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reoccurring dreams


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Do reoccurring dreams mean anything? Is it our subconscious telling us something? I'm wondering because I had a dream about a situation in the summer of 2011, then it happened,(I'll go into it if you want me to) and I had basically the same dream. I recently had a similar dream, I can't quite remember how this one went, it's fuzzy I just know it involved the same character.(a girl I know)

So I guess I want to address my personal situation and delve into the deeper topics of dreams. Do you guys believe these situations are coincidences? Over thinking something? Or are they even divine in your opinion?

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Well, I've only had one recurring dream, and that was semi-forced, so I don't know much about them. But in my mind they are probably just caused by thinking about similar things around the time you go to sleep, but they might mean something based on how 'real' or possibly 'serious' they seem. All in all, they are probably just coincidences, though I'm not quite sure. They are very interesting things though, along with dreams in general.

Edited by Konnor97
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Always wanted to start a dream thread on SF.

To answer your question though, I don't think that reoccurring dreams are like premonitions or anything, but they're just things that are really on your mind. I've had some reoccurring dreams in the past and they were nothing more than a reality I wanted but wasn't going to happen.

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Well, I've only had one recurring dream, and that was semi-forced, so I don't know much about them. But in my mind they are probably just caused by thinking about similar things around the time you go to sleep, but they might mean something based on how 'real' or possibly 'serious' they seem. All in all, they are probably just coincidences, though I'm not quite sure. They are very interesting things though, along with dreams in general.

You are probably right, but I enjoy thinking in hypotheticals about such things. What do you mean when you say your related dream was "Semi-forced"?

I think that you should remember it in case it does happen, but don't stress over it. ^^

My dreams do stuff like that to me too.

I wouldn't say I'm stressing over it, last year I may have, it just kinda hit me. But now I'm just thinking about it, I enjoy thinking over situations.

Always wanted to start a dream thread on SF.

To answer your question though, I don't think that reoccurring dreams are like premonitions or anything, but they're just things that are really on your mind. I've had some reoccurring dreams in the past and they were nothing more than a reality I wanted but wasn't going to happen.

Feel free to post any dream related stuff, I'm intrigued.

That would be my guess too, just something you are thinking about the most. We'll never be able to say for sure though...

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I mean semi-forced as in, the original dream interested me, and so the next night before I went to bed, I started thinking about the dream and what went around in it, and that night I had the dream again, except it went a bit further. I tried to go further the next night, I couldn't get it, and I haven't been able to have that dream again.

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I mean semi-forced as in, the original dream interested me, and so the next night before I went to bed, I started thinking about the dream and what went around in it, and that night I had the dream again, except it went a bit further. I tried to go further the next night, I couldn't get it, and I haven't been able to have that dream again.

That's pretty cool. WE'VE GOT TO GO DEEPER /Inception'd

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You guys ever have a dream where you wake up in the middle of it, then fall back asleep and the dream continues basically where you left off?

I've also had those dreams where they reoccur except you go a little farther than before, or when you start the dream off a little earlier than before and see what happens before.

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There are some things floating around which state various theories about what certain recurring dreams mean.

The only recurring theme in dreams I've had recently is that I often start flying in my dream. But without having the power to control my flight. Like, I'll hover upwards and downwards randomly.

You said the recurring dream was about a person...I don't think I've ever had recurring dreams about people, but I've had dreams about people I know, and sometimes I'm pretty sure that's because something triggered me thinking about them after a long time, but other times I have no idea why (like, the person was off my radar until I had the dream entirely). I'm not sure if I often/ever have dreams about people I'm currently interacting with on a regular basis.

When I was young I would have falling dreams a lot (not where you have the feeling of falling into your bed upon waking up, but simply where within the dream I would fall off some big cliff or something). This thing I looked up said it could be an indication of low self esteem or a fear of failure. I certainly had that at one point though I'm not sure if it was the case when I was having those dreams. I am also really afraid of heights, so for my part that seems like the more likely explanation.

Edited by L1049
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You guys ever have a dream where you wake up in the middle of it, then fall back asleep and the dream continues basically where you left off?

I've also had those dreams where they reoccur except you go a little farther than before, or when you start the dream off a little earlier than before and see what happens before.

I think I have, but my dream memories are fuzzy. They say we always dream, we just can't remember them most of the time. Does that make the ones we do remember important? Or is it just a coincidence?

I've heard of this from my sister.

