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Exalted Legacy: REQUEST TOPIC


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Wow derailment

Chances are, being aware of how he's positioned will prevent awkward usage. Because it's not the default all-purpose mug position it's not as user-friendly and has more chances of creating awkward situations if you manipulate it wrong, but that doesn't mean it's unusable and needs to be changed from the original 'back turned from the conversation'.

One direction, he's perpetually defensive/ashamed but paying attention to talk through eye-follow, the other, he's perpetually distracted by something outside the convo.

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Was that really necessary? Not trying to be rude, but now he's looking off at something in the distance. It was perfectly fine the way it was.

It was a small edit that at the expense of a minute my time hopefully ended with the result of people shutting the fuck up about it.

The only legit issue with him back-facing is that if he moved around then it would look ridiculous cause he'd be walking backwards, but arguably the amount of times that conversation control is ever used is minimal at best and is more or less left to more major players in the narrative, or in supports. So, for the most part I believe you could avoid the issue by just not fucking moving him around in conversation, but whatever, guess that's too hard for people to wrap their heads around.

Secondly, is the notion that the pose doesn't replicate the personality of the character, this I have two feelings towards, because I do agree that a mug should be interesting to look at and also convey the nature and personality of the character, but I'm also of the idea that I don't give a fuck because I've never played Fire Emblem 1, 3, 11, 12, 15, 20, 666, so I have no idea what his character is like and all I've to go on is his art both officially and of the TCG series, which if you've a keen eye 'bout you, you'd notice the reference actually was one of the TCG arts which I believe I replicated pretty well.

(Click to find said TCG art here, courtesy of Serene's Forest.)

That's pretty much my thoughts on it, yeah, it's a big load of hooblah about nothing, but it's the internet, people like to throw their dick around without thinking.

Edited by NICKT™
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(...Is Bendor working on this?)

Nope, Brendor is just like that ~o3o~

I remember having to remake a good portion of a sprite for him 'cause it was facing "the wrong way"... >_>'

It was a small edit that at the expense of a minute my time hopefully ended with the result of people shutting the fuck up about it.

The only legit issue with him back-facing is that if he moved around then it would look ridiculous cause he'd be walking backwards, but arguably the amount of times that conversation control is ever used is minimal at best and is more or less left to more major players in the narrative, or in supports. So, for the most part I believe you could avoid the issue by just not fucking moving him around in conversation, but whatever, guess that's too hard for people to wrap their heads around.

Secondly, is the notion that the pose doesn't replicate the personality of the character, this I have two feelings towards, because I do agree that a mug should be interesting to look at and also convey the nature and personality of the character, but I'm also of the idea that I don't give a fuck because I've never played Fire Emblem 1, 3, 11, 12, 15, 20, 666, so I have no idea what his character is like and all I've to go on is his art both officially and of the TCG series, which if you've a keen eye 'bout you, you'd notice the reference actually was one of the TCG arts which I believe I replicated pretty well.

That's pretty much my thoughts on it, yeah, it's a big load of hooblah about nothing, but it's the internet, people like to throw their dick around without thinking.

You might as well just flip it back around, really. Somehow I doubt that Arran will be doing any moving around, and even then it's not nearly as big of an issue as what Brendor is making it out to be.

And what I can recall of his character does match up with the pose you've given. He always seemed standoff-ish in general, at least to me.

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@edit: I guess I should've made it obvious that I was intending to quote this person, but the thought of it slipped my mind. Sorry, NICKT.

No, it wasn't. The way he was facing, it would be awkward in conversation when he moves about. Plenty of characters look off in the distance, and nothing is weird about them.

You're right about the movement part, but just how often will he move in his conversations. There are characters out there who never move in any of their appearances.

Besides, I didn't come here to read an argument about someone's selfishness.

Edited by Kiseki
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You're right about the movement part, but just how often will he move in his conversations. There are characters out there who never move in any of their appearances.

Besides, I didn't come here to read an argument about someone's selfishness.

I reiterate: "but arguably the amount of times that [specific] conversation control is ever used is minimal at best and is more or less left to more major players in the narrative, or in supports. So, for the most part I believe you could avoid the issue by just not fucking moving him around in conversation, but whatever, guess that's too hard for people to wrap their heads around."

And who here is being selfish, truly?

Edited by NICKT™
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Okay, maybe selfish wasn't the best word to put here. I wasn't trying to hurt anybody's feelings when I said that.

But this thread is only getting more off topic if we just sit here blabbing about how someone's dedicated art that they took probably a while to make apparently doesn't meet someone else's standards. Don't get me wrong, I think your mugs are great and you should keep working on more.

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His TCG art made him look middle-aged, his TCG looked on the younger side, maybe in his twenties, not sure how well I did on that, because at least to me he looks like a teenager.


I also think maybe his head's too high on the body, but I'm unsure so I'm hoping someone will let me know 'bout that.

Eyes are probably the part that's bugging me the most, just couldn't get them to look right.

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His TCG art made him look middle-aged, his TCG looked on the younger side, maybe in his twenties, not sure how well I did on that, because at least to me he looks like a teenager.


I also think maybe his head's too high on the body, but I'm unsure so I'm hoping someone will let me know 'bout that.

Eyes are probably the part that's bugging me the most, just couldn't get them to look right.

i'm sorry, but that seems a pretty painful pose to me ^^" Also the hair should be longer... and i think the fce is looking a bit big... idk why maybe it's the ear placed that far away from everything else, or the eyes trying to escape from the face...

