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fe9# Draft something something


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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, this hasn't been updated in forever, well might as well say my progress.

Chapter 0 Prolouge - 4 turns

Nothing much here. I'd be suprised if someone took more than 4 turns.

Chapter 1 - 5 turns (9)

A bit different from my usual strategy, but still easy. Gave Ike the angelic robe, he'll need it if he wants to sort of tank.

Chapter 2 - 10 turns (19)

Difficulty in protecting Rhys but w/e

Chapter 3 - Turns 12 (31)

Difficult with only Ike and Titania, but i made it. Marcia talked to Ike, but I didn't care.

Chapter 4 - 12 turns (43)

SOREN GET. Yeah, that's it

Chapter 5 - 6 turns (49)

I feel sorry for those who only had Ike and Titania.

Chapter 6 - 15 turns (64)

Hitting the road, going on a world tour. Accidently wasted a turn or two. Ike got a 0 stat level up.

Chapter 7 - 27 turns (91)

MIA GET. Again, I feel sorry for who ever has only Ike and Titania. Gatrie and Shinon both died, but I didn't care because not drafted

Chapter 8 - 8 turns (99)

This was difficult, but i made it.

Chapter 9 - 12 turns (111)

Almost got caught by those bandit asshats while i was dashing for the Seize point, but I barely made it. Mist got KO'd but I didn't care because not drafted.

Chapter 10 - 20 turns (131)

VOLKE (and technically Lethe) GET. Didn't sneak around because screw that. Didn't save anyone because not drafted. Btw, how DID Sephiran get out of the cell anyway?

Can't put unit stats easily, so forgive the crappy looking chart.

Unit Lvl.Exp MaxHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weplvl

Ike: 16.12 36 12 2 15 16 14 10 4 Swords B

Titania: 5.12 36 13 5 14 16 14 14 8 Lance A Axe S

Boyd: 12.03 36 11 3 7 11 8 8 4 Axe C

Rhys: 10.99 23 0 11 12 8 11 1 18 Staff B

Soren: 12.09 23 0 14 16 14 9 3 12 Fire E Thunder D Wind C

Mia: 10.64 23 9 2 13 17 9 9 2 Swords D

Lethe: 3.11 Base everything else

Volke: 11.16 25 13 0 13 14 8 7 3

I think that my units are turning out pretty good, compared to the averages. However, it's too early to call it.

Edited by Lieutenant Colonel Kalas
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  • 1 month later...

I should finish this asap.

Chp 11 - 10 turns (141)

Zihark get. Ran away from the BK. No one died, except the enemies.

Chp 12 - 9 turns (150)

Jill recruited but (guess what) didn't care because not drafted. I raised Volke to lvl 12, Boyd to 13, Mia to 13.23, Rhys to 12.98 and Zihark to 11.52 with Bexp. Gave Zihark the sub-human Laguz Gaurd.

Chp 13 - 10 [forced] (160)

I HATE THIS CHAPTER. I had to restart like 6 times because BS things. I swear this took a bit of my sanity. This black haired girl got killed, but it was the AI's fault, and she looked useless so screw her.

Chp 14 - 14 turns (174)

This clown with pink got killed killed by Titania, but I didn't care. A house exploded for some reason.

Chp 15 - 15 turns (189)

STEFAN GET! This took not as lomg as I thought it would. Got the white gem, boots, and the STEFAN.

Chp 16 - 14 turns (203)

Inside a house. This childish looking guy attacked us, but was slashed by STEFAN. Got the Full Gaurd (f*ck yeah).

Chp 17-1 - 9 turns (212)

Rout chapters are fun~ Got almost everyone to level 15 and up. Funny how my team filled up all the spaces allowed.

Chp 17-2 - 9 turns (221)

Lack of flier sorta killed my turn count here. Mia and I think Soren class changed. Bro.

Chp 17-3 - 10 [forced] (231)

Yay, more class changing~ Thus time Zihark class changed, iirc. Not too much trouble here.