Somehow I knew SeverIan, would throw in his thoughts on this topic. Sidenote and weird question, you don't have to answer if you don't want to. But do you have any idea what your personality type is? You're one of the deeper thinkers with a quirk to yourself.

There are some things floating around which state various theories about what certain recurring dreams mean.

Do you have any links? I'm obviously quite curious.

The only recurring theme in dreams I've had recently is that I often start flying in my dream. But without having the power to control my flight. Like, I'll hover upwards and downwards randomly.

Maybe that's high self esteem hah.

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Why didn't I see this topic before? XD

From my experien-- bwahahahahahahaha lolololololol.gif

Okay, I'm done.

From my experience, when you're NOT lucid-ing, and you are simply dreaming... you remember most vividly the last REM sleep period you have.

If you have been thinking heavily about something, or are very obsessed about something, it'll affect that last part of your sleep before you wake up. However, if not, the usual case is that your thoughts are usually pretty random, taken from your experiences and such that just pop up in your head.

Recurring dream? You, yourself, even if it's just subconscious, is thinking about it probably during the day even very often. And as such, it surfaces when your subconscious is in more control and your logic portions of your brain is resting.

...hahahahaha. lolololololol.gif

I'm sorry about the laughter... it's just a touchy subject for me.

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Hahahahahaha yessssss shadowofchaos is the person I was most looking forward to see post when I saw a dream thread.

Also I'm pretty sure when you like fall in a dream or die in it or something it's supposed to me lack of confidence (I mean even in YOUR DREAMS you're messing up lol). I've always felt like dreams have a deeper meaning to them and I love discussing them with other people. It's a great way to learn more about yourself, and lucid dreaming has a ton of positive effects (doesn't it rey wink.gif)

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Somehow I knew SeverIan, would throw in his thoughts on this topic. Sidenote and weird question, you don't have to answer if you don't want to. But do you have any idea what your personality type is? You're one of the deeper thinkers with a quirk to yourself.

What do you mean by personality type?

I'm sure there are a bunch of different tests. I've done things that say claim to be Myers-Briggs exams...twice. I think I got INTP and ENTP but I don't remember what order I got them in. There was a space of at least two months if not several years between each test.

Do you have any links? I'm obviously quite curious.

Well, I'm pretty sure the one that someone else actually showed me is


I will say that, now that I'm looking at the list, I also had the tooth decay one, and I don't think I can link it to the reasons listed due to the time I was having it. But, maybe...

I have no particular reason to say the interpretations listed are valid, but maybe they are? Also, it does seem plausible to me that these dreams do recur commonly since it seems like I know people who have had most or all of the various options.

Maybe that's high self esteem hah.

It could be. Well, I guess I don't really know what self esteem is XD so I'm not sure if I have it or not.

It actually kind of reminds me of this thing in one of the hitchhiker books where the characters discover they can fly by throwing themselves at the ground and missing. But I'm not sure that has anything to do with it.

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Also I'm pretty sure when you like fall in a dream or die in it or something it's supposed to me lack of confidence (I mean even in YOUR DREAMS you're messing up lol). I've always felt like dreams have a deeper meaning to them and I love discussing them with other people. It's a great way to learn more about yourself, and lucid dreaming has a ton of positive effects (doesn't it rey wink.gif)

One example of "recurring" events.

The dream I just had a few minutes ago... (just woke up... I'm getting ready for school.)

Recently, I've been having dreams... that when I'm not luciding... I always seem to forget something. Like... for example, even when it was summer break right after my summer classes, I was thrown back into high school and it was a day when I had 4 exams, and 3 major assignments due and I COMPLETELY forgot about them.

Yesterday's dream was about me forgetting one of the most important days of my cousin's life... her wedding. And that I had apparently invited many people because I cared... but I simply forgot I was supposed to be there as well. The weird thing was, we were fighting a Steelix-like digimon and while my neighbors and I were apparently power rangers and had to use the 5-ranger combined super move combo to kill it before this.

I'd imagine it's because it's senior year in college and I'm taking a class load of 4 Major-field, higher level computer science classes, instead of my relaxed class pace and I'm worried I might accidentally miss an assignment or something.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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This topic got more input than I thought it would.

What do you mean by personality type?

I'm sure there are a bunch of different tests. I've done things that say claim to be Myers-Briggs exams...twice. I think I got INTP and ENTP but I don't remember what order I got them in. There was a space of at least two months if not several years between each test.

That's interesting. But that does match up with my view of you.

Well, I'm pretty sure the one that someone else actually showed me is


I will say that, now that I'm looking at the list, I also had the tooth decay one, and I don't think I can link it to the reasons listed due to the time I was having it. But, maybe...

