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Micaiah's growths


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After numerous play throughs I have a theory that Michaiah's growths are altered by how you level her up. I believe that abusing sacrifice kills her speed. Am I out in left field on this one or has anyone noticed something similar? Along those same lines I've noticed that Mist's strength growth is abnormally high when she primarily levels by attacking things. Could just be a coincidence, but it seems to happen repeatedly.

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Indeed, not true. Every playthrough I've done, I almost never use Sacrifice and Micaiah never gains more than a couple points or so of speed or HP. It's why she sucks so bad. Sure her magic growth is good, but that's her only strength.

Edited by Anacybele
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I agree that her growths do the job. I don't even care about her magic since she should be one shotting nearly everything. Sacrifice to bring her hit points low + wrath + 10% bond support bonus with Sothe + 9% crit forged tome = instant death to around 70% of opponents. At that point Thani almost seems redundant on armored foes. Sothe's only point in life should be to stand next to her, block choke points and shove her back out of range of ranged attackers... and then later she healbots.

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Until an enemy waltz's over and one-shots her. Micaiah can't survive shit, and she never one-shots anything, actually, not even with magic, unless she uses a Thani tome against an armored knight (her only real use). And her speed is so horrible that she can't even double the slowest of other units. Sacrifice is stupid and useless because it severely drains her already horrible HP, so you end up having to use a healer anyway.

I realize she's a mage and mages aren't supposed to have good speed, high HP, or good defense, but hers are just beyond garbage even for them.

She's the reason I hate Part 1 sometimes. It's so bloody hard to keep her alive.

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^You're over-exaggerating. It's harder to keep your frontliners alive unless you abuse Tauroneo, Sothe and friends. Micaiah is useful for Thani-bombing cavalry and armoured knights (of which there are plenty in Part 1). If you're playing correctly, keeping her safe is rarely an issue. The only exception might be 1-6-1 with all the Pegasus knights, but if you send only Jill into their range, she can pretty much solo the lot of them (they have weighed-down AS because Steel Lances are too heavy for them, so Jill can usually double them...may depend on transfer data).

After Part 1, just use her as a healer.

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Sacrifice is far from useless, it allows her to manipulate HP levels somewhat for Wrath/Resolve, as others have said; top up the frontliners without wasting a item and their turn/needing to put Laura in danger, pooling the damage into one unit; and if nothing else, is a free source of Experience.

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and in easy/normal mode, there's plenty of Bexp to get that spd up.

especially after part 1, she will cap mag/lck/res soon enough to give her some bexp dumps.

only real problem is her part 1 performance, and perhaps the late promotions.

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I must be cursed but everytime I play Hard mode, Mici get REALLY speed screwed, in my current nuzlocke (which means NO RESET) playtrough Mici got only +1 in speed at level 10...So yeah, Micaiah's speed growth is too damn low (doubled by everything, cool)...

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I almost never use Sacrifice



Im like you, RanRan, and do not play harder modes but Sacrifice is hella useful. Plus its a good way to heal spam Laura if one wishes to do so. Like the others said, if you choose the MiccyNuke strategy to put Wrath and/or Resolve on her, it can easily get her to that point without her being in the line of fire.

Micaiah's growths get funky. Most of the time, her speed is in the toilet and she wants speedwings. Since she doesnt NEED them to perform adequately (because healing), theres no real point to giving them to her unless you want speedy, offensive Miccy. Ive had speedy Miccys before and its pretty damn cool when that happens. She will always cap Magic, Res, and Luck though.

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As I said, because it drains Micaiah's already low HP. Why use her when I can use Laura to heal someone with no risk to the HP stat whatsoever? Plus, like I said, you'd still need Laura anyway at times to heal Micaiah's lost HP. So I'd rather just stick with Laura so she can get exp. She's pretty decent when she gets to Bishop as well, provided you get her to promote soon enough. This can be done too. I've managed to promote the entire DB plus Jill and Laura in Part 1 Endgame alone. With the exception of Sothe and Micaiah, of course, since it's impossible to promote them at that point.

Edited by Anacybele
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So... what you are saying is... that its dangerous to have unit that dies if anything attacks it with 1-2 hp? In oppose to having her have full hp and still die if anything attacks it?

Also laura needs no levels. SHE IS A GOD DAMN HEALER. SHE CAN HEAL JUST AS WELL AT LEVEL 1/0/0 AND 20/20/20.

Fun fact base level Laura heals 28 point of HP with end. That prevails to end of part 3. At part 4 we have more healers than I could possibly care of.

As for Laura as an offensive unit... BUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Here is a list of thing that make her suck at offence.

A) Light magic sucks (expect Thani, Thani is awesome)

B) She is lv. 1. It takes 10 uses of Mend to get her 1 level + 1 extra lv every... 50 levels... lol

C) Her Tier 1 Speed cap is 15. That means that at best she has 16 speed after promotion that doubles jack point shit in part 3 and having her do much killing in part 1 is pure joke.

D) Even if you do level her up she still is inferior to Micaiah because no Thani or free deployment.

E) She is Magic user, even at tier 3 her stats will blow. Even if all her stats are capped they blow infact.

F) The tie it takes to train her ass up is so ridiculous you could spend it making anyone a terminator. You do not gain points for doing something everyone does better/faster.

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If you level her up, she has a better chance of survival later on. Simply put. And maybe I just had a blessed Laura, because she did well for me, and her magic stat was only a few points below Micaiah's.

Edited by Anacybele
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No one in their right mind is gonna bother training Laura in hard mode. (Unless your doing magic users only runs) Normal mode is also pushing it. Easy mode? Wtf not? Shits and giggles exist. No need to go all CAPSLOCK.

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I only play easy mode anyway. I tried normal mode but couldn't even get past the first chapter. xP

I'm just not as experienced as some FE players, and plus, RD is like the hardest game in the series that's been released outside of Japan.

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