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[From hack to indie] Path of the Midnight Sun

Alfred Kamon

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I'm more likely to think of what I'd like to see regarding the story rather than gameplay, but naturally more unorthodox levels would be welcome.

Story wise, I feel there's possibly a tale behind Rya, given that her bio takes great care to point out her "unusual eyes". That would be interesting to explore as a subplot (particularly as I suspect she's *not a legitimate part of the Magnolian royal family*.) Otherwise, I'd like little hints to culture here and there, even if it's mostly confined to house and village blurb. That's one thing I feel most actual Fire Emblem's lack; their countries sort of differ in name and terrain, but otherwise are mostly generic "empires" or "kingdoms". There's more to a country than how it's ruled! I like to hear all these little curios that make you feel like there's more to the world than you, the enemy, and the odd civilian you bump into. How do the locals live, what interesting customs do they have?

Old woman in village:

Oh geez... The harvest festival is right round the corner, and my husband brings back cheap trinkets. Where's the wicker idol of our lord? There's always a bonfire, and I've nothing to burn. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with this.

...Do you want it?

[Got Amulet]

...That sort of thing.

Edit: Oh, and seeing what Eclipse said about Ch. 5x, I remember running low on weapons as well. Ceapana outright ran out of sword uses. Weiss may be a war winner, but how about our troubadour carrying an iron sword as backup? That would also provide an alternative to using up her unique weapon in her first appearance.

Edited by Wayward Winds
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On chapter 5x, I just made sure to load up the Shiori with extra weapons for Ceapana and Weiss in chapter 4 as her inventory remains the same going into 5x... Though yeah, her wind sword gets used up pretty quick even with an iron for backup.

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On chapter 5x, I just made sure to load up the Shiori with extra weapons for Ceapana and Weiss in chapter 4 as her inventory remains the same going into 5x... Though yeah, her wind sword gets used up pretty quick even with an iron for backup.

Yeah, that works... for people on their second or later time through the game. I'm more concerned about first time players; they've got no idea what's coming or what preparations to make.

Admittedly, the whole weapon shortage issue probably only shows up for Ceapana and Weiss; I tend to view Shiori as an EXP black hole at this stage, and use her as little as possible. Hence there actually is a fair bit of offensive stuff left to use but I hold it back in the rear unless someone needs their butt hauled out of the furnace.

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You can easily get Weiss to 20 by the end of 5x while still having Shiori get a good amount of kills, and still have him with around 10-15 weapon uses to get him over to the other side. I'd like to see something along the lines of FE7 chapter 6 with the switches. Also, on the thing about players, most people that play Romhacks have already played the main games once or twice, they should have a modicum of experience with the franchise already.

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Some promotion items. Although, I probably wouldn't use them for a while, remembering my levels... I would also look forward to training units, and weapon forging. Then I won't be afraid to use Oblumbra too much, same with Solaris. Oh, and I assume that, in Faratress's route, Sae'rah will reunite with her dad, because they said he was in Tartarus, so I would like to see how that plays out.

Promotion items will be a thing in v.2.0, luckily.

Also because gameplay-wise, it'd suck not to have promoted units when we're already so far into the game.

More custom battle sprites! (I can assist with that if you're interested ;) )

I agree with all that has been said above me. :D


That would be immensely appreciated! ^_^

Sending you a PM asap!

Cattleya action plox.

Dat ain't gonna happen

wait for v.3.0.

But enjoy her Spellfencer class in the meantime.

You want suggestions! I'LL GIVE YOU SUGGESTIONS! :P:

- I remember being really low on weapons in 5x, but I'm not sure whether or not this is solely my fault (on Difficult).

- Is there a way to tone done Hellios' experience gain? I'm well aware of. . .uh, other stuff, but if you want to make Chapter 8 harder, the best way IMO is to make sure that he can't solo it. The only other change I can think of is upping the skeleton's RES, but that's going into "screw you" territory.

- I'll add to the promotion items list, especially since Weiss will be ready for it!

