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[From hack to indie] Path of the Midnight Sun

Alfred Kamon

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Sounds like the FE Awakening paralogues - specifically the spotpass ones that tie up loose ends but don't touch the main story. (Seeing as the Lagdou ruins become available before the finale is attempted).

...Don't forget to put a similar limiter on skirmishes then! (In vanilla FE8, I vaguely remember skirmish creatures appearing on leaving the tower/ruins, just as they do on clearing a chapter. As I expect you'd have to enter the Tower for the "Get out until you clear another chapter!" message, if you're then auto-booted back to the world map and more monsters spawn, it would kind of undermine the whole anti-grinding thing!)

Oh, and these challenges? Hope they don't allow you to recoup the entrance fee through selling dropped items!

Quite ambitious indeed. The forging system sounds particularly interesting. (Keep some recipes secret won't you!)

Yeah, they'll be similar to the paralogues in Awakening. I want them to be more relevant plot-wise, though. The paralogues aren't crucial in that plot, but I want some of the Lagdou floors to change the ending(s) in Midnight Sun completely.

Also, that's some pretty brilliant intuition, Ashley. Good point! I'm still working on world map skirmishes in fact. I'm not totally sure I can prevent them from appearing on the map whenever you enter/exit the Tower, but I still have to consult Vennobennu throughly about it. In case, I could make so that world map skirmishes don't give exp, but it'd be a kinda meh solution.

Most recipes will be unloackable and inserted in the "Info" command that will replace the "Help" command.

You'll find different kinds of things there, from some trivia about the nations to some useful info like the recipes.

But of course there'll be some secret recipes. Oh, it'll be funny to see you guys figure them out!

So are those forging mechanics already in place or just ideas? Not coming at you but just wondering.

Also wouldn't you be losing money on repairing that silver sword?

Ideas although they don't sound too far fetched

That's false, Brendor.

The forging mechanics are already in place. I just used a code that markyjoe did, and some crazy eventing of mine.

However, I plan to semplify the mechanics and create some sort of "trade with blacksmith" mechanic where you just have to drag the items to the blacksmith's inventory and he'll combine them for you.

Also, you won't lose money by repairing a Silver Sword instead of buying a new one. If you have an 1-use Silver sword (whose selling value is 37) and some Mythril (that you can sell for 1250), that means that with two materials whose total value is 1287, you get an item that you'd buy for 1500.

So you save 213 gold if you use an 1-use Silver Sword, 176 gold with a 2-uses, 139 with a 3-uses, etc.

You may lose money if you repair something that is fairly new (see: that it doesn't necessarily need to be repaired).

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I'm not totally sure I can prevent them from appearing on the map whenever you enter/exit the Tower, but I still have to consult Vennobennu throughly about it. In case, I could make so that world map skirmishes don't give exp, but it'd be a kinda meh solution.

I can think of another option if all else fails, try a variation of what you've left us with in the current patch. If whatever crazy ID substitute you're using tells the game that the player shouldn't be allowed in until the next story chapter is cleared (unless they're in the postgame), then just give them a game over (after Anna tells them off of course!). Obviously you'll need to insert a warning for when they leave the tower (just as long as they don't forget, and if they do, they just reload their last save), but that would bypass the issue.

...What an anti-grinding Nazi I am...

The paralogues aren't crucial in that plot, but I want some of the Lagdou floors to change the ending(s) in Midnight Sun completely.

So, don't do the ruins and get the standard ending, do do the ruins and get the "good" ending?

Or the ruins will reveal new plot points that completely turn the ending's meaning upside down?

...Don't answer that. Just remember that you can do the ruins before the Finale - at least in vanilla FE8; for Midnight Sun you could probably insert some downright immortal roadblock into the first map who only buggers off in the postgame, but otherwise doing a continuation of the story could be... risky.

Edited by Wayward Winds
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Alfred Buddy :3

So, I mentioned this to someone over skype and I'll repost it here again. The beginning of the game is still really awkward and could use some smoothing out. I believe the game should simply start immediately with the scene where Fa is walking down that aisle with the crowd cheering her on, and skip everything else that comes before it.

1. Removes the weird intro that gives you backstory, which is then followed up by even more backstory in the scene with Fa and Moonie immediately following, which is THEN followed by pretty much the exact same Fa/Moonie scene, but slightly different text.

