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[From hack to indie] Path of the Midnight Sun

Alfred Kamon

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[spoiler=Because..]Sorry, I can't remember names this late in the evening anymore.. Anyway, I got the wyvern rider killed earlier on (SHAME ON ME), which meant I was left with Fa and her bro to take the mission up. Since Schwarz and bro were able to rescue each other, I figured that I should just make my way on top with them while lugging Fa with them and get all the villages by using canto movement. However, on the top level I went right with bro and left with Schwarz, which left me confounded.

On turn 28 or so, I figured out that yay I can get the croissant now (and it didn't even occur to me that the requirement was doing it as Schwarz instead of waiting), but was immensely confused as it didn't appear as an item and didn't think an event could be used for that (since it would be counterintuitive) - the reason why I didn't try making it back at all, though, was that I recalled reading something about getting it after a suspend not working so I was like "ok, this didn't work out, let's forget about the whole croissant since it's probably just the access to the gaiden or something."

Needless to say, two hours later I was immensely frustrated and found your video about it (which didn't pop up immediately from Google for me, either). Now I understand it a lot better since Memnus (typo'd?) shouldn't be dead by this point and would be an obvious pick otherwise if he was ever recruited, but.. Still ;__;

By the way, is it stressful to answer all these questions for hours every day? :awesome:

[spoiler=chapter 5]Ahahah sorry man, I should *definitely* make that easier to understand. ^^"

It really isn't, it's a pleasure to me.

Granted, exams are approaching and I won't be able to answer everybody's questions asap like I'm doing now, but I'll try my best to be as supportive as possible anyway. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of good folks here that could answer the questions in my place anyway, should I be absent for a while for various reasons.

Well, I blitzed through this in a day, I'm nearing the end, and apparently I'm experiencing this semi-common bug.


That's a problem.

So far so good, going to save a big text dump until I actually finish. That being said, I'm very impressed by what you have so far.

EDIT: Also, I'm playing on Difficult Mode.

So, I managed to fix that. (Vennobennu helped me, thanks!)

Here's the new patch.

Please note:

- It's *not* tested but it *should* fix the problem. Some feedback would be sweet, let me know if it worked

- It probably *won't* work if you've saved in your battle preps. If you didn't, it's fine. Otherwise, get to chapter 7 again by restarting chapter 6 (I seriously hope that you saved on more slots or that you have some savestates as backup)

- Kudos for playing Difficult Mode~

(oh, and thanks for the compliments! ^^)

Goodnight guys.

Edited by Alfred Kamon
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I fell Asleep when I got home, so I'm late~

Here are my characters AFTER chapter 8 (I don't have Djambo or Garion)


Looking pretty good, love the idea for a Dark Magic user as a Lord, Solid Stats and Growths


My Love and my Baby <3 Favourite unit by far, Awesome Stats and Great RNG growths to me~


He's a Mage because I wasn't told about wonder pupil until AFTER I evolved. But still doing REALLY good! Great unit. Magic user is a plus for me too!


PONY RACIST, SUCH GOODNESS, VERY LIKE, MUCH RACIST. Decent Stats, Can Fly and is pretty Powerful for a Pegasus.


He may suck, but he's pretty useful and decent. He's high level because he always gets clean up on the turn, or attacked a lot, and he doesn't fail me. Going to be benched though.


I tried, but i just can't use her, too weak and too slow. I mean she's managed to get some kills, but Myrmidon takes a lot of effort to train.


Excellent unit, Very nice Healer with respectable power. Can hold her own in a battle without failing me.


She's pretty good, struggling to keep up though. Mogals/Eyes are free kills for her, so That's good. She's a little on the slow/weak side. I blame her Con


TOO WEAK. I need a place to grind her to TRY to use her. BENCHED!


Eh. Eeeeeeh. Eeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh. He's Decent. He could hold himself in the chapter. Late Thief though, needs time to grind.


HAI THAR SOON-TO-BE-HELLIOS! He's great, Decent stats, great starting weapons, pretty good growths. He's a good unit.


