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Who's buying a 3DS because of Awakening?


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Serious answer: WiiU Pro Controller.

Joke answer: Yeah, I think so.

Wow, the ripoffery comes full circle...

[spoiler=If you don't get what I mean]

Most every modern console controller was inspired by the SNES controller, now Nintendo has more directly ripped off one of those ones...

Not complaining though, the 360 controller is probably my all-time favorite!

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This is all I'm going to say about it, since this is a FE13 topic and I know you guys are only joking, but all this talk of ripping-off is pointless. Okay, the PS controller was obviously based on the SNES pad, and maybe the Xbox's was a mixture of PS and GCN, but there are so many different controllers now that are all essentially the exact same product that it's impossible to call any one of them, especially one made by Nintendo, a rip-off of another.

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I really hope Nintendo will release the limited edition FE 3DS here! I also want to get a 3DS for Ocarina of Time 3D and Professor Layton! :)

Definitely.. Even though I already have one, but I would definitely get it. I love the looks of it ^-^

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Fire Emblem would basically be the main draw to get a 3DS but there's some neat stuff already out like Super Mario Land 3D and some interesting stuff on the horizon like Shin Megami Tensei 4.

But it's expensive so I'm still not sure I'll get one.

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I am waiting until FE:A comes out before I buy a 3DS, but I'm also already interested in other games such as Bravely Default, Etrian Odyssey, Star Fox 64 remake, Animal Crossing.. and probably some more I forget about. lol

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The reason I got a 3DS is because I assumed a Fire Emblem game would be on it, that and a possible Ruby/Sapphire Pokemon remake. Kind of like how I plan to buy a Wii u for Zelda.

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Personally I had a bunch of reasons to buy the 3DS in addition to Awakening(though I also bought a Japanese 3DS for the sake of playing it anyway and has already became my most played Fire Emblem game), Tales of the Abyss 3DS is the only UK/European version of the game, Kid Icarus Uprising turned out to be a pretty cool game plus Luigi's Mansion 2 is coming soon to it.

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Funny thing is, I originally got a 3DS just because I'm a loyal Nintendo fan, but since I bought it before the price drop, I was exposed to my first Fire Emblem game: The Sacred Stones. Since then, I've been addicted to the series. I've played Fire Emblem 7, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (multiple times, both routes, all difficulties), Shadow Dragon, and now Path of Radiance. Now I'm more excited for Fire Emblem Awakening than any other game! Can't wait much longer...

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I got a 3DS mostly as a a precaution. . . turns out that was a waste, since the XL is pretty much what I should have waited for the whole time lol

that being said, I originally was hyped for Paper Mario Sticker Star. . . which now looks really boring, after all the footage (which isn't much, I know) they've shown of it. After that, there was thankfully some things I really wanted; Code of Princess, Fire Emblem Awakening, Bravely Default: Flying Fairy, Shin Megami Tensei IV. . . etc.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I actually got mine specifically for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance XD

Then I found out Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Star Fox 64 were remade for it (so I got those)

Then Kid Icarus Uprising came out (which I had preordered)

Now I am waiting patiently for Fire Emblem Awakening and Animal Crossing XD (and HArvest Moon a New Beginning)

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I actually got mine specifically for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance XD

Then I found out Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Star Fox 64 were remade for it (so I got those)

Then Kid Icarus Uprising came out (which I had preordered)

Now I am waiting patiently for Fire Emblem Awakening and Animal Crossing XD (and HArvest Moon a New Beginning)

Same here matelaugh.gif

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asdfamsdgvsjsf OMGGGGGG - one more thing has been added to my list

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 3DS <3

Phoenix Wright 3DS

Tales of the Abyss

Possible Ruby/Sapphire Remake

Possible TWEWY Sequel

Which is YES. I love Mystery Dungeon with a passion, so I'm definitely getting a 3DS when I can.

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I got mine before the FE13 announcement (mostly got it for Paper Mario and Mario 3D Land), but the FE13 announcement made buying it worth it. Biggest reason I got it though was for the music player, cause too poor for iPod.

...I just wish I got it after the price drop because I hardly touch the ambassador games.

Edited by Piss Sick Lawyer Lucina
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I actually bought a 3DS XL the day FE:A was officially revealed, not too long ago.

... Along with Pokemon White 2, Pokemon Conquest, Advanced Wars: Days of Ruin, and Streetfighter X Tekken (Because $20 for my PS3). I will have my SRPG/Tactical fill until FE:A comes out. On top of Guild Wars 2, I should be pretty busy until then.

... Hopefully.

Edited by Xjezhekír
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well i got my for kid icarus uprising multi battles and ocarina of time 3D

when i saw fire emblem i ordered the jap version and ordering a jap 3ds

but getting the PAL version and buying all the dlc like a boss!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Heh, guilty as charged. ^^" *raises hand too*

I was on the fence between the 3DS and XL, but after seeing the Nintendo Direct footage of Awakening on the XL, I'm pretty much sold. I went to Target last night to check it out; the screen is insane. No problems with pixel quality either.

By the way, if anyone is looking for a good deal on the 3DS or XL, Best Buy is having a sale that ends tonight at midnight. =) The 3DS is $130 and the XL is $160. They're also offering free shipping with every purchase.

Edited by Paulina
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I bought mine on the first day it was released in the UK, mainly for the nostalgia of Zelda Ocarina of Time, and because I wanted to treat myself. I love Nintendo handhelds so I figured it was worth the risk. The localisation of Fire Emblem Awakening just proves that 100% (not to mention I now have a second copy of Sacred Stones, which isn't bad at all!)

I'm really looking forward to FE13, I just hope I can hold out until April, otherwise I'm going to have to end up importing >____> Although two copies of awakening might not be so bad...

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