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Pokemon Black 2 Ratings Topic

Ema Skye

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Basically. I've been playing Japanese Black 2 until I got the English Black 2. I'd like to think that I know this game pretty well.


Oh boy, time for Eevees.

Eevee basically starts off the same for all of it's evolutions: bad. Evolve it ASAP. Unfortunately for Vaporeon, it evolves the latest out of the 5 (Leafeon and Glaceon are postgame). You'll need Surf to get your first Water Stone (well, you can get it through dust clouds but THE RANDOMOSITY!). Once you get it, Vaporeon is pretty bulky. It'll instantly get Surf, giving it solid offense from the beginning.

But Vaporeon's really just another Water-type at this point. It's missed it's key chance to be useful (Clay), so it's just hanging around until the Blizzard TM. Not to mention it's only getting Signal Beam and Hyper Voice from move tutors. It lacks the diversity of Samurott and Golduck, as well as their utility. It's too bad, because it would've been much better if it could fight against Clay. It's still a solid Water-type, even though the competition is fierce (especially over by Undella Town).

With Surf and Blizzard, it hits Skyla and Drayden hard. It's helpless against Marlon. It can power through the Elite Four and isn't too bad against Iris.

6/10 - Pretty great lategame, which is good because it has no early game


Second EV-lution, and the fastest one.

What's awesome about Jolteon is that you can have one for Elesa (use Dousing Machine to get one in Nimbasa), meaning that you'll be immune to her key move, Volt Switch. This really takes the difficulty out of the fight. Obviously evolve it for this fight, because it will help you much more than Eevee would. You'll be avoiding Clay at all costs, and you'll be having a marvelous time playing with Skyla. Drayden is a bit mean, and you'll be stuck for options here. Outside of Signal Beam, Jolteon doesn't stand much of a chance. Of course it will destroy Marlon. As for the Elites, Signal Beam lets you have fun against both Caitlin and Grimsley, while you'll be hit and miss against Shauntel due to her dual typings. Jolteon lacks the physical durability to take on Marshal and Iris though.

In the end, Jolteon here is like Magnezone in performance. He trades in a better Elesa battle and more speed for missing Roxie and a worse time against Dragons. Still a solid Pokemon though. Lack of a solid movepool until Driftveil is a big flaw.

8.0/10 - Excellent Pokemon. Electric-types are very effective in Unova.

Edited by Piss Sick Lawyer Lucina
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I'm honestly debating whether to choose Oshawott or Snivy for my starter Pokemon. I chose Oshawott in Pokemon Black and I don't really want to choose it again, but Snivy is terrible, and I don't like Tepig...

Peronally, I'd take Oshawott out of concern for the quality of water types (again).

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Oh boy. It's the laughing stock of the eevees.

It's well known that Flareon gets the short end of the stick in terms of movepool. Return will be it's strongest attack... for basically it's whole life. It's very glad it's movepool got revamped and it got Fire Fang at Lv.21 (as opposed to 43). That's its strongest Fire-type attack until the Fire Blast TM until Lacunosa Town. Due to its high special defense, it's not too bad for Elesa due to Dig (but nowhere near Jolteon). It's not fighting Clay, and it's okay against Skyla (mostly just for Skarmory, but it can take Swoobat on if need be. You'll pick up either Iron Tail or Superpower in Lentimas Town. Both Drayden and Marlon make Flareon hate its life. It's lack of coverage really becomes apparent in the final battles. Unlike Vaporeon and Jolteon, it doesn't get Signal Beam. It's really relying on its own Flamethrower and Return to make it in the end game, and even then it's better off benched in the final battle because it's slower than pretty much everything and it's taking x2 damage from everything.

Flareon's problems from the other games really become apparent in this game. Emboar, Arcanine and Magmortar all have the needed coverage to take themselves places. Flareon has none.

3.5/10 - Pretty much gets only points from the midgame, when is the only time when it's useful.


