being said until those talking stopped speaking in a language only half the party could understand. Valter watched coolly from his horse because, well, this wasn't his problem. Synthia had a knack for making other people's problems her problems though, and did speak up eventually. "What the hell just happened? Can someone explain this to me...?"

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"Nothing. Nothing happened." came Robin's response.

"No... Some girl came up and started talking to Robin in Skotian, I think it may have been the friend of that Rook guy, then that other guy came up, kissed her on the cheek, then Robin got real cold-sounding. I think they had a verbal fight."

"Why can you not just keep your mouth shut right now?" asked Robin. "Synthia, can I... Can I take some time away from the group. No more than ten minutes to an hour. I need... I need to be alone."

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Lovers' quarrel was he first thing that came to Synthia's mind, but she at least had enough tact to not blurt it out. Anyway, Tia had not really explained more than she already knew, and Robin's question earned an amused snort. "I'm not in charge of you, ya know. I think you should be asking Raquel or Veronika that."

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Marella stared at Zach with pleading eyes. "Please. Please go talk to her. I'm the reason that your relationship is like this right now. If I let you walk away here and you two never fixed things... I could never forgive myself. This thing between you two... It needs to end. She and I may never be friends, but that doesn't mean you two can't fix things. Please. I know it's not easy, but you need to stop running. This may be your only chance to do this. I can't... I can't let you walk away. Not for me. I'm not worth that. Please."

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Well, the empty stomach was only shortening his temper, so Norbert wound up buying a sandwich from a stand he was passing by on his search through the market. In all honesty, he wasn't entirely sure what sort of poor creature had been killed and its muscle removed to make the only thing between the two pieces of toasted, tough bread (or, given that the meat was shredded, if there was some assortment of animal parts mixed in) but he really didn't care at the moment. It was filling, it was actually pretty flavorful and it was easy to eat while riding a pegasus. It'd been quick to pick up and cheap, too. And, presently, it was half-eaten.

Also presently, he was just about finished with the limit he'd set for himself regarding the search. It was all feeling like a waste of time, actually, seeing as he hadn't found anyone else. That all changed, however, just then, as he happened upon a familiar face next to someone he didn't immediately recognize. As for the pegasus' rider's own expression, it quickly shifted from irritable to surprised. From his prospective, things had just gotten a tad awkward. After all, he and Suzume had already exchanged farewells earlier that day and it wasn't a simple matter of blending back into the crowd seeing as he was the only one in the area atop a pegasus.

Every time I think I won't see her again she appears... This is just uncanny... There was someone with her, too, so her job search was probably going especially well, so interrupting that on accident would make things even more uncomfortable. Well, difficult as it was to slip away unnoticed, Norbert decided on that course of action, hoping that whoever it was with Suzume would distract her long enough for him to round a corner or something. I have people to find anyway and if I'm not looking for them, I should be heading back to the tower. I don't have time to stand around and chat.

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R Man Called Gar

Suzzy Q gave Gar time to process and wonder what she could possibly be wanting to do before getting her clothes mended. Gar guessed get other clothes and he was right! Now if only he had said something. Well that was probably for the best since when she brought up sarashi that gave him a nice thought... which quickly delved into a hellish one involving knives, barbs, guns and poison. He really couldn't keep himself focused as he continually prodded his own memories, even keeping his view away from Suzzy Q. Looking away, Gar saw some guy who was kinda familiar maybe but he didn't really care he had more important things to not want to think about.

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Rook was in a foul mood, even without knowing about the pay cuts. There was a flask he kept at his belt for these kinds of situations, and it was routinely full of scotch older than he was. He had always been a shrewd merchant, he just tended to spend his wealth freely on extravagances like that. He enjoyed life, damn the consequences.

But not now. That uppity bitch from before, she'd gone too far. You never pull a weapon on a comrade. When you're fighting side-by-side with someone, it lends you a certain... trust, a sense of common purpose. How were you expected to trust someone who had sought you dead in the past? No, as a mercenary, you knew all too well that the nations and great factions of the world were out to fuck you. All you have is your mates, and if you can't trust them...