- Make Djambo and Sae'rah's trainee promotion speech as hilarious as Andre's :P:

- Yeah, that seems a common problem. Can be easily fixed by making a steel sword droppable by one of the cavaliers.

- Hmmm... I don't know about that. It's not one of my priorities anyway.

- Yup, promotion items will be a thing.

- I can work on that.

I'm more likely to think of what I'd like to see regarding the story rather than gameplay, but naturally more unorthodox levels would be welcome.

Story wise, I feel there's possibly a tale behind Rya, given that her bio takes great care to point out her "unusual eyes". That would be interesting to explore as a subplot (particularly as I suspect she's *not a legitimate part of the Magnolian royal family*.) Otherwise, I'd like little hints to culture here and there, even if it's mostly confined to house and village blurb. That's one thing I feel most actual Fire Emblem's lack; their countries sort of differ in name and terrain, but otherwise are mostly generic "empires" or "kingdoms". There's more to a country than how it's ruled! I like to hear all these little curios that make you feel like there's more to the world than you, the enemy, and the odd civilian you bump into. How do the locals live, what interesting customs do they have?

Old woman in village:

Oh geez... The harvest festival is right round the corner, and my husband brings back cheap trinkets. Where's the wicker idol of our lord? There's always a bonfire, and I've nothing to burn. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with this.

...Do you want it?

[Got Amulet]

...That sort of thing.

Edit: Oh, and seeing what Eclipse said about Ch. 5x, I remember running low on weapons as well. Ceapana outright ran out of sword uses. Weiss may be a war winner, but how about our troubadour carrying an iron sword as backup? That would also provide an alternative to using up her unique weapon in her first appearance.

Yeah, we had already talked about culture in not-Magvel, Ashley... Back then, those suggestions of yours were extremely precious. I can't wait to be back and work with you again! Hope I'll find some time and motivation to work hard on the hack soon. I think that the new "Info" command will be awesome for this kind of stuff. But also having house/villages like that one you described is a good thing.

About Rya... I was already planning something for her, but I didn't think about focusing on her eyes (which was merely an aesthetic thing brought by Moonie, aka the person who originally designed Rya and Phoebe several years ago). That's an idea I can work with, anyway.

Fa's ass must be bigger

What's this about people not staying for Shiori's route? What the fuck have you done Alfred?!

Perhaps some updated NPC portraits? I'd like to see your version of Moony.

She already has boobs of steel, no need to... buff her more than that

Yeah, that bothers me as well. Shiori's route is going to be more interesting than Fa's imo. Mainly because I'm more inspired for Shiori's route.

That... I dunno. Perhaps? But Moony sounds cool. I was planning to change Moonie to Moony or Munie anyway. Which one sounds better?

What characters or classes would you like to meet in v.2.0?

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Munie is better. Moonie may sound cool to hear, but in English seeing it written out like that it looks less cool/more like a nickname or screen name than an actual person's name.(aha, and looks like it was someone's screen name :p)

...and cool! Look forward to the PM! :D

Wondering, should maybe Weiss and Ceapana have a bit more space in their levels to gain so they don't max out or almost do so in chapter 5x?

...of is the idea to have Weiss be a powerful but overlevelled unit to give the player less incentive to over use him, perhaps?

...I actually liked Weiss and Ceapana's stats in 5x, seemed good but no unbalanced/overly powerful. Would be nice to be able to use him a bit more before he maxes out without a promo item around.

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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Moonie is an actual character name in the korea manga, Cavalier of the Abyss, but it's a man.

It also has some horrid connotations for people in the US who sort-of kept up with things in somewhat recent history. I think Klok mentioned it earlier.

Munie is a believable name.

I like this suggestion.

As for classes. . .wouldn't mind a Cleric. Yes, staves-only kinda bites that late in the game, but I think Puledra shouldn't be the only one who has Slayer.

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As for classes. . .wouldn't mind a Cleric. Yes, staves-only kinda bites that late in the game, but I think Puledra shouldn't be the only one who has Slayer.

We already have two healers, but I guess another would be useful. But then again, the healers we have already can attack. I'm hoping for an armor knight soon. Axes and bows.

