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Phoenix Wright 5 (Gyakuten Saiben 5)


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Tokyo Game Show attendees will get an early chance at playing Ace Attorney 5, as Famitsu reveals this week that the game will be playable at the event later this month. Capcom has prepared a fifteen minute demo, and will even reward those who line up with a special strap as a gift.

As we reported earlier, Famitsu confirms Ace Attorney 5 as a 3DS title featuring Phoenix Wright as the main character. The magazine also introduces a mysterious girl who wears yellow. She's a key person in the game, and will be properly introduced at Tokyo Game Show.

Ace Attorney 5 is set one year after the events of Ace Attorney 4 and sees Phoenix Wright return to being a lawyer. The game's first chapter involves an explosion at the courthouse. The charged is a high school girl named Shinobu. She's very week and can go into spasms at any moment. In the courtroom, Wright will face off against Winston Payne's brother.

Famitsu has just three screenshots, but they hint at some new gameplay systems. Like Layton vs Ace Attorney, the game will have fully 3D characters. It appears that you'll be able to select to give certain facial expressions during testimony, as there are facial expression icons on the lower screen.

Based off the reports we're reading from people who get Famitsu in advance, Shu Takumi is not fully involved with Ace Attorney 5, as he's busy on Layton vs Ace Attorney. The magazine lists Motohide Eshiro as producer, Go Yamazaki as scenario director, and Noriyuki Iwadare on music.

I'm very excited by this news, obviously.

Edited by TheVinceKnight
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Holy crap, new chick's hair is dumb and inspires hatred in me.

EDIT: Yes, this is literally all I have to contribute on the matter at the mo'.

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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34 Year-Old Pheonix lookin' sexier than ever.

Apparantly the new prosecutor is Winston Payne's brother.

He looks the same...

Holy crap, new chick's hair is dumb and inspires hatred in me.

EDIT: Yes, this is literally all I have to contribute on the matter at the mo'.

Nicely done good sir. Would you like some tea?

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Needs more Edgeworth

models instead of sprites

fuck the three dee ess

I agree - the sprites have a certain charm and personality that a 3d model will never have. It's sort of a shame that they switched!

That said, it's great to hear news about this title. :)

Edited by Astelaine
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On the one hand, hmm yes good

On another,

Famitsu has just three screenshots, but they hint at some new gameplay systems. Like Layton vs Ace Attorney, the game will have fully 3D characters. It appears that you'll be able to select to give certain facial expressions during testimony, as there are facial expression icons on the lower screen.

Based off the reports we're reading from people who get Famitsu in advance, Shu Takumi is not fully involved with Ace Attorney 5, as he's busy on Layton vs Ace Attorney. The magazine lists Motohide Eshiro as producer, Go Yamazaki as scenario director, and Noriyuki Iwadare on music.

Arr I thought the Ace Attorney sprites were flat-out inspiring in quality. I don't doubt they're much harder/require more investment to make than 3D models, but I'm worried the same level of craftsmanship won't manage to shine through.

Here's hoping whatever they try with the expressions does a little more for the game than the little mood selects did for Golden Sun. It better be worth the switch to models dammit

And of course it'll be nice if they actually bring it over here and bring us up to speed somehow on whatever happened in, you know that one game (yes I'm going to remain bitter about Edgeworth's Day Out 2)

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Wonder if we get to see how Apollo and Tracy(I think that's her name, I forgot) is doing after the last game. Wonder who's the big mastermind this time around.

Also, we need more Edgeworth games with Kay and the interpool people. That was fun.

My wallet is not going to appreciate this being another 3DS game I'm going to be getting.

Edited by MagicLugh
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I just hope they won't put all the AJ characters on a bus, it'd be stupid. And I hope they aren't going to introduce PW as a protagonist again just as a cashcow without any purpose but to please fans (if it's like Ace Attorney Investigations, it's fine. But please do not try to do the same thing Capcom has done to Megaman).

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Please at least finish Apollo's story Capcom... if Apollo and Trucy aren't in this game I will be so mad. Apollo grew on me with his chords of steel but if they dropped him just because of the fandom, that seems like such a big mistake. I am also kinda ehhh on 3D rather than sprites, but it all depends on how animated those 3D characters are. Ghost Trick did a good job on the character models but they didn't really have faces in such a teeny model. Shuu Takami, the director, is not actually on the GS5 team so I just dunno... I want to like this game. I really hope it is good. I just feel like I should be tempering my own expectations.

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I just want the game full stop. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo exited, I wanna make murderers cry!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

I want Edgeworth, Apollo and Ema to appear- I love all three of them!!

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Shh! Can you hear that? It's the sound of the fandom rejoicing. PHOENIX FLIPPIN' WRIGHT HAS RETURNED.

I have to say, this game looks freaking awesome. The models don't look all that bad, and something tells me this is going to be all around enjoyable. Another game for my 3DS library (once it comes out).

I can only imagine the lulz and the drama that will be ensuing.

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Needs more Edgeworth

I agree - the sprites have a certain charm and personality that a 3d model will never have. It's sort of a shame that they switched!

That said, it's great to hear news about this title. :)

Even if they have switched to models, it at least keeps that unique "feel" that the sprite games have from those scans. I'm just glad about that part of it.

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Not very excited about this, mostly because it takes place after the unsalvagable Apollo Justice game. Apollo himself as the main character would've been fine (and preferred) but Phoenix was completely ruined, and this just makes it worse.

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Not very excited about this, mostly because it takes place after the unsalvagable Apollo Justice game. Apollo himself as the main character would've been fine (and preferred) but Phoenix was completely ruined, and this just makes it worse.

That said, I hope Phoenix doesn't revert back to his GS3 style -- he looked much smarter and wise on AJ, I don't want him to become his older self again. >:

I wonder who'll be the new prosecutor.

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That said, I hope Phoenix doesn't revert back to his GS3 style -- he looked much smarter and wise on AJ, I don't want him to become his older self again. >:

I wonder who'll be the new prosecutor.

I agree. While Phoenix in GS1-3 was a fun character in his own right, GS4 Phoenix was A LOT more wise.

Also, since it has been a while since we had a game with Phoenix as the main, the prosecutor will probably be Edgeworth, since that classic duo will attract a lot of people. If it's a new one, however, I can imagine him being an experienced old man like von Karma.

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