I have no particular reason to say the interpretations listed are valid, but maybe they are? Also, it does seem plausible to me that these dreams do recur commonly since it seems like I know people who have had most or all of the various options.

It could be. Well, I guess I don't really know what self esteem is XD so I'm not sure if I have it or not.

It actually kind of reminds me of this thing in one of the hitchhiker books where the characters discover they can fly by throwing themselves at the ground and missing. But I'm not sure that has anything to do with it.

Well, they might not all be valid, but it's a decent guess at them. I used to dream when I was younger(7 years old, give or take a couple years) that I'd be naked in public or everyone would turn on me and make fun of me. I was far more insecure back then, so i could agree with the reason provided.

It's hard to differentiate between a possibly meaningful dream and just utter coincidence. But I've definitely been spooked a couple times by reoccurring dreams.

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Well, they might not all be valid, but it's a decent guess at them. I used to dream when I was younger(7 years old, give or take a couple years) that I'd be naked in public or everyone would turn on me and make fun of me. I was far more insecure back then, so i could agree with the reason provided.

Oh, I used to have a dream where I was in school and in pajamas, but no one would care. And, the dream me wouldn't care or take notice either.

I fly in all my dreams... maybe I really can!

Start from the ground up, instead of from a cliff down.

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You guys ever have a dream where you wake up in the middle of it, then fall back asleep and the dream continues basically where you left off?

I don't think I have but I think my brother has =o

There are many times where I'm in the middle of a dream and I'm like "haven't I dreamed of this before?" (usually when I seem to acknowledge that I'm dreaming I end up waking myself up, either intentionally or not, but the times I remember I don't do that XD) or "haven't I done this or been here before?" but sometimes I wonder if maybe I'm just making myself think I've dreamt of it before when I really haven't x3 Sometimes I feel like when I've thought or done it before, when I'm actually awake I never really seem to remember actually having the dream prior to then. Sometimes I can remember, but I feel like sometimes I just pretend or make up in my mind that it's a déjà vu moment when it really isn't XD

I feel as if most of the time when I have a dream it never really means anything in particular because many things can just happen at once. Some dreams I remember most are the ones that almost seem like stories that I'm inventing to myself just for entertainment XD

But idk really~

Maybe I can put these up for interpretation =o

[spoiler=random dream that might not matter to people]I mean once I had a dream of Fire Emblem and I think it was Radiant Dawn. The character I remember seeing the most was Mia. They were the Greil Mercenaries that I was following. But anyway they were fighting in a swampy which is a lot like the one chapter that I don't remember at all. x3 But I think there might've been laguz in that dream and they were either fighting with them or against them. I don't remember much besides that.

In my mind, I think all that means is... I was thinking of Fire Emblem. XD

[spoiler=other random but crazy dream thingy that also doesn't matter]Then there was this other dream I had when I was real little I wanted to make a story out of it (not anymore though because now I realize what a stupid story that would've become XD).

It started just in an open wintery place and I guess we were sledding? It was probably me and my older brother I was dreaming of. We were skateboarding I think.

But then randomly there's a huge gap that maybe I just didn't remember or something. And this real real huge blobby slimey yellow alien thing abducts a whole bunchies of peoplez!!!!! =O (can any dream site tell me what that is supposed to mean? XD)

This thing wanted to travel by water and would force us to follow it to wherever it wanted to bring us and so of course we're going through a freezing river in what might've been a new planet? x3 But it was winter there too! And that river ends up taking us between these friggin long and huuuuuge glaciers but the glaciers were just clear ice. And these were all really pretty and rainbowy from the sun's rays.

But then me and two other girls (heehee one of them was Ginny Weasley/Bonnie whatsherface) hide behind this huge rock sticking out of the river while the alien thingy isn't looking. Once it keeps going out of sight and unaware that we disappeared, we climbed to the top of the glacier but I guess we needed help when we were at the very top. So this lady who was also pretty young looking arrived to help us!! And she was supposed to be like an angel or something? She was dressed in white fancy clothes and her hair was reddish and curly and she had pale skin but she glowed with light like you would think an angel would and I guess she gave us advice on how we were supposed to rescue the other people from the big alien XD

So we follow along the river and suddenly another time lapse and we're in a pretty forest. And also suddenly a crush I used to have was our group XD But we were just walking along all happy and were all good fwiendfwiends and following the river.