BENCHED! GOD DAMN, he's so BAD to me. Horrible Stats make me want to cry. So Weak(Frail), Slow and Barely can hit. BENCHED SO HARD!

Edited by B.Mage
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Just finished. Probably going to do a huge critiqueing/character opinion thing later this week, but this hack was really, really good. Like damn, I did not expect this much to be done with FE8, as not a lot of people hack it. Characters, balance, maps, it is all very good. Looking forward to more.

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Ok well i finished this hack and i'm on my second run already.

In Chapter 6, after a certain text event the broken snags go back up as if you never broke them and the closed villages re- open but cannot be visited (although i don't remember which event exactly).

In Chapter 5, my game usually freezes when i get rid of a resume file by restarting the chapter. (not a major issue since if i reset again, it works normally.)

I noticed some errors with the battle animations as well. I know that some have been mentioned like the archer crit using wrong sfx

The warp knight's dodging frames are way to quick and it looks weird. Also with the warp knight, in his ranged attack (i believe?) there was a frame that had a stray pixel. I figured i should tell you but you prob know this already, but since purge's animation is meant for 3-10 range, when you use it up close it's not centered on the enemy but rather is farther to the left.

Bottom line, I'm really impressed and this hack had a story that got me hooked as well as having good dificulty.

I'm really looking forward to the next patch of this.

Also major props just for the fact that this is a hack of FE8 (Me and NYZ tried that a long time ago and utterly failed lol).

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Just finished this!

Absolutely loved it, and I'm very sad that it's already over! The hack was a good challenge, though I had a lot of RNG screwage with my characters (only Cristoph and Weiss could be relied on to charge things and not die horribly, with Rya as the most reliable support) which probably made it more difficult than it should have been. Menmus in particular was the victim of RNG screwage, finishing at level 14 with none of his stats higher than 11. Kind of struggled with Chapter 8 for that reason, though luckily I managed to be in range of Fa on the last turn and I had enough firepower available to kill her before I got swarmed by A-Rank weapon enemies.

The plot was a bit cliched at points, but it was definitely a hook for me. Particularly at the end, I'm incredibly keen to find out more about Shiori - the exposition dump on her left more questions than answers, which isn't a bad thing as a hook!

I look forward to the next release. Congratulations on a job well done!

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Fa? Really? I tried to ignore Moonie originally when I played this because the name was so absurd that I was sure you'd never heard of the moonies before. Then I hear her called Fa, as in that one really important character in FE6 who was a main plot point. Not gonna go into this further, since I've already stated my intense dislike of Faratrass as a name earlier in the thread, but if you're gonna chop the name down to a nickname, "Fara" would be better here. That's all I'm gonna say on that point.

Also, Fara is quite the whiny annoying little protagonist. I feel no empathy towards her as a character, at least not in the prologue.

Silly Klok, Fara is taken too.

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Hello everyone !

Just tried out this hack, it's really good. It's challenging enough and I still have a lot of fun.

I play on Difficult Mode so I'd like someplace to grind to make some units usable...

And just out of curiosity, I'd love to see Hellios' growth rates. He is insane, like the most powerful badass ever.

I can solo chapters with him.

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I'm playing this now. On normal mode because I'm bad at video games lol.

The names really don't bother me. Faratrass is cool and it's nice to see a female mage protag that isn't Micaiahfail, but "Fa" did bug me a bit. Her personality confuses me so far though and I feel that there's potential to go really far with her as a character but I feel a weird hesitation or something? I'm only on chapter 3 so I'll post the rest of my thoughts when I'm done.

(BTW a+ music choices)

edit: I'm fond of the name 'Ramov' and was wondering if I could possibly borrow it for this writing project I'm doing?

(another edit: Thinking about it a bit more and man I'm tired of people who give female protags shit for responding quite logically to traumatic events. like really? what if this happened to you?)

