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Happy Terrorist Day!


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Show some respect, I don't care if you make fun of Flag Day, Halloween, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, etc. but please show some respect for the 3,000 people who lost their lives. The innocent victims of this attack and the brave Firemen, Policemen, and Paramedics who lost their lives trying to save others. There were also over 6,000 injured from the attack. Make fun of me if you want for thinking like this, but I can't stand cowards who make fun of or disrespect the dead, if you make fun of me for this mindset, I can take it and ignore it, but all that is left of the dead is our memory of them. I don't want anything to tarnish their legacy.

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Show some respect, I don't care if you make fun of Flag Day, Halloween, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, etc. but please show some respect for the 3,000 people who lost their lives. The innocent victims of this attack and the brave Firemen, Policemen, and Paramedics who lost their lives trying to save others. There were also over 6,000 injured from the attack. Make fun of me if you want for thinking like this, but I can't stand cowards who make fun of or disrespect the dead, if you make fun of me for this mindset, I can take it and ignore it, but all that is left of the dead is our memory of them. I don't want anything to tarnish their legacy.

Coulden't have said it better myself

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No offense but this is the most stupidest topic I've ever seen, don't you see other members taking this as an insult? I kinda do!

Show some respect, I don't care if you make fun of Flag Day, Halloween, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, etc. but please show some respect for the 3,000 people who lost their lives. The innocent victims of this attack and the brave Firemen, Policemen, and Paramedics who lost their lives trying to save others. There were also over 6,000 injured from the attack. Make fun of me if you want for thinking like this, but I can't stand cowards who make fun of or disrespect the dead, if you make fun of me for this mindset, I can take it and ignore it, but all that is left of the dead is our memory of them. I don't want anything to tarnish their legacy.

Eh don't take Emerald in the wrong way I'm sure it's just that those thoughts never really occurred to him.

And I'm not disagreeing with you or anything because yeah just looking at this title, it seemed kinda offensive... But I am pretty sure Emerald intended no harm at all and I don't want you to insult him that way

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Make fun of me if you want for thinking like this, but I can't stand cowards who make fun of or disrespect the dead, if you make fun of me for this mindset, I can take it and ignore it, but all that is left of the dead is our memory of them. I don't want anything to tarnish their legacy.

Cut short to show what part I'm replying to.

Why would I make fun of you, or anyone for it? Yeah, I'm referring to 9/11 as Terrorist Day, since Terrorists have caused Americans to reflect and think about who died on this day. But hey, you think I'm a coward when not once did I make fun of the dead. But it's okay, I can ignore what you think of me.

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Well the point is this day should be a time to remember the brave and the people that ended up in that mess and it doesn't seem very polite in their memory to also call it a day to remember about terrorism.

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Show some respect, I don't care if you make fun of Flag Day, Halloween, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, etc. but please show some respect for the 3,000 people who lost their lives. The innocent victims of this attack and the brave Firemen, Policemen, and Paramedics who lost their lives trying to save others. There were also over 6,000 injured from the attack. Make fun of me if you want for thinking like this, but I can't stand cowards who make fun of or disrespect the dead, if you make fun of me for this mindset, I can take it and ignore it, but all that is left of the dead is our memory of them. I don't want anything to tarnish their legacy.

This, 100%. I find this thread extremely offensive. How do you know that there aren't people on this forum that were related to one of those that died in the 9/11 attacks? I was somewhat affected because one of those planes crashed only 80 miles outside my home city (Pittsburgh). It made me afraid that these terrorists were going to target beloved Pittsburgh next.

Also, if you guys want to give this day a name, I've read online that it's been dubbed Patriots Day, in honor of those men that did successfully save lives in those attacks. Not fucking "Terrorist Day."

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Yeah. But yet, I just can't. I mean, yeah, those folks sacrificed themselves or got injured helping the people in the towers, but I feel that I can't join in on the rememberace since I didn't even know anyone affected by it. Lame excuse yeah, but it's my reason,

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Well that does sound a little heartless.

But I already can't expect all people to be able to feel for other peoples' losses so I won't go on about that

But the next best thing to do would at least be to try not talking on about what might offend them

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Well, do we have Black Plague day?


Do we have holocaust day?


Do we have 9/11 day?


While it's sad they lost their life, the patriotism in this is kinda annoying, in a hundred years no one will care I swear.

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September 11th, not November 9th.

September 11 is not the only day where terrorist attacks occurred.

Do we have holocaust day?


Actually, yes, there are days of remembrance dedicated to the holocaust.

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I feel bad for my little brother; it's his birthday today. No one is going to remember this day as his birthday, but as the day thousands of people died in an attack on the twin towers. This must have been what Pearl Harbor felt like...

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I think that's even another case where people only really care about something that relates to them or something

And as far as I've heard maybe people see the way people risked their lives on that day as a way of saying "We won't be daunted and hold strong and save whoever we can no matter what terrorists do to us" and it just made us all superdy duper proud of ourselves and wanted to create a day for those people that make us look good so we can show that message I guess?

But yes I'm pretty the impact of it will lessen, definitely on the generations that weren't alive during the day and time. They didn't know what it was like.

But the fact that there aren't days celebrating those other events that happened long ago doesn't mean nobody cares about them anymore. I don't see why people think that at all. People still talk about those all the time.

Also Helios I hope this doesn't come across as too rude, but are you meaning that your brother's friends and family remember that event more than his birthday?

Either way I can't tell if you mean that it is sad that he had to be born on such a day or sad that nobody remembers him. But if it's the second, then that sounds a little... idk, selfish?

EDIT: oopsy grammar mistaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake D=

Edited by Freohr Datia
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September 11 is not the only day where terrorist attacks occurred.

Actually, yes, there are days of remembrance dedicated to the holocaust.

Oh, now I feel really stupid, derp. Apologies there.

Still it's weird how that day is just there while this is a huge freaking deal, that's all I'm saying.

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