Chp 17-4 - 9 turns (240)

Boyd class changed and Rhys got damn near close to class changing.

The awesomest thing this playthrough happened. The hawks arrived, and they were going for Oliver's dudes. I was worried I wouldn't get Adept. Then Tibarn went for the halberdier right of Oliver. Then I shove chained Mia, and sent Titania to weaken the Adept halberdier, then Mia. Mia couldn't kill him in the PP, but he suicided on Mia (thanks Vantage!) in the EP. But then Mia is attacked by the General, and Oliver. I almost rage quited when I saw Mia SURVIVED with 3 hps!!! Then Tibarn 1hko'd the fat bastard. F*ck yeah! Mia's my fave female Myrmidon/Swordmaster/Trueblade.

Stats next time.

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Actually kinda forgot about this one even though I've had it done for a while. Wanted to see how awesome dual fliers is, and it didn't dissapoint me. Especially with Mist.

Prologue: 4/4

Ch.1: 3/7

Ch.2: 5/12

Ch.3: 3/15

Ch.4: 2/17

Ch.5: 6/23

Ch.6: 6/29

Ch.7: 8/37

These are all standard Ike+Titania clears. Gatrie mostly helped out for Ch.7. Not caring too much about him, but drafting him means I get Knight Ward for Titania without insane abuse.

Ch.8: 8/45

Ch.9: 5/50

Titania rescues Ike and runs to throne.

Ch.10: 5/55

Titania rescues Ike and runs to escape tile. Did it Stealthy to get BEXP.

Ch.11: 6/61

More Titania running.

Ch.12: 8/69

Killing off ravens. Get Jill.

Ch.13: 9/78

Knight Ward and Gatrie get. Jill and Titania help ferry Sothe around to get treasure fast.

Ch.14: 3/81

Titania and Jill run to boss. Gatrie got Spirit Dust. Mist spammed Torch for EXP.

Ch.15: 3/84

Weaker Jill = spend more turns

Ch.16: 5/89

Maurim smites Jill (who promotes in this map) to throne while Titania ferries Ike there. It's like I'm playing FE6.

Ch.17-1: 2/91

Just barely made a 2 turn here. Thankfully Spear!Jill did lots of ORKOing.

Ch.17-2: 3/94

Gah wanted more laguz :/

Ch.17-3: 10/104

Ch.17-4: 2/106

Gogogo Jill save all the turns

Ch.18: 6/112

Two fliers = :D

Ch.19: 2/114

Jill kills boss.

Ch.20: 3/117

Titania gets Rescue staff. Calill chips down Shiharam. Tanith kills and Jill arrives.

Ch.21: 6/123

This map is why I wanted Tanith. Thank you high res for making sleep staff suck.

Ch.22: 1/124

Calill kills boss with Meteor.

Ch.23: 3/127

Jill ferries Ike. Tanith does combat. Mist saves turns with rescue staff.

Ch.24: 3/130

Rescue!Mist is awesome and saves turns. She's like a psuedo-dancer.

Ch.25: 3/133

So many fliers. Nothing else matters at this point beyond the fliers.

Ch.26: 3/136

Mist rescues Reyson with the staff, while he vigors BraveLance!Jill to go kill Bertram. Mist repairs Rescue staff. Calill's chipping helps a lot too.

Ch.27: 4/140

Mist rescues Tanith who goes and gets Resolve. Then she rescues Calill who helps out Jill with seige bombs.

Ch.28: 5/145

Fly Ike Ike over trees so that he kills all the things. Tanith kills boss and seizes.

Ch.Final: 2/147

Standard 2 turn clear.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow.... I've forgotten this for too long. No stats now because I can't do those.

Chp 18 - 12 turns (252)

My turn count suffered because of the Cavs that spawn at the south, and Boyd's atrocious hit rate. No Shinon, because he was killed to death in Chp 10.

I'll finish more tomorrow hopefully.