Everyone's favorite eeveelution (except for mine >.<)

Due to Espeon's happiness evolution, it can evolve at pretty much anytime. There isn't any point where you'd say "I need a Psychic-type", so don't feel too hard-pressed to evolve it. But sooner is better. It's movepool is about the same size as Jolteon's and Vaporeon's: Not very big, but big enough. Psychic, Signal Beam and Shadow Ball are all you get, but they're all you'll really need. It's worth mentioning that those three moves let Espeon have a great time in the Elite Four. It's gym performance is very neutral. Nothing in the gyms is weak to Psychic, but only a handful resist it or are immune to it (Krokorok, Excadrill, Skarmory and Swoobat). This means it relies on coverage for gyms, which it doesn't have. There is that amazing lategame to look forward to though.

There's not a whole lot more to say about Espeon. Hopefully you've gotten the point that eeveelutions have narrow movepools. Espeon's solid 3 attack coverage with work Up does help it out a lot. It's got decent special bulk for Elesa if you get it before then, but it's physical bulk leaves lots to be desired for Clay and Drayden. Skyla and Marlon are very neutral environments. For the Elites, you have super effective moves for all of them, but still take caution (Shauntel's Ghosts are bulky, Grimsley's Liepard can outspeed, and he's also got resistors like Bisharp).

7.5/10 - A lot like Vaporeon in terms of gym performance, but a much better late game alongside earlier join time makes it the better choice.


Leafeon and Glaceon don't join in the main story, so Umbreon here is the last Eevee.

Umbreon here is a tank. 95/110/130 are fantastic defenses. The problem? All of it's offensive stats are lower than 65. Which is not what you want ingame. Dark-types aren't known for their powerful moves either, with the move tutor for Dark Pulse being it's strongest STAB attack for life. Yeah, it ain't pretty.

Much like with Espeon, the demand for a Dark-type is minimal. You'll never come across an opprotunity where you'll need a Dark-type for a gym. That means the same neutrality that Espeon and Vaporeon had. Much like Flareon, it doesn't get any coverage, resulting in Dark Pulse and Return being it's only offensive moves (well, and Iron Tail from the move tutor, but that's a terrible move). It can use its bulk to sponge every fight, but it's probably going to be your weakest member in your party (Audino's offense stats are basically the same as Umbreon's). Umbreon is a Pokemon with a purpose, but it's a purpose you'll have no need for.

For the Elites, it does quite well against Shauntel and Caitlin, while really fearing Marshal. It's neutral against Grimsley though.

3/10 - Terrible offense. Unlike the other Pokemon with terrible offense (Audino and Dunsparce), it has no coverage, making it have overall worse offense than most of the team.

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Yeah, but it's not doing anything significant in return (Carracosta and Jellicent resist Signal Beam and Ice Beam. Jolteon can at least hit everything on Elesa's team for neutral with Thunder Fang and Double Kick.

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Jolteon's kinda bad until Discharge, though, which is the first special move it learns naturally, and besides that, it's got only Shadow Ball and Signal Beam for coverage, and whatever he covers can usually smack him really hard. I also don't see how he's doing anything in the electric gym besides slowly stalling it out with Return and Leer and whatever. And when you're done with the gym and get Volt Switch, you can't keep it in unless you box your entire party. Really bad at receiving punishment, too.

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Yeah, I can see what you mean. I think I was a bit too generous with Jolteon.

Dropping it to an 8.

Welp, just realized that I didn't post any ratings today. Oh well though. Got about a third of the Pokemon done so far. :>

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and we're back.

Changes: Dropping Psyduck to a 6.5.


Hey guys it's Geodude's cousin.

Coming in as a Rock-type just before Burgh, Roggenrola has some immediate utility. Well, maybe not due to Burgh's two Grass-types outpacing Roggenrola. Thank goodness Sturdy exists though. Elesa's Volt Switches will do quite a number to your Boldore due to its 40 Special Defense. For evolution, you can either trade with someone or get a Gigalith through an in-game trade before Mistraltron. The next big fight for Boldore is Clay, which it will be staying out of due to the weakness to Ground-type it has. Plus it isn't doing much to Clay with it's mono-rock offense. Skyla is next, and Gigalith obviously thrashes her. Drayden is really the last major fight where Gigalith is useful, and even then it can only take on Haxorus well due to Druddigon's Revenge and Flygon's Earth Power. It's endgame is bad due to it being full of special attacks (Marlon, Shauntel, Caitlin). To put salt on the wound, Marshal has Fighting-type moves to really hurt Gigalith, despite the high defense. Iris has lots of ways to hurt a Gigalith, including Focus Blast, Surf and Earthquake. It's staying out of that fight too. So Gigalith is really only a good Pokemon for one fight (Skyla), and it's ability to be a crutch is hit and miss.