2. Fa and Moonie have two conversations with that aisle scene in between them. You don't need two scenes of Fa angsting, one will do nicely, and seeing all the people of the kingdom cheering her on followed by her angsting could make the player wonder why she isn't happy with her life. A little mystery in the start of the game will do wonders with the story later on.

3. I stand by the fact that the world map intro is just really awkward. It would be better served as an intro for the next chapter or cut out entirely with the world being explained organically through dialogue. (The latter is the more preferential choice)

So yeah, TL;DR make the game start at the scene with Fa walking down the aisle and you'll find a much smoother introduction than what you have now.

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I can think of another option if all else fails, try a variation of what you've left us with in the current patch. If whatever crazy ID substitute you're using tells the game that the player shouldn't be allowed in until the next story chapter is cleared (unless they're in the postgame), then just give them a game over (after Anna tells them off of course!). Obviously you'll need to insert a warning for when they leave the tower (just as long as they don't forget, and if they do, they just reload their last save), but that would bypass the issue.

...What an anti-grinding Nazi...

Why not force a reset after the Anna text?


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you don't have to wait a week. just look at what I did ;)

[spoiler=Bow WTA]



Not to burst your bubble, but http://feuniverse.us/t/weapon-triangle-advantage-table/285

Teh heh, ^.^~ ;D

(Or are you pointing out a bug, in which case, my bad; I misinterpreted you.)

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To be fair I do have a huge knowledge of the battle system (at least, in FE7) since I had to hack like, 1/3 of it for modular battle.

But I'll pass, unless you specifically want me to work on/prioritize it? (Also, I need to yell at @Arch to bring more of these hackers over to frequent FEU since I only intermittently come here. :P)

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you don't have to wait a week. just look at what I did ;)

[spoiler=Bow WTA]



Nice work, but I think it's a lame mechanic. You're basically saying that bows > all while attacking and countering at a distance. Quite broken, uh.

I can think of another option if all else fails, try a variation of what you've left us with in the current patch. If whatever crazy ID substitute you're using tells the game that the player shouldn't be allowed in until the next story chapter is cleared (unless they're in the postgame), then just give them a game over (after Anna tells them off of course!). Obviously you'll need to insert a warning for when they leave the tower (just as long as they don't forget, and if they do, they just reload their last save), but that would bypass the issue.

...What an anti-grinding Nazi I am...

So, don't do the ruins and get the standard ending, do do the ruins and get the "good" ending?

Or the ruins will reveal new plot points that completely turn the ending's meaning upside down?

...Don't answer that. Just remember that you can do the ruins before the Finale - at least in vanilla FE8; for Midnight Sun you could probably insert some downright immortal roadblock into the first map who only buggers off in the postgame, but otherwise doing a continuation of the story could be... risky.

That's a bit of an aggressive approach, Ashley. If all else fails, I'll take that into account anyway. Thank you very much. ;)

About the endings:

- Completing the story normally will give you the tragic ending

- Retrieving a special item in the ruins before clearing the last map will give you the good ending

- Clearing another task will give you the perfect ending

...Or something along these lines.

Also, I can make the Ruins (and the Tower) available whenever I want. A good part of the world map events has been hacked. But I'll probably leave them where they are anyway.

Alfred Buddy :3

So, I mentioned this to someone over skype and I'll repost it here again. The beginning of the game is still really awkward and could use some smoothing out. I believe the game should simply start immediately with the scene where Fa is walking down that aisle with the crowd cheering her on, and skip everything else that comes before it.

1. Removes the weird intro that gives you backstory, which is then followed up by even more backstory in the scene with Fa and Moonie immediately following, which is THEN followed by pretty much the exact same Fa/Moonie scene, but slightly different text.

2. Fa and Moonie have two conversations with that aisle scene in between them. You don't need two scenes of Fa angsting, one will do nicely, and seeing all the people of the kingdom cheering her on followed by her angsting could make the player wonder why she isn't happy with her life. A little mystery in the start of the game will do wonders with the story later on.

3. I stand by the fact that the world map intro is just really awkward. It would be better served as an intro for the next chapter or cut out entirely with the world being explained organically through dialogue. (The latter is the more preferential choice)

So yeah, TL;DR make the game start at the scene with Fa walking down the aisle and you'll find a much smoother introduction than what you have now.