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i'm sorry, but that seems a pretty painful pose to me ^^" Also the hair should be longer... and i think the fce is looking a bit big... idk why maybe it's the ear placed that far away from everything else, or the eyes trying to escape from the face...

I generally prefer splicing because it helps give a good base to work from in regards to shaping and posing, so working from absolutely nothing has ended me with something sloppy, unfortunately.

Though, I don't know what you mean by painful pose, do you mean that it's an uncomfortable pose for him to be in?

I'll see what I can do about the face, I'll be back later~

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[spoiler=dumb arran shit]

And what I can recall of his character does match up with the pose you've given. He always seemed standoff-ish in general, at least to me.

I don't think there really was any character at all, at least in FE1 and FE3. He was just "another guy", like Samson. In FE3 Book 2 he was ill and wanted to die in battle which was the games way of explaining why he got no growths (guess being old like Jeigan doesn't cut it anymore) but in FE12 there was a few supports with him that said that he regretted heavily a command from a lord to slaughter a group of peasants, and that he was seeking to repent for that by dying in battle. Really, that's pretty much all I've seen of him, so I don't know what was so "standoff-ish" about him, apart from his TCG art I 'spose. Regardless, it doesn't really matter. I think the mug looked good either way, a good representation of the TCG art and I don't think there should be a problem.

I agree, I think Barst's hair should be longer. Dunno if you've checked the FE12 sprite, you just mentioned the TCG art, it might help you out a bit. It looks like you have made it similar, though, so I imagine you have.


Edited by Tryhard
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Bendor can be anal like that ~o3o~

I'm just giving you fair warning that he will face the wrong way as is

Can't the mug be loaded facing either direction ingame anyway?


The game loads the default mug when the portraits on the right side and reveres it for the left so if the mug is facing right by default it'll face away from everyone

You guys can do whatever you want, I was just giving you warning that it'll face the other direction in case you didn't know. I didn't know before and it took me a while to figure out why my mugs weren't loaded right so I'm trying to help but whatever

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I'm just giving you fair warning that he will face the wrong way as is


The game loads the default mug when the portraits on the right side and reveres it for the left so if the mug is facing right by default it'll face away from everyone

You guys can do whatever you want, I was just giving you warning that it'll face the other direction in case you didn't know. I didn't know before and it took me a while to figure out why my mugs weren't loaded right so I'm trying to help but whatever

Mate, I've been in the game for years, even check with Arch, I was back on FEU when he was showing off his FE8 hack, back when Ace's hack of FE7 was pretty much the most anyone had gotten out of a hack and before FE_Editor ever existed. I've been spriting for years and even though I've never completed a hack, I've made a few solid attempts, so when I say that you're wrong, it's not coming from someone who is upset that you've proclaimed to have made an error, but from someone who knows what he is doing and that the mug is fine.

Like I previously stated, the only actual issue is moving the mug around, which I also then followed that remark with the fact that the moving command is barely used in-game as is and generally is more used for characters that take a large part in the narrative because they have more screen time during the events where you have to convey movement. The only potential concern I have is supports, because there are a few moments where there are movements in supports but I trust in Arch not to be an idiot and he'll just decide not to have the movement play with a mug that has his back to the conversation.

(If it's that much of an issue, he could always load the mug on say, the left, then move it to the right then load others on the left, if there's one specific conversation that has to have him facing the group. When there's a will, there's a way.)

Edited by NICKT™
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I'm just giving you fair warning that he will face the wrong way as is


The game loads the default mug when the portraits on the right side and reveres it for the left so if the mug is facing right by default it'll face away from everyone

You guys can do whatever you want, I was just giving you warning that it'll face the other direction in case you didn't know. I didn't know before and it took me a while to figure out why my mugs weren't loaded right so I'm trying to help but whatever

Brendor, you've said the same thing about five times. I realize you're trying to be helpful, but the sheer level of repetition is making you come off less than palatable.

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I'm just giving you fair warning that he will face the wrong way as is


The game loads the default mug when the portraits on the right side and reveres it for the left so if the mug is facing right by default it'll face away from everyone

You guys can do whatever you want, I was just giving you warning that it'll face the other direction in case you didn't know. I didn't know before and it took me a while to figure out why my mugs weren't loaded right so I'm trying to help but whatever

Sheesh, and I thought we were done with this already.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How are you people so good at this? By the way, I suggest putting all the sprites in the OP, so it'll be more organized.


Why does Marth look that Manly in that sprite? It isn't Radd, or Badd, but just a little unusual. *coughs to cover up bad pun.* Caesar and Radd both look awesome for throwaway characters. Hopefully they'll be strong enough to actually be usable this time.

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Marth is going to be revamped/fixed, but I doubt he'll be any less "manly." Arch had a slightly different vision for this iteration of Marth; likewise, I wanted to offer him a new "Marth" he could work with that wouldn't be as bound by his canon.

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Marth is going to be revamped/fixed, but I doubt he'll be any less "manly." Arch had a slightly different vision for this iteration of Marth; likewise, I wanted to offer him a new "Marth" he could work with that wouldn't be as bound by his canon.

I for one support 'ManlyMarth', because anything that helps keep him far afield of Doe-Eyed Prince Perfect is a sizable improvement to his character.

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