Beyond that, no more. Back then I thought it could make a cool dream XD

I actually have more to put down but this is getting long and I am getting carried away~

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reyrey post your fantablous dream

also my dreams often make no sense, the one i can think of off the top of my mind involved the jolly green giant trying to kill me; some weird gangsters in a space station looking for a refrigerator and then some random guy in the group(who my friend named Mr. Balzcerik for some reason) punched the shit out of a pregnant lady screaming "where's the refrigerator, bitch!?; and things like that.

like i said, i'm not sure wtf my subconscious is doing

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My dreams seem pretty straightforward to me, maybe I'm just boring.

That said, I do fly freely around in, like, every other dream I remember.

And I'm also prone to god-modding. Bullets? Easy. Nukes? They just get a bit hot. Daleks? Scary, but doable. Lucifer? Er, I think I'll beam sabre him and, yes, that last one actually did happen....

Edited by VincentASM
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You guys ever have a dream where you wake up in the middle of it, then fall back asleep and the dream continues basically where you left off?

Yes... but here's the question...

"How do you know you woke up in the first place?"


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My dreams are typically sad and subdued. I've had crazy ones, but not in a while. Does that mean I'm all sad?

reyrey post your fantablous dream

also my dreams often make no sense, the one i can think of off the top of my mind involved the jolly green giant trying to kill me; some weird gangsters in a space station looking for a refrigerator and then some random guy in the group(who my friend named Mr. Balzcerik for some reason) punched the shit out of a pregnant lady screaming "where's the refrigerator, bitch!?; and things like that.

like i said, i'm not sure wtf my subconscious is doing

That made me lol. Must be alotta crack in the fridge.

My dreams seem pretty straightforward to me, maybe I'm just boring.

That said, I do fly freely around in, like, every other dream I remember.

And I'm also prone to god-modding. Bullets? Easy. Nukes? They just get a bit hot. Daleks? Scary, but doable. Lucifer? Er, I think I'll beam sabre him and, yes, that last one actually did happen....

Shit, can I meet dream you?

EDIT: Also, Freohr's dreams are mindfuck crazy. lol

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Yes... but here's the question...

"How do you know you woke up in the first place?"


Oh wow this is a good point xD

I've noticed that a lot of my dreams seem to be me thrust into a "life or death" situation, with a lot of action and occasionally based off an anime I watched. For example:

[spoiler=Makes a lot more sense if you know a little about Fate/SN or Fate/Zero and DBZ]

So it's like the normal world but at night. I set up this magical barrier around my house to let me know if intruders are gonna come in the neighborhood because these crazy huge human-like guys called "heroic spirits" are roaming around. Heroic spirits can only be killed by other heroic spirits, so basically if a normal human like myself was attacked I'd be killed instantly. However, I knew I had to protect my family (yeahhhh big brother mentality kicking in) and I wouldn't let anything happen to them. My parents weren't home, as were a couple of my younger brothers. So one of these guys break into my barrier and come into the neighborhood. Accepting the challenge, I come outside ready to fight. This thing is huge compared to me. I was expecting a monster but in reality it was just a much bigger human. He's talking shit about how I won't be able to defeat him and that I should just surrender and be his slave or whatever. So I'm like "fuck that" and start trying to fight him, to no avail. He punches me and I start flying back into a house. I get up determined to kick his ass and try to blast out kamehameha waves but for some reason the energy isn't coming out and it looks like I'm just flailing my arms around like an idiot. So I'm confused wondering why my "secret technique" isn't working. The heroic spirit laughs at my failed attempts and asks "oh you mean this?". He shoots off some energy blast, but it was pretty small and really not that intimidating. I dodge it and go "nope". He's blasting this shit everywhere but I do this awesome backflip (shit was in like slowmo too) through his defenses and land right in front of him. He's all surprised and whatnot thinking "how can a mere human do this?". Feeling confident, I say "your form is all wrong...It's like this!" I put my hands together and shout "KAMEHAME...HAAAAA!!!!". It works this time, and a huge wave of energy blasts straight through his chest and he dies and disappears. I catch my breath, and one of my little brother's was yelling "DAAAAAAMN BROOOOO!!!!" I laugh it off and ask if he's alright, to which he replies "yeah" and is still amazed at what happened. I feel someone else break through the barrier, but this time it's just my dad driving into the garage with my other little brothers. I guess they went to the doctor. I ask my dad if he saw any "strange people" on his way home, to which he responds "what the hell are you talking about?" (typical dad right there). I sigh and sit down on the porch outside, and the dream ends.

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