When asked about coverage, Gigalith replied with "I have EdgeQuake... and that's it". Bulldoze is it's ONLY form of coverage until postgame's Earthquake. While it is nice, Bulldoze really starts to lack in power later on. Not to mention that Bulldoze won't make things slow enough for Gigalith to outspeed. Unlike... most of what has already been rated, it gets no coverage from Driftveil. It's stuck with Rock Slide+Bulldoze until post game, and it has nothing it can do about it. Throw in 5 weaknesses, terrible speed, and poor special bulk, and you've got a... subpar Pokemon.

3.5/10 - Absolutely garbage late game, but doesn't even have a good midgame to make up for it. It's just... bad for it's whole existance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Huzzah more ratings, And no, I didn't forget about this (maybe...)


We actually get both bats in this game.

By now, I think you guys get the idea on flying types in this game. Good Burgh utility, and then mediocre until the game is done. Same thing applies with Woobat. However, Woobat's Psychic-typing means that it can't wall Burgh like Zubat or Pidove can. Worst yet is that it still struggles against Dwebble. Shortly after you get it, it'll pick up Air Cutter, giving it better flying STAB until Air Slash at Lv.32 (which is pretty early, all things considered). Around Driftveil, it should evolve into Swoobat, becoming very fast, but not much else. It's also in Driftveil where it picks up Signal Beam. However, it's still stuck with Confusion for Psychic-type STAB. You don't even get a good replacement until Lentimas Town's Zen Headbutt tutor. Which sucks because Swoobat's Attack stat is pathetic. Fortunately, Psychic comes at Lv.41 which should come sometime en route to Opelucid. If you picked up the Energy Ball TM in Aspertia City post-Surf, Swoobat gets something for Marlon, though it's only really useful on the Carracosta. Watch out, however, because Carracosta has Sturdy and will thus own your Swoobat with either Smack Down or Crunch. As for the elites, it's pretty bad against all of them. Shauntel and Grimsley hit the bat super effectively. All of Marshal's Pokemon except Mienshao have Rock-type attacks which will hurt Swoobat very badly. Three of Caitlin's Pokemon can also hit Swoobat for super effective damage, and everything but Haxorus on Iris' team hits Swoobat for super effective damage, and Haxorus can even use it as set up fodder.

Swoobat is basically all speed, which by itself doesn't get you far in the game. It falls flat on it's face pretty quickly.



Finally we get to this thing. This amazing mole.

Drilbur is the first Ground-type you get access to in Unova. It also gets a Steel-type upon evolution, which really helps it out of it's otherwise poor defenses. It's stat spread is also pretty much perfect for in-game, given it's BST. Excellent attack and solid speed. If you've played competitive OU, you also know how insane Sand Rush is.

So as a Ground type, it actually can't take on Burgh that well due to his Grass-types resisting Ground and hitting you super effectively. By Elesa though, you can pick up the Rock Tomb and Dig TMs, and pretty much make her a joke. By the time you get to Driftveil, it's evolved into Excadrill. This gives it insane Attack, and pretty good speed for in-game. Massive HP and Steel-typing also can make up for its low 60/65 defenses. Driftveil also lets it pick up some Steel-type STAB in the form of Iron Head. Before Skyla it picks up Earthquake, which, while useless against Skyla, makes Excadrill one of the very few Pokemon in Unova to get Earthquake before post-game. In fact, the only other ones that do are: Sandile, Trapinch, Numel, Piloswine and Golurk, none of which pick it up this early. Fortunately, it picked up Rock Slide without us having to go get the TM for it, as it gets it at Lv.29. Rock Slide obviously tears Skyla appart, but watch out for Swanna who can outspeed you (and you OU players know that Excadrill can't do much at all to Skarmory). Against Drayden, it actually performs better than Magnezone here due to having better offense than Flash Cannon. It's staying out of the Marlon fight for obvious reasons, and this fight is pretty much the worst point in Excadrill's career. For the elite four, it's obviously a wall against Caitlin (watch out for Focus Blast). Shauntel's Jellicent and Golurk are obstacles in the way of Excadrill, being pretty bulky. Against Grimsley, you need to look out for Scrafty's Brick Break, as well as Krookorok's EQ. It's kinda mediocre against Iris though, due to everything except Archeops hitting it for super effective damage.