Edited by ryan5152001
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Munie is better. Moonie may sound cool to hear, but in English seeing it written out like that it looks less cool/more like a nickname or screen name than an actual person's name.(aha, and looks like it was someone's screen name :p)

Wondering, should maybe Weiss and Ceapana have a bit more space in their levels to gain so they don't max out or almost do so in chapter 5x?

...of is the idea to have Weiss be a powerful but overlevelled unit to give the player less incentive to over use him, perhaps?

...I actually liked Weiss and Ceapana's stats in 5x, seemed good but no unbalanced/overly powerful. Would be nice to be able to use him a bit more before he maxes out without a promo item around.

Moonie was the nickname I gave to this friend of mine. I never had the chance to meet her... Using her characters and her name is some sort of tribute to her.

[spoiler=Heavy spoiler, don't read unless you've beat ch.8]As I've mentioned many times, Weiss is supposed to replace Hellios gameplay-wise. So after Hellios betrays the army, you get a promotion item in ch.9, and voilà, new Titania-like character for ya.

It also has some horrid connotations for people in the US who sort-of kept up with things in somewhat recent history. I think Klok mentioned it earlier.

I like this suggestion.

As for classes. . .wouldn't mind a Cleric. Yes, staves-only kinda bites that late in the game, but I think Puledra shouldn't be the only one who has Slayer.

Yeah. I seriously didn't know about that until a while ago.

I don't like staves-only classes tbh. I think they're boring to train, and that's why all of the healers in MS can also do something else.

You will have another unit with access to Slayer anyway (even if I'm trying to limit it as much as possible, since it's a kind of OP ability!).

We already have two healers, but I guess another would be useful. But then again, the healers we have already can attack. I'm hoping for an armor knight soon. Axes and bows.

That's... already a thing!

I've already coded and implemented two Knights for ch.9B. One is a Noble Knight exclusive to Shiori's route who uses Burst Lances, the other is a Knight who uses axes and bows.

My suggestion? I hope Dancer can do something besides dance only.

Promoted!Shiori is the Dancer in this game.

Instead of dancing, she Prays to share her life force with others (makes sense since you can't move anymore in that turn but others can move again).

Edited by Alfred Kamon
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Makes sense on Weiss...and that's cool. Nice to see a tribute like that... Moonie however does still sound not very... Regal or warrior-like, she was a general right?

...maybe if Moonie was short for something like Fa is for Faratrass?

Its just not often Monarchs have names that informal... Whereas Moonie is an OK name for anything not really formal or nobility related.

Often times Monarchs would take a new name after ascending the throne for various reasons, including their own name not looking/sounding regal enough.

...like King Bob, King Phil... Not so much, but King Robert or King Philip... Hey! :D

...so yeah Munie would work or some longer form of Moonie with perhaps Fa calling her that due to their closeish relationship.

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I kinda want to see characters of the same classes that we have now, except very different stat wise. For example, a faster but less tanky wyvern knight or a pegasus knight that can wield lances.

I'd also like to see one or two playable monsters, but I'm pretty sure you're already working on that.

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I I'd also like to see one or two playable monsters, but I'm pretty sure you're already working on that.

Cue the ending, where you control the Demon King and his infinite horde of monsters to exterminate those puny humans...

Wait, what do you mean that's the "good" ending?!?

Edited by Wayward Winds
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I'm assuming you're going to give us a knight and mercenary in the upcoming chapters. I think it would make most sense to give the knight access to swords and lances since we don't have a lot of lance users and every one is used to generals with axes. It would also be pretty cool if the merc was female since those are so rare. Even better if she had great stats make her one of the better heroes in the series. I also have a question about Cattleya. Apparently she's been really struggling as a unit and you've done your best to fix it with stat adjustment and such but to little effect. Myrmidons in general seem to have a hard time in general in the GBA games unless they crit constantly or are going up against axe users that aren't armored. Do you think there is any hope for her? I'd hate for her number one asset to be the flower on her head.

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