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"The Last Choice" [No Spoiler Tags]


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At the end, if you choose to kill Gimle yourself, then MU fades away as Krom shouts for him to wait.

Everyone then gives a fairly tearful few lines as Krom and MU's family swear to find MU. Sariya will also say that she's going to track him down, even if you haven't paired her with MU, as long as you haven't paired her with anyone else.

It's not exactly clear how MU survived, but the simplest answer is that Naga was wrong. Killing Gimle merely severed the bond between them and rendered MU's Gimle Major Holy Blood inert rather than killing him. Presumably, Krom and company find him lying in a ditch somewhere shortly after the events of the game, as they don't appear to have aged much. For sake of humour, I like to imagine that they had no sooner finished their tearful promises to find MU and climbed off of Gimle's corpse than they found him lying unconscious.

Wow, thank you for this! It made me so much happier! To see that all the friends and comrades, your family and your children all caring about you. And Sariya is so sweet too!


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  • 2 weeks later...

There is still one thing i don't understand. What happens if mu kills gimle? He comes back?

If MU finishes off Gimle, he's dead and will never come back. If Chrom finishes off Gimle, he's just sealed and has the potential to come back sometime hundreds or thousands or years in the future.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been given permission by the fruit an admin to necropost this, as long as the material I'm posting is legitimate to the discussion.

So on the subject of the last choice, it's basically how your My Unit/Avatar chooses.

An interesting thing to note, even after I've already experienced the whole "rage" from the "true ending" as you can say... Someone found a way make hurt... AGAIN. The takes you can have on the ending, it almost feels like I'm REALLY attached to this game. To its characters. Even the one that you MAKE (arguably, that makes you even MORE attached) and that's what I feel makes this a good game. It's a story you remember.

I read a manga on pixiv, though I probably won't link to the actual manga pages on for the 5th one on pixiv because of a certain... page...

Here is the artists page if you want to... poke around. There's no NSFW content unless you turn off the filter with your account, obviously.

A page on the 5th manga isn't really... "NSFW" per say, but I'd rather not take the chance that I MIGHT get banned by linking directly to the manga.

Artist page on Pixiv

In their setting, Krom is paired up with Female MU. And they went for "Let's get rid of Gimle for good" choice.

Krom x Rufure Manga 4

Last page:

Rufure: I'm glad...

Krom: I'm glad...

Both: To have met you.

Man, I gotta say... the way it's portrayed there, that just wrecks my heart. Language barrier? Nope. Just look at the picture and the emotions of the characters.

It follows the ending right off. And expands on the characters. Moreso on Krom.

It even goes to a flashback.

Page 4

Page 5

Page 4 bottom panels:

Rufure: I've been meaning to talk with you about something, since we might not have much time left...

Krom: What's with you getting serious(formal) all of a sudden?

Rufure: I've been thinking about what Naga said... and... I...

Page 5:

Rufure: I will be the one to finish off Gimle.

Krom: No! It's my duty!

Rufure: ...I understand. Then I'll leave it to you.

Obviously, she lied.

Krom is very depressed. And I mean DEPRESSED. While talking to Liz, he reverts back to his memories with her. (The possibly NSFW ones)

Rufure: I'm so happy.

Krom: I'll always be with you.

All the sappy lovey-dovey crap. But man.

In a few pagees, Liz basically says it was painful seeing Krom be all depressed.

Liz: "That's why you need her! She's waiting for you!"

Krom: "Liz, calm down!"

And Liz shows where Rufure is sleeping.

Page 13

The familiar lines for the opening and ending. Liz saying will they be all right? The whole you'll catch a cold if you sleep here, etc.

Except, remember in the ending, he says "Welcome back, friend".

Page 14

Page 15

This part actually made me laugh. Taking a shot at the generic welcome back line for MU for the movie.

Liz: Hey wait... I didn't want to be in the way of your reunion, but why did you say "friend"?

Isn't she your wife?

Rufure: Excuse me...

Krom: I'm not wrong am I? Before she's my wife, she was a dear friend that fought beside us in battles...

Rufure: Ummm...

Liz: What kind of logic is that!?

Rufure: Do I know you two?

Page 16

Liz and Krom: Rufure?

Rufure: Rufure's my name, isn't it?

Those faces. Ow. My heart. It's being torn to pieces.

Page 17

Krom: After Gimle was defeated, the Rufure that returned one year later... didn't have any memories. Of me. Of Liz. Or of Lucina. All she knew was her own name.


That freaking hurts. I didn't even see that kind of an interpretation coming. For one, the MU screenshot comes right after the ending movie. If you married someone, (I didn't beat the game single) it'll show your ending with them. I never thought for a second it was possible that your memories would be gone and your partner would have to pretty much get you to fall in love with them all over again.

Feels kind of like that... "The Vow" movie.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Krom: After Gimle was defeated, the Rufure that returned one year later... didn't have any memories. Of me. Of Liz. Or of Lucina. All she knew was her own name.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... ;~; That is too sad....

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words words words words

Well, as you say, that's just one interpretation. I'm a fan of happy endings, so as far as I'm concerned, either of the game's endings ends in a happy manner. Either MU doesn't kill Gimle and lives a happy life, or MU does kill Gimle and comes back (memories intact) to live a happy life.

I suppose the 'MU kills Gimle' ending is vague enough to be open to interpretation, but I like to look at it in the most positive sense possible. MU's alive, and he's got a loving family and a long life ahead of him.

Edited by Onestep
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