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You can do it with only Schwarz. Only difference is that you can only get the Bow; and will take 29 turns with no houses visited, 30 bow house visited iirc


I managed to claim both the bow and the ruby Schwarz only. Got the ruby on the 30'th turn, Fa seized entrance on the same turn.

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I managed to claim both the bow and the ruby Schwarz only. Got the ruby on the 30'th turn, Fa seized entrance on the same turn.

Well, I didn't know that. I had only done that chapter once before Kamon posted the guide.

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Hi guys, this is my first post on this forum. I just finished chapter 8 and I've really enjoyed this mod it's first mod I've played and it is wonderful.

I'm going to show my stats of my characters. I am really curious if my characters got RNG-screwed or not, so let me know how it compares to your guys' characters.

[spoiler=after chapter 8 end stats]


Faratrass - was very good for me, but she seems quit slow. Definitely packs a punch though and very handy against armored units. I like this lord a lot even though her name is kinda strange.

Hellios - no screen cap for obvious reasons. I didn't use him very much because I was suspicious of his OP damage and ability to solo the entire game. Turns out I was right... I believe he only gained 2 levels, so you can tell how little I used him. I hope that doesn't come back to bite me in the future! Doesn't seem like it will :P


Rya - I really like Rya's personality so I ended up using her a lot. Her elemental bow along with the napalm bow is really strong especially for chapter 8! Her speed is really good too.


Christoph - I used him a lot as a front line tank in the early game and he was doing amazing things, but his defense is so cruddy now that he can't take a hit. I like using him since he does tons of damage, but I don't know... he's so damn squishy. I dumped so much exp into him that I don't know what to do with him anymore.


Andre - I abused the heck out of this guy. He does tons of damageâ„¢. Like the other 2 babies, I made him into the super recruit class. He still gets the job done and I will likely continue using him. Squishy as all hell though.


Puledra - his personality is god tier but I dropped him from the main party after I got the troubador. Like all immobile healers he's too slow for me to deal with.


Menmus - Can't decide if I like the guy or not. He's kind of jack of all trades, but at least he can tank a hit. Problem is there's so many archers in this game that I can't just leave him around either. IDK, hes alright barely enough to keep him in party, if not for the utility of having a flier.


Cattleya - I love Cattleya. But the problem is is that even my amateur FE knowledge tells me she's not that good. Honestly, I probably should have benched her, but I like myrmidons a lot so I kept her. In chapter 8 she was really useful with the solaris, I used almost all the charges on that thing (hope that doesn't bite me in the ass later) and got some good exp. She's ok. Obvious myrm bias keeping me in the party.


Garion - didn't keep this guy in the main party. Nice dad, though.


Djambo - now here we have a freaking beast. This guy is strong as hell and isn't too slow either. He's only level 8 too. All these recruit guys are OP as hell. I like him a lot. Squishy right now tho.


Schwarz - Umm, I have no idea what I'm doing with this guy. I want to drop him, but on the other hand, he's the only peg knight. He's just so freaking weak and squishy. I am probably going to keep him around and try to feed him some exp but it's been so hard keeping him alive I haven't been able to get him up very much.


Weiss - Even with his mediocre level ups, Cavaliers OP. I honestly don't know why my Weiss is so crappy, does anyone else experience this? At least he hits for a good amount of dmg. I used him instead of Hellios mostly.


Ceapana - troubadours are great. As soon as I got her she became my main healer. I don't really know about her stats... I didn't use her in combat all that much once her magic sword broke. Her str is not half bad though...


Sae'rah - Ever since Nephenee in PoR, I've had a huge bias for female soldier type characters. So even though she was absolute crap when I recruited her I pumped her with EXP and now she's really damn good. Dat freaking speed. She will be a god (along with the other 2 recruits) when she promotes again I am sure.


Letruffe - nice thief. I have never known how to use thieves in combat but he came in handy in chapter 8 with his hook dagger thing. Otherwise he's really squishy obviously. I might try to give him some exp here and there but I don't know. He's pretty good.

