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Pokemon Black and White Version Two


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Alright, update time. I've beaten all 8 gyms, and I'm currently exploring the Plasma Frigate while it's docked at Seaside Cave. My team is as follows.


Samurott lvl 48

Careful Nature

- Aqua Tail

- Surf

- Blizzard

- Megahorn


Lucario lvl 49

Bold Nature

- Force Palm

- Ice Punch

- Dark Pulse

- Swords Dance


Arcanine lvl 47

Brave Nature

- Flare Blitz

- Outrage

- Crunch

- Strength


Magnezone lvl 47

Modest Nature

- Volt Switch

- Flash Cannon

- Thunder

- Metal Sound


Drapion lvl 42

Serious Nature

- X-Scissor

- Poison Fang

- Night Slash

- Hone Claws


Drifblim lvl 45 (Dream World)

Calm Nature

- Charge Beam

- Shadow Ball

- Fly

- Minimize

My team kicks ass. :D

Edited by Karaszure
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Working my way through the 5th gym now, and my team is as follows:

Servine Lv30 - Return, Mega Drain, Leech Seed, Seed Bomb

Flaaffy Lv28 - Take Down, Volt Switch, Thunder Wave, Electro Ball

Lucario (evolved at Lv19) Lv28 - Force Palm, Quick Attack, Strength, Metal Sound

Growlithe Lv28 - Flame Burst, Fire Fang, Dig, Take Down

Crobat (caught as Zubat at Lv15) Lv27 - Confuse Ray, Venoshock, Bite, Fly

Under-leveled to face Clay, but I still think I'll win with Servine tanking with Leftovers, Leech Seed and Mega Drain.

Edited by Raven
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Just cleared the E4 for the first time, finalized team is as follows:

Samurott Lv.61 @Brave

-Ice Beam




Terrakion Lv.60 @Quirky


-Swords Dance

-Rock Slide

-Sacred Sword

Leavanny Lv.60 @Adamant



-Leaf Blade

-Shadow Claw

Magnezone Lv.59 @Bold


-Volt Switch

-Flash Cannon

-Mirror Shot

Weezing Lv.59 @Bold



-Fire Blast

-Sludge Bomb

Zoroark Lv.64 @Hasty

-Night Daze



-Nasty Plot

Overall the final stretch wasn't too hard, and for the first time in the game, I wasn't underlevelled. Zoroark getting bonus experience without the lucky egg was huge, and scoffing at Caitlyn and Shauntal gave him a bit of a level jump over the others when combined with that. Honestly, the toughest part of the final slugfest was Marshal since I didn't have anything to tear through him and had to just outlast him with Weezing, which really wasn't hard at all, but when you look to compare it to a +6 Terrakion sweep vs. Grimsley... yeah. Terrakion is a beast, lack of EVs and a neutral overall nature didn't hurt at all(and as you can see, my natures were fairly good overall, which is probably why Arcanine felt so laggy)

Oh well, into postgame we go I suppose.

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Ok, I have beaten the elites and explored every single area that makes up the postgame, so I have a few things to say.

First off, my finalized party(taken from when I fought the E4 the second time, I was 10 levels lower the first time):

Fargus/Samurott(M) Lv70

Bashful nature/Highly curious

Ability: Torrent


Moves: Surf, Megahorn, Waterfall, Ice Beam

Thoughts: My starter. I chose Oshawott because that's what I chose the first time playing Black. While I can't say that he was the best Pokemon in my party, he did fill a good niche; he could take out troublesome fire/ground types as well as being a really good dragon slayer lategame. I will say, however, that I was disappointed at his speed lategame, which while it wasn't a big deal most of the time, was a little frustrating when I couldn't outspeed most stuff of note.

Skywalker/Lucario(M) Lv70

Lax nature/Thoroughly cunning

Ability: Inner Focus


Moves: Aura Sphere, Ice Punch, Dark Pulse, Close Combat

Thoughts: When I first booted up the game, I had high hopes for Riolu, but my hopes turned to disappointment when I found out his flaws. Like, he doesn't get Force Palm until after Cheren, pretty much forcing you to use your starter there instead since Lillipup will just use you as set up bait while you Counter nothing. Then once you get Force Palm, you will find out that that's all he gets until Lv51(fuck getting the necessary BP needed for TM31), not to mention that gyms 2, 3, and 6 resist his STAB and he doesn't want anything to do with Clay due to ground weak. Still, the steel typing helps against Burgh and Drayden, and he has an ok E4 performance.