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Chp 19- 5 turns (257)

FULL GAURD!JANAFF OP. I was able to not get any of the Ravens killed, netting me the KNIGHT RING. Reyson avoided like a boss when he was about to die, then chanted to Soren and Volke, allowing them to kill the Dracos. Stefan killed Homasa because Stefan. Volke did the plot-based class changed into AWESOME LOOKING ASSASSIN.

Pre-Chp 20 stats, after forever.

Unit----Lv.Exp--HP--STR--Mag--Skl--Spd--Lck--Res--Wep ranks

Ike-----3.52--45--18--4--21--20--15--8--Swd B

Titania-10.48--40--16--6--17--17-17-16-11- Lnc A, Axe S


Rhys----3.44--30--2--24--21--12--18--5--24--Stf B

Soren---6.50--33--2--23--26--22--14--5--21-- Fire D Wind C Thn B Stf D

Mia-----4.10--37--17--6--22--23--14--14--8--Swd B



Zihark--2.71--34--18--3--21--22--12--14--6--Swd B

STEFAN--11.33--40--22--8--28--25--5--12--11--Swd S

Reyson--Do his stats really matter?


Laguz stats are untransformed, this took forever to make.

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  • 7 months later...

Completed this in 165 Turns

[spoiler=Entire Draft Log]

Did this in Random Mode.

Prologue: 4/4 Turns
Standard Fare, nothing interesting here.

Chapter 1: 3/7 Turns
Titania gets Steel Sword and Seraph Robe and gives it to Ike. Ike consumes Seraph Robe and gets two kills before seizing after Titania killed the boss.

Chapter 2: 4/10 Turns
Ike sticks to the Left (He could double the axe users with the Steel Sword), Titania goes right and the rest hide in the corner.

Chapter 3: 7/17 Turns
Got the Elixir and it took quite a bit of time because Titania couldn't ORKO the boss and Ike had to talk to Marcia.

Chapter 4: 2/19 Turns
Titania rushed and killed the boss, along with most of the army. Ike got a few kills and got a level and the rest got away from the battle.

Chapter 5: 6/25 Turns
Titania rushes into the Frey, Ike cleans up some leftovers and the reinforcements to the left, end of story. Dakova didn't die but lul ashera icon.

Chapter 6: 9/34 Turns
I hate this chapter... Titania did most of the work, like always.

Chapter 7: 11/45 Turns
I also hate this chapter. Mia died, Titania ran around and did most of the work while Ike got a few kills to get a few levels. Ran out of ranged weapons near the end so this was a bit tedious.

Chapter 8: 8/53 Turns
Raised Titania's EXP up until she got a level (she was at 66EXP beforehand). Ike got his EXP up to a new level too (100EXP so it's fair game). The one and only time both of them get BEXP. Anyways, Ike takes the left side while Titania kills all the horseback units and then takes on the right side. Eventually, Ike Recruited Ilyana and she got a few kills in this chapter. The boss didn't die though. At least he had nothing worthwhile to drop.

Character    Class            Level   HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res   Weapon Ranks                            Support
Ike          Ranger           14.36   37  13  03  12  17  14  09  06   B Swords                                -
Titania      Paladin          06.28   37  14  04  17  16  15  13  08   B Lances, S Axes                        -
Ilyana       Mage             07.55   20  02  09  11  10  07  03  11   E Fire, D Thunder, E Wind               -

Chapter 9: 8/61 Turns
I give Ilyana 100EXP worth of BEXP (She has 245 EXP left to be given). I have all my units go to the grass route and the squishies (Mist and Rolf) move a bit and then stay stationary. Titania goes through everything with a Javelin in hand so Ike and Ilyana can get kills. Near the end, Ike and Titania took care of the enemies near the castle while Ilyana wandered around, getting kills. Titania killed the boss so the Arms scroll was gotten and Ike seized once Marcia recruited herself.

