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Piano Arrangement and Sheet Music - "Don't you dare mock my sister's words!"


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Original: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17724657

【FE覚醒】 10章の曲を耳コピ、ピアノ編曲してみた

Sheet Music: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?l7awlm1yvo1hm1u

I was playing my violin today for some reason. And I was practicing all this happy music. Then I remembered hearing a violin on that song that's stuck in my head from FE13's chapter 10.


Better known as "Don't you dare mock my sister's words!"

Obviously, I knew sheet music hasn't been released for it at all... but I decided to search anyway. Google led me to a nico nico video...

I couldn't hold back the tears. I freaking cried.

This is so emotional, and in the context of the game... in chapter 10... with the events, the rain... that your MU is in the game, and is part of the team... and the pain... you just FEEL IT. And this person on Nico Nico made the sheet music by ear.

I have no words anymore. I just have tears.

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This song was absolutely incredible before the arrangement.

Then this took it to a whole. new. level.

I cannot think of any song in this 13 game series that grabs you in this much and fills you up with all this emotion.

This is so emotional, and in the context of the game... in chapter 10... with the events, the rain... that your MU is in the game, and is part of the team... and the pain... you just FEEL IT.

Pretty much this. 100% this.

I'm gonna go get a tissue now.

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In all honesty, I don't get what's up with society and piano. It's never touched my heart in the way a brass, woodwind or string instrument has. It always amazes me how I'm literally alone in this.

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In all honesty, I don't get what's up with society and piano. It's never touched my heart in the way a brass, woodwind or string instrument has. It always amazes me how I'm literally alone in this.

Pianos are not always touching. A lot of the time they're misused, but I think this song uses it pretty well. That being said, they're not for everyone I think they're overrated.

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I think I may have to attempt to learn this on the piano now. Perhaps with a simplified left hand [or perhaps not; I cannot know until I try] but it ought to be amusing to play regardless.

These are the insane things that one says after learning the music of Touhou.

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I'll be honest with this one: I like the original (in-game) version over this arrangement. I was never a fan of single-instrument songs.

I first heard the song right in the game. Given the situation at the time, it really was touching. (In a way, I don't like how DLC and other late-game elements made the story much less serious than without them.)

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  • 1 year later...

I wish this song could make me choke up and cry like it used to. But there is just so much WRONG with Awakening's story, and with Emmeryn being brought back via SpotPass...this song just loses all meaning. Which is a shame because this is a very beautiful, emotional piece.

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Oh my god yes!
I have to learn how to play this, though I'm currently learning Poem from everyone's soul (or velvet room from Persona). I like to take one thing at a time so I'll work on that as soon as I'm done with the other.

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Gah I remember this arrangement from that TheEnixRebirth guy (unfortunately his channel got closed due to copyright ]: ). Was looped for an hour. Could listen to this, Id Sorrow and Conquest (Ablaze) looped for days

Such a good arrangement. I remember playing this on chapter 10 when I was playing through on my lunatic playthrough. It fitted so well

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I remember this. It is quite good; I wish I had the hands for it.

In all honesty, I don't get what's up with society and piano. It's never touched my heart in the way a brass, woodwind or string instrument has. It always amazes me how I'm literally alone in this.

I suspect that it's because a piano is a glorious combination of strings and percussion. But there's no accounting for taste. I personally can't stand brass.

Shame about the song. I'ts great and all but the story took a dive off the deep end a long time ago.

Thanks for your content-free contribution to the thread.

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Damn that arrangement is awesome. Super impressive that it was transcribed by ear. It's times like this I wish I had continued piano ._.

It's never too late my friend! I got rusty too but those kind of things make me want to start getting into again.

Rather than thinking ''too bad I can't play anymore'', go with ''Alright, time to improve and try this''! Keep a positive outlook :)

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