General M/Magnezone(N) Lv70

Docile nature/Impetuous and silly

Ability: Sturdy


Moves: Thunderbolt, Flash Cannon, Thunder Wave, Metal Sound

Thoughts: Broken. Thoroughly broken. Seriously. Magnemite pretty much makes the second gym a joke on account of being a steel type, and is good against every single gym except Clay's(he doesn't resist Water, but he hits that super effectively.). Not only that, you can get him fully evolved before Skyla, where he dominates with your electric move of choice(be it Volt Switch or Electro Ball). Also, Sturdy can be a big help depending on the opponent. The only real issue that the line has is that it gets its best electric moves late. In fact, this is what caused me to simply trade over to my White and teach him Thunderbolt so I would have a strong, consistent STAB that wouldn't switch me out.

Portgas/Arcanine(M) Lv70

Lonely nature/Proud of its power

Ability: Intimidate


Moves: Fire Blast, ExtremeSpeed, Crunch, Wild Charge

Thoughts: I kind of like it, but I saw Growlithe as a lesser version of Darumaka. The fire typing combined with Intimidate made him a pretty good choice against Burgh, though the lack of a good movepool is noticeable later on and fire typing isn't exactly helpful anywhere else except against Corless, who mostly uses steel types. Now, I ended up evolving him as soon as he learned Crunch, because I was pretty lazy and didn't feel like being stuck with Growlithe until Lv45 so I could get Flare Blitz.

Carl/Krookodile(M) Lv70

Lonely nature/Sturdy body

Ability: Moxie


Moves: Earthquake, Crunch, Strength, Rock Slide

Thoughts: Sandile is back and still as good as ever. While Burgh is still an ass to him, Sandile has the honor of showing up before an electric gym, where he pretty much stops Elesa cold. Also, he is a top tier option against Corless due to all his team being either steel or psychic type, and ditto Shauntal/Caitlin. Also, I had the very good fortune of getting a Moxie Sandile, which I am going to say is far better than Intimidate. Other than the large influx of fighting and water type users during the lategame as well as getting EQ a little late, I had no issues with using this Pokemon.

Totem/Sigilyph(M) Lv70

Quirky nature/Often dozes off

Ability: Magic Guard


Moves: Psychic, Air Slash, Heat Wave, Fly

Thoughts: I decided to catch one of these due to my party being incredibly fighting and ground weak, and Sigilyph resists fighting and just doesn't give two shits about ground. I honestly found this thing to be far more appealing than Mandibuzz due to Sigilyph having better offenses as well as Magic Guard. He was also used to fly me from place to place, which was very helpful in and out of itself. Definitely a good pick if you want a psychic type, because Gothita/Solosis do not exactly impress.

Overall: While I was pretty badly underleveled most of the game, I eventually managed to get myself slightly overleveled by the time I reached the elites thanks to the lucky egg. I also farmed for shards to get some really nice moves on my guys, including Heat Wave on my Sigilyph, though I originally had Energy Ball there(Ice Punch on Luke was due to the free red shards I got in Nimbasa), and overall, the elites weren't that hard, since Krookodile basically tore through Caitlin and Shauntal's teams and Luke did more or less the same for Grimsley(minus Krookodile which I couldn't outspeed). Iris was a little more difficult than the elites, but considering I had Ice moves on two of my guys, it was a matter of surviving the onslaught and simply pounding away at her dragons.

The postgame was a joke, really. Other than veterans(since they like to use custom movesets, some which are actually GOOD), the trainers were what I like to call complete jokes. I used the postgame areas to reach my current level of 70, and also caught Zekrom and Kyurem. My next endeavor is playing White 2 on Challenge mode.

Edited by James the Hero
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Spark was my answer to Cryogonal (the snowflake thingy), and it was great when stuff like Garbordor started spamming Amnesia. Magneton can usually outlast its enemies (in my case, mine was the sole owner of Eviolite, so YMMV).

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I beated the game a few days ago. Been doing some world tournaments and defeated the triplets.

My team is

Lv 60 Shogun

Adamant Samurott

Moves:Ice beam, megahorn, surf, aqua tail.