It was the reason he prized Marella as a companion. She was courageous and loyal to the end, and Rook, well... he felt there was a certain understanding between them. Okay, maybe he was a little optimistic about where it might lead, but even so, he'd trust that woman with his life. He'd done as much in the past, and she was yet to fail her. But this huntress...

Robin had committed a terrible sacrilege, and if Rook was leading this company he would have had her flogged, perhaps crucified. And if this company didn't accept that, if it was incapable of keeping her ilk away, then maybe it wasn't worth his time after all. Take the first paycheck and walk out... no. More trouble than it would be worth. If it was a bigshot employer, that was one thing. But these were fellow stragglers, like him. Screwing decent folk over would only serve to damn his reputation as an honest man.

And if nothing else, that deluded fool Robin wasn't going to think she'd won. Rook would make sure of that much.

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"People sure are takin' their sweet time..." Nadya said tentatively. Wonder if we're gonna get attacked soon...we need to get on the road and fast.

Veronika was mulling over their situation when the arguing appeared to start up once again. The words began to shift into Neviskotian, although at least there was no physical confrontation this time.

"We don't have an hour to wait here, but if you need some time to yourself, take it now," Veronika said to Robin. "And as a notice to everyone, we are about to enter a dangerous situation. We need to focus on rescuing Jethro and if it comes to a battle we will need to rely on each other. We cannot afford to be divided by lovers' quarrels or whatever else- you don't have to like everyone in this group, but you will work together and be civil to one another," she called out loudly.

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[spoiler=Flagged for -Shortest Phee Segment Ever-]Congrats, Suzume!


Tower and Dauntless

"Sure, that would be a big help, Luka. Thanks," Raquel answered the cleric. And then another argument broke out. Even in Neviskotian, Raquel could tell it was an argument. Intonations rarely lied. Of course barging in on an argument in a foreign spoken argument wasn't really something she wanted to deal with just then. Maybe Veronika would deal with it? As reluctant as she was to get involved, there was always the risk of the argument coming to blows, and that kept her focused on the argument until it finally ended. Then she sighed. "I don't know which is worse, the fact that things like this happen or the fact that our enemy gets to see it first hand and note just how petty we can be ..." First the exchange with Gabbie and now this? Things could certainly get petty indeed.

"I think I'll wait in the Dauntless, Raquel," Reign told her.

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"<You aren't the reason for this Marella. Our argument started before you even got involved, I said I'd try to fix things with Robin and I still plan to. But if she's going to treat you like dirt then she isn't even worth my time. I'll throw away my relationship with her in a heartbeat if she's going to refuse to change, and she will. Because that's what Robin does.>" Zach explained in their native tongue, knowing it wouldn't stop any eavesdroppers due to how many of the group was actually from Skotia like they were. Silently wishing that Marella knew Rexian like he did.

"<Robin won't apologize, won't say she's sorry, because in her mind she can never do anything wrong. Just give me time and I'll try to work everything out. But don't you dare think this is because of you, it's not.>" Zach had already been talking low, but now his voice became even quieter "<You are worth more to me than she is, I'm not gonna give you up just to please her.>"

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"<You don't get it. You walk away from this... Do you really think you have a chance of getting your friendship with her back if you walk away from this with me right now? I'm not asking you to give me up to please her. I'm asking you to try and work something out that would allow you to be friends with her while still allowing us to make our own decisions. You need to try and fix this. If you walk away from her right now, you'll lose all chance at saving this, I'd bet my life on it. And you'd be doing it because of her and my argument. That's what triggered this. How am I *not* supposed to blame myself? If you don't go talk to her... There's nothing you'll be able to do to prevent me from blaming myself. And I don't know if I'd be able to let myself continue to be a barrier between you two.>"

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"<Mar, please... It just can't happen right now. We're about to leave and possibly be on the run from one of the largest churches in Ursium. We don't have time to mope about and try to deal with Robin.>" Reaching forward he clasped her hands with his own "<I said I'll talk to her and I will. But making things worse before a battle is the last thing we need right now. Just trust me.... I need you behind me on this.>"

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"<Fine. Do what you want. I'm going to find Rook. I would suggest that if you want to have any chance at fixing things with her ever again that you should not follow me here.>" Turning to the rest of the group, she told Nika, "I'm going to go find Rook. I know where he'll be. I'll be back in 15 or 20 minutes." She turned and left, intent on finding her traveling companion.

