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If you could trade places with any character in history who would it be?

A medieval mercenary

I am morbidly curious as to how this could be in any way, shape or form desirable.

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Would you rather have the bottom half of your body cut off or be decapitated?

decapitated, stupid question

4 legs or 4 arms?(With 4 legs you get no arms and vice versa)

4 arms what the hell

Eat a lizard or Spider?(Both alive)


Five people to have dinner with.(Alive, dead, fake or real)

karl pilkington, dale cooper, jeff bridges, shigesato itoi, james rolfe

Get up early or stay up late?

stay up late

Freeze, drown or burn to death?


Favorite sport?

martial arts

Favorite athlete of all time?

bruce lee. he must count

Favorite sport team?

dunno. dont care

Favorite superhero? supervillain?

goku, raoh

If you could trade places with any character in history who would it be?

no one. id end up fucking things up somehow lol

If you could trade places with any character from a movie?

robocop lol

If you could trade places with any present day man/woman?


Would you rather be able to time travel or teleport in the present?

time travel

If you could chop off any part of your body what would it be?(If you chose finger/toes it has to be all of them.)


Favorite instrument?(To play or hear. Or both)


Favorite band?

the beatles

Favorite frontman?

freddy mercury

Favorite song?

have no idea

Favorite album?

the stone roses

Favorite Genre?


Least favorite genre/artist/band/song?

RNB, all the modern artists fuck em, my chemical romance, everything sucks

If you could live anywhere where would it be?

america or japan i dunno

If you could rule any country which one would it be?

north korea

Walk on coals or glass?


You get to have sex with one person one time, who is it?

keeley hazell

One bullet to murder one person, who and why?

theres too many people out there id like to kill

If you had to be an animal, what animal would it be?


Oscar, Boyd, or Rolf?


Rhys or Shinnon?


Kieran, Titan, Geoffrey or Oscar?


Haar or Jill?


Ike, Greil or Zelgius?


Meg or Fiona?


Would you rather eat only peanut butter forever or Mayonnaise for a year?

peanut butter

What song would you want to play at epic moments in your life?

the rocky soundtrack

Biggest regret of your life?(Don't even be ashamed)

not being confident enough. just in general

If you could change your name to anything what would it be?

how long is this survey. seriously?!

Would you rather get hit by a car or fall from a 5 story building?


What would you tell your 5 year ago self?

it all goes downhill from here

Your greatest strength?

my mind mwahaha

Your greatest weakness?

physically im a bit of a twig

360, PS3, Wii, PC?


Do you like tattoos?


Hats or no hats?

cow boy hats!

mac or PC?


Moon or Sun?


Your favorite class at school?

food or art

Thing you've gotten in most trouble for?

i once cut my brothers lip with a toy sword. it was an accident lol

Thoughts on organized religion?(no need to answer if you're gonna go 3 paragraphs ranting or defending it)

dont care

Do you carry pride from your family or shame?

pride in a strange sense

What type of people do you hang around?

people older than me most of the time...

Your favorite movie?


Top five actors?

robert deniro, michael imperlioli, steve buscemi, arnold schwarzenegger, sylvester stallone

Cold or hot weather?


Do you ever want to have a real job?

of course

What type of career are you in/want to pursue?

i dont know

Are you a creative person?

id like to think i am

Do you prefer a desktop, tablet, or laptop?


Best choice you've made in your life?


Dream car?

aston martin db9

Dream job?

something creative and not very stressful

Would you rather fistfight a lion, tiger or bear?


If you could choose a way and setting to die, what would it be?

heroin overdose at an... anime convention or something lol

Fight or flight?


Rule through fear or love?


Favorite letter?


Favorite number?


What's the most badass facial hair a man can have?

a moustache from the wild west

What pisses you off?


What do you want to be remembered for?


Edited by Aizen
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Would you rather have the bottom half of your body cut off or be decapitated? Decapitated. Without my manhood, I am no man.

4 legs or 4 arms?(With 4 legs you get no arms and vice versa) Four arms, so I can crawl around like a spider.

Eat a lizard or Spider?(Both alive) I would prefer not to eat anything alive, but if I had to...I guess a tiny tiny spider would go down more pleasantly than a constantly wriggling lizard.

Five people to have dinner with.(Alive, dead, fake or real) High Car USA, WISRT, zo]h, Sawngy, Emerald, etc.

Get up early or stay up late? STAY UP LATE LATE LATE...used to be it, but now I get up early. Grumble.