Samurott is a good mon able to do good damage to most things and his speed isn't exactly horrible either, but god he's boring. I miss my Serperior.

Level 59 Bowser

Timid Magmar

Moves:Thunder punch, strenght, flametrower and fire punch

Bowser has been pretty great. He packs a punch is quite fast. Unfortunately he's very frail and the last two gyms aren't kind to him at all.

Level 58 Tryclops

Jolly Magnezone

Moves: Flash cannon, thunder wave, volt switch and thunderbolt

Magnezone is very very awesome. Steel/electric is great and he resist most of the important opponents. He did slow down a bit later on and his movepool isn't exactly the greatest.

Level 58 Hanbei

Hasty Roserade

Moves: Giga drain, Venoshock, Leech seed and Synthesis

I always wanted to use a Roserade, but there was never enough space untill now. He did't really disapoint. He has a huge special attack and good speed too. Leech seed and giga drain also help keep him alive since he's quite frail. The poison pint/venoschock combo is also pretty good even though its situational.

Level 58 Dracula

Jolly crobat

Moves: U-turn, Fly, cross poison and Acrobat

Crobat was suprisingly good since I did't expect much when I catched that annoying Zubat. I originally used him as a filler untill someone better came along, but he grew on me.

Acrobat is pretty powerfull on him and his speed is great. He was also able to hit pretty much anything (except steel) for at least neutrall damage.

Level 58 Boreas (yay golden sun)

Jolly Vanilluxe

Moves: Ice beam, Icicle spear, Signal beam and hail

A very late adittion to my team. I wanted an ice type to replace the suprisingly disapointing Zoroark and I always though Vanilluxe was pretty cute.

To my suprise he's actually pretty bulky if people don't use super effective attacks. Special attack and speed are pretty good as well. Definately better then I thought.

Well thats my team. I't might suck a little since i'm not all that good, but it took me trough the games without all that much trouble.

Edited by Sasori
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Finished Black 2 about a week ago. I chose Black 2 because it's the obvious choice: the story carries on from Black 1 which I had before. It seems completely ridiculous to switch versions because it messes up the story.

I bred my team on Black 1 before trading them all over to 2 at level 1. They're now all fully evolved (except the ever-awesome Scyther), effort trained and experts at kicking arse in the PWT. They are:

Gawain (Sandslash)

Bercilak (Scyther)

Tristram (Lucario)

Galahad (Gallade)

Bors (Braviary)

Breunor (Absol)

They're all Swords Dance sweepers and have the names of Arthurian knights to match. I switched out Gawain for an Azumarill in the bit that required Surf, and I had to grudgingly teach Strength to Gawain and Galahad on two separate occasions. The Move Deleter is my friend.

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Update on my nuzlocke, I just beat Elesa and changed around my team a bit. The biggest thing that happened is that my poor Kleine died in the Triple Battle with frickin' Charles, he was hit with a critical Air Cutter. I hate Sigilyphs so much. T-T

[spoiler=Current Team]

Saria (Swablu) F Lv. 30

Mild/Natural Cure





Tesla (Magneton) Lv. 30

Mild/Magnet Pull


Signal Beam

Thunder Wave

Mirror Shot

Felix (Espeon) M Lv. 31 Hurray for the Repel trick!





Signal Beam

Sally (Scraggy) F Lv 31


Brick Break

Faint Attack


Chip Away

Finn (Darumaka) F Lv. 31


Fire Punch




Sheila (Shelmet) F Lv. 23




Signal Beam

Mega Drain

Oh, and would anybody be willing to trade me a Karrablast so I can evolve my Shelmet? Normally I would do this myself, but atm I only have one working DS available. My Friend Code is 0820-1729-2654.

Edited by Kon
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Update on my nuzlocke, I just beat Elesa and changed around my team a bit. The biggest thing that happened is that my poor Kleine died in the Triple Battle with frickin' Charles, he was hit with a critical Air Cutter. I hate Sigilyphs so much. T-T

[spoiler=Current Team]

Saria (Swablu) F Lv. 30

Mild/Natural Cure





Tesla (Magneton) Lv. 30

Mild/Magnet Pull


Signal Beam

Thunder Wave

Mirror Shot

Felix (Espeon) M Lv. 31 Hurray for the Repel trick!