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"I will be back. Do not worry, I can track you guys on the open road if you leave. A lot easier than in a city." said Robin before heading off and away from the group. She needed time to be alone. Walking down the streets, she chose to avoid the crowded ones and stuck to the side roads heading out of town. She needed to be alone. When, at last, she reached the point where houses were thinning and trees were common, she quickly climbed up one, close enough to the main road for her to watch, but far enough to allow her privacy.

A moment later, an anguished cry came from the treetops. "<Why? WHY? Why do zombies continue to haunt me? What god did I wrong? The bear god? The deer god? The god of fucking seagulls? Every time I try to make a friend, every time I just want to walk away, every single time, it blows up in my freaking face! And it's always my fault somehow? Don't see your best friend and two years? Your fault he left! See him again and he blows you off? Your fault he doesn't care about you anymore! Get shot for not wanting to kill someone? Your fault for provoking it! Always my fault! Everything! ARG! If a freaking zombie plague rose up tomorrow they'd blame that on me as well!>"

A second cry came out, followed by the sound of something sharp and stoney slamming hard into the branch of a tree as Robin thrust her knife hard inside. "<Why can't I ever just be alone? My fault... My fault.>" she said, twisting her knife about as hard as she could. A sharp snap came as, suddenly, the obsidian broke, shattering as Robin pitched forwards, the shards catching on her skin and drawing blood. "<My fault as well.>" she said, wiping her hands on her clothes as she removed the shards.

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Rook heard faint whining from just outside the city walls, and then a yelp of pain. He smirked.

Familiar footsteps could be heard from around the corner. "Evening, Marella," said the merchant blandly. "Want a smoke?"

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Suzume blushed at Gar's explanation. Was he imagining her in nothing but those? Well he appeared to be finished now, so there was no reason to remain silent wondering at it. "Well it just has to be modest I guess. Nothing unnecessarily fashionable or I might not be able to move around much. Do you think we can find something like that? Comfortable enough to move in but not too revealing?" I suppose I could also get a cloak ... in case the weather turns on me down the road.

Tower and Dauntless

"People leaving again ... ugh," Raquel moaned. She was wondering if they would ever get a move on. "I guess I should take the opportunity to talk to Valter instead of just standing here. And it at least gives Sandrock time for a small nap. She really needs it from the looks of things ..."

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Marella sighed as she saw her friend. "I do. I really do. But not now. We should be heading back to the rest of the group. As much as part of me wants to just sit here for a while, we need to be heading back. You ok?"

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"That huntress. Robin, or whatever her name is. She's an honourless coward. When you're fighting in the same company, you are ... kinsmen. But this arrogant country mouse seems to think she knows better. To think she can get away with it. I can only hope the company will discipline her, but... it doesn't seem to be able to manage its own conflicts. Not well at all."

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"Well, her pay was docked until she apologizes. Sadly the same applies to you. As for her... Well, she and I aren't the best of pals right now. I may have said some words I regret. I should have handled things better perhaps. But it is too late now. The die has been cast and I must work with the number I've been given. We'll see how it all works out I guess."

Edited by scorri
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Rook blinked. "They ... had the damned NERVE? Do they WANT us to leave? This is intolerable!"

He whipped out the bottle, took a hefty swig and handed it to his comrade. "Damn them for everything. What's happening now?"

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T Man Called Gar

Suzzy Q blushed when Gar mentioned sarashi. Gar felt it better not to mention sarashi reminded him of a terrible person. "Oh yeah that's fine, heck that's my preference in clothes shopping too," Gar agreed. "I mean, sure the fancy stuff is nice when you're not expecting anything big, but any other day it's all about ease of use." Though terrible person certainly blended that in an obnoxious style. No! Bad thoughts go away!

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Marella refused the bottle and shrugged. "Waiting for everyone to gather. It's why I came looking for you. Well, that and I just needed to get away from them for a bit. Mostly away from Robin. The rest of them seem like decent enough folk for the most part. But we should be heading back soon."

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