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Shattered Honour Chapter Three


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Somewhere, far from the battle field, Chrysanthum is leaning against a tree, legs stretched out, arms crossed, bathed in the blood of his enemies...

Sleeping serenely.

Edited by Nightmare
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After Ibn grins at him, Jack loses any patience he might have had. Whipping out his sword, he pricks the man's throat with the tip. "No. We all just fought this battle together. You did no better or no worse than anyone left alive. You do not get to take whatever you like without discussing it with everyone. I'm in charge here and that means what I says goes. If you have a problem with that, I'm perfectly willing to fight you until you decide to listen." He waits for the man's response.

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Bilbo makes a grab at his pouch, points Jordan to Jack and points at the boy's cranequin. He's particularly fond of one party, and particularly not fond of the other.

ooc: ooc as fuck

He proceeds to hold one in with much strength.

there you go

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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Jacqui decides to Take Steps.

She casually kicks Bilbo in the balls, then slaps the soon-to-be-obsolete swords out of the quarrelling parties' hands and slams their heads together. "Right, I've just about FUCKING HAD IT with this. Sergeant, the axe is yours. You're stronger, and would benefit more from it. Farmer, you take the larger sword. Ibn, since you're so fucking eager to take the sabre, you can damn well keep it. Cedric, javelins. Jacob, the... the man who fell in the south. You take his buckler, it's a step over yours. Angeline, take that shield. Marsali keeps the bludgeon. ANY. FUCKING. OBJECTIONS. NO. GOOD. LET'S GET FUCKING MOVING."

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Jacqui had sorted out the problem, and Tordel had ended up with a new weapon. Hopefully he'd actually be able to hold his own fighting now. With no complaints to make, he remained silent.

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Jordan gave Bilbo thanks for patching him up, not bothering to get involved in the squabbles over the weapons. Jacqui ended those fairly easily, before he had a chance to think over what Bilbo had implied him to do. "Jacqui, before we leave, shouldn't we give the camp a once over? There might be supplies hanging about, and if I remember, there was a makeshift jail. Might be someone there." He didn't mention anything about the weapons, he didn't want to start that up again.

Edited by seph1212
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"Jacqui, before we leave, shouldn't we give the camp a once over? There might be supplies hanging about, and if I remember, there was a makeshift jail. Might be someone there."

"Sure, whatever. I will dig the graves and-" she notices Bilbo almost for the first time, and grabs him by the scruff of his habit. "And YOU will help me!"

Layce and Jackdaw are still 'guarding' the makeshift prison. The Cavell bodyguards are still there, looking more bored than anything, joined by a recalcitrant camp follower struggling against her bonds. She glances up at you hopefully. She's certainly pretty - short and somewhat slim, with dishwater blonde hair framing an angular face. She looks about seventeen, eighteen.

"Get me out of here!" she says, and the chucklefucks guarding her finally turn to notice you for the first time. Immediately, they begin begging for their lives.

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Jordan sighed. I'm too tired for this shit. Crossbow up at the two men, he cracked his neck. "Weapons down, leave, now. Not bothering to deal with any whining. You resist and my friends over here will be more than happy to gut you, after I feather you both a bit." He felt a bit empowered by all this, being actually able to threaten someone. "Not moving fast enough, chop chop! My trigger finger's getting antsy!"

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Both guards follow your orders in mute terror. The prostitute sighs in relief. "Finally... that's them gone. My name's Diana. Now... would you mind undoing these bonds?"

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Bilbo continued to be... himself, quickly being shut up by a prompt foot to his face. "Ignore him, he's... I'm not too sure, actually." He began cutting her bonds off. "Jordan, by the way. I'm sure being rescued by someone covered in blood with bolts sticking out of him is extremely charming... and there we go." The bonds weren't that hard to cut through, they weren't very strong. He assumed she might've been there for a while. "Well... you're free to come with us, or go wherever you wish. Probably safer coming along with us to Cyra."

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And then Izdihar wanders in, forcing the pair of unarmed guards from just like a minute ago to move in front of her. She notices Bilbo being an idiot and also people shoving their feet into his mouth, so she tries out the wonderful new technique she just learned and kicks him in the balls. "Hey, I found these two fucks, can I try out my brand new Falx on them?" (ps she nicknamed the falx Falx)

Edited by Hikarasuman
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"Well... you're free to come with us, or go wherever you wish. Probably safer coming along with us to Cyra."

"It's close enough to home." She stretches, relishing her freedom. "And the others? You can't just leave them here to die."

Jacqui maintains order by clouting Izdihar around the ear. "No," she says, blandly.

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Jack shakes his head slightly and then picks up the axe. Giving it a swing or two to test it out, he grins. He follows Jacqui over to the jail. Seeing her clout Izdihar, he grins. He then asks Jacqui, "So are we almost ready? The graves are all done and we've gotten anything of value."

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As Jack walks away Ibn grins broadly.

"You've got a nasty habit of making assumptions, and since I got to share in the results from that last one, I've gotta say, I'd get that looked at if I were you," shouts Ibn after him, "A violent temper is no good for anyone. Except my sister I suppose."

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"The others?" He looked around, two men still bound. "Oh, shoot, sorry." He quickly cut through their binds as well, sighing. "We should all really get back to town. I need to sleep." He made his way back over to Jacqui, and tried to force a smile, "sorry about the extra baggage, but we can leave now, right?"

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"Yes," she says, curtly. "Now."

You leave the marching camp behind, with forty or fifty apathetic former deserters tagging along behind. Jacqui appears almost to be in a world of her own as she leads the group onwards, only stopping at the sight of a patrol of twenty or so cavalry. Their blue banners, barding and capes identify them easily enough as allies. Jacqui gives a slack salute to their alarmed-looking leader. "Hail. Captain Rudane at your service. One of Randel's men."

"Sir Arkon Nevin." The leader, set apart by his winged full helm, bobs in the saddle. "Charmed. Doubtless you've heard of my noble family?"

"Never in my life," says Jacqui unpleasantly. "Get out of my way. I need to get to Cyra-"

The knight isn't put off. "Perhaps we might escort you there? The roads are full of-"

"Fuck off."

Jacqui's demeanour being fucking awful as it is, you make quick progress to Cyra. And as you walk into the city gates, the guards saluting Jacqui as you enter, you sense that you truly have left your past behind...

End of Chapter Three.

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