So Ecadrill's playtime is pretty great, all things considered. It's midgame is excellent, and it only reallt falters late game and all the anti-Steel tools show up. Despite this, Excadrill remains a fabulous choice for anyone building a team.


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Hey guys it's another Rock-type.

Onix's claim to fame is STAB EdgeQuake. ...and that's about where all the good things stop. With that amazing two move coverage comes 45 Attack, which is lower than Purrloin's (and I've already said how Purrloin's offense is terribad). The other, bigger problem, is the lack of Ground-type STAB that is stronger than Bulldoze and Dig, which doesn't exist until postgame's EQ. It's stats are also quite terrible, with 35 HP really hampering the 160 Defense. Fortunately, it does have Sturdy and Rock Tomb at base, which can let it beat Burgh's Swadloon one-on-one. Onix is also blessed with solid offense for Elesa, using both Dig (the TM is in the Desert Resort) and Rock Tomb. The low base HP and terrible offense means it isn't doing anything at all against Clay. Once you get into Chargestone Cave, you can evolve your Onix into a Steelix. This gives you the same typing as Excadrill, but it lacks the stat spread that make Excadrill amazing. 85 Attack is certainly a step up from Onix, but it's nothing compared to Excadrill. Against Skyla, you'll have your newfound Steel-typing, as well as the same old Rock-type moves you had (and maybe Rock Slide at Lv.34). However, she has her Skarmory, which you aren't doing anything to without a relearner Thunder or Fire Fang. There's also Swanna who can beat you pretty bad with Bubblebeam. The massive defense stat really becomes apparent against Drayden, who you can pretty much wall without second thought (watch out for Flygon's Earth Power, but it won't hit really hard to make it a significant threat). Obviously, it's staying out of the Marlon battle, and it's Elite Four is mostly the same as Excadrill's, only worse off due to lack of speed.

In the end, don't let Onix's terrible stats fool you. Steelix itself isn't too bad. It's definately not Excadrill, but it's still a viable choice for a team.

Can't trade? Onix is absolutely terrible once you've beaten Elesa. Pick it up for short term use, and then bench it forever.

6.5/10 but if you can't trade 1.5/10


Dat attack stat ;O

So Timbur is the last of the Relic Passage joiners, and while it isn't as good as Drillbur is, it's still worth picking up. Looking at it's level up movepool, you see that it's mostly full of Fighting and Rock-type moves. Which is amazing neutral coverage, and there's no TM talk yet. Claydol, Golurk and Toxicroak are the only things in Unova that resist this two move coverage, and all are very rare. Outside of the solid level up movepool, it's TM options give it Payback, which cover both Claydol and Golurk on the coverage list. Due to Conkeldurr's low speed, it's pretty much always going to be a 100BP attack. If that still isn't enough for you, it gets all three elemental punches in Driftveil (Ice Punch is the one you want most though). 140 Attack is the highest we've seen yet, although 45 Speed is among the slowest in the game. Fortunately, Conkeldurr has the bulk to weather some hits, but it really wants to be faster.

It's one of the best Pokemon to take on Burgh, due to Bug and Rock resistances, while also posessing Rock Throw to dent the bugs. The Rock Tomb and Dig TMs, as you've probably guessed by now, let it break through Elesa. It's also evolving sometime around Nimbasa as well. In Driftveil, it picks up Ice Punch, letting it stomp all of Clay, Skyla and Drayden, which is absolutely amazing (note: having arms gets you places in BW2). Conkeldurr can also muscle it's way through Marlon, despite the high bulk on all of his Pokemon. But it's really only decent here. As for the Elite Four, Payback gets through Shauntel, and you have a natural advantage over Grimsley. You're obviously staying away from Caitlin, and you'll have to muscle your way through Marshal. Half of Iris' team is weak to Fighting (Hydreigon, Lapras and Aggron), with Haxorus, Druddigon and Archeops (don't fight it though, because it has Acrobatics) being weak to Ice. That's pretty amazing.