Thanks for reading! Let me know if my characters got RNG blessed or screwed lol.

Can't wait for the next installment, OP. You did a great job on this one. I love the story and the characters even Christoph. The music is also GREAT! One question : hopefully, we wont lose our characters / progress when you update the game and release the next parts? I would be heartbroken to have to start over and lose my guys.

[spoiler=interlude question for readers]So do you guys plan on going with Fa or Shiori's path? Personally, I picked Fa. I'm assuming we don't get to do both in one playthrough, so it seems like a vital decision. What do you guys think and why?

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[spoiler=Which Route?] One choice only, and it will be 6 chapters before the routes rejoin (assuming Alfred doesn't somehow change Ch. 15 to be completely different depending on route).

I would personally choose Fa's route because that "Hollow King" and Tartaros seem more intriguing. That said, there's a lot of questions about Shiori that need answering, and Lazulis has been ringing alarm bells ever since Serafew.

So Fa wins, but Shiori's pretty close behind.

I've no idea which way I'll actually go first though; that's up to Alfred. Which is why I've left my save back at the beginning of the interlude, where I'm tied to one.

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I patched from 1.0 to 1.1, played Chapter 5, screwed up, restarted the chapter, and now I'm unable to visit the right house on the bottom level.

Edit: Alright, just resetting the system and restarting the chapter again worked fine.

Oh wow, you can get every item with Schwarz and Hellios, but it'll cost you exactly 30 turns.. I think I did everything optimally, which means that this chapter's design is even better than I thought. I thought 30 was just an arbitrary generous amount of time lol.

Edited by mmKALLL
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I've been stuck on chapter 7 for a while and, well, here's most of my experience with this chapter in one sentence (The first sentence, the rest is more explained)

Stop freaking getting hit by everything, Shiori! I've played the first 2-3 turns about 10 times now, she has never once dodged the toxin lance asshole that shows up. Then, of course, come the vacuanox bastards that rip her apart is she's not using candle, even though Judgelight gives super-effective damage...at least the rest of the units down below are handling themselves fine (combat-wise, not level-wise...)

Sorry for any potential foul language, I'm just getting frustrated now with the level.

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Hi guy

I'm stucking at chapter 5

Any idea how to get out of there without being captured

The creator made a video tutorial on it. Contains spoilers about the chapter, so watch only if you want to know.

oh hey he is into competetive pokemon too, interesting

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I fell Asleep when I got home, so I'm late~

Here are my characters AFTER chapter 8 (I don't have Djambo or Garion)


Looking pretty good, love the idea for a Dark Magic user as a Lord, Solid Stats and Growths


My Love and my Baby <3 Favourite unit by far, Awesome Stats and Great RNG growths to me~


He's a Mage because I wasn't told about wonder pupil until AFTER I evolved. But still doing REALLY good! Great unit. Magic user is a plus for me too!


PONY RACIST, SUCH GOODNESS, VERY LIKE, MUCH RACIST. Decent Stats, Can Fly and is pretty Powerful for a Pegasus.


He may suck, but he's pretty useful and decent. He's high level because he always gets clean up on the turn, or attacked a lot, and he doesn't fail me. Going to be benched though.


I tried, but i just can't use her, too weak and too slow. I mean she's managed to get some kills, but Myrmidon takes a lot of effort to train.


Excellent unit, Very nice Healer with respectable power. Can hold her own in a battle without failing me.


She's pretty good, struggling to keep up though. Mogals/Eyes are free kills for her, so That's good. She's a little on the slow/weak side. I blame her Con


TOO WEAK. I need a place to grind her to TRY to use her. BENCHED!


Eh. Eeeeeeh. Eeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh. He's Decent. He could hold himself in the chapter. Late Thief though, needs time to grind.


HAI THAR SOON-TO-BE-HELLIOS! He's great, Decent stats, great starting weapons, pretty good growths. He's a good unit.


BENCHED! GOD DAMN, he's so BAD to me. Horrible Stats make me want to cry. So Weak(Frail), Slow and Barely can hit. BENCHED SO HARD!

