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Happy Terrorist Day!


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Ok, not literally celebrate it as a holiday or anything like that. I live in an area with a lot of Muslims and they always seem to be more active on 9/11. Almost like they are taunting everyone.

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Show some respect, I don't care if you make fun of Flag Day, Halloween, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, etc. but please show some respect for the 3,000 people who lost their lives. The innocent victims of this attack and the brave Firemen, Policemen, and Paramedics who lost their lives trying to save others. There were also over 6,000 injured from the attack. Make fun of me if you want for thinking like this, but I can't stand cowards who make fun of or disrespect the dead, if you make fun of me for this mindset, I can take it and ignore it, but all that is left of the dead is our memory of them. I don't want anything to tarnish their legacy.

No one is fucking making fun of the dead. 3000 died, it sucks, I know.

But there were FAR worse tragedies that don't get nearly the same media publicity and shit that 9/11 does. WW2? Oh, tell me how many were killed there.

Also, the terrorists managed to kill those 3000 in one day. How about the innocent civilians that were murdered by the United States in their attacks on other countries in the name of "democracy"? Oh, wait, pretty much no one gives a shit about them. >_>

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September 11 is not the only day where terrorist attacks occurred.

Yes, but it's the most notable of US terrorist attacks. The World Trade Center was completely trashed, the Pentagon was busted up, and another plane was headed for the White House (the one that ended up crashing near Pittsburgh. I hadn't know this for awhile though).

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Ok, not literally celebrate it as a holiday or anything like that. I live in an area with a lot of Muslims and they always seem to be more active on 9/11. Almost like they are taunting everyone.

With all due respect, I think this is just in your head man. No Muslim celebrates this day; it's quite the opposite. It's a day where thousands of innocent people died. Muslims either see this as a conspiracy, or the work of a horrible extremist group that no one agrees with. Trust me, no Muslim wants to take credit for this.

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While it's sad they lost their life, the patriotism in this is kinda annoying, in a hundred years no one will care I swear.

Given our current life-spans, doesn't it make some sense to care less about a 100 year old atrocity than a 10 year old atrocity?

I mean, that isn't the only meaningful factor. There's certainly the argument that it's important not to forget things so we can try and keep a similarly patterned thing from occurring again. Many other things too. But when an event has happened 10 years ago, that tends to contribute to its ability to affect us, because that means there are more of us who experienced it. Time kills the wounded.

I feel bad for my little brother; it's his birthday today. No one is going to remember this day as his birthday, but as the day thousands of people died in an attack on the twin towers. This must have been what Pearl Harbor felt like...

From now on I'm going to try and remember that your bro's birthday is today.

Hahahahahaha I saw this coming once I read the title. Surprised no one said "conspiracy work" or something yet though




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I fixed it Fre Fre.



I don't really support anybody attacking anyone just because they think what they do is right or just because they want more power, or revenge. But several people would probably just tell me that I'm stupid for feeling this way.

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No one is fucking making fun of the dead. 3000 died, it sucks, I know.

But there were FAR worse tragedies that don't get nearly the same media publicity and shit that 9/11 does. WW2? Oh, tell me how many were killed there.

Also, the terrorists managed to kill those 3000 in one day. How about the innocent civilians that were murdered by the United States in their attacks on other countries in the name of "democracy"? Oh, wait, no one gives a shit about them. >_>

Wow. Crank the political indignation up to 11, shit.

Listen, we have Memorial Day for remembering the troops and those who died in wartime. 9/11 was the first time we'd been attacked on our soil in half a century. It was a big deal, a national tragedy, orchestrated by malicious men who sought to bring down our nation. It's a big fuckin' deal. The Pentagon was struck by a plane, as was the World Trade Center. 3000 people died, and terrorists succeeded in striking two of the most high-profile targets in the country, and they could've struck the White House too. 9/11 isn't even a holiday, so cool your jets. It's just a day for remembrance. If you don't like it, just go about your day like you ordinarily would. Nobody's forcing you to watch the "media publicity," or to do anything related to the terrorist attacks at all.

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Wow. Crank the political indignation up to 11, shit.

Listen, we have Memorial Day for remembering the troops and those who died in wartime. 9/11 was the first time we'd been attacked on our soil in half a century. It was a big deal, a national tragedy, orchestrated by malicious men who sought to bring down our nation. It's a big fuckin' deal. The Pentagon was struck by a plane, as was the World Trade Center. 3000 people died, and terrorists succeeded in striking two of the most high-profile targets in the country, and they could've struck the White House too. 9/11 isn't even a holiday, so cool your jets. It's just a day for remembrance. If you don't like it, just go about your day like you ordinarily would. Nobody's forcing you to watch the "media publicity," or to do anything related to the terrorist attacks at all.

Nah, it's not so much the day itself that bothers me. It's the political bullshit that followed. If anyone has really tarnished the legacy of the dead, it's the politicians and corporations benefiting from the bloodshed of "The War on Terror".

Don't misunderstand me.

Oh, also the WTC was bombed in '93. Then there was the Atlantic Olympics bombing...the Oklahoma City bombing...yeah, 9/11 was bad, but we've been hit before and people forgot about the dead there.

Also people make fun of WW2 all the time. Last I checked, Pearl Harbor was far worse.

Edited by NoNameAtAll
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osama bin laden was not actualy muslim he was part of a mystic sect called the soofie the

also muslim religion is a peaceful religion also we have had more terror attacks from other groups then from muslims

interesting stuff i found out about while doing some research for a project a few years ago

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