If you look a look at the gym performance though, you'd notice that Timburr really lacks in a Fighting STAB attack. Low Kick and Wake Up Slap are nice, but they're really weak. The next one you get is Dynamicpunch, which only hits 50% of the time. It's not until Lv.45 when you get Hammer Arm when you finally get a solid Fighting-type STAB. That and Speed are the biggest downfalls of Conkeldurr. It's offensively a great Pokemon, but lack of STAB (especially when it's your only type) and, more importantly, speed, keep Timbur and his family from being excellent Pokemon for efficient play.

Can't trade? Eviolite Gurdurr is actually bulkier than Conkeldurr. However, it's attack stat really starts to falter lategame (base 105), and it's even slower (base 40). It still gets the same coverage though.

7/10 but if you can't trade 5.5/10

Only 86 more rates to go (what did I get myself into >.<)

Edit: bumping Riolu up to 8.5. Having used it a bit more, I think I underestimated it. It still majorly lacks solid fighting STAB, but it does get a wide amount of coverage to back it up.

Edit 2: Gave a Can't Trade? Comment in Magby's section, but didn't result in a score change.

Edited by Piss Sick Lawyer Lucina
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I need to start posting these more frequently.


It's almost as smug as Smugleaf.

The first in the long list of desert joiners is this crocodile. Sandile was already a good Pokemon in the first games, so it has quite a bit to live up to.

Sandile here is our third ground-type available to us. If you don't know what that means, it means you get a pretty solid wall for Elesa, who is otherwise rather difficult without one. This also means it gets EdgeQuake before Skyla, which results in solid two move coverage. You'll also get solid attack and speed, which is always good. It is pretty frail though (but Intimidate can help), and Lv.29 evolution is a bit late for the first evolution. Of course, you're still walling Elesa, but it's something to bring up.

Around Driftveil, you'll pick up a Krokorok. The Driftveil Tutor gives Krokodile Low Kick. This gives you Rock+Ground and Dark+Fighting offensive combinations, which means you're pretty much set for the rest of the game in terms of coverage. Evolution doesn't really improve on stats that much, resulting in Krokorok being pretty frail. You'll hit Clay's Pokemon for neutral damage with Dig, although I don't recomend taking Excadrill on with Krokorok. Picking up Rock Slide before Skyla means you would beat Skyla pretty bad, if her Skarmory didn't exist and Swanna wasn't faster than you. So it's a poor choice for that fight.

By the time you get to Drayden, your hard work pays off and you've got a Krookodile on your hands. This gives you a very nice 117 Attack as well as 92 Speed, and you'll finally get some good bulk on your hands courtesy of base 95 HP. If you didn't pick up Low Kick in Driftveil, you can go back and get Superpower to replace Low Kick. You'll need to rely on your coverage moves to get through Drayden, because Dig is really getting weak and you don't have Outrage yet. Obviously you're staying away from Marlon. Crunch and Superpower let you make quick work of three of the Elite Four members, but you will need to look out for coverage moves, especially on Caitlin's team. In the Elite Four battles, you'll pick up Earthquake, finally acting as a replacement for Dig. Earthquake, Superpower and Rock Slide let you break through Iris' Hydreigon, Aggron and Archeops, and you should stay away from Haxorus (X-Scissor can kill) and Lapras (Surf kills and you won't kill it).

In the end, Krokodile is a similar investment to Excadrill. You'll take a bit longer to get there, and you'll never match Excadrill's massive attack (and +4 speed isn't a good trade off). Later Earthquake is a significant downside compared to Excadrill, but once youg get it, you're golden. Krookodile's biggest niches over the mole are Superpower, Crunch and the abilities (Intimidate gives you better bulk, while Moxie eventually makes up for the attack loss). Make sure you use them to your advantage.


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I think that assuming Superpower goes to any unit in the game is a bad idea. I'm on the Elite Four, and I still don't have ten shards to get it with, even if I wanted to. Especially since you're also talking about giving him Low Kick, which isn't exactly cheap either, and in the short term is duplicated coverage (Low Kick and Dig hitting pretty much the same things for super effective damage).

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