Not sure I'm your buddy as of now Klok, but thanks for the suggestions.

Couldn't you say it this way from the beginning?

Oh well, let's forget everything. ^^

Thank you very much for the insight. Indeed, I need to polish things a bit there.

I won't cut the introduction with all the countries though, that's a nice way to present the world imo. Way better than doing so with simple text. I'll tweak some sentences here and there anyway.

And about Moonie's explanation of the term "Vassal", that's an important part of the story, I can't cut it. But I've found a fancy way to make it optional. You'll see.

Not at all

I actually could use some help in figuring out how the game loads those skill proc animations

It'd be cool to have skill proc animations!

By the way, create your Midnight Sun weapon!

P.S. Also, Cattleya isn't bottom-tier as many people think.

The first part of the game doesn't help make her shine because it's full of high def, hard hitting enemies, but in the second part of the game there'll be faster units, which means that her skill and speed will be pretty useful. Especially her skill.

Also, take a look at her averages.

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Nice work, but I think it's a lame mechanic. You're basically saying that bows > all while attacking and countering at a distance. Quite broken, uh.

I figured you'd say that. I just found it by accident while messing with the code and figured I'd share :P:

It'd be cool to have skill proc animations!

[spoiler=Skill Progress]

Well I have Inferno, updated Pierce, and updated Sure ShitShot as far as the ones that warrant a proc animation but the others like King's Will and Delinquent will probably be a pain in the ass to have a proc animation. Otherwise they're coming along nicely. Could hook you up with Saviour too if you want.

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I have a question. You mentioned that we need money for forging and accessing the tower, but where would we get the money? Are you going to make it like Awakening and have it where the revenants drop things that will be sold for money, like topazes or rubies?

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I have a question. You mentioned that we need money for forging and accessing the tower, but where would we get the money? Are you going to make it like Awakening and have it where the revenants drop things that will be sold for money, like topazes or rubies?

That's a legitimate question. ;)

Yes, I'll make so that Monsters drop some money. Especially if I can't prevent monster skirmishes from spawning continuously... I'll have to make so that monsters in skirmishes don't give any exp, but only money.

It's just an idea for now, though. I'm still trying to hack skirmishes properly.

You'll also find a lot of money in the chapters anyway, don't worry. I'll be sure to balance the gold you can get.

Ch.9B is almost finished anyway. It took me way more than expected. Screenies are coming soon.

If anybody wants to take a look at the events (97% complete) for whatever reason, here you go:


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And about Moonie's explanation of the term "Vassal", that's an important part of the story, I can't cut it. But I've found a fancy way to make it optional. You'll see.

"You have the demon king inside you, and you are called the vassal for this reason"

Like, one sentence? You could put whatever explanation you have into the second conversation and you wouldn't have redundancies anymore.

That being said, I do wanna see what you're planning to do to make it "optional" so I'll shut up.

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"You have the demon king inside you, and you are called the vassal for this reason"

Like, one sentence? You could put whatever explanation you have into the second conversation and you wouldn't have redundancies anymore.

That being said, I do wanna see what you're planning to do to make it "optional" so I'll shut up.

Yeah, it's like the first few pages of a book, I'm less inclined to read it if I think they're not interesting.

So, actually, I think you have a point.

Now that world map event hacking is a thing (sort of) I could even shorten the intro. Perhaps.

No offense to anybody but whenever I see a huge load of text at the beginning of a hack/game, I get a bit bored, especially if said text isn't much dynamic/entertaining.

In Midnight Sun the first few events, when Hellios appears, are quite dynamic so they don't feel unnecessary or redundant.

However, I do agree that the talk with Moonie, added to the world map presentation, is a bit long.

...So yeah, this time you've done a valid critique from my point of view, Klok.

Just don't be a jerk again like the first time, please.

and game continued. This is additional complexity of the games? So game is already VERY difficult...

I'll keep it as hard and challenging, with some more gameplay twists... I just love to create some new ways to play FE chapters, haha...

Also, listen to this. A new map theme for some critical situations.

Took me way more hours than expected. I'm rusty at music hacking. ;w;

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