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Need help with battle animations


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I'm really new to hacking and I need a lot of help, but for now I'll just ask this:

I want to use Ephriam's attack animation and replace Hector's. I have the sprite sheet, I have Nightmare, ulnz, and feditor (I'm having trouble using that too) but I don't know what do next. I've read some tutorials but I can't really follow them, maybe due to the lack of pictures to help. If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it!

Thank you!

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>open FE8

>class animation editor

>go to ephraim


>open FE7

>go to hector

>'load from file'

>select the dumped file



yeah me and feditor are not getting along... whenever I open it I get the grey box with 'file' 'tools' 'help' at the top but I can't seem to open anything from there... I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing wrong but the internet isn't helping me solve it -_-

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I find it funny that this is what you're doing; as this is exactly what me and my little brother did for his hack. Just so you know, replacing Hector with Ephraim is a bit of work. Lol Well...Not really, but assuming you have no idea what you're doing, it probably will take a while.

First off, make sure you load the FE8 ROM via FEditor. Then, open up the class animation manager. Go to Ephraim's animation and "Dump" it. Once you have your animation saved somewhere, you'll go ahead and close out this ROM. Next, open up your FE7 ROM. Open up the class manager once again. Go to Hector's animation and "Insert" over it. Save your ROM and voila! Simple right? Well that would normally be it, but if you're planning on turning Hector into a Lance wielder, then there's still a bit more you need to do.

After you've saved your ROM in FEditor, close out that program. Open up Nightmare now. You'll need to edit Hector's class. Normally, he's locked to axes in his first class. You're going to need to change all that. Open up the class editor module, and edit the "Hector Lord" class. Look for the base weapon levels. Change "Axe" to 0, and change lance to...whatever you want to. Once you've edited it, hit enter, Save the ROM, and you'll be done.

However, here's another change that wouldn't hurt for you to do. Open up the item editor module, and edit Hector's "Wolf Beil" and turn it into a Lance. Hit Enter, Save, and you're done.

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Well Aram, clearly great minds think alike!

My one last question for this thread would be: if I wanted to edit Ephriam (let's just assume I'm going to change his hair color for now) can I just open up the dumped files in microsoft paint, change the colors, and re-upload the same way I just did?

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Well Aram, clearly great minds think alike!

My one last question for this thread would be: if I wanted to edit Ephriam (let's just assume I'm going to change his hair color for now) can I just open up the dumped files in microsoft paint, change the colors, and re-upload the same way I just did?

No, you'll have to use a palette editor, such as APE. (Advanced Palette Editor.)

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