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Mapping Competition

Chocolate Kitty

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So the rules for this are fairly simple, follow the guidelines and that's about it. :P

Ask for clarification if needed.


-Make your maps original, don't copy/steal someone else's design.

-Submit your entry via PM to me, Kitty of Time

GBA FE Tileset Link

Feaw Custom FE Tileset Link

Tiled Link

Mappy Link


Well, let's see how this goes over.

The criteria for this round is to recreate the world map for any of the Fire Emblem games within the set dimensions.


Width: 20-35

Height: 20-35

They can condense it and what not. I dunno get creative.

Custom tilesets and palettes are allowed. The main site is your friend.

Winners shall pick the next map to be revamped, any map from FE(or anything similar to FE ex Tear Ring Saga) that isn't GBA FE for obvious reasons or a new map and tileset like normal

Winners of 3 contests in a row are barred from entering the round following their 3rd victory.

All participants must vote in the round they entered or they will be barred from entering the following round. Refusal to cooperate consecutively will result in multiple bars.

Due Date: September 21st, 2012

Winner Count:

Round 1 - Feaw

Round 2 - Feaw

Round 3 - SuperLuigi

Round 4 - Anouleth/Black Star

Round 5 - Anouleth/Black Star

Round 6 - Feaw

Round 7 - Hero of Time

Round 8 - SuperLuigi

Round 9 - SuperLuigi

Round 10 - SuperLuigi (Hat Trick oh mai)

Round 11 - Feaw

Round 12 - Primefusion

Round 13 - Feaw

Round 14 - Queen Elincia

Round 15 - Feaw

Round 16 - Feaw

Round 17 - Feaw (Hat Trick again :o)

Round 18 - Mario Kirby

Round 19 - Primefusion

Round 20 - Krad

Round 21 - Primefusion

Round 22 - Primefusion

Round 23 - Cam

Round 24 - Feaw

Round 25 - Anouleth

Round 26 - Feaw

Round 27 - Prime

Round 28 - Feaw

Round 29 - Celice

Round 30 - Mario Kirby

Round 31 - No One :<

Round 32 - Primefusion

Round 33 - ???

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I'm pretty sure he meant creatively recreate a -world- map from any game, ie this, which is why he said main site is your friend and that you're allowed to 'condense' it, at least I hope that's what he meant. This idea is awesome. :U

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Yeah, we're supposed to create a GBA styled map of one of the continents. Like Tellius, Elibe, and Magvel. I'm going to do Tellius, since it's my favorite continent and from my two favorite FE games. :3

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah, we're supposed to create a GBA styled map of one of the continents. Like Tellius, Elibe, and Magvel. I'm going to do Tellius, since it's my favorite continent and from my two favorite FE games. :3

and Archanea/Akaneia, and Jugdral, and Valencia, and Iris/Varm if you wanna be really cool.

Edited by Bacon
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I'm pretty sure he meant creatively recreate a -world- map from any game, ie this, which is why he said main site is your friend and that you're allowed to 'condense' it, at least I hope that's what he meant.

Ring a-ding we have a winner. Sorry for the confusion folks.

This idea is awesome. :U


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I agree with Agro. I was able to work with the dimension limits just fine. Sure, I couldn't add Hatari and the map is a BIT squished, but it resembles Tellius pretty damn well according to those who've seen it.

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Dunno if this exactly goes for or against the ultimate goal of this comp--but a suggestion is maybe to label the maps as the continent they're emulating in the voting thread since there's such a wide array of choices and I'd want to pick with the knowledge that they were conforming to a world map, and I'm not familiar with them off the top of my head (like basically had no idea that was Tellius til I looked it up). This is naturally under the assumption that you weren't planning to in the first place, so I apologize for assuming P:

Edited by Mewiyev
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