Chapter 10: 6/59 Turns
Ilyana gets 100EXP once again. Marcia gets a +5 Mt Iron Lance Forge named "Arrowhead". Ily gets Rescued by Marcia, Ike gets rescued by Titania and Mordecai is alone. All of them do METAL GEAR until they reach Nephenee's cell. Titania killed the Soldiers that charged her near the escape tiles while Marcia, Ike and Ily break Nephenee's cell door. Afterwards, Titania charges in the Boss room with a Javelin, killing an archer. Mordecai holds off the enemies near the entrance, positioned so they can't get to Neph's room or near the escape tiles. Titania chugs a Vulnerary and Danomill attacks while Titania has hammer equipped. On last turn, Mordecai charged to Danomill, attacked him and Ilyana killed him (It's a shame, sicne Marcia needed it but i couldn't make it work). Titania hammers an Armor in the way of the escape tiles, Marcia kills a random guard and Ike escapes.

Chapter 11: 5/64 Turns
Ilyana gets another 100EXP and Nephenee does too. Nephenee also gets a +5 Mt Iron Lance Forge named "Rusty Pipe". Ike deals with the enemies near the start while the rest rush to the Arrive tile. Titania did most of the work and had Mackoya on her tail starting turn two. By turn four, She's adjacent to the knight on the arrive tile and crits him and goes on the arrive tile with Canto. The rest of the people cleared out enemies in Titania's way. Marcia didn't do much since she's quite frail. Nephenee didn't do anything at all. I also got the Elwind and the Dracoshield (which marcia will need). Titania held her own good enough so she arrived by Turn 5 and Mordecai contributed quite a bit (Used Laguz Stone, his role here was important).

Chapter 12: 8/72 Turns
I cap Ilyana's level (She has 55 EXP and she can only get 45 EXP before she can't get anymore BEXP) and give Nephenee another 100 EXP. Ilyana gets a Wind Tome forge to replicate Elwind (Dat E Rank in Wind) and Marcia gets the Dracoshield, she kinda needs it. In this chapter, I let Marcia get most of the Kills. Ike with Laguzslayer and Ilyana with the forged Wind Tome did some sufficient chip to make getting kills for others easier. Marcia ended up killing the boss. I managed to pull off an 8 turn because Ike doubled the last raven with the Laguzslayer equipped. I also had Jill recruit herself so i could get her equipment.

Character    Class            Level   HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks                            Support
Ike          Ranger           17.33   40  13  03  15  18  14  11  08  B Swords                                C Titania
Titania      Paladin          08.70   39  16  04  18  16  16  13  08  B Lances, S Axes                        C Ike
Ilyana       Mage             14.30   25  04  15  13  13  11  04  16  E Fire, C Thunder, E Wind               C Mordecai
Marcia       Pegasus Knight   09.42   22  09  03  09  14  06  12  06  D Lances                                -
Mordecai     Beast Tribe      03.10   42  16  02  08  09  10  13  05  Claw                                    C Ilyana
Nephenee     Soldier          10.31   23  11  03  12  13  08  10  03  E Lances                                -

Chapter 13: 10/82 Turns
Nephenee shoves Ike and Mordecai smites him to Recruit Astrid (for the Knight ward). Asides from that, my units just focus on killing all the enemies, although i had to do the full ten turns because i lack a drafted thief. Marcia killed the boss and i even got a few goodies by killing the ravens that stole from the treasure chests.

Chapter 14: 4/86 Turns
Titania and Ike rushed to Gashilama's Island, Marcia went to Recruit Makalov and got the Laguz Lance and the rest killed any enemies waltzing by. Titania used a Hand Axe on the boss and Ike finished him off. Makalov and Marcia got the villages to the top-left and Mordecai got the spirit dust. Pretty simple chapter.

Chapter 15: 3/89 Turns
Turns out i was doing the BEXP system the wrong way (I was restricting myself, i thought the given values were all i could give each character). So yea, i give all my units some BEXP, Forge Ilyana a +3 Mt Fire Tome and give Marcia an Arms Scroll so she can use the Laguz Lance. So anyways, Nephenee kills the raven near the top-left and Ike kills an untransformed laguz so Volke could get the boots untouched. I rush Marcia and Ilyana to Muarim. On Turn 3, Ilyana uses the Fire tome while Marcia kills off Muarim with the Laguz Lance.

