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Draft Mafia Round 2: AnonyDraft gameOver


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I was referring more to the fact you only gave real reads on Me, Moonside, and Navo (by voting him, I wouldn't have said you saw him as scummy otherwise), and the rest are meh. I agree, I want Navo to answer the questions, but is that why you're voting him?

Yeah, there weren't any "kinda town" or "kinda scummy", I'm just stupid.

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Just got home. Have free time for today and tomorrow.

Post coming in the next few hours. Re-reading the whole thread. I'll try to make this not that big, but big enough that people can see once again who i think is scummy and why.

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I don't see why one's status at the end of the phase is that important as scum is never in hell going to suddenly change bandwagons at the end of D1 because that will get them lynched D2 and onwards.

It's important because there have been bandwagons that have happened within two hours or less of phase end that have caused major chaos for people including mislynches. For reference, check out Higurashi D1, and Schoolgirl Mafia end of the last day. One of those caused a mislynch on an inactive player, and one of those caused a mislynch that let scum win. So that's why I think it's important because we can figure out who's around and hopefully get a lynch set before then. It's not always scum who cause the mislynch either. The cause of the Higurashi mislynch was a townie who just genuinely thought scorri was scum. So.

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I was referring more to the fact you only gave real reads on Me, Moonside, and Navo (by voting him, I wouldn't have said you saw him as scummy otherwise), and the rest are meh.

Well, then that meh is all I really have for that person right now.

I agree, I want Navo to answer the questions, but is that why you're voting him?

Yes because I want to pressure him into doing it. I'll be in bed when he makes the post though, so my response won't be for a little while. We have less than 24 hours left in the phase though, so we should probably think about consolidating a lynch.

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Forgot to preview, my bad.

It's important because there have been bandwagons that have happened within two hours or less of phase end that have caused major chaos for people including mislynches. For reference, check out Higurashi D1, and Schoolgirl Mafia end of the last day. One of those caused a mislynch on an inactive player, and one of those caused a mislynch that let scum win. So that's why I think it's important because we can figure out who's around and hopefully get a lynch set before then. It's not always scum who cause the mislynch either. The cause of the Higurashi mislynch was a townie who just genuinely thought scorri was scum. So.

The schoolgirl one isn't the same as it wasn't D1. The Higurashi example is just bad play and shouldn't happen. Anyone that tries to BW hop that late is just super scummy or is being harmful to the town by not leaving enough time for discussion.

Also, by saying if you're there or not, it lets the mafia know if they can ninja the BW, so its probably better to simply keep quiet about it. (BW = Bandwagon if any of you can't figure that out for some reason).

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*shrug* I still think it's not a bad idea to let people know who will be around for deadline. Though honestly, I think the lynch should be decided well before then, even if discussion then continues til deadline. If hammer was required for the lynch it'd be different, but since it's not, eh. I agree Higurashi was bad play, but I'm just saying it can happen.

(Also, in case it wasn't clear, I have successfully gotten my computer back to working status. By which I mean was able to recover my charger and no longer feel like a complete idiot.)

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Aaaand people disappear.



Like I said, you appeared, made promises to make posts, and then disappeared. I have yet to see a really good scumhunting post from you, or really any solid post that wasn't defending yourself.

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Attempting to confirm sub for the Tesla./des Rois slot.

Gonna call this Subs vs Walls of Text Mafia...

Also, 19 hours until Phase End.

Edited by Elieson
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it's not no talking until the mod tells us to since he doesn't actually have a "stop talking" rule

if navo is scum lynchbomb and vigs me, lynch scumnori for being his buddy (look at how evasive navo was toward voting him d1, meanwhile scumnori just kinda ignores navo) and don't let bahamas live until lylo. thx

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Hey guys guess what. Still at work. Flavor comes...eventually.

Mafia Vanilla Navo was lynched. Good Job self-hammer!Navo.

Night begins now. 24hours or early action-submits until Day3.

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so my entire neighborhood, including my restaurant, is out of pwrn so I'm stuck here. Sucks balls!!

But, anyway, Balboa will be absent tomorrow. And, results.

An interesting night indeed. The living players gathered in the atrium, discussing whatever came to mind. All discussion stopped when someone states "we...are a head shy".

While scouring the mansion for he who was missing, another scream followed by a stomping rush of feet to the site if the terror once again came. As the 7 remaining survivors approached the room, the terrified one stepped out of the kitchen.

It looks like he was caught in a trap...but how?

Was it his own trap?

I dunno...maybe he accidentally set it off.

Well one thing is for sure, he's the Devil's Fang one said, reading the barely legible note beside the decapitated corpse aloud for all to hear. The torn and bloodied note only showed a few words here and there, but it was enough.

Vanil...failed at th....and your vote...uck!

...are alig....mafia...win whe...

Now, we only need find the Devil's Talon.

Scumnori, Mafia Vanilla has been killed.

Day 3 begins now, ending in 72 hours (2000 GMT-6, 9p EST, 8p CST, etc)

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