Freeze, drown or burn to death? Gonna burn out with style.

Favorite sport? FOOTBALL. And that's real football, none of your American nonsense.

Favorite athlete of all time? I dunno man, there are a lot. Maybe Lev Yashin.

Favorite sport team? Right now? GERMANY FOOTBALL TEAM. Yeeeaaaahhh!

Favorite superhero? supervillain? Thor or Spider-Man, and Doctor Doom.

If you could trade places with any character in history who would it be? A mecha pilot in the future. Hey, that's still history, right?

If you could trade places with any character from a movie? Dunno.

If you could trade places with any present day man/woman? No one.

Would you rather be able to time travel or teleport in the present? Telepooooooooooooooooooorto!

If you could chop off any part of your body what would it be?(If you chose finger/toes it has to be all of them.) If I could? I wouldn't. If I had to though, that's a different story. I'll decide when it's time.

Favorite instrument?(To play or hear. Or both) Electric guitar.

Favorite band? Used to be KISS, but now I feel like I love them all about the same.

Favorite frontman? This one, though, has to be Freddie Mercury.

Favorite song? I don't play favourites!

Favorite album? ^

Favorite Genre? Anything that's good.

Least favorite genre/artist/band/song? I dunno...

If you could live anywhere where would it be? Canada!

If you could rule any country which one would it be? Pffft, a country? My ambition sets the whole world ablaze.

Walk on coals or glass? Coals.

You get to have sex with one person one time, who is it? No one.

One bullet to murder one person, who and why? No one.

If you had to be an animal, what animal would it be? Tyrannosaurus Rex. Extinct, you say? Well, blue whale, then.

Oscar, Boyd, or Rolf? Boyd.

Rhys or Shinnon? Shinon.

Kieran, Titan, Geoffrey or Oscar? Titan huh...well, Oscar.

Haar or Jill? Haar.

Ike, Greil or Zelgius? Zelgius.

Meg or Fiona? Fiona.

Would you rather eat only peanut butter forever or Mayonnaise for a year? I don't think I could survive off either of those on their own.

What song would you want to play at epic moments in your life? Ay danno.

Biggest regret of your life?(Don't even be ashamed) Buying Super Mario Galaxy instead of Trauma Center: New Blood.

If you could change your name to anything what would it be? I wouldn't.

Would you rather get hit by a car or fall from a 5 story building? Falling sounds like an exhilarating experience. Five stories is way too short, however.

What would you tell your 5 year ago self? Nothing.

Your greatest strength? I dunno.

Your greatest weakness? I dunno.

360, PS3, Wii, PC? PS3 and Wii.

Do you like tattoos? No, not really.

Hats or no hats? Top hats, cowboy hats, fedoras...

mac or PC? PC.

Moon or Sun? SUN.

Your favorite class at school? They're all cool.

Thing you've gotten in most trouble for? Uhhh...nothing?

Thoughts on organized religion?(no need to answer if you're gonna go 3 paragraphs ranting or defending it) I'm just gonna echo the others and say great idea, flawed execution.

Do you carry pride from your family or shame? Neither. I'll only be proud of my own accomplishments.

What type of people do you hang around? Cool people.

Your favorite movie? Dunno, there's plenty.

Top five actors? Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dolph Lundgren, Jeff Goldblum, Lee Van Cleef, Clint Eastwood. I dunno though, there are plenty of others.

Cold or hot weather? HOT AND HUMID.

Do you ever want to have a real job? lol what kind of-- Ok yeah, I do. If it could be a job where I can slack off and still get paid though, that would be cool.

What type of career are you in/want to pursue? LAW.

Are you a creative person? I don't know, I never thought about it.

Do you prefer a desktop, tablet, or laptop? Desktop.

Best choice you've made in your life? Dunno.

Dream car? McLaren F1 GTR

Dream job? Prosecutor. Failing that, something in the entertainment business.

Would you rather fistfight a lion, tiger or bear? Who the hell would fistfight any of these? I guess bear though.

If you could choose a way and setting to die, what would it be? Killed to death in a glorious battle.

Fight or flight? Live to fight, fight to live.

Rule through fear or love? Love.

Favorite letter? A

Favorite number? 9

What's the most badass facial hair a man can have? Gentlemanly moustache, or sideburns.

What pisses you off? Creeps, disgusting evil, etc.

What do you want to be remembered for? Something cool.

Edited by Nightmare
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