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Oh what the hell...pick my team

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I fancy trying one of these.

My guidelines:

- 12 pre-C:27 units (excluding Ike)

- At least 5 must join before C:17

- At least 3 must join before C:11

- At least 1 Mage/Sage/Healer please.

- 1 choice per user please

Going to do this on Normal, I think. Easy just feels like cheating.


1. Elincia

2. Rhys

3. Mist

4. Largo

5. Soren

6. Makalov

7. Mia

8. Jill

9. Muarim

10. Brom

11. Janaff

12. Marcia

Edited by Dr. Silent
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Okaaay, here's what's happened so far.

Prologue - Lost it the first time on purpose because for some reason I thought losing it meant Ike would get three Iron Swords instead of one in the next chapter. Don't ask.

Chapter 1 - Titania had to kill the bandit burning down the houses or I would have missed out on the Seraph Robe. Managed to solo the rest of it with Ike easily enough. Gave him a Seraph Robe as he's going to be flying solo for a few chapters.

Chapter 2 - Soloed with Ike. Rhys got in a few heals to help him get Exp. Ike finished the chapter at level 7 with 94 Exp and good growths.

Not much.

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This team is so awesome it doesnt need Marcia and Jill. I beg you, replace them with Rofl for extreme range sniping and Ilyana for rock solid supports and for grilling people helping her with her food habits anyway.

Edited by ncknck
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Nope, once the units have been chosen, they have been chosen.

If you want me to use Rolf and Ilyana, beat everyone to it and choose them next time I do one of these things.

Anyway, if anyone's interested, here's how my playthrough's been coming along...

Chapter 3 - Pretty easy. Used Gatrie and Shinon to kill about two enemies at the start to stop Ike getting ganged up on. Ike soloed the rest. Marcia semi-recruited. Thankfully this isn't Hard mode so I didn't have to rush to get to her.

Chapter 4 - Had to use Gatrie extensively in this chapter, mostly to soften up enemies for Soren to kill because Ike's growths have been absolutely uber and he's been two-shotting everything even with an Iron Sword. I hoped to kill the boss with Soren, but Ike could only knock enough of the boss's HP with the Regal Sword, and killed him with a crit. D'oh! Soren ended on level 2.

Chapter 5 - No way I was going to solo everything with Ike and Soren. Titania, Gatrie, Shinon and even Boyd in two cases had to be used liberally here. Because the durability of Ike's precious few swords has been depleting badly, I had to storm through the southern wave of enemies with Titania to get the Iron Blade from the Myrmidon next to the boss. Ike killed the boss. Rhys got in a fair few heals, and gained some nice Exp with a good level up in the process. Soren didn't even level up. Practically all of Ike's stats are better than lolShinon's.

Most likely going to have to use Titania on chapter 6, hopefully as minimally as possible. Thankfully, Mia joins in Chapter 7 so I can finally use another unit that I'm supposed to be using and just because I've been forced to.

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Updates if anyone's interested:

Chapter 6 - Soren gained a couple of levels by killing the boss and his two henchment. Ike solo'd most of it though.

Chapter 7 - Mia recruited. She couldn't kill much, but could two shot the Mages and Healers. Got her to kill the boss too.

Chapter 8 - This was a real pain because Mia and Soren are so fragile. Had to use Titania. Mia did okay with an Armourslayer against the Knights until she stopped dodging all their attacks and nearly died. She swapped places with Tits. Despite several hairy moments (including the boss almost one-shotting Soren) I managed to get through it.

Chapter 9 - Was going excellently until Marcia got hit by a fluke critical hit from the Myrmidon near the houses, and then got finished off by the Mage. #@$£%! Thought I'd just leave her dead and use Tanith instead, before realising I need Marcia to recruit Makalov. Seriously pissed off because Mia and Marcia had some uber growths, which they doubtless WON'T get when I play through it again (most likely won't be for a week as I am busy IRL). FURY!!!!

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