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B&W movies


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Y'know, I do watch quite a few of them, and was wondering if there is anyone else on here that partakes in this.

B-Movies FTW.

I kinda enjoyed those old B-Movies, like the Thin Man and The Maltese Falcon.

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The Third Man. Ikiru. The Red and the White. 8 1/2. 12 Angry Men.

Oh and it's not black and white, but in a slightly more general sense (classic films) I feel obliged to recommend Mccabe and Mrs. Miller.

Also I like To Have and Have Not more than Casablanca.

Dr Strangelove and Failsafe are actually both great.

(Probably Battleship Potemkin)

Edited by L1049
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To Have and Have Not

is badass.

Ive seen more ancient films than i can even recall. Just about every film especially horror made before 1970 is damn awesome.

old B-Movies, like the Thin Man and The Maltese Falcon.
B-Movies, like The Maltese Falcon.


Yeah no, those were never B-movies. Earth Vs The Spider? Yeah thats a B-movie. Academy Award winning old film? NOT SO MUCH!

Edited by Jon Snow
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The only black and white movies I have watched are 12 Angry Men, To Kill a Mockingbird, Young Frankenstein and Casablanca. The former two were in school.

All of them were well-acted, high quality movies. I'm just not much of a moviegoer, so my exposure is extremely limited. And of course, one of the four is not like the other. =D

As for black and white in general... you know, back before color TV was mass-produced and color cinemas were everywhere, black and white was necessary. Afterwards, it's a stylistic choice. Young Frankenstein uses it to make the movie look 'older' or to try to match the general setting of the era. At least at the most basic level, it's a parody. I don't have anything else to add.

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Dr Strangelove

Big family favorite here.

I'm lucky I got to see 12 Angry Men in law class, it had a great slowly intensifying setup I don't feel like I've seen matched anywhere else.

Also 3 Stooges and Laurel/Hardy were minor childhood cornerstones

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One of my favorites is Freaks. That movie kicks ass, has an interesting message and all the people starring it are actually...as they are. Very little if any makeup and stuff used.

Ive seen probably every Bette Davis movie ever.

My favorite John Wayne movie isnt black and white but its a great one. Hatari! Such a fun safari movie with Sofia Lauren!

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