Chapter 16: 7/96 Turns
I give Marcia the boots. I bring Sothe in to recruit Devdan (he has the fastest movement). Titania rescues Ike, Marcia rescues Sothe and the rest kill enemies that get in their way. Marcia goes to get the Full Guard (with Door Key and Chest Key in hand), Titania and Ike kill the boss and seize respectively and Marcia drops Sothe so he can recruit Devdan. Titania as Meatshield lured him near sothe, he recruited him and then Ike seizes.

Character    Class            Level   HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks                            Support
Ike          Ranger           20.00   40  14  03  18 *20  14  13  09  B Swords                                B Titania
Titania      Paladin          11.58   42  18  05  19  19  18  16  10  B Lances, S Axes                        B Ike
Ilyana       Mage             19.15   29  05 *20  17  14  12  05  19  E Fire, C Thunder, E Wind               B Mordecai
Marcia       Pegasus Knight   16.90   34  13  04  12 *20  10  13  09  C Lances                                -
Mordecai     Beast Tribe      05.16   45  18  02  10  10  11  13  05  Claw                                    B Ilyana
Nephenee     Soldier          15.83   27  13  04  16  16  12  12  05  E Lances                                -
Makalov      Sword Knight     16.51   34  12  03  11  13  09  12  03  C Swords                                -
Devdan       Halberdier       04.05   BASE STATS  


Chapter 17-1: 3/99 Turns
Rout Chapter. Titania heads north to kill the enemies up there, the rest kill the other enemies, Ike kills the Myrm Reinforcements.

Chapter 17-2: 3/102 Turns
Marcia gets Smitted and Heads to the Arrive point. Her predestined deployment spot was the worst of what she could get. The rest kill enemies.

Chapter 17-3: 10/112 Turns
TRAINING TIME! Managed to get Ilyana and Marcia to promote.

Chapter 17-4: 2/114 Turns
Marcia got B rank for Lances just in time. She destroyed Oliver with the Spear. Nosferatu did 2 damage to her... XP

Character    Class            Level   HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks                            Support
Ike          Lord             01.00   44  17  05  20  22  14  16  11  B Swords                                B Titania
Titania      Paladin          12.60   43  19  05  20  20  18  16  11  A Lances, S Axes                        B Ike
Ilyana       Sage             01.90   33  07  21  19  17  12  08  22  D Fire, B Thunder, D Wind, E Staves     B Mordecai
Marcia       Falcon Knight    02.50   42  17  08  18  22  11  15  14  E Swords, B Lances                      -
Mordecai     Beast Tribe      06.57   47  18  02  11  11  11  13  05  Claw                                    B Ilyana
Nephenee     Soldier          19.89   30  13  06  19 *20  14  14  06  D Lances                                -
Makalov      Sword Knight     20.35   37  14  03  12  15  10  15  04  B Swords                                -
Devdan       Halberdier       06.88   37  16  08  16  15  18  12  11  B Lances                                -

Chapter 18: 8/122 Turns
Ilyana uses an Arms Scroll to raise her Weapon Rank for Fire (Meteor comes before Blizzard) and Makalov Promotes in the base (right up to 20/1.00). I give Makalov Axe use because they are gr8mazing. Ike also gets Aether. Marcia, Makalov, Titania, Ilyana and Nephenee head out to kill things inside the border while the rest stay behind to kill reinforcements that appear near the start.

Chapter 19: 3/125 Turns
Well, i did a three turn so i could get the Knight Ring and some BEXP thanks to the Ravens escaping, all thanks to Ulki. The boss dies and my units kill what they can.

Chapter 20: 3/128 Trurns
Also did a Three turn here. Titania, Makalov, Ilyana and Reyson stuck near the top along with Ulki and the rest took the bottom. Marcia rushed to the Arrive Tile. Ilyana Meteor's Shiharam and Kills off a Wyvern Rider in Marcia's way, Marcia finishes off Shiharam with the Killer Lance and waits for Turn 3 to come. I also ended up getting the Smite Scroll. Didn't bother with the Rescue Staff since it's going to be near impossible to get Ily's staff Rank up to B and it doesn't help that Arms Scrolls don't work on staves.