[spoiler=character list]Oh man. That Menmus. I didn't know that Menmus was that good, a lot of players got awesome Menmus'.

My Menmus has always been so bad, ugh

Just finished. Probably going to do a huge critiqueing/character opinion thing later this week, but this hack was really, really good. Like damn, I did not expect this much to be done with FE8, as not a lot of people hack it. Characters, balance, maps, it is all very good. Looking forward to more.

Sure thing!

I'm happy you liked the hack, Shugey. ;)

Stay tuned for more

Ok well i finished this hack and i'm on my second run already.

In Chapter 6, after a certain text event the broken snags go back up as if you never broke them and the closed villages re- open but cannot be visited (although i don't remember which event exactly).

In Chapter 5, my game usually freezes when i get rid of a resume file by restarting the chapter. (not a major issue since if i reset again, it works normally.)

I noticed some errors with the battle animations as well. I know that some have been mentioned like the archer crit using wrong sfx

The warp knight's dodging frames are way to quick and it looks weird. Also with the warp knight, in his ranged attack (i believe?) there was a frame that had a stray pixel. I figured i should tell you but you prob know this already, but since purge's animation is meant for 3-10 range, when you use it up close it's not centered on the enemy but rather is farther to the left.

Bottom line, I'm really impressed and this hack had a story that got me hooked as well as having good dificulty.

I'm really looking forward to the next patch of this.

Also major props just for the fact that this is a hack of FE8 (Me and NYZ tried that a long time ago and utterly failed lol).

[spoiler= chapter 6 and 5]Yeah, that problem in ch.5 has already been reported and I'll fix it soon. ;)

I'm really not sure how you managed to get that glitch in ch.6. It's the first time I hear of it.

Yes, I'll fix the archer's crit sfx, that has been reported by...L95, IIRC.

I never noticed that stray pixel in the Warp knight, hmh? But again, it's an animation I made more than one year ago. I might just polish it someday.

Yeah, I know that about Judgelight, but it doesn't bother me too much, and there's nothing I can do about it. It's such a cool animation. ;w;

And wow, thanks for those compliments!

Glad you're having a nice time with MS.

Just finished this!

Absolutely loved it, and I'm very sad that it's already over! The hack was a good challenge, though I had a lot of RNG screwage with my characters (only Cristoph and Weiss could be relied on to charge things and not die horribly, with Rya as the most reliable support) which probably made it more difficult than it should have been. Menmus in particular was the victim of RNG screwage, finishing at level 14 with none of his stats higher than 11. Kind of struggled with Chapter 8 for that reason, though luckily I managed to be in range of Fa on the last turn and I had enough firepower available to kill her before I got swarmed by A-Rank weapon enemies.

The plot was a bit cliched at points, but it was definitely a hook for me. Particularly at the end, I'm incredibly keen to find out more about Shiori - the exposition dump on her left more questions than answers, which isn't a bad thing as a hook!

I look forward to the next release. Congratulations on a job well done!

[spoiler=demo-end comments]Thank you, I'm happy you liked the hack and the story. ;)

Wow, that Menmus...

Curious. I thought that I was the only one who tried to beat chapter 8 asap to not get swarmed by those monsters at the end.

I designed the last wave to be OP as hell, but it seems that most people didn't have any problems beating those final monsters. XD

Apart from you.

That's good. Makes me feel satisfied (?)

Ahah don't worry, I'm just kidding.

See you soon =)

Hello everyone !

Just tried out this hack, it's really good. It's challenging enough and I still have a lot of fun.

I play on Difficult Mode so I'd like someplace to grind to make some units usable...

And just out of curiosity, I'd love to see Hellios' growth rates. He is insane, like the most powerful badass ever.

I can solo chapters with him.

There aren't places where you can grind.

There'll be some of them in v.2.0 but as for now, try your best to beat the chapters with what you've got.

If Difficult mode is too fierce for you, switch to Normal mode. And remember that Difficult mode still has to be balanced.