Signal Beam

Sally (Scraggy) F Lv 31


Brick Break

Faint Attack


Chip Away

Finn (Darumaka) F Lv. 31


Fire Punch




Sheila (Shelmet) F Lv. 23




Signal Beam

Mega Drain

Oh, and would anybody be willing to trade me a Karrablast so I can evolve my Shelmet? Normally I would do this myself, but atm I only have one working DS available. My Friend Code is 0820-1729-2654.

Certainly! How long will you be on?

EDIT: Shoot me a PM when you're on. I found a Karrablast, so lemme know when you want to trade.

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At the end of Black 1, N goes off with Reshiram.

Within the story of Black 2, N is said to have left with Zekrom.

I think Black 2 is the continuation of White 1, while White 2 is the continuation of Black 1.

Which doesn't really make sense to me... Maybe I should have gotten White 2 since I had Black 1.

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So anyway I recently beat the 6th gym and just got off the plane before saving. The only gym I've had difficulty against so far has been the 4th - electric gym. Everything else has been pretty damn easy. Against the flying gym all I had to do was teach Lairon TM Rock Slide. He wiped the floor.

Team thus far:

Lv35 Ampharos

Lv33 Crobat

Lv38 Lairon (levelled higher thanks to destroying the whole of the 6th gym almost single-handedly)

Lv33 Growlithe

Lv34 Servine

Lv32 Lucario

Lucario's nice and all, but I think he will be replaced once I finally get my Magikarp. In fact I think I'm going to remove him from my team immediately to make room for my HM slave/s.

Growlithe will be evolved at Lv39. Extremespeed is nice.

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I got White 2 as I chose White before!!!

Completed the Game, noone died during the elite 4 and me= mega happy.

(Ok, I cheated. I used some of my higher leveled pokemon to get through Gyms 7 and 8 as well as the Elite 4 and the Champion)

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So I've just received Waterfall from N, and now I'm traversing through the whole region looking for spots where I can use this and do some more exploring, and possibly a bit more training, before I go through Victory Road. As it stands, my team is:

Lv52 Ampharos - Lax - Discharge, Charge Beam, Take Down, Thunder Wave

Lv52 Crobat - Lax - Fly, Poison Fang, Venoshock, Confuse Ray

Lv52 Aggron - Naughty - Iron Tail, Iron Head, Rock Slide, Iron Defense

Lv54 Arcanine - Mild - Flamethrower, Crunch, Dig, Retaliate

Lv53 Serperior - Naive - Leaf Blade, Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Coil

Thinking about teaching Arcanine Will-O-Wisp in place of Retaliate - could be useful for some situations in the E4.

Aside from the missing Gyarados (which I can't get until after the E4 is downed) which the final spot is reserved for, I'm surprisingly content with this team.

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Beat the game. There a Spoiler in this post by the way.

My final team was

Samurott level 66

Lucario level 64

Lillipup's final evo whose name escapes me at level 57

Volcarona at level 58

A fly slave unfeazant and strength/cut/flash slave chipmunk like pokemon whose name also escapes me.

The E4 wasn't too hard, Although i almost lost to someone there. But my volcarona didn't perish at the Haxorous + 1 DD Earthquake. and managed to defeat it using fire blast/flamethrower.

I should have waited to capture volcarona for later though.

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So I've just received Waterfall from N, and now I'm traversing through the whole region looking for spots where I can use this and do some more exploring, and possibly a bit more training, before I go through Victory Road. As it stands, my team is:

Lv52 Ampharos - Lax - Discharge, Charge Beam, Take Down, Thunder Wave

Lv52 Crobat - Lax - Fly, Poison Fang, Venoshock, Confuse Ray

Lv52 Aggron - Naughty - Iron Tail, Iron Head, Rock Slide, Iron Defense

Lv54 Arcanine - Mild - Flamethrower, Crunch, Dig, Retaliate

Lv53 Serperior - Naive - Leaf Blade, Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Coil

Thinking about teaching Arcanine Will-O-Wisp in place of Retaliate - could be useful for some situations in the E4.

Aside from the missing Gyarados (which I can't get until after the E4 is downed) which the final spot is reserved for, I'm surprisingly content with this team.

If you're going physical Arcanine, Return. I couldn't think of any situation where WoW would be more useful than flat damage. For a sixth member, I'd go with a special sweeper.

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