Chapter 21: 7/135 Turns
Some good stuff happened here. Marcia ferried Ike to Ena, both of them Chugging Pure Waters so Sleep Bishops didn't hinder them. Ike recruited Tauroneo and Tauroneo killed enemies in Ike's way. Marcia with Laguz Lance and Laguzguard destroyed Ena (she waited so Ena attacked on enemy phase, since Ena will use the Elixir otherwise). Ilyana got to C Rank in Wind here so she can now use all siege tomes. Titania and Makalov also chugged a pure water and went to get the Energy Drop, killing some enemies along the way. A few people got some kills here and there and nothing else really happened.

Character    Class            Level   HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks                            Support
Ike          Lord             05.99   45  20  05  21  24  17  16  13  B Swords                                B Titania
Titania      Paladin          14.51   45  19  06  20  21  18  17  13  A Lances, S Axes                        B Ike
Ilyana       Sage             07.00   35  08  25  22  19  16  08  25  C Fire, B Thunder, C Wind, E Staves     A Mordecai
Marcia       Falcon Knight    10.21   47  22  10  23  25  16  18  16  E Swords, A Lances                      -
Mordecai     Beast Tribe      09.36   51  21  02  12  11  14  14  05  Claw                                    A Ilyana, C Ulki
Nephenee     Halberdier       04.61   36  19  08  24  22  15  18  09  C Lances                                C Devdan
Makalov      Paladin          06.27   45  19  05  17  18  10  19  10  B Swords, E Axes                        -
Devdan       Halberdier       07.73   38  17  08  16  15  18  12  11  B Lances                                C Nephenee
Ulki         Bird Tribe       10.45   47  17  04  17  14  10  15  11  Beak                                    C Mordecai
Tauroneo     General          14.30   BASE STATS                                                              -
Reyson       Heron            04.61   HERON


Chapter 22: 1/136 Turns
I gave Ike the Energy Drop so he can acquire more power for endgame. I'm more worried about his HP and Defense though. I only cap off Tauroneo's current level and pass on giving him another level since i'm running short on BEXP. Devdan shoves Tomenami aside so Makalov can get the Bolting tome from the sage. I shove around priests and kill some enemies so Ike kills a Generic Warrior. After everybody killed what they could, Ilyana finishes the Deed by Using Meteor on the Boss (Reyson helped out with that). Yep, the boss's death quote is still funny...

Chapter 23: 5/141 Turns
I gave Marcia the Speedwings and Forged her a +20 Hit Silver Lance so she could dispose of Petrine effectively. Anyways, Ike and Marcia rush to the Throne (Ike is dropped on Turn 1 too, too many enemies to deal with). Petrine is killed by Marcia while Ike rushes to the Throne. Jill recruits Haar, Ilyana Kills the mage to get her Blizzard tome and the rest kill for some good ol' EXP.

Chapter 24: 3/144 Turns
Reyson got shoved Six times and Titania got Smitted so Reyson could dance Marcia and Titania could rescue Reyson. I do this upwards so unwanted reinforcements don't appear. Marcia equips Silver Lance so she can kill anything in her way when rushing to the Arrive point. The rest kill some enemies and Makalov goes to get the Savior Scroll (gg Seize Chapters).

Chapter 25: 4/148 Turns
I hate this chapter, i really do. Anyways, Marcia takes care of the entire top area, with Ilyana finishing off Gromell with Blizzard so Resolve shenanigans don't come into play. The rest kill what they can.