Here are Hellios' growths, anyway:

HP - 80%

Str - 45%

Skl - 50%

Spd - 40%

Luck - 40%

Def - 30%

Res - 45%

I'm playing this now. On normal mode because I'm bad at video games lol.

The names really don't bother me. Faratrass is cool and it's nice to see a female mage protag that isn't Micaiahfail, but "Fa" did bug me a bit. Her personality confuses me so far though and I feel that there's potential to go really far with her as a character but I feel a weird hesitation or something? I'm only on chapter 3 so I'll post the rest of my thoughts when I'm done.

(BTW a+ music choices)

edit: I'm fond of the name 'Ramov' and was wondering if I could possibly borrow it for this writing project I'm doing?

(another edit: Thinking about it a bit more and man I'm tired of people who give female protags shit for responding quite logically to traumatic events. like really? what if this happened to you?)

I think Faratrass gets some interesting character development from chapter 4. If you still have doubts after playing chapter 8 and the Interlude, feel free to post 'em,

And she'll be developed even more in v.2.0 of course.

Thanks for the compliments anyway, glad you like the music.

oh no i am unfortunately falling in love with shiori

[spoiler=Shiori]That's a good thing (Y)

Hi guys, this is my first post on this forum. I just finished chapter 8 and I've really enjoyed this mod it's first mod I've played and it is wonderful.

I'm going to show my stats of my characters. I am really curious if my characters got RNG-screwed or not, so let me know how it compares to your guys' characters.

[spoiler=after chapter 8 end stats]


Faratrass - was very good for me, but she seems quit slow. Definitely packs a punch though and very handy against armored units. I like this lord a lot even though her name is kinda strange.

Hellios - no screen cap for obvious reasons. I didn't use him very much because I was suspicious of his OP damage and ability to solo the entire game. Turns out I was right... I believe he only gained 2 levels, so you can tell how little I used him. I hope that doesn't come back to bite me in the future! Doesn't seem like it will :P


Rya - I really like Rya's personality so I ended up using her a lot. Her elemental bow along with the napalm bow is really strong especially for chapter 8! Her speed is really good too.


Christoph - I used him a lot as a front line tank in the early game and he was doing amazing things, but his defense is so cruddy now that he can't take a hit. I like using him since he does tons of damage, but I don't know... he's so damn squishy. I dumped so much exp into him that I don't know what to do with him anymore.


Andre - I abused the heck out of this guy. He does tons of damageâ„¢. Like the other 2 babies, I made him into the super recruit class. He still gets the job done and I will likely continue using him. Squishy as all hell though.


Puledra - his personality is god tier but I dropped him from the main party after I got the troubador. Like all immobile healers he's too slow for me to deal with.


Menmus - Can't decide if I like the guy or not. He's kind of jack of all trades, but at least he can tank a hit. Problem is there's so many archers in this game that I can't just leave him around either. IDK, hes alright barely enough to keep him in party, if not for the utility of having a flier.


Cattleya - I love Cattleya. But the problem is is that even my amateur FE knowledge tells me she's not that good. Honestly, I probably should have benched her, but I like myrmidons a lot so I kept her. In chapter 8 she was really useful with the solaris, I used almost all the charges on that thing (hope that doesn't bite me in the ass later) and got some good exp. She's ok. Obvious myrm bias keeping me in the party.


Garion - didn't keep this guy in the main party. Nice dad, though.


Djambo - now here we have a freaking beast. This guy is strong as hell and isn't too slow either. He's only level 8 too. All these recruit guys are OP as hell. I like him a lot. Squishy right now tho.


Schwarz - Umm, I have no idea what I'm doing with this guy. I want to drop him, but on the other hand, he's the only peg knight. He's just so freaking weak and squishy. I am probably going to keep him around and try to feed him some exp but it's been so hard keeping him alive I haven't been able to get him up very much.


Weiss - Even with his mediocre level ups, Cavaliers OP. I honestly don't know why my Weiss is so crappy, does anyone else experience this? At least he hits for a good amount of dmg. I used him instead of Hellios mostly.


Ceapana - troubadours are great. As soon as I got her she became my main healer. I don't really know about her stats... I didn't use her in combat all that much once her magic sword broke. Her str is not half bad though...


Sae'rah - Ever since Nephenee in PoR, I've had a huge bias for female soldier type characters. So even though she was absolute crap when I recruited her I pumped her with EXP and now she's really damn good. Dat freaking speed. She will be a god (along with the other 2 recruits) when she promotes again I am sure.


Letruffe - nice thief. I have never known how to use thieves in combat but he came in handy in chapter 8 with his hook dagger thing. Otherwise he's really squishy obviously. I might try to give him some exp here and there but I don't know. He's pretty good.

Thanks for reading! Let me know if my characters got RNG blessed or screwed lol.

Can't wait for the next installment, OP. You did a great job on this one. I love the story and the characters even Christoph. The music is also GREAT! One question : hopefully, we wont lose our characters / progress when you update the game and release the next parts? I would be heartbroken to have to start over and lose my guys.

[spoiler=interlude question for readers]So do you guys plan on going with Fa or Shiori's path? Personally, I picked Fa. I'm assuming we don't get to do both in one playthrough, so it seems like a vital decision. What do you guys think and why?

Hello aboose, welcome to the forums! ^^

I'm glad you joined to comment the hack, pretty nice of you.

[spoiler=demo end stats]Whoa, just look at those trainees! You did a wonderful job! You even managed to train Sae'rah all the way to level 8, just... whoa.

Yeah, Weiss is supposed to level up quickly so he doesn't turn excellent most of the times. He's supposed to replace Hellios somehow.

I'm glad you like Rya. =).

I'd suggest to keep a save in the Interlude, before picking the route. That way, you can just pick both of them when v.2.0 is released, without having to restart the game for the other route.

I've been stuck on chapter 7 for a while and, well, here's most of my experience with this chapter in one sentence (The first sentence, the rest is more explained)

Stop freaking getting hit by everything, Shiori! I've played the first 2-3 turns about 10 times now, she has never once dodged the toxin lance asshole that shows up. Then, of course, come the vacuanox bastards that rip her apart is she's not using candle, even though Judgelight gives super-effective damage...at least the rest of the units down below are handling themselves fine (combat-wise, not level-wise...)

Sorry for any potential foul language, I'm just getting frustrated now with the level.

[spoiler=chapter 7]Have you tried waiting for the enemies on the top left pillar?

oh hey he is into competetive pokemon too, interesting

I'm the top italian player

Edited by Alfred Kamon
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Damn, what is that music in chapter 8 >.> ...And 5

[spoiler=That Cristoph >.&gt]Is it possible to raise Cristoph's base defense? At least by 1-2 points? You know things are going a bit haywire when a Dark mage gets better defense than a supposed melee fight >.>

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[spoiler=demo-end comments]Thank you, I'm happy you liked the hack and the story. ;)

Wow, that Menmus...

Curious. I thought that I was the only one who tried to beat chapter 8 asap to not get swarmed by those monsters at the end.

I designed the last wave to be OP as hell, but it seems that most people didn't have any problems beating those final monsters. XD

Apart from you.

That's good. Makes me feel satisfied (?)

Ahah don't worry, I'm just kidding.

See you soon =)

[spoiler=Chapter 8]Well I rushed them because the dialogue seemed to imply that the waves would become progressively more difficult to the point where you would get overwhelmed, and considering the dialogue has usually been a good indicator of strategy I decided to follow it. I probably COULD have taken them down if I had waited for them to spawn instead, but because I decided to rush they spawned whilst my units were spread out in that part of the battlefield, meaning there was no way I was surviving an enemy phase with everybody alive.

Still, when I do a second playthrough, I'll probably try and turtle through them (hopefully with a better Menmus...).

But yeah, as I said before can't wait for the next part!

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