Character    Class            Level   HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks                            Support
Ike          Lord             11.18   50  25  05  24  27  18  19  14  A Swords                                B Titania, C Reyson
Titania      Paladin          14.85   45  19  06  20  21  18  17  13  A Lances, S Axes                        B Ike
Ilyana       Sage             10.58   38  08  27  24  20  17  08  27  C Fire, B Thunder, C Wind, E Staves     A Mordecai
Marcia       Falcon Knight    16.56   49 *23  11 *26 *28  19  20  17  E Swords, S Lances                      -
Mordecai     Beast Tribe      09.89   51  21  02  12  11  14  14  05  Claw                                    A Ilyana, B Ulki
Nephenee     Halberdier       08.67   38  22  10  27  22  17  20  10  B Lances                                B Devdan
Makalov      Paladin          08.30   46  21  05  19  19  10  21  10  A Swords, E Axes                        -
Devdan       Halberdier       09.29   40  18  10  16  16  19  13  12  B Lances                                B Nephenee
Ulki         Bird Tribe       10.56   47  17  04  17  14  10  15  11  Beak                                    B Mordecai
Tauroneo     General          15.33   49  23  11  18  13  15  23  15  A Swords, A Lances                      -
Haar         Wyvern Lord      12.40   48  22  08  20  17  12  21  10  B Lances, B Axes                        -
Reyson       Heron            05.31   HERON                                                                   C Ike

Chapter 26: 4/152 Turns
Yep, Still hate this chapter. Marcia and Ike Rush to the throne (Chugging Pure Waters on the way) and the rest defend themselves against the enemies charging at them. Tauroneo did wonders with the enemies coming from the left. Thankfully, Bertram wasn't too accurate with that Runesword of his.

Chapter 27: 4/156 Turns
I forge Ike a Silver Sword that acts like a Pseudo-Ragnell of sorts. Marcia ferries Ike to the main room so he can kill everything coming his way. Ilyana helped out by using Siege Tomes on Doors and she also did some needed chip damage to the Boss. Haar, Makalov and Titania kill enemies so Haar can open the chest that has the Resolve Scroll. Nephenee stayed at the entrance to fend off the enemies there. Marcia brave lance'd the boss and Ike arrived. I fleed the Black Knight fight.

Chapter 28: 7/163 Turns
Ike gets the Resolve to unleash his Wrath upon any oncoming enemies. Marcia ferried Ike to the other side. Once Ike got under half HP, they targeted Tibarn Instead. Also, damn those reinforcements that appear right in front of the boss.

Endgame: 2/165 Turns
Resolve/Wrath Ike kills Ashnard in a flash, Ilyana kills the Bolting sage so he doesn't ruin anything. The show is over, guys.
5: Nephenee, 52 Wins
4: Ilyana, 53 Wins
3: Marcia, 115 Wins
2: Ike, 137 Wins
1: Titania, 182 Wins

Character    Class            Level   HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks                            Support
Ike          Lord             20.00   54 *26  07 *27 *28  22 *24  17  S Swords                                A Titania, B Reyson
Titania      Paladin          15.43   46  19  06  20  22  18  18  13  A Lances, S Swords                      A Ike
Ilyana       Sage             17.11   41  08 *30  26  24  21  09 *28  C Fire, B Thunder, C Wind, E Staves     A Mordecai
Marcia       Falcon Knight    20.00   50 *23  11 *26 *28  22  20  18  E Swords, S Lances                      -
Mordecai     Beast Tribe      10.19   52  21  02  13  11  14  15  06  Claw                                    A Ilyana, B Ulki
Nephenee     Halberdier       12.39   38  24  10 *28  25  19  22  11  B Lances                                A Devdan
Makalov      Paladin          10.26   47  21  05  19  20  10  23  10  A Swords, E Axes                        B Haar
Devdan       Halberdier       10.00   40  19  10  17  16  20  13  12  A Lances                                A Nephenee
Ulki         Bird Tribe       11.00   49  18  04  18  15  11  16  11  Beak                                    B Mordecai
Tauroneo     General          16.19   50  23  11  18  14  16  24  16  A Swords, A Lances                      -
Haar         Wyvern Lord      14.11   50  23  08  21  17  12  21  11  B Lances, B Axes                        B Makalov
Reyson       Heron            05.91   